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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001598VCMIOtherpublic2013-11-24 11:402024-05-11 07:26
Assigned ToIvan 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001598: Reduce some warning/error messages while ingame
DescriptionThere will be generated error messages even when the game behaves normally. That messages are mostly "FIXME" warnings meant for developers.

Some messages:

FIXME: battleGetFightingHero wrong argument!
Warning: an orphaned child!
const PlayerState *CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(PlayerColor, bool) const: Cannot find player 255info!
battleGetHeroInfo: side 1 does not have hero!
battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle!
read: End of file
Ended handling connection
Our socket has been closed.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesrar file icon Cannot get object with id . Object was removed.rar [^] (1,072,052 bytes) 2022-03-19 20:53
png file icon 121.png [^] (1,393,706 bytes) 2023-05-06 06:53
png file icon 121_1.png [^] (1,388,754 bytes) 2023-05-06 06:53
zip file icon [^] (901,887 bytes) 2023-05-06 07:01

- Relationships
related to 0001304resolvedIvan should not be on list error 
related to 0002909resolvedIvan runing vcmiclient. and console output red error 

-  Notes
Warmonger (administrator)
2013-11-24 12:06

Some of them should be just info message colored in green - that is game is acting correctly.

Some of them, however, indicate to serious issues with engine deign, just like
battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle!

Still, issues that do not cause game to behave incorrectly should be painted in another color than red (Magenta?) not to confuse user.
Ivan (developer)
2013-11-24 18:38

>> Cannot find player 255info!
Can you describe when this one happens?

>> Ended handling connection
>> Our socket has been closed.
Should be green'ed
anonymous (viewer)
2015-02-08 17:18

I have a similar error.

vcmi 0.97.

Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
Cannot get object with id 1117. Object was removed.
const PlayerState* CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(PlayerColor, bool) const: Cannot find player 255info!
Error! Hero 1117 (Ãàëòðàí) has no army!

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffff4b7d700 (LWP 2237)]
0x00000039fd166c8c in CPathfinder::evaluateAccessibility(TerrainTile const*) const () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000039fd166c8c in CPathfinder::evaluateAccessibility(TerrainTile const*) const () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/
#1 0x00000039fd166efb in CPathfinder::initializeGraph() () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/
0000002 0x00000039fd1685b5 in CPathfinder::calculatePaths() () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/
0000003 0x00000039fd168cc7 in CGameState::calculatePaths(CGHeroInstance const*, CPathsInfo&) () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/
0000004 0x000000000053b18f in CClient::getPathsInfo(CGHeroInstance const*) ()
0000005 0x00007fffe4d1df75 in VCAI::isAccessibleForHero(int3 const&, HeroPtr, bool) const () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/AI/
0000006 0x00007fffe4d3b4c3 in VCAI::wander(HeroPtr) () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/AI/
0000007 0x00007fffe4d3bf7f in VCAI::performTypicalActions() () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/AI/
0000008 0x00007fffe4d44aa3 in VCAI::makeTurnInternal() () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/AI/
0000009 0x00007fffe4d452c2 in VCAI::makeTurn() () from /usr/lib64/vcmi/AI/
0000010 0x00000039fdc0d98a in thread_proxy () from /lib64/
0000011 0x000000336fa0752a in start_thread () from /lib64/
0000012 0x000000336f70079d in clone () from /lib64/

Warmonger (administrator)
2015-02-09 13:57

The issue with removed object is a serious gameplay problem. AI is not allowed to access objects it cannot see, but also should never try to do so - this already caused some crash bugs.
Warmonger (administrator)
2015-02-09 14:02
edited on: 2015-02-09 14:02

>> const PlayerState *CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(PlayerColor, bool) const: Cannot find player 255info!

I think I already handled this one, but could miss some cases.

Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-19 20:52

This is a very interesting ticket! I've been doing autoskip for a long time and have seen hundreds of error messages.

I'm wondering which are the worst in terms of rating or something. And could provide saves with these errors
krs (reporter)
2023-04-12 16:40

Latest development not even warning messages.

Can be closed. Reopen on individual cases if needed. This is 2013!
Povelitel (updater)
2023-04-14 07:04

what about message from server? Is it empty? doesnt spam? I just dont know.
Povelitel (updater)
2023-05-06 06:54

@krs green message still exist ^ )

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-11-24 11:40 beegee New Issue
2013-11-24 12:06 Warmonger Note Added: 0004140
2013-11-24 18:38 Ivan Note Added: 0004141
2015-02-08 17:18 anonymous Note Added: 0005425
2015-02-08 17:18 anonymous Status new => feedback
2015-02-09 13:57 Warmonger Note Added: 0005428
2015-02-09 14:02 Warmonger Note Added: 0005429
2015-02-09 14:02 Warmonger Note Edited: 0005429 View Revisions
2015-02-09 14:02 Warmonger Note Edited: 0005429 View Revisions
2022-03-19 20:52 Povelitel Note Added: 0008187
2022-03-19 20:53 Povelitel File Added: Cannot get object with id . Object was removed.rar
2022-03-19 22:19 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0001304
2022-03-19 22:19 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0002909
2023-04-12 16:40 krs Note Added: 0008552
2023-04-12 16:56 Ivan Status feedback => resolved
2023-04-12 16:56 Ivan Resolution open => fixed
2023-04-12 16:56 Ivan Assigned To => Ivan
2023-04-14 07:04 Povelitel Note Added: 0008602
2023-05-06 06:53 Povelitel File Added: 121.png
2023-05-06 06:53 Povelitel File Added: 121_1.png
2023-05-06 06:54 Povelitel Note Added: 0008613
2023-05-06 07:01 Povelitel File Added:

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