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Viewing Issues (551 - 600 / 782)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev  ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  0002453    AI - Battlesminorassigned (FeniksFire)2017-10-06Fortress: AI might stuck during siege if moat is built
  00027311   Othertextresolved (Godric)2017-10-06No Morale ability for creatures still shows any possible morale effects in the creature's info tab.
  00027372   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowtextresolved (Godric)2017-10-06Wrong text about Tavern morale modifier for creatures
  00027401   Mechanics - Battlestextresolved (Godric)2017-10-06Special terrain patches lack description in Morale tab for creatures.
  00027633   Mechanics - Objectstextresolved (Godric)2017-10-06Wagon - when picking up an artefact, shows a %s instead of the artefact's name.
  000279511 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminoracknowledged (SXX)2017-09-16VCMI remove movement path through changed FoW while H3 let it stay
  0002792 1 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorassigned (SXX)2017-09-14The player's lighthouse does not remove hidden territory if an enemy necropolis is in proximity.
  000270962 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (SXX)2017-09-11crash when attempting to enter town with 0 movement
  0002787    Mechanics - Battlesminorassigned (AVS)2017-09-11Something is wrong with magic resistance
  00027831   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (hkoehler)2017-09-10Tactics skill bonus differs from HMM3
  00027814   Modsminorresolved (hkoehler)2017-09-06Granting bonuses to war machines
  0002387 2 Modsfeatureassigned (AVS)2017-09-01New Old Spells mod seems don't work.
   0002779    GUI - PreGamefeaturenew2017-08-30Feature request: Town Alignment
  00027782   Otherminornew2017-08-29INDEPENDENT_MIN and INDEPENDENT_MAX logics are a mess
  000241321 Otherminorresolved (SXX)2017-08-24Request for TDM-GCC support
  00024321   Otherminorresolved (SXX)2017-08-24OSX install error
  00017574   Otherminorassigned (SXX)2017-08-24binaries without source in tarball release
  00026743   Launchermajorresolved (SXX)2017-08-24vcmilauncher gives dbus errors
  000270431 Launchercrashresolved (SXX)2017-08-24Vcmilauncher doesn't start
  00026027   Launcherminorresolved (SXX)2017-08-23Cannot Run VCMI after building on macOS
  00016481   Othermajorresolved (SXX)2017-08-23VCMI silently fails to start on OS X 10.6
  0002660    Map Editorfeatureresolved (AVS)2017-08-16Object removal brush with options
  000264831 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Chocimier)2017-08-04Crash when selecting creature to sacrifice in Altar of Sacrifice
  0002762 1 Mechanics - Objectsminornew2017-08-04Text messages attached to neutral creatures (on joining, attacking, w/e) are not displayed.
  000274732 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (FeniksFire)2017-08-04Double damage from one step into the Moat hex for a 2-hex creature.
  0002761    Mechanics - Adventure Mapmajorassigned (SXX)2017-08-03Teleporters: fair mechanics need to be applied when moving automatically
  000273074 Othertextresolved (AVS)2017-08-03The descriptions of some unit abilities are missing or incomplete, so are icons of those abilities.
  000275911 Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (AVS)2017-08-01Faerie Dragons' spells' damage does not get properly reduced by the Golem magic damage reduction.
  000275411 GUI - Battlesminorresolved (Dydzio)2017-07-30Creature pathing bug on the naval battlefield.
  00027493   Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (AVS)2017-07-27Petrified archer getting attack
  000246711 Mechanics - Objectstweakassigned (Chocimier)2017-07-27Altar of Sacrifice - strange behaviour with new artfifacts
  0002004    GUI - Otherminorassigned (Chocimier)2017-07-27Altar of Sacrifice: on exit all non-sacrificed artifacts go into backpack
  000055851 Mechanics - Objectsminorassigned (Chocimier)2017-07-27Altar of Sacrifice: Mechanics + GUI issues
  0002745    AI - Battlesminornew2017-07-24Neutral AI prioritises hitting War Machines if possible.
  000272632 Mechanics - Town structuresminorresolved (SXX)2017-07-23Crash when entering newly taken town
  00022941   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Chocimier)2017-07-22Summon boat shouldn't be castable for hero in boat
  0002641    Launcherminorassigned (SXX)2017-07-22Launcher cannot retrieve updates behind proxy
  0001823    Launchermajorassigned (SXX)2017-07-22Submods in mod available in repository are not visible
  0002736    GUI - Adventure Maptextnew2017-07-21Wrong display of player defeat messages
  000272721 Modsmajornew2017-07-21Modern Design Team's Forge level 1 and 2 creature dwellings are too large on the map.
  00007263   Mechanics - Battlesfeatureresolved (FeniksFire)2017-07-20Moat does no damage to creatures during siege
  00025692   Mechanics - Objectsminorresolved (Dydzio)2017-07-18Water wheel: still grant incorrect amount of gold
  0002724 1 GUI - Town screenminornew2017-07-16Dwellings are showing up, when not build at all
  00025843   Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (AVS)2017-07-15Resurrection - Archangels cannot resurrect other archangels corpse and 0 creatures stack resurrection possible
  000263252 Campaignscrashresolved (SXX)2017-07-14Crash & strange message during gameplay
  00013661   Mechanics - Objectsminorresolved (Dydzio)2017-07-13Black market: it is possible to sell more resources than needed
  0002716 1 Mechanics - Town structuresminornew2017-07-13Portal of Summoning works incorrect
  000200011 Mechanics - Objectsminornew2017-07-07Missing feature: Titan's Thunder should automatically add speelbook if picked on adventure map
  00027073   GUI - Adventure Mapminorassigned (AVS)2017-07-04Town Portal: small issue with only one town
  00027061   Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (AVS)2017-07-04Spells: ranged creature under Hypnotize can target itself and this cause freeze
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