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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000907VCMIGUI - Town screenpublic2012-03-11 15:212022-03-30 15:53
Assigned ToTow 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.88 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.89 
Summary0000907: Hotkey suggestions for Thieves' Guild and Tavern
DescriptionThe main suggestion came from pHOMM in post on the forum ( [^]): 'G' to be coded as universal hotkey for opening Thieves' Guild.

G is indeed one of the few keys not used for other function in any of the H3 screens. So we could code it to open Thieve's Guild not only from Adventure Map, but from any other game window (same as it was done for the Marketplace window). The information in the Guild is of general need, same as Kingdom Overview, so there's no added value in having to open Town screen, then Tavern, only to get to it. This would save us a good deal of mouse clicks.

Alternately (or additionally), it could also be linked to CTRL+KingdomOverview button... However that may create confusion, as we already have in WoG a hotkey combination with that button for Mithril I believe.

* * *

I'd also like to propose 'T' for Tavern in Town screen. Sometimes it takes me a bit of time to distinguish the Tavern from other buildings in some towns, especially those which I don't play that often, or with pretty similar buildings. So this would come in handy. I know 'T' is currently associated with Marketplace, but that needs to change (see 0000216).

Additionally, once in Tavern, hitting 'T' again could further open Thieve's Guild. But that's really optional, especially if 'G' would be already implemented as per above.
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- Relationships
related to 0000386closedSXX Den of Thieves / Thieves' Guild interface issues 
related to 0000216closedTow VCMI-H3 discrepancy: VCMI uses hotkey 'T' to open Marketplace, while H3 used it for Towns on the map & Tight in hero screen 

-  Notes
Tow (developer)
2012-04-08 01:19

Fixed in r2613.
* G will open thieves guild window if player owns at least one town with tavern
* T in castle window will open a tavern window (if available)

in tavern window both T and G hotkeys open thieves guild (though only the first one is bound to the button).
Zamolxis (viewer)
2013-06-02 14:57
edited on: 2013-06-02 15:00

It works pretty much as said, except that G doesn't open Thieves Guild in Tavern window.

It's no big issue, only that players might get used to 'G' on the map, and might expect it to work in Town screen and/or Tavern as well.

Feel free to fix this, or just move it back to Resolved if it's not worth the effort. Just let me know, as I'm building the list of VCMI enhancements for Wiki, and this was one of them.

EDIT: I also have mixed feelings about "CTRL+T" opening Tavern in Town screen. On Adventure map it opens Trading Post, so it might be more practical if it opened Marketplace (well, same thing) in Town screen as well. Actually I thought it was even coded as such, so maybe it changed meanwhile?

Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-30 15:53

It's time to say that the current version is final

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-03-11 15:21 Zamolxis New Issue
2012-03-11 15:21 Zamolxis Status new => assigned
2012-03-11 15:21 Zamolxis Assigned To => Tow
2012-03-11 15:21 Zamolxis Issue generated from: 0000386
2012-03-11 15:21 Zamolxis Relationship added related to 0000386
2012-03-11 15:22 Zamolxis Relationship added related to 0000216
2012-04-08 01:19 Tow Note Added: 0002335
2012-04-08 01:19 Tow Status assigned => resolved
2012-04-08 01:19 Tow Fixed in Version => 0.89
2012-04-08 01:19 Tow Resolution open => fixed
2013-06-02 14:57 Zamolxis Note Added: 0003640
2013-06-02 14:57 Zamolxis Status resolved => feedback
2013-06-02 14:57 Zamolxis Resolution fixed => reopened
2013-06-02 15:00 Zamolxis Note Edited: 0003640 View Revisions
2022-03-30 15:53 Povelitel Note Added: 0008258
2022-03-30 15:53 Povelitel Status feedback => resolved
2022-03-30 15:53 Povelitel Resolution reopened => fixed

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