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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 189)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  00032622   Mechanics - Battlesminornew2024-06-23Sun Ray unit refreezes combat
  0002980    AI - Adventure Mapmajornew2024-05-15AI can't collect army to defeat guard on the other side of Subterranean Gate
  00023321   Modsfeaturenew2024-04-13Artifact "Monsters Power" can not be put to any of slots.
  0003258    GUI - Othermajornew2024-01-06Laggy when choosing 4k resolution with scale 300 in nvidia RTX 2080
  00026556   Campaignscrashacknowledged2023-11-21Missing feature: support for mod campaigns: HOTA
  00028023   Othermajornew2023-11-21VCMI from git fails to compile launcher on powerpc
  00030844   AI - Battlesmajornew2023-10-05Archerers in the castles attacks the ballistra
  0001021 2 GUI - Otherfeaturenew2023-09-30Incorrect showing loss condition, victory condition and header in Scenario Information window
  00028581   Otherfeaturenew2023-09-17Daily build installer - option to not create desktop shortcut
  00028043   Modsminornew2023-05-04Can't use the holy grail in Horn on the Abyss's Cove town
  00023217   GUI - Town screenminornew2023-04-12If any building dependency is disabled then building should be considered disabled too
  000166731 Mechanics - Battlesminornew2023-04-12Elixir of Life not working properly
  000297721 AI - Adventure Mapmajornew2023-04-12AI does not complete AI Quest Test map quickly
  000227314 GUI - Adventure Mapcrashacknowledged2023-04-12Hero Ufretin take kristal and heroes closed. He go through town and when tri take it = quit.
  00016511   Modsminoracknowledged2023-04-12Creature abilities don't use duration
  000028537 GUI - Adventure Maptweakacknowledged2023-04-12Strange graphics of creatures on map Road to hell, which stands next to the Dragon Hive in front of Crystal Mine
  000300610   AI - Adventure Mapfeatureacknowledged2023-04-12AI doesn't recruit creatures from the town
  000279321 Otherminoracknowledged2023-04-12Cyrillic characters are not displayed when you enter a save name and load it.
  00018138   Mechanics - Objectsmajoracknowledged2023-04-12Repeated re-entering of teleporter using space bar cause freeze
  00016231   Random Map Generatormajoracknowledged2023-04-12Random map shouldn't be re-created when restarting the map
  000131632 Modsminoracknowledged2023-04-12Soul Eater (Necro commander) does not function as it should
  000174682 GUI - Adventure Maptweaknew2023-03-13Date bar is incorrectly centered after month 100
  000324823 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminornew2023-03-01wearing artefacts with no effect
  000324712 GUI - Battlescrashnew2023-02-14not shown creatures during battle
  0002414    GUI - Battlesminornew2022-12-23Siege: animation needed for drawbridge lowering / raising
  00032464   Modsmajornew2022-12-19Failed to add new creature in summons spell
  000102543 Modsminornew2022-12-18Gorynych related bugs
  000102313 Modsminornew2022-12-18Sorceress shooting bug
  00003661   GUI - Otherfeatureassigned2022-12-17R-click on hero/town in Kingdom Overview: should't it better open the hero/town screen only temporarily?
  0000379    GUI - Otherfeatureassigned2022-12-17Drop shadow for all in-game windows
  0000402 1 GUI - Adventure Mapfeatureassigned2022-12-17The extra info (between brackets) for any item on the map should be on a second line in the info window
  0001094 4 GUI - Otherminorassigned2022-12-17Capture artifact window: size and position of icon & text
  0001117 2 GUI - Otherminorassigned2022-12-17In various message windows when we get new artifact or similar, the item icon & name are not well centered anymore
  000128031 GUI - Othercrashassigned2022-12-17Bugs, performance issues and suggestions regarding cheat code 'vcmiarmenelos' (= build all)
  0001461 1 GUI - Town screencrashassigned2022-12-17DEFs of big creatures crash game, when viewed in Castle window.
  0001742    Mechanics - Adventure Mapminoracknowledged2022-12-17If object that was set as loss condition is not owned by player on day 1 game ends with instant loss
  00019513   GUI - Town screenminorassigned2022-12-17It is possible to select both hero and creature portrait simultaneously in town screen
  0001979    GUI - Town screenminorassigned2022-12-17Click on currently active town icon in list still reload town window
  0002015    GUI - Town screenfeatureassigned2022-12-17Missing feature - black screen visual efect when entering town and battle
  00023593   GUI - Town screenminorassigned2022-12-17One more bug regarding creature stack splitting
  000324443 Modscrashassigned2022-12-03Game crashes when Level up to L17
  00030402   GUI - Battlescrashresolved2022-09-26Pressing quickly A button twice crashes game.
  000274222 Random Map Generatormajorresolved2022-09-17RMG issues - doesn't create the map.
  00031752   Launcherminorresolved2022-09-16Does not save or use resolution set in launcher.
  000315561 Modscrashresolved2022-09-16Crashes when entering a battle (problem with Hota addon?)
  00032203   Launchermajornew2022-09-13Android 11 Storage permission needs rework
  0003224    Mechanics - Otherminornew2022-07-02Right click doesnt work with a mouse
  00032083   AI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved2022-04-28Ai hangs when it cannot recruit heroes over set limit
  0003211    GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowfeaturenew2022-04-14[Feature request] adiitional hardcoded config
   0003210    Mechanics - Otherfeaturenew2022-04-14[Feature request] adiitional hardcoded config for on map heroes
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