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Viewing Issues (501 - 550 / 782)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev  ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  0002900 1 GUI - Otherminornew2018-03-01AI incorrectly buys an army
  0002891    AI - Adventure Mapmajornew2018-02-25Find proper solution for AI goals serialization.
  000288411 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Dydzio)2018-02-24Mummies don't curse after their attack.
  000288511 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Dydzio)2018-02-24Halflings don't have their positive luck
  000288611 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (Dydzio)2018-02-24Rust Dragons don't have a 2-hex breath attack
  0002776    GUI - Adventure Mapminorassigned (SXX)2018-02-21Extra message when computer player is vanquished
  00028821   Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-20School-specific spell damage bonuses don't work properly for multi-school spells
  000145031 AI - Adventure Mapminorassigned (Warmonger)2018-02-19Stupid demeanor AI. Constantly dies in ambush events
  00018151   AI - Battlesminorassigned (AVS)2018-02-19AI does not use burn-in.
  0002876 2 GUI - Othertweaknew2018-02-10Unable to play sound file newday, no free channels available
  00028547   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-10Bloodlust and precision spells do not increase damage at all (useless spell)
  000246642 Otherminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-10'Something cast Bless'
  00018872   Otherblockresolved (AVS)2018-02-10ERM project fails to compile on Visual 2013
  00028643   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-10OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL doesn't work with Fire Shield
  00028651   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-09Blinded creature can counter-attack.
  00028731   Otherminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-09Correct "this statement may fall through" warnings
  00028002   Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (AVS)2018-02-08Hypnotized shooting unit freeze game after shooting
  000276531 Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (AVS)2018-02-08Ghost Dragons can cast Age on Catapults.
  0002811101 GUI - Battlesfeatureresolved (AVS)2018-02-08[Feature request] More info in initiative bar.
  0002871 1 GUI - Town screenminornew2018-02-05Problem with start moving and stop moving animations of creatures in the castle window
  000286821 Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (Warmonger)2018-01-30Magic schools' skills don't decrease custom spells' cost
  0002867 1 GUI - Otherfeaturenew2018-01-30We should improve CSpellWindow::SpellArea::clickRight popup for custom spells
  00016303   Sound, music, videosminorresolved (SXX)2018-01-27some sound effects are missing
  00008142   Sound, music, videosfeatureresolved (SXX)2018-01-27Except for resources, all removable map objects are missing the pickup sound
  000236882 Sound, music, videosfeatureresolved (SXX)2018-01-27Missing feature - environment sounds
  0001113127 Mechanics - Town structuresfeatureresolved (FeniksFire)2018-01-27WoG feature request: Buy All Available Troops
  0002862 1 Mechanics - Battlesminorassigned (AVS)2018-01-22Resurrection - it does not work if the units were killed in the same hex
  00005252   Mechanics - Battlesfeatureassigned (AVS)2018-01-22Selection of Resurrection target with mutiple dead creatures on a hex
  0002863    GUI - Otherminornew2018-01-22spell book - when you scroll the book, the frame moves to the left
  00028511   Map Editorminorresolved (AVS)2018-01-13No random hero
  00028461   Mechanics - Battlesfeatureresolved (Dydzio)2018-01-12Crystal Dragons don't have their Magic resistance ability
  0002853    Map Editorfeatureassigned (AVS)2018-01-11Feature - do not remove "built" green mark temporarily while building is selected in town building screen
  000285031 Map Editormajorassigned (AVS)2018-01-11Game crashes when loading a map
  0002852    Map Editorfeatureassigned (AVS)2018-01-11Feature - use ground texture rather than grid to mark ground for terrain brush, or generate terrain on the fly
  000284711 Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (AVS)2018-01-10Protect Magic is working incorrectly
  00026878   Campaignscrashresolved (SXX)2018-01-09Crash after campaign video (2nd scenario)
  000284541 Map Editorminorresolved (AVS)2018-01-09Created map crashes when trying to start playing it
  000283211 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowtrivialnew2017-12-30'Spell immunity' icon doesn't display
  000283321 GUI - Adventure Maptrivialresolved (Warmonger)2017-12-30Double, empty ability slot caused by Resistance skill
  0002831 1 GUI - Otherminornew2017-12-29Bug with Timed Events (for army in first day, AI)
  0002828 1 AI - Adventure Mapminornew2017-12-27Heroes of AI close the passage to the keeper of the question
  00027562   Mechanics - Objectstextresolved (Godric)2017-11-15Derelict Ship bug.
  0002817    GUI - Town screencrashresolved (AVS)2017-11-03VCMI crashes when trying to display townscreen building animation via json.
  00026071   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Chocimier)2017-10-28Altar of Sacrifice only sacrifices creatures one kind at a time
  00021792   Otherminorresolved (SXX)2017-10-18update ubuntu ppa
  0002813 2 Sound, music, videostweaknew2017-10-18Wrong display of building def on town screen.
  000281252 Mechanics - Battlesfeatureacknowledged (AVS)2017-10-18[Feature request] New artifact class with visual representation - Banners
  000278025 GUI - Otherfeatureresolved (AVS)2017-10-07Problem with proper displaying of black color.
  00027882   Mechanics - Town structuresmajorresolved (dreamer10)2017-10-07Tower: The Elemental Colony does not give +1 Air / Storm Elements per week.
  00027894   Mechanics - Town structuresmajorresolved (dreamer10)2017-10-07Tower: Golem Factory does not give +1 Stone / Iron Golems a week.
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