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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002349VCMIGUI - PreGamepublic2015-12-15 09:282024-01-15 22:21
Assigned ToSXX 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.98e 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002349: Huge memory leak on opening / closing load save menu
DescriptionProblem appear both in PreGame and in game.

Looks like and according to Valgrind's Massif most of memory loss because std::vector of CTypeList information don't get deleted. In the end it's all linking to SelectionTab::parseGames, but leak is likely deeper.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon massif.out.16383 [^] (190,371 bytes) 2015-12-15 09:31
? file icon massif.out.26569 [^] (242,386 bytes) 2015-12-15 09:31

- Relationships

-  Notes
SXX (administrator)
2016-08-31 02:08

Just in case this one still there.
vmarkovtsev (developer)
2016-10-02 13:36

I cannot reproduce this...

107.7^ :::::::
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     | @:::: @: @:::::: ::@:::::@::::::::#: :::::: :::@::::::@:::::@:::
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     | @@:::: @: @:::::: ::@:::::@::::::::#: :::::: :::@::::::@:::::@:::
     | @@:::: @: @:::::: ::@:::::@::::::::#: :::::: :::@::::::@:::::@:::
     | @@:::: @: @:::::: ::@:::::@::::::::#: :::::: :::@::::::@:::::@:::
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     | ::@:@@:::: @: @:::::: ::@:::::@::::::::#: :::::: :::@::::::@:::::@:::
     | ::@:@@:::: @: @:::::: ::@:::::@::::::::#: :::::: :::@::::::@:::::@:::
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   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Gi
     0 14.52

I open load menu, close it and still get 100 MB memory consumption. I clearly see that in your case it goes up to 300 in the end.

289.8^ #
     | #
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     | :@ : ::: :::: ::: : :: ::: :::: : : :::: @:: :::: : : :: @ :::: : @ #
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Ti
     0 1.730

Something special in the file list? Can you archive your save games directory and attach it?
SXX (administrator)
2016-10-02 13:44
edited on: 2016-10-02 13:54

It's wouldn't be easy, but I'll upload it.
I have 5GB of save files (more than 500 saves) :-)

SXX (administrator)
2016-10-02 13:51

BTW after we fixed multiple leaks and you fixed bonuses problem become less noticeble, but it's still there. In past it leaked like 20MB even with few hundreds of saves.
SXX (administrator)
2016-10-02 14:08

Ok here you go: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-15 09:28 SXX New Issue
2015-12-15 09:31 SXX File Added: massif.out.16383
2015-12-15 09:31 SXX File Added: massif.out.26569
2016-08-28 04:08 SXX Assigned To => SXX
2016-08-28 04:08 SXX Status new => assigned
2016-08-31 02:08 SXX Note Added: 0006598
2016-10-02 13:36 vmarkovtsev Note Added: 0006803
2016-10-02 13:44 SXX Note Added: 0006804
2016-10-02 13:51 SXX Note Added: 0006805
2016-10-02 13:54 SXX Note Edited: 0006804 View Revisions
2016-10-02 14:08 SXX Note Added: 0006806
2024-01-15 22:21 Ivan Status assigned => resolved
2024-01-15 22:21 Ivan Resolution open => fixed

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