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Viewing Issues (451 - 500 / 782)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev  ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...  Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  000301121 GUI - Town screenfeatureresolved (Godric)2018-10-31Mod's path instead of a name in growth-booster skill
  000300911 GUI - Town screenminorresolved (Dydzio)2018-10-30Building highlights names don't update after clicking on any building.
  000299731 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Dydzio)2018-09-16Crash when move from teleport
  0003007    Random Map Generatorminornew2018-09-13Module "STACK_ARTIFACTS" crashes game during generating random maps.
  00026522   Campaignsmajorresolved (a.yupinov)2018-08-26Missing feature: Yog CAN learn spells in Birth of a Barbarian campaign.
  0003000 1 AI - Battlestextassigned (FeniksFire)2018-08-21"Unauthorized obstacles access attempt" spam
  00029931   AI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Warmonger)2018-08-08AI tries to visit blocked Border Gate during exploration
  00017442   Campaignsminorresolved (a.yupinov)2018-08-05Campaign maps receive starting bonuses of single scenarios
  000299111 AI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Warmonger)2018-08-04AI does nothing at Trading Post, leding to a loop
  0002988    GUI - Adventure Mapfeaturenew2018-08-03Remember "tab" for the Kingdom Overview screen
  000298221 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Nullkiller)2018-08-02bug when take a resource on an adjacent tile during wander
  000112621 AI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Warmonger)2018-07-27Hero stuck at subterranen gate when it's exit is guarded
  0002978    AI - Adventure Mapminornew2018-07-24AI loses hero attacking Lizard Warriors
  0002973 1 Mechanics - Battlesminoracknowledged (AVS)2018-07-18Custom Siege Machine melee attack
  000296911 Modsminorresolved (AVS)2018-07-17Towns are initialized before articact handler can patch creature handler with war machine ID
  000296431 Map Editorminorresolved (AVS)2018-05-21Autumn Rampart mod crashes map editor.
  00028701   Map Editorcrashresolved (AVS)2018-05-21Map Editor Incapatibility
  0002963    GUI - PreGameminornew2018-05-05Inconsistent playable colors for random map
  0002960    Otherminornew2018-04-18Remove auto generated client/resource.h from git
  00021894   Otherminorresolved (SXX)2018-04-13please consider adding /usr/share/games/vcmi as a data lookup path
  00029554   GUI - Othercrashresolved (hkoehler)2018-04-08Crash while saving game
  000293721 Mechanics - Town structurescrashresolved (AVS)2018-04-06Crash on market resource exchange
  00021022   GUI - PreGamemajorresolved (SXX)2018-04-05Wrong multiplayer selection permissions
  000121231 GUI - PreGameminorresolved (SXX)2018-04-05VCMI freezes at pressing "Join" button.
  00021002   GUI - PreGameminorresolved (SXX)2018-04-05Multiplayer load screen is missing
  000269911 GUI - PreGamefeatureresolved (SXX)2018-04-05Missing feature - Popup window when loading a multiplayer game
  000177323 GUI - PreGamemajorresolved (SXX)2018-04-05Load Multiplayer game: no connection window; the game loads like a single-player game and then is stuck on another player's turn
  0002949    GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminornew2018-04-05Disabled "Enabling Tactics formation" button disappear after moving artifact
  0002948    GUI - Adventure Mapmajornew2018-04-05World View don't get on top if some spell casted from hero screen
  0002946    GUI - Adventure Mapminornew2018-04-05Grail - some parts of puzzle map might be immidiately shown on start of game
  000281954 GUI - Town screenminornew2018-04-02Bug while hiring hero with First Aid Tent
  0002941    Sound, music, videosminornew2018-03-29There's no sounds after picking spell scroll.
  0002939 1 AI - Battlestrivialnew2018-03-29CREATURE_DAMAGE bonus doesn't decrease minimal damage as a spell
  000291918   Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (hkoehler)2018-03-27Army lose creature bonuses like Archangels morale +1 after stacks are joined
  0002478 1 AI - Adventure Mapmajorassigned (Warmonger)2018-03-26Freeze after AI ending turn possible caused to data race in VCAI
  000221421 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (hkoehler)2018-03-22Warning messages in battle when no tavern exists
  00029282   GUI - Otherminorresolved (AVS)2018-03-22CAnimation crash on DEFs: SGTWMTA and SGTWMTB
  0002924    Otherminornew2018-03-21'get config' client console command does not extract dwellings
  0002923    Map Editorfeatureassigned (AVS)2018-03-20Random Dwelling issue
  0002920    Mechanics - Otherminorassigned (hkoehler)2018-03-17Necromancy: nothing will raise if there no empty slot in army
  00029181   Mechanics - Battlescrashresolved (hkoehler)2018-03-16Serpent fly cause crash due to missing addInfo
  00029141   GUI - Battlescrashresolved (hkoehler)2018-03-16Upgraded Elementals crash the game
  000291721 Modsminorresolved (AVS)2018-03-16SPELL bonus not working for creatures
  00028441   Othermajorresolved (SXX)2018-03-13Compilation fails with boost 1.66.0
  00027961   Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (hkoehler)2018-03-12Merging of secondary skill bonuses does not check limiters/propagators/updaters
  000286651 Campaignscrashresolved (FeniksFire)2018-03-11After battle crash when using defend for creatures
  00029131   Mechanics - Battlesmajorresolved (AVS)2018-03-10macOS: Many spells don't work in macOS builds
  0002911 1 AI - Adventure Mapminornew2018-03-07AI can not buy a hero in the ally's tavern to visit the tent
  00024822   Random Map Generatorcrashresolved (AVS)2018-03-05Crash on second+ usage of RMG due to client memory corruption
  00028881   Mechanics - Battlesminorresolved (AVS)2018-03-02SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK spells don't have expert level on Magic Plains
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