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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 483)  Print Reports ]  CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last ]
    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  00018341   GUI - Othertweakresolved (Ivan)2024-05-18(Tavern window) Some GUI elements disappear when popup window is opened.
  00025681   Mechanics - Objectsminorresolved (Povelitel)2024-05-11Creature banks: visited by enemy AI player marked as visited for everyone
  000320211 AI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Nullkiller)2024-05-11AI Nullkiller: AI doesn't see the difference between a ford and a castle
  00032041   AI - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (Nullkiller)2024-05-11AI does not see the threat of recapturing its city.
  000159894 Othertextresolved (Ivan)2024-05-11Reduce some warning/error messages while ingame
  000255211 GUI - Otherfeatureresolved (SXX)2024-04-18Missing feature - Option to change nickname in player list
  000274311 GUI - Adventure Maptextresolved (Ivan)2024-04-18Wrong number of teams in Scenario Information on a randomly generated map.
  00027382   GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2024-04-18Wrong description of creature dwellings on the map after loading a savegame.
  00027501   Mechanics - Adventure Mapfeatureresolved (Ivan)2024-04-13Cheating: CGameHandler::hireHero need check when hero hired from adventure map
  000261011 Mechanics - Town structuresminorresolved (Ivan)2024-04-13Active creatures buying buttons, even if there is no place. Do not issue warnings
  000113222 GUI - PreGamefeatureresolved (SXX)2024-04-13Player name should editable and capitalized
  000103346 GUI - Othertextresolved (Ivan)2024-04-13in dialog box/map description/map name text {in figure brackets} not yellow
  00022951   GUI - Adventure Maptrivialresolved (AVS)2024-04-10Town portal missing error message when try to cast it on water
  00027512   Mechanics - Adventure Mapfeatureresolved (Ivan)2024-04-10H3 compatibility: option for Dimension Door to teleport on unexplored tile
  00023521   GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (AVS)2024-04-10Spells: Dimension Door need move points check in client similar to Town Portal
  00004833   Mechanics - Adventure Maptweakresolved (AVS)2024-04-10Dimension Door - message you cann't cast DD should appear just after you choose spell not after you choos place to "jump"
  00022091   Sound, music, videosminorresolved (AVS)2024-04-06New week tune starts too late
  00016181   Campaignsminorresolved (Ivan)2024-01-31Bonus campaign screen should display button to re-view campaign video
  000325982 Othercrashresolved (Ivan)2024-01-210003148: [MacOS] Game always crash after end of the day button is pressed
  000129051 GUI - PreGameminorresolved (Ivan)2024-01-15Menu Graphic displacement
  000234952 GUI - PreGameminorresolved (SXX)2024-01-15Huge memory leak on opening / closing load save menu
  0002125    Sound, music, videosminorresolved (Ivan)2024-01-15Defeat video not playing
  00030904   Sound, music, videosmajorresolved (Warmonger)2024-01-15Sounds missing
  000221122 Campaignsminorresolved (SXX)2024-01-15Skills not preserved between campaign scenarios
  00016972   Mechanics - Adventure Mapmajorresolved (SXX)2023-11-28Starting options and initial options won't be deleted from memory
  000220011 Otherminorresolved (Ivan)2023-11-28Opening video problem, High-res Menu mod issue and VCMI_Client_log pinpointing possible problems
  00022032   Sound, music, videosminorresolved (AVS)2023-11-28VCMI 0.98c - Intro has no sound
  000190411 Sound, music, videosminorresolved (Ivan)2023-11-280.96b- Intro doesn't have any sound and the resolution is a bit buggy.
  0000609    Mechanics - Otherminorresolved (Ivan)2023-11-28Boragus army in Unica map (see issue [^]) was : pikeman and archers
   000297922 GUI - Adventure Mapminorresolved (Ivan)2023-11-28[Feature request] IconsBig displaying during RMB click at creature stack.
  00000873   Sound, music, videostweakresolved (Tow)2023-11-06Sound\Music level does not affect videos (0.73#7)
  0001792    Sound, music, videosminorresolved (Ivan)2023-11-06VCMI does not plays "h3intro.smk" on start (Catherine arrival)
  000297291 Random Map Generatorblockresolved (SXX)2023-10-28RMG crashes
  000251152 Launcherblockresolved (SXX)2023-10-28Launcher crashes when trying to install WOG
  00031461   Otherblockresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28client hang after connecting to server
  000301244 Mechanics - Battlescrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Crash in creature dwellings
  00008241   GUI - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28One-time crash at interface initialization
  0003013 1 Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Rare crash when starting the game
  0003135103 Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Can't load XL maps
  0003097    Sound, music, videoscrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28VCMI may crash on mods using mp3 as town background music
  0002953    GUI - PreGamecrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Crash in pre-game lobby
  0002543    Multiplayercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Server is crashing if something connect to it and disconnect
  000217753 Mechanics - Adventure Mapcrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Server crashes on FreeBSD
   0002391    Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Pressing spacebar somethimes cause crash or freeze.
  0002408    GUI - PreGamecrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Client crashing on attempt to view save with unknown town / faction from mod
  00024031   Mechanics - Othercrashresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-28Grail should always be placed even if no suitable tile found
  000285621 Mechanics - Objectstweakresolved (Nordsoft)2023-10-12seer's hut: mission displayed after visiting the AI - Receiving rewards from other players
  000201841 GUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowminorresolved (Povelitel)2023-09-30Gelu has two icons to promote wood elves to Snipers
  00027551   Mechanics - Objectstextresolved (Godric)2023-09-25Visiting a Shipwreck gives you an incorrect text message.
  00006181   Mechanics - Otherfeatureresolved (Tow)2023-09-17Single/Multi-player save/load logic & format differs from H3
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