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    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  000251152 Launcherblockresolved (SXX)2023-10-28Launcher crashes when trying to install WOG
  00031461   Otherblockresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28client hang after connecting to server
  000301244 Mechanics - Battlescrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Crash in creature dwellings
  00008241   GUI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28One-time crash at interface initialization
  0003013 1 Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Rare crash when starting the game
  0003135103 Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Can't load XL maps
  0003097    Sound, music, videoscrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28VCMI may crash on mods using mp3 as town background music
  0002953    GUI - PreGamecrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Crash in pre-game lobby
  0002543    Multiplayercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Server is crashing if something connect to it and disconnect
  000217753 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Server crashes on FreeBSD
   0002391    Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Pressing spacebar somethimes cause crash or freeze.
  0002408    GUI - PreGamecrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Client crashing on attempt to view save with unknown town / faction from mod
  00024031   Mechanics - Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Grail should always be placed even if no suitable tile found
  000285621 Mechanics - Objectstweakresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-12seer's hut: mission displayed after visiting the AI - Receiving rewards from other players
  00030844   AI - Battlesmajornew2023-10-05Archerers in the castles attacks the ballistra
  000218041 AI - Adventure Mapcrashacknowledged (SXX)2023-09-30WoG: crash on AI turn - assert on ai->knownTeleportChannels
  0001021 2 GUI - Otherfeaturenew2023-09-30Incorrect showing loss condition, victory condition and header in Scenario Information window
  000201841 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Povelitel)2023-09-30Gelu has two icons to promote wood elves to Snipers
  00027551   Mechanics - Objectstextresolved (Godric)2023-09-25Visiting a Shipwreck gives you an incorrect text message.
  00006181   Mechanics - Otherfeatureresolved (Tow)2023-09-17Single/Multi-player save/load logic & format differs from H3
  00028581   Otherfeaturenew2023-09-17Daily build installer - option to not create desktop shortcut
  00030017   Modsfeatureassigned (AVS)2023-07-28Ability to learn new spells should be moddable
  00026902   Modsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-07-16Cove Shipyard
  00023441   Mechanics - Adventure Mapfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-07-15Dwellings: auto stack merge needed like we have with joining creatures on adventure map
  00028801   Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (Ivan)2023-07-15Hero lost after fleeing on day 7
  00029211   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-07-15Currently town and adventure map dwellings don't have auto-merge when army is full
  00014164   Mechanics - Town structuresminorresolved (Ivan)2023-07-15Retreat / Surrender sends hero to the left Tavern slot only - H3 used both slots to place them
  00019763   GUI - PreGameminorresolved (Tow)2023-07-08Mouse wheel event affect all forms with scrollbar
  00016421   Campaignsfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-07-05Do not let the player give the possibility to choose a hero bonus if the hero is a crossover hero moving to new scenario
  000241241 Mechanics - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (SXX)2023-07-05Hero does not move on mouse-click--error message "Tiles are not neighboring!"
  000312713 GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-07-05Duplicated town displayed in side bar
  000325321 Campaignsblockresolved (Ivan)2023-06-30Missing every artifacts in any campaign
  000325121 Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-30Missing starting artifacts in Invasion scenario of the Unholy Alliance campaign of Shadow of Death
  00031042   Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-30In Dragon Slayer campaign, the hero should not carry Magic Book at the beginning
  000309472 Campaignsmajorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-30Artifacts do not carry over to next scenario
  000282521 Campaignstrivialresolved (Ivan)2023-06-30If I get one level further in the campaign artifacts will be taken along by chance
  00016353   Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-30Minor campaign features that are still missing
  00018451   Launcherfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-06-27There should be a way to select location of Heroes III data files
  000223162 Launcherminorresolved (Warmonger)2023-06-27Downloading and refreshing repositories error
  000294541 Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-27Shadow of Death: A new beginning, the Clearing the Border->After the Amulet transition does not work, just reloads 1st scenario
  000325058 Campaignscrashresolved (Ivan)2023-06-27Game crashes in Shadow of death, unholy alliance campaign, scenario Wrath of Sandro
  000280521 GUI - Adventure Maptrivialresolved (Ivan)2023-06-22A dialog box about shipyard showed when clicked on the castle doorway
  000083932 GUI - Adventure Maptrivialresolved (yupsi)2023-06-22The blocked frame of the Move button in high resolutions is not correct
  000312823 GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-22For flying hero, gliched movement range and path display is displayed
  000051552 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (SXX)2023-06-21"There is no place to put the boat" if the water is on the left (west) side of the shore + Correct Rules for boat summoning
  000279111 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (SXX)2023-06-21Crash when AI try to buy a boat outside of map
  00023421   Modsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-06-20Wrong file names of Sea Serpent/Haspid in HotA sudmod
  00024703   Mechanics - Adventure Mapfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-06-20Give boat to heroes spawned on water
  00010972   GUI - PreGamefeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-05-31Select Resolution - would be good if it worked again without restarting the application
  000246911 Mechanics - Town structuresminorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-31Random Town: fully built in H3M editor have less structures in VCMI
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