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Viewing Issues (101 - 150 / 782)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...  Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  000263311 Modsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-29Problem with how stack experience is defined can cause crash when using WoG mod
  00025808   GUI - Othermajorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-17Fullscreen game window width is bigger than it should be
  00020674   GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-12It's possible to switch to "View World" during AI turn and this cause glitches
  000260621 Mechanics - Adventure Mapfeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-05-12Necromancy shouldn't be in University
  000315112 GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-12Text messages at the bottom of adventure screen are not centered.
  00018624   Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-12Hero animation speed (adventure map)
  000310521 Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-05-12Some campaigns can't be played: very big lenght
  00028043   Modsminornew2023-05-04Can't use the holy grail in Horn on the Abyss's Cove town
  000030152 Mechanics - Town structuresminorresolved (Nordsoft)2023-04-30Skyship didn't reveal the whole map immediately on capture or the next turn after capture.
  000324911 Launcherblockresolved (Nordsoft)2023-04-30Launcher on MacOS does not complete initial setup
  00021622   GUI - Battlesminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-20Hotseat: popup message "Spell will affect no one" don't appear for 2nd player
  00022902   GUI - Battlesminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-20Information about timed adventure map spells displayed on stacks in battle.
  00016164   Mechanics - Battlestweakresolved (Ivan)2023-04-20It is possible to receive morale after defeating last enemy stack
  00029862   Random Map Generatorminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-15Random Map Generators don't work out-of-the-box (fix included)
  000318411 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-15Hero can't use map objects if his primary skills are negative
  00019692   Sound, music, videostrivialresolved (Ivan)2023-04-14Gargoyles has no sound when moving
  000322221 GUI - Adventure Maptweakresolved (Ivan)2023-04-14At the beginning of the game cursor over hostile monster is horse
  00029513   GUI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-14When triggering garrison dialog on owned mined freeze occur
  00023851   GUI - PreGamefeatureresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Feature: show mods required by the save file
  000039822 Mechanics - Othercrashresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Crash if I exit the game while in battle
  000225623 Mechanics - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Tile in the foreground
  000314911 GUI - Battlesminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Light blue rectangle in the battle field when rocks exists
  000317431 GUI - Battlesminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Broken ground sprites in battle screen (Developer git)
  000311921 GUI - Battlestweakresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Blue rectangle around object on battleground
  000299911 AI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12AI assert failed on GatherArmy related logic after hero died
  00031592   GUI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Povelitel)2023-04-12"Ghost" characters without flag on adventure map
  00018933   GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Povelitel)2023-04-12Fog of War flashes revealing adventure map for milliseconds while moving
  00023217   GUI - Town screenminornew2023-04-12If any building dependency is disabled then building should be considered disabled too
  00004725   GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (OnionKnight)2023-04-12Misc Combo artifacts can't be moved from one Misc slot to another (if occupied by one of its padlocks)
  000166731 Mechanics - Battlesminornew2023-04-12Elixir of Life not working properly
  000297721 AI - Adventure Mapmajornew2023-04-12AI does not complete AI Quest Test map quickly
  00030921   Modsminorresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12Game unbuilds capitol in main town instead of new town
  000227314 GUI - Adventure Mapcrashacknowledged2023-04-12Hero Ufretin take kristal and heroes closed. He go through town and when tri take it = quit.
  000211964 AI - Adventure Mapmajoracknowledged (SXX)2023-04-12Freeze in Subterranean Gates (SectorMap)
  00016511   Modsminoracknowledged2023-04-12Creature abilities don't use duration
  00015752   GUI - PreGamefeatureacknowledged (Tow)2023-04-12In hotseat it is possible to select single-player maps
  00012094   AI - Battlesblockacknowledged (Tow)2023-04-12AI freeze when fighting as Emissaries of Peace
  000028537 GUI - Adventure Maptweakacknowledged2023-04-12Strange graphics of creatures on map Road to hell, which stands next to the Dragon Hive in front of Crystal Mine
  00001253   Othertweakacknowledged (Tow)2023-04-12When saving games, holding down backspace or delete does not delete more than one character, which it is possible to do in H3.
  000300610   AI - Adventure Mapfeatureacknowledged2023-04-12AI doesn't recruit creatures from the town
  00029873   AI - Adventure Mapmajoracknowledged (Warmonger)2023-04-12AI spamming heroes to the exclusion of everything else
  000287722 AI - Adventure Mapfeatureacknowledged (Warmonger)2023-04-12AI do not use artifacts in the best way
  000279321 Otherminoracknowledged2023-04-12Cyrillic characters are not displayed when you enter a save name and load it.
  000255011 AI - Adventure Mapfeatureacknowledged (Warmonger)2023-04-12AI not take empty castle and died without towns (his heroes nearly)
  00018138   Mechanics - Objectsmajoracknowledged2023-04-12Repeated re-entering of teleporter using space bar cause freeze
  000170841 AI - Adventure Mapmajoracknowledged (Warmonger)2023-04-12Kills the guard of the city, but do not buy there beings. He could buy the army and quietly kill me, but he did not.
  00016231   Random Map Generatormajoracknowledged2023-04-12Random map shouldn't be re-created when restarting the map
  000131632 Modsminoracknowledged2023-04-12Soul Eater (Necro commander) does not function as it should
   000100643 GUI - Othertrivialacknowledged (vmarkovtsev)2023-04-12Wrong alies and enemies flags
  00029091   Launchertextresolved (Ivan)2023-04-12runing vcmiclient. and console output red error
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