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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002968VCMIGUI - PreGamepublic2018-07-15 23:002022-09-16 15:59
Assigned ToPovelitel 
PlatformPCOSWindows 10OS Version
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0002968: Cannot choose any map templates
DescriptionUsing the latest VCMI version from the branches/develop/windows path and with only VCMI (and/or WoG) activated as mods, there is no way to change the map template when generating a random one.

For example, there is a VCMI submod called "Default templates\Jebus cross", yet I cannot find a way to generate a map with this template. The interface does not have a combo box for that.
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Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-18 12:17
edited on: 2022-05-04 07:01

I understand you want a selection menu for templates. You can leave only the one you want to play, and exclude the rest, but this is not so convenient....

Povelitel (updater)
2022-09-16 15:59

Install release 1.0 [^] and be sure to install vcmi extras mod in the launcher

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-07-15 23:00 Crusader2010 New Issue
2022-03-18 12:17 Povelitel Note Added: 0008175
2022-03-18 12:17 Povelitel Assigned To => Povelitel
2022-03-18 12:17 Povelitel Status new => feedback
2022-05-04 07:01 Povelitel Note Edited: 0008175 View Revisions
2022-09-16 15:59 Povelitel Note Added: 0008345
2022-09-16 15:59 Povelitel Status feedback => resolved
2022-09-16 15:59 Povelitel Fixed in Version =>
2022-09-16 15:59 Povelitel Resolution open => fixed

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