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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001147VCMIGUI - Otherpublic2012-11-04 17:322012-11-04 17:32
Assigned To 
PlatformPC (Tablet)OSWindowsOS Version8
Product Version0.9 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001147: Windows 8 Touch Gesture/Action support erratic
DescriptionI recently stumbled across your project and tried it out on my tablet running the Windows 8 Release Preview.

Everything works as advertised, except mouse handling - GUI elements cannot be tapped directly and the pointer can only be moved by tapping a position twice or using a dragging gesture. This, however, triggers a click event at the previous location of the pointer, which makes control of the game more difficult because you tend to accidentally click things you don't want to.
Steps To Reproduce- open VCMI
- use fingers/stylus to control the game
Additional InformationI'm not sure, but I think there is an API for handling touch input under Windows 8 - maybe that could be used to make things easier.

Also, for reference, when started without VCMI, HoMM3 handles input much better, probably due to some kind of different/legacy input mode triggered by the change to full screen display - maybe that could be used as reference.
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Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-11-04 17:32 Shatterband New Issue

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