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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000439VCMIGUI - Battlespublic2010-03-07 13:422023-01-09 20:15
Assigned ToIvan 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.8 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000439: Large units unnecesarily turn around during attack.
DescriptionWhen a large, 2 tile long unit is directly under enemy creature and attacks it from the bottom, it turns around. It shouldn't - at least it didn't in H3.
Additional InformationI tested it with water elementals and nagas, so it probably affects all 2-tile-long creatures.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon bug.png [^] (662,388 bytes) 2010-03-07 13:42

- Relationships
related to 0001124closedWarmonger 2-hex breath attack fail if the direction is right-to-left 
related to 0000876closedWarmonger Attacking one hex unit from behind with two hex unit animation glitch 
related to 0001067closedIvan Cavaliers before turning jump an extra hex backwards 

-  Notes
julek (reporter)
2010-03-07 13:44

Also, the attacked unit turns around too. It looks that the engine processes the attack as for single tile creatures located on the front tile - the elemental's head.
Ivan (developer)
2023-01-09 20:15

Resolved in PR 1229. Will be released as 1.2

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-03-07 13:42 julek New Issue
2010-03-07 13:42 julek File Added: bug.png
2010-03-07 13:44 julek Note Added: 0000797
2012-11-17 09:06 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0001124
2012-11-17 09:30 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0000876
2012-11-17 09:30 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0001067
2012-11-28 13:26 Warmonger Assigned To Tow dragon => Warmonger
2012-11-30 14:14 Warmonger Status assigned => confirmed
2022-12-17 17:09 Ivan Assigned To Warmonger => Ivan
2022-12-17 17:09 Ivan Status confirmed => assigned
2022-12-18 00:03 Ivan Status assigned => confirmed
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Note Added: 0008426
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Status confirmed => resolved
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Resolution open => fixed

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