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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003050VCMIOtherpublic2019-04-23 18:152019-05-07 14:37
Assigned ToEwilhan 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0003050: VCMI can't be muted

In normal H3, when we lowered to 0 music and game effects, game is silent and we can play without sounds and listen to music from winamp, youtube etc.

In VCMI daily builds muted game is rather loudly. Main menu plays normally, some picking sounds are player or new week sound.
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Ewilhan (updater)
2019-05-02 11:42

I may have found what is the source of the bug.

Easy reproducing steps : Enter/get out a town screen (so the background music needs to be changed). In my case, button clicks and new day sound would get back at 100 volume.

Where : This issue is caused by line 178 in CMusicHandler.cpp.

Why : This is due to the call of setChannelVolume(), with 100 as volume parameter. This indeed sets some channels' volume back to 100, regardless of its previous volume. Playing with this value will change the volume at which the sounds "come back".
AVS (administrator)
2019-05-07 14:36

Fixed in [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-04-23 18:15 misiokles New Issue
2019-05-02 11:42 Ewilhan Note Added: 0007780
2019-05-07 14:36 AVS Note Added: 0007784
2019-05-07 14:37 AVS Status new => resolved
2019-05-07 14:37 AVS Fixed in Version =>
2019-05-07 14:37 AVS Resolution open => fixed
2019-05-07 14:37 AVS Assigned To => Ewilhan

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