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Viewing Issues (651 - 700 / 782)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev  ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  00026372   Modsminornew2017-01-01WOG - Pendant of sorcery commander artifact does not give "growing bonus"
  0002631    Mechanics - Adventure Mapminornew2016-12-11When hero lose battle on other side of teleporter FoW is not disclosed
  000262131 Modscrashnew2016-11-27Bastion commander crashes when shooting
  0002574 6 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminornew2016-11-17Hero screen: long non-English skill names might overlap other UI elements
  00007163   GUI - PreGamefeatureassigned (Dydzio)2016-11-03Last started/saved game not remembered (+ enhancement suggestions)
  00025442   Multiplayercrashresolved (Ivan)2016-11-01Multiplayer pregame: Too big length with different compilers
  0002571    Mechanics - Objectsminornew2016-10-20Elemental conflux: different guards in H3 and VCMI
  0002570    Mechanics - Objectsfeaturenew2016-10-20Elemental conflux: need better text for guards of elemental conflux
  0002355    GUI - Adventure Maptextacknowledged2016-10-20Guarded objects need more complex texts
  00013461   Mechanics - Objectsfeatureassigned (Warmonger)2016-10-20Missing feature - Player should be able to see exact number of guards in visited bank
  0002567    Mechanics - Objectsminornew2016-10-19Pyramid: need different enemy stack positions than other banks
  000232872 Mechanics - Objectsminornew2016-10-17Favorable winds "leaking" outside out of boundaries
  0002546 1 Mechanics - Otherminornew2016-10-03sometimes journal dont wor'k with "huts visionaries"
  00020871   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorassigned (AVS)2016-10-01Adventure map spells: magical terrain should let you cast them on expert level too
  0002537    Otherminoracknowledged2016-09-30Report to linking differences in mechanics of H3 and VCMI
  0002534 1 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorassigned (SXX)2016-09-30H3 compatability: pathfinder originalMovementRules option need more work
  000238241 GUI - Othertrivialacknowledged2016-09-30In Spell book View Air and Earth have reversed icons
  0002334    Mechanics - Battlesfeatureacknowledged (AVS)2016-09-30Extension of bonus Enchanter: random spell casting on random stack in army.
  0002335    Mechanics - Battlesfeatureacknowledged (AVS)2016-09-30Extension of bonus RANDOM_SPELLCASTER: casting without loosing turn.
  000036941 Mechanics - Otherfeaturenew2016-09-28F4 with OH3 running causes both go to full screen and then OH3 crashes
  0002516    Mechanics - Objectstweaknew2016-09-25effect dismorale from warrior's grave sum
  0002503 1 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminornew2016-09-23when there are no taverns, I do not see the troops in the garrisons and towns
  00002133   Mechanics - Otherfeatureassigned (SXX)2016-09-23No info about creature amounts should be presented with less than 2 thieves guilds.
  000242811 GUI - Town screenfeatureassigned (Dydzio)2016-09-21Grail - Conflux magic guild need special graphics in magic guild when Aurora Borealis is built
  00017503   GUI - Adventure Mapminorassigned (SXX)2016-09-19Cover of darkness covers dwellings, player owned guarded gates
  00024851   GUI - Adventure Mapminornew2016-09-19CGarrisonWindow need improvement for CGGarrison with removableUnits = false
  000214913 Otherblockassigned (SXX)2016-09-17in Autoskipe-mode have block if go in events
  00024593   Othermajorresolved (SXX)2016-09-16Desync found! - Work toward full sync of save games
  00022511   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorassigned (SXX)2016-09-14Mines (and possibly other objects) possessed by player get covered by necropolis town's cover of darkness
  0002474    AI - Adventure Mapfeatureassigned (SXX)2016-09-14ChangeObjPos might need special handling for AI state changes
  0002473 1 AI - Adventure Mapcrashassigned (Warmonger)2016-09-14FuzzyHelper::evaluate: pure virtual method called
  0000535 1 GUI - Adventure Maptweaknew2016-09-12Pressing enter in rapid succession opened hero screen during object interaction
  0002088    Mechanics - Town structuresminorassigned (SXX)2016-09-12Multiplayer: after capturing town Lookout Tower doesn't reveal map at all
  0000696    GUI - PreGametrivialassigned (SXX)2016-09-12Mouse arrow pointer disappears when Info cards open while we R-click through the game menus
  00024631   Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (SXX)2016-09-11CGameHandler::levelUpHero desync SecondarySkillsInfo RNG
  00024612   AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (SXX)2016-09-08VCAI: Infinite loop when attempt to compare and exchange artifacts
  0002468    Mechanics - Otherminornew2016-09-05Spell cheat misbehavior
  000238421 Otherminorresolved (AVS)2016-09-04game crash on load save game
  000217143 Othercrashresolved (AVS)2016-09-04Crash when loading save
  000231932 Othercrashresolved (AVS)2016-09-04Game crashes when trying to load a save
  0000148    Mechanics - Objectstweakassigned (SXX)2016-08-28Anti-magic garrisons does not prevent casting spells
  000173611 GUI - Otherminorassigned (SXX)2016-08-28Placed map event text displayed twice
  0001923    GUI - Town screenminorassigned (SXX)2016-08-28Error with building structures
  00023561   Mechanics - Othermajorassigned (SXX)2016-08-24New turn handling need refactoring
  0002098    Mechanics - Otherminorassigned (SXX)2016-08-24CGameHandler::moveArtifact don't send information about changed bonuses to client
  00024585   Mechanics - Otherminorassigned (Warmonger)2016-08-18Artifacts from log might have id of ArtifactID::ART_LOCK (145)
  000236311 Random Map Generatorminornew2016-07-12Tavern blocks access to other objects
  00024412   Random Map Generatorfeaturenew2016-05-14Feature request: RMG should also respect monsters matching to town option
  00024242   Mechanics - Adventure Mapfeaturenew2016-03-12Feature idea - Heroes IV Bomb (delete adventure map objects via events)
  000242013 Mechanics - Battlesminoracknowledged (AVS)2016-03-01Clone spell: clone must appear next to cloned stack
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