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Viewing Issues (101 - 150 / 483)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  000311921 GUI - Battlestweakresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Blue rectangle around object on battleground
  000299911 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12AI assert failed on GatherArmy related logic after hero died
  00031592   GUI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Povelitel)2023-04-12"Ghost" characters without flag on adventure map
  00018933   GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Povelitel)2023-04-12Fog of War flashes revealing adventure map for milliseconds while moving
  00004725   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (OnionKnight)2023-04-12Misc Combo artifacts can't be moved from one Misc slot to another (if occupied by one of its padlocks)
  00030921   Modsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Game unbuilds capitol in main town instead of new town
  00029091   Launchertextresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12runing vcmiclient. and console output red error
  000130413 GUI - Othertextresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12should not be on list error
  000313693 Modscrashresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Game crashes when level up
  00024571   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Defeat/Victory window can't be closed by ENTER after auto-combat
  00031681   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12pressing "Enter" does not close the battle summary. It opens the hero screen instead.
  000050123 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (SXX)2023-04-12Morale in battle is same like "Neutral Morale Info" in hero screen, not depend on number of alignments
  00027392   Modstextresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11MDF Forge - while visiting outer Forge creature dwellings, the name of the dwelling will be missing in the message.
  00017721   GUI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11SIGABRT when ending game from adventure map
  000130712 GUI - Town screentrivialresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Shipyard + ship graphics are partly missing at Castle
  0000949103 GUI - Battlesfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Add projected attack outcome hintbox when mouse is over enemy unit stack
  00013155   GUI - Adventure Mapfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Suggestion to make information windows non-modal
  000180211 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Window showing spells shared between heroes is not resizable
  00024771   GUI - Othermajorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Freeze on town select when on Castle screen possible due to race condition in CMusicHandler
  000112321 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowtrivialresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Primary Skill values don't get immediately updated in Hero Exchange window when a skill-altering artifact is moved
  00026491   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Primary skills stats do not update immediately when putting on/off artifacts
  00023961   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Combined artifacts - slots used by locks remain inactive when artifact picked
  00027343   Mechanics - Town structuresfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11"Randomness at start" for dwellings and hero armies fix - like it was done in HotA.
  00029922   Campaignsmajorresolved (toneyisnow)2023-04-11Hero names are persistent between games
  00031401   GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Special terrains' names don't show
  00007513   GUI - Town screenminorresolved (Tow)2023-04-11Only four misc art slots are visible at Artifact Merchant
  000242722 GUI - Otherminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Grail - puzzle map shouldn't have roads on it
  00031431   Otherminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Lots of warnings
  000318111 Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Hero placeholder
  00018361   Sound, music, videosmajorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11[regression] Crash due to not found files
  0001420206 Otherfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Read data file and map file with other text encodings
  00009503   GUI - Battlesfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Allow shooters to move and attack enemy units in close combat (hand-to-hand)
  00027332   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11Faerie Dragons have their move cursor changed to an AoE of spell in case of Inferno and stays that way.
  000278611 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (FeniksFire)2023-04-11Some battlefield types like ship-to-ship need special obstacle limits
  0003106    Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Dydzio)2023-04-11The firewall is hitting 2 hex unit twice when walking through.
  00032094   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-11vcmi uses hardcoded values for adventure map speed for units.
  000322621 Random Map Generatorminorresolved (Warmonger)2023-03-27Dolmen of Knowledge template is doubled in snow areas
   000313321 Random Map Generatorcrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-03-26"allowedTerrains" command crashes custom mines.
  000265011 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (kambala)2023-03-23Fly should remove terrain penalty
  00027851   Otherminorresolved (kambala)2023-03-03Avoid crash when LC_ALL / LANG is not set
  00029892   GUI - Battlesminorresolved (kambala)2023-03-01Pressing ENTER on the Casualties Report window opens up the hero screen instead of closing the report
  00032321   Othermajorresolved (kambala)2023-03-01UI doesn't rotate with device
  000323111 Othertrivialresolved (kambala)2023-03-01Give daily builds proper package identifier
  000323011 Launchertextresolved (Nullkiller)2023-02-23format strings missing
  000184811 Campaignsminorresolved (Nullkiller)2023-02-16Crash after moving to next mission in scenario
  00010292   Sound, music, videosminorresolved (Warmonger)2023-02-03Death Stare sound played if Mighty Gorgon attack without Death Stare
  000065123 GUI - Battlestrivialresolved (SXX)2023-02-02Mouse icon (sword/arrow) stays in unit's info window during battle
  00028224   Launchermajorresolved (Povelitel)2023-01-30VCMI essential files will not update
  000302531 Launchermajorresolved (Povelitel)2023-01-28blue filter on screen / blue screen
  000164922 GUI - Othermajorresolved (Povelitel)2023-01-28Area around hero and other graphics such as town structures tinted blue on OS X
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