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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000573VCMIMechanics - Battlespublic2010-07-30 01:542014-05-30 17:41
Assigned ToWarmonger 
PlatformAMD 5600+OSWindowsOS VersionXP SP3
Product Version0.81 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.91 
Summary0000573: Funny hex range coverage for Cavaliers at Creature Banks
DescriptionTake Rion in the map attached to 0000570 and visit a bank (e.g.: the Object in front which acts as Pyramid, or go all the way west to a Crypt):

Screenshot 1: The coverage when Rion has the Necklace of Swiftness equipped

Screenshot 2: The coverage when Rion does not have the Necklace (notice the mouse cursor - the Cavaliers can move there, even though it's 1 hex too far)
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon 2010-07-30_CavalierGridVCMI+.jpg [^] (238,768 bytes) 2010-07-30 01:54

jpg file icon 2010-07-30_CavalierGridVCMI.jpg [^] (236,879 bytes) 2010-07-30 01:55

- Relationships
related to 0000760closedTow Various issues with tactics 
related to 0001124closedWarmonger 2-hex breath attack fail if the direction is right-to-left 
related to 0001067closedIvan Cavaliers before turning jump an extra hex backwards 

-  Notes
Warmonger (administrator)
2012-11-30 14:10

Works as of r3017.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-07-30 01:54 Zamolxis New Issue
2010-07-30 01:54 Zamolxis Status new => assigned
2010-07-30 01:54 Zamolxis Assigned To => Tow dragon
2010-07-30 01:54 Zamolxis File Added: 2010-07-30_CavalierGridVCMI+.7z
2010-07-30 01:54 Zamolxis File Deleted: 2010-07-30_CavalierGridVCMI+.7z
2010-07-30 01:54 Zamolxis File Added: 2010-07-30_CavalierGridVCMI+.jpg
2010-07-30 01:55 Zamolxis File Added: 2010-07-30_CavalierGridVCMI.jpg
2011-07-23 06:57 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0000760
2012-11-17 09:07 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0001124
2012-11-17 09:30 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0001067
2012-11-28 13:26 Warmonger Assigned To Tow dragon => Warmonger
2012-11-30 14:10 Warmonger Note Added: 0003222
2012-11-30 14:10 Warmonger Status assigned => resolved
2012-11-30 14:10 Warmonger Fixed in Version => 0.91
2012-11-30 14:10 Warmonger Resolution open => fixed
2014-05-30 17:41 beegee Status resolved => closed

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