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Viewing Issues (301 - 350 / 782)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev  ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...  Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  00029761   Launcherminorresolved (Warmonger)2022-09-04Launcher does not preserve window size
  00031902   Mechanics - Objectsminorresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-28Boots of levitation don't allow water walking
  000237142 Random Map Generatormajorresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-28Some objects are not guarded from side
  00031166   Launcherblockresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-24Trying to uninstall the terrain mod WIPED my personal files in home
  000304221 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-22orb of vulnerability does not affect opponent's creatures
  000322811 Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-22Orb of Vulnerability doesn't work
  00032181   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-22Creature heroes' specialties don't work in newest daily builds
  00032191   Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (Nordsoft)2022-08-22Heroes specialties with creatures don't work.
  0003224    Mechanics - Otherminornew2022-07-02Right click doesnt work with a mouse
  000281851 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (AVS)2022-05-04Crash on AI turn
  00031301   Mechanics - Battlescrashresolved (Nullkiller)2022-05-04[WOG] Winning the battle with only the commander crashes the game
  000289751 GUI - Battlescrashresolved (Nullkiller)2022-05-04Summoned elementals + Armageddon crash
  00030892   Campaignscrashresolved (Nullkiller)2022-05-04Crash when only summoned creatures are left alive
  000321353 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Nullkiller)2022-05-03Game crash when AI moves
  00032083   AI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved2022-04-28Ai hangs when it cannot recruit heroes over set limit
  0003211    GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowfeaturenew2022-04-14[Feature request] adiitional hardcoded config
   0003210    Mechanics - Otherfeaturenew2022-04-14[Feature request] adiitional hardcoded config for on map heroes
  00018381   Random Map Generatorcrashresolved (Warmonger)2022-04-12Crash on creating 2nd random map in same session
  00013941   Campaignscrashresolved (Ivan)2022-04-11Can not open the scenario information of a campaign
  0002646    Modsfeaturenew2022-04-10HotA's Cape of Silence artifact bug
  00012843   Mechanics - Battlesfeatureassigned (SXX)2022-04-10Next Creature logic does not work like in OH3 in Tactics phase
  00005891   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Tow dragon)2022-04-06Bugs related to the combination of Morale, Wait & Heal
  000301821 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved2022-04-05Infinite loops during AI turn.
  000313111 Modsfeaturenew2022-04-05MAXED_SPELL doesn't work with adventure spells
  00029543   GUI - PreGamecrashresolved (karliss)2022-04-03Crash when restarting scenario
  0003205 3 AI - Adventure Mapminorassigned (Nullkiller)2022-03-31The AI doesn't respect heroes much more in terms of stats than it does.
  00009073   GUI - Town screenfeatureresolved (Tow)2022-03-30Hotkey suggestions for Thieves' Guild and Tavern
  000238642 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (SXX)2022-03-28Crash during AI turn visiting Imp Cache.
  00000285   Otherminorresolved2022-03-28F4 causes problems when running both VCMI and H3 (0.71#47)
  000298544 Campaignscrashresolved2022-03-28Crash on campaign start
  00021442   Mechanics - Objectsminorresolved2022-03-28black market does not work
  00021972   Campaignscrashresolved2022-03-28game crashes when I start a campaign
  0003195    Othercrashassigned (Nullkiller)2022-03-27Dumps with crashes
  000180121 GUI - Battlesminorresolved2022-03-27Crash during battle
  00018531   AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved2022-03-27Crash during AI turn
  000305711 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved2022-03-27Race condition with BattleAI and SetStackEffect::applyBattle
  000306543 AI - Battlesminorresolved2022-03-27battle hangs if no shot left from ballista
  00031541   AI - Battlesminorresolved (Nullkiller)2022-03-27Potential race condition locking a weak pointer
  0003197    Otherminornew2022-03-23Request for testing - autoskip mode
  000239332 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (SXX)2022-03-22Another unexpected crash during AI turn
  000257971 GUI - Battlescrashresolved2022-03-22Freeze after battle when human players hero with tactics attacked on AI turn
  000256521 Othercrashresolved2022-03-22Crash on CClient::serialize when save netpack recieved
  000299434 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Dydzio)2022-03-22Game crashes on AI turn
  000303311 AI - Adventure Mapmajorassigned (Dydzio)2022-03-22VisitObj construction with invalid instance id
  0003034 1 AI - Adventure Mapminornew2022-03-22endless loop when doing AI does a trade
  0002375142 AI - Adventure Mapcrashassigned (Nullkiller)2022-03-21Crash during AI turn
  00012613   Campaignstrivialresolved (Tow)2022-03-21Campaign saves cannot be loaded
  000256621 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved2022-03-18Crash on AI turn during hero movement without backtrace
  000106632 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Tow)2022-03-18Pressing arrow key to move hero until he/she meets an object to pick may lead to freeze
  000303811 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Nullkiller)2022-03-18core in FuzzyHelper::evaluateDanger
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