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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002989VCMIGUI - Battlespublic2018-08-03 00:462023-03-01 10:59
Assigned Tokambala 
PlatformLinuxOSDebianOS VersionBuster (testing)
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002989: Pressing ENTER on the Casualties Report window opens up the hero screen instead of closing the report
DescriptionPressing the Enter key when a battle is over causes the Hero Screen to pop up. Seems like the focus must be on the hero (still on the Adventure Map) or on the hero bar to the right of the screen instead of in the "OK" button on the report itself.

Curiously enough, if you press Enter multiple times, several instances of the Hero Screen will show up (even though they're all identical) and you'll have to close it one at a time. Maybe there should be a check on the Hero Screen to make it a singleton instance or at least prevent new ones from opening up if there's one active already.
Steps To ReproduceWin a battle, wait for the Casualties Report to appear and press Enter.
Additional InformationI'm honestly surprised that literally all other dialogs work as expected. Open-source projects usually are lacking on the UI department since they're not professionally tested/polished - yet this is the only UI issue I could find with VCMI so far.

Honestly, even commercial games in development by big studios in 2018 have much lesser consistent UI than VCMI has (I'm looking at you Stellaris).

The Esc key also doesn't work when trying to close the report. It probably should, as it does for most other dialogs as far as I have experienced.
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- Relationships
related to 0002457resolvedIvan Defeat/Victory window can't be closed by ENTER after auto-combat 
related to 0003168resolvedIvan pressing "Enter" does not close the battle summary. It opens the hero screen instead. 

-  Notes
Dydzio (developer)
2018-08-03 17:05
edited on: 2018-08-03 17:05

That particular window is so buggy that android builds freeze on it :P

Known bug on our side...

kambala (developer)
2023-03-01 10:59

has been fixed recently

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-08-03 00:46 tukkek New Issue
2018-08-03 17:05 Dydzio Note Added: 0007614
2018-08-03 17:05 Dydzio Note Edited: 0007614 View Revisions
2022-04-09 21:17 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0003168
2022-04-09 21:17 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0002457
2023-03-01 10:59 kambala Note Added: 0008487
2023-03-01 10:59 kambala Status new => resolved
2023-03-01 10:59 kambala Resolution open => fixed
2023-03-01 10:59 kambala Assigned To => kambala

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