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| | P | ID | # |  |
Category | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary |
| |  | 0001077 | 1 | |
GUI - Battles | trivial | resolved (Ivan) | 2013-07-16 | Remaining issues with custom creature animations in battle |
| |  | 0000698 | 2 | |
Mechanics - Battles | tweak | resolved (Ivan) | 2013-07-16 | Spell animation has the same speed, regardless of the Animation Speed setting in the Combat Options |
| |  | 0000688 | 3 | 1 |
GUI - Battles | trivial | resolved (Warmonger) | 2013-07-15 | The shaded hex(es) of the enemy target creatures should get un-shaded the moment our creature makes its move |
| |  | 0001294 | 1 | 2 |
GUI - Adventure Map | trivial | resolved (Ivan) | 2013-06-23 | Village Hall icon missing from Town Status window |
| |  | 0000135 | 5 | |
GUI - Battles | minor | resolved (Ivan) | 2013-06-10 | Wight's regeneration animation graphics are different in VCMI (greenish) as compared to H3 (blue-grayish, more transparent) |
| |  | 0000119 | 4 | |
Mechanics - Objects | feature | resolved (Warmonger) | 2013-06-10 | Random Artifact and Reward Artifact Placement Rules |
| |  | 0001129 | | 1 |
GUI - Adventure Map | trivial | new | 2013-06-02 | Spell points left are not always updated in the Hero info box on Adventure Map after a battle |
| |  | 0001269 | 4 | |
Mechanics - Adventure Map | major | resolved (Tow) | 2013-05-31 | Hero exchanges are broken: Got false in applying... that request must have been fishy! |
| |  | 0001273 | | |
GUI - Town screen | trivial | assigned (Tow) | 2013-05-27 | Selecting 1st or 2nd town icon from the scroll bar moves it to the lowest possible visible slot (3rd if enough towns above ) |
| |  | 0001147 | | |
GUI - Other | minor | new | 2012-11-04 | Windows 8 Touch Gesture/Action support erratic |
| |  | 0000322 | 2 | |
GUI - Adventure Map | trivial | new | 2012-09-01 | Map scroll with keyboard keys behaves a bit differently then H3, leading to the impression that it's too fast sometimes |
| |  | 0001017 | 1 | 2 |
GUI - Adventure Map | tweak | new | 2012-08-18 | When "sleeping" or in a battle, some buttons should be greyed out |
| |  | 0000787 | 4 | |
AI - Battles | feature | acknowledged | 2011-09-06 | AI hero doesn't use tactics |
| |  | 0000217 | | 1 |
Mechanics - Other | tweak | new | 2011-05-29 | Keybindings in Split Stack window don't work intuitively if we have already some creatures in the destination slot. |
| |  | 0000705 | 1 | 2 |
GUI - Hero screen / Exchange window | tweak | new | 2011-03-07 | Info boxes in Hero screen pop up above the object we R-click on i/o the center of the window |
| |  | 0000695 | | 2 |
GUI - PreGame | trivial | assigned (Tow) | 2011-03-03 | Starting Hero info box: alignment issues |
| |  | 0000648 | 3 | |
GUI - PreGame | feature | assigned (Tow) | 2010-11-19 | I can't set WOG options |
| |  | 0000354 | 4 | |
Mechanics - Objects | feature | assigned (Tow) | 2010-08-01 | Script Suggestion: Monoliths cost MP. |
| |  | 0000061 | | |
GUI - Town screen | tweak | assigned (Tow) | 2010-05-29 | scroll arrows should also be disabled/grayed out in the Marketplace window, when the from/to resources are not selected yet |
| |  | 0000233 | | 1 |
Other | tweak | new | 2010-02-11 | System Message does not split the text at the end of the line by moving the full word which doesn't fit to the next line. |
| |  | 0000249 | 1 | |
GUI - Adventure Map | tweak | new | 2009-12-27 | Info window on map objects, artifacts, terrains does not pop in the middle of the screen, but on top of them. |
| |  | 0000315 | 1 | |
GUI - PreGame | feature | assigned (Tow) | 2009-12-22 | No R-click info when Starting Hero in Advanced Options screen is "None" |
| |  | 0000310 | | |
GUI - Adventure Map | minor | new | 2009-12-21 | When a hero passes just next to another one, his animated graphics are behind the other hero, while it should overlap it |
| |  | 0000211 | 2 | |
GUI - Adventure Map | tweak | new | 2009-11-21 | Info windows containing army info should shift creatures to the left to cover up empty army slots. |
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