disable spellbook, else - parse list of sp"> disable spellbook, else - parse list of sp">

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001635VCMICampaignspublic2013-12-27 12:332023-06-30 12:28
Assigned ToIvan 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001635: Minor campaign features that are still missing
Description- Yog:
Can't use spellbook. Probably should be turned into hero property available to our modding system.

Modding interface:
Probably should be implemented as special state of spellbook entry:
"spellbook" : "banned"
(if string and string == banned -> disable spellbook, else - parse list of spells)

Probably separate flag similar to current haveSpellbook.

- Gem:
Has her class renamed to "Sorceress".
Probably we should give her a custom class which is essentially a copy of Druid class but with different name.

Localization can be handled with mods as well so no need to do anything about it on our side.

- Anything else I missed?
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships
parent of 0002652resolveda.yupinov Missing feature: Yog CAN learn spells in Birth of a Barbarian campaign. 
related to 0001674closedbeegee Xeron should be re-created for the last scenario of the AB campaign Armageddon's Blade 

-  Notes
Ivan (developer)
2013-12-28 19:06

I've looked into both of these features and they are more complex than they look like.
Both Gem and Yog are not separate campaign-only heroes like Gelu or Mutare. Instead they're normal heroes available in scenarios.

So changing these heroes one way or another will also affect main game, not only campaigns. Unless somebody finds a better idea on how to fix this problem I think we should delay it.

I have an idea on how to fix this but it can be implemented only after 0001164
Ivan (developer)
2023-06-27 11:30

Tracked on Git:
https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/issues/2134 [^]
Ivan (developer)
2023-06-30 12:28

Fixed in 1.3

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-12-27 12:33 Ivan New Issue
2013-12-28 19:06 Ivan Note Added: 0004220
2014-01-30 20:00 Ivan Relationship added related to 0001674
2018-08-04 12:08 a.yupinov Relationship added parent of 0002652
2021-01-25 16:22 MikeLodz Priority normal => low
2023-06-27 11:30 Ivan Note Added: 0008647
2023-06-27 11:30 Ivan Assigned To => Ivan
2023-06-27 11:30 Ivan Status new => confirmed
2023-06-30 12:28 Ivan Note Added: 0008661
2023-06-30 12:28 Ivan Status confirmed => resolved
2023-06-30 12:28 Ivan Resolution open => fixed

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