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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002648VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2017-02-27 21:012017-08-04 23:26
Assigned ToChocimier 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version16.04
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0002648: Crash when selecting creature to sacrifice in Altar of Sacrifice
DescriptionCrash when selecting a creature to sacrifice in Altar of Sacrifice
Steps To Reproduce1. Load creature_sacrifice save file.
2. Move Isra hero to the closest altar of sacrifice.
3. Altar window opens showing 3 stacks of creatures.
4. Click on Skeletons stack (the same happens for other stacks).
5. Game hangs or crashes.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Fileszip file icon [^] (1,293,578 bytes) 2017-02-27 21:01

- Relationships
has duplicate 0002752closed Altar of Sacrifice - crash after clicked of unit 

-  Notes
jechochamber (reporter)
2017-03-15 16:51
edited on: 2017-03-15 16:52

Just discovered the bug tracker for this project. I also have this issue. Would another be helpful for this?

Only difference between my experience and the main ticket example is that I am using OSX (not on that same machine ATM so don't remember the exact OS version, will update later), and the stack I clicked on was troglodyte. Also occurred with only 3 stacks. Haven't tested it with more or less.

SXX (administrator)
2017-07-28 03:26

One save is enough.
SXX (administrator)
2017-08-04 23:26

Fixed by Chocimier: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-02-27 21:01 ihor New Issue
2017-02-27 21:01 ihor File Added:
2017-03-15 16:51 jechochamber Note Added: 0006983
2017-03-15 16:52 jechochamber Note Edited: 0006983 View Revisions
2017-07-22 14:21 SXX Assigned To => SXX
2017-07-22 14:21 SXX Status new => assigned
2017-07-28 03:25 SXX Assigned To SXX => Chocimier
2017-07-28 03:26 SXX Note Added: 0007184
2017-07-29 01:24 Povelitel Relationship added has duplicate 0002752
2017-08-04 23:26 SXX Note Added: 0007214
2017-08-04 23:26 SXX Status assigned => resolved
2017-08-04 23:26 SXX Fixed in Version =>
2017-08-04 23:26 SXX Resolution open => fixed

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