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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001115VCMIAI - Battlespublic2012-09-30 11:482018-03-01 23:04
Assigned ToAVS 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.89d 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0001115: Enchantment spells not correctly evaluated
Description- Precison will not improve Ogre Magi or other melee creatures
- Blind should reduce threat caused by stack to 0, currently it reduces it by 0
- Improving damage caused by large stacks beyond hit points of enemy stack is pointless
- Aiming Death Ripple over every hex doesn't make sense

BTW, game has frozen at this point (0001116)
Additional InformationCBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 178 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 179 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 180 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 181 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 182 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 183 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 184 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Death Ripple on hex 185 would deal -180 damage points among 12 stacks.

CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from slo
t 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7643 to 7643)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 1
 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 10845 to 10845)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2 of
armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7434 to 7434)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieftains from slot
3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 6988 to 6988)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raiders from slot 4
 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 5814 to 5814)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 6
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 3041 to 3041)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Shield on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot
 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 178 to 178)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behem
oths from slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7643 to 7643)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops King
s from slot 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 10845 to 10845)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi fr
om slot 2 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7434 to 7434)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieftai
ns from slot 3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 6988 to 6988)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raider
s from slot 4 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 5814 to 5814)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbirds
 from slot 6 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 3041 to 3041)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Air on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardi
ans from slot 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 178 to 178)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behe
moths from slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7643 to 7643)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kin
gs from slot 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 10845 to 10845)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi f
rom slot 2 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7434 to 7434)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chiefta
ins from slot 3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 6988 to 6988)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raide
rs from slot 4 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 5814 to 5814)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbird
s from slot 6 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 3041 to 3041)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Fire on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guard
ians from slot 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 178 to 178)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Beh
emoths from slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7643 to 7643)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Ki
ngs from slot 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 10845 to 10845)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi
from slot 2 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7434 to 7434)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieft
ains from slot 3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 6988 to 6988)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raid
ers from slot 4 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 5814 to 5814)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbir
ds from slot 6 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 3041 to 3041)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Protection from Water on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guar
dians from slot 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 178 to 178)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Lightning Bolt on hex 15 would deal 350 damage points among 1 stacks.
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from
slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 545 points (from 7643 to 8188)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from
slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 545 points (from 7643 to 8188)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 620 points (from 7434 to 8054)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieftains from sl
ot 3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1022 points (from 6988 to 8010)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raiders from slo
t 4 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 563 points (from 5814 to 6377)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot
 6 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 253 points (from 3041 to 3294)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from s
lot 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 17 points (from 178 to 195)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Bloodlust on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from
slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2184 points (from 7643 to 9827)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from
slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2184 points (from 7643 to 9827)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slo
t 1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1301 points (from 10845 to 12146)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from
slot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2184 points (from 7643 to 9827)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieftains from sl
ot 3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1022 points (from 6988 to 8010)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raiders from slo
t 4 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2251 points (from 5814 to 8065)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot
 6 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 1014 points (from 3041 to 4055)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from s
lot 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 17 points (from 178 to 195)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Weakness on Battle stack [6]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
0 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Weakness on Battle stack [7]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
1 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Weakness on Battle stack [8]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
2 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Weakness on Battle stack [9]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
3 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Weakness on Battle stack [10]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
 4 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Disrupting Ray on Battle stack [6]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from
 slot 0 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 7 points (from -56 to -63)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Disrupting Ray on Battle stack [7]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from
 slot 1 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 7 points (from -56 to -63)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Disrupting Ray on Battle stack [8]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from
 slot 2 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 7 points (from -56 to -63)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Disrupting Ray on Battle stack [9]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from
 slot 3 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 7 points (from -56 to -63)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Disrupting Ray on Battle stack [10]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies fro
m slot 4 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 7 points (from -56 to -63)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from sl
ot 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7643 to 7643)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot
1 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 10845 to 10845)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2 of
 armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7434 to 7434)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieftains from slot
 3 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 6988 to 6988)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raiders from slot
4 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 5814 to 5814)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 6
 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 3041 to 3041)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Fortune on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slo
t 254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 178 to 178)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [0]: 91 creatures of Ancient Behemoths from slot
 0 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7643 to 7643)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [1]: 241 creatures of Cyclops Kings from slot 1
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 10845 to 10845)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2 of a
rmyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 7434 to 7434)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [3]: 974 creatures of Orc Chieftains from slot 3
 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 6988 to 6988)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [4]: 1072 creatures of Wolf Raiders from slot 4
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 5814 to 5814)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [5]: 130 creatures of Thunderbirds from slot 6 o
f armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 3041 to 3041)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Haste on Battle stack [11]: 1 creatures of Temple Guardians from slot
254 of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 0 points (from 178 to 178)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Hypnotize on Battle stack [6]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
 0 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Hypnotize on Battle stack [7]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
 1 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Hypnotize on Battle stack [8]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
 2 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Hypnotize on Battle stack [9]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot
 3 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Hypnotize on Battle stack [10]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slo
t 4 of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Blind on Battle stack [6]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot 0 o
f armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Blind on Battle stack [7]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot 1 o
f armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Blind on Battle stack [8]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot 2 o
f armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Blind on Battle stack [9]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot 3 o
f armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Precision on Battle stack [2]: 459 creatures of Ogre Magi from slot 2
of armyobj=20505 would improve the stack by 2479 points (from 7434 to 9913)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Casting Blind on Battle stack [10]: 18 creatures of Serpent Flies from slot 4
of armyobj=13372 would improve the stack by 0 points (from -56 to -56)
CBattleAI [109F9B90]: Best spell is Precision. Will cast.
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- Relationships
related to 0001116closed Freeze of BattleAI for unknown reason 

-  Notes
Povelitel (updater)
2018-03-01 23:04

As I know algoritms was rewriten.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-09-30 11:48 Warmonger New Issue
2012-09-30 11:48 Warmonger Status new => assigned
2012-09-30 11:48 Warmonger Assigned To => Tow
2012-09-30 11:56 Warmonger Relationship added related to 0001116
2012-09-30 11:58 Warmonger Description Updated View Revisions
2018-03-01 23:04 Povelitel Note Added: 0007449
2018-03-01 23:04 Povelitel Status assigned => closed
2018-03-01 23:04 Povelitel Assigned To Tow => AVS
2018-03-01 23:04 Povelitel Resolution open => fixed
2018-03-01 23:04 Povelitel Fixed in Version =>

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