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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002202VCMICampaignspublic2015-05-30 11:062022-03-17 09:54
Assigned ToSXX 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version8.1
Product Version0.98 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0002202: A crash when trying to proceed to the next Campaign map
DescriptionAfter finishing the "after the amulet" map, the game crashes when trying to start the next map.
Additional InformationIt seems to be a matter of heroes garrisoning the towns (when I remove all of them from the top rows, it proceeds as normal). Still, annoying.
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
Omeganian (reporter)
2015-05-30 11:12

I did manage to start the next map... crashes when a hero enters the town.
Povelitel (updater)
2018-03-01 12:46

True for e48797f

Whren hero Gem enter in castle

throw std::runtime_error("internal error");

> VCMI_lib.dll!CBonusSystemNode::childDetached(CBonusSystemNode * child)Строка 908 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CBonusSystemNode::detachFrom(CBonusSystemNode * parent)Строка 792 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CGTownInstance::setVisitingHero(CGHeroInstance * h)Строка 1175 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!HeroVisitCastle::applyGs(CGameState * gs)Строка 169 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CApplyOnGS<HeroVisitCastle>::applyOnGS(CGameState * gs, void * pack)Строка 63 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CGameState::apply(CPack * pack)Строка 1958 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_client.exe!CClient::handlePack(CPack * pack)Строка 686 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_client.exe!CClient::run()Строка 190 C++ Символы загружены.

It's campaign SoD - New Begining - mission 2
Povelitel (updater)
2018-03-25 09:24

I can add other one

Campaign "Rise of the Necromancer" - "Duke Alaris" (mission 4)

When my Sandro enter in town crash happen

throw std::runtime_error("internal error");

> VCMI_lib.dll!CBonusSystemNode::childDetached(CBonusSystemNode * child)Строка 972 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CBonusSystemNode::detachFrom(CBonusSystemNode * parent)Строка 852 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CGTownInstance::setVisitingHero(CGHeroInstance * h)Строка 1177 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!HeroVisitCastle::applyGs(CGameState * gs)Строка 169 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CApplyOnGS<HeroVisitCastle>::applyOnGS(CGameState * gs, void * pack)Строка 63 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_lib.dll!CGameState::apply(CPack * pack)Строка 1958 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_client.exe!CClient::handlePack(CPack * pack)Строка 686 C++ Символы загружены.
     VCMI_client.exe!CClient::run()Строка 190 C++ Символы загружены.
Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-17 09:54

In the current develop, everything works well

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-05-30 11:06 Omeganian New Issue
2015-05-30 11:12 Omeganian Note Added: 0005740
2015-05-30 11:12 Omeganian Status new => feedback
2018-03-01 12:46 Povelitel Note Added: 0007433
2018-03-01 12:47 Povelitel Assigned To => SXX
2018-03-01 12:47 Povelitel Status feedback => assigned
2018-03-25 09:24 Povelitel Note Added: 0007538
2022-03-17 09:54 Povelitel Note Added: 0008152
2022-03-17 09:54 Povelitel Status assigned => resolved
2022-03-17 09:54 Povelitel Fixed in Version =>
2022-03-17 09:54 Povelitel Resolution open => fixed

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