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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000761VCMIGUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowpublic2011-06-30 14:002014-05-30 17:40
Assigned ToWarmonger 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.85 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.86 
Summary0000761: Crash after disassembling an artifact
DescriptionCan be reproduced in hero window with any combined artifact:
1)L-click on artifact to pick it up
2)R-click on artifact slot and try to disassemble it - this will crash the game
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
Warmonger (administrator)
2011-07-01 15:14

Umm, any details? I couldn't reproduce it, but should be fixed since r2199.
Ivan (developer)
2011-07-01 16:30
edited on: 2011-07-01 16:49

Rechecked with unmodified latest trunk for sure - still here.
Present at least with all combined arts on Zamolxis test map (VCMI_Tests)
Disassembling (or assembling) picked up artifact always results in crash.

BTW - I've found a typo in CPlayerInterface::artifactDisassembled but it doesn't change anything (just uploaded fix for this into svn)

Backtrace from debugger:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x49e1b70 (LWP 15901)]
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
 0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
 1 0x082681a0 in CHeroWithMaybePickedArtifact::getAllBonuses (this=0xa382db0, selector=..., limit=..., root=0x0) at ../../src/client/CHeroWindow.cpp:56
 2 0x007a14c2 in IBonusBearer::valOfBonuses (this=0xa382db0, selector=...) at ../../src/lib/HeroBonus.cpp:174
 3 0x007a1421 in IBonusBearer::valOfBonuses (this=0xa382db0, type=Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, subtype=0) at ../../src/lib/HeroBonus.cpp:168
 4 0x007a1d79 in IBonusBearer::Attack (this=0xa382db0) at ../../src/lib/HeroBonus.cpp:260
 5 0x007a213a in IBonusBearer::getPrimSkillLevel (this=0xa382db0, id=0) at ../../src/lib/HeroBonus.cpp:307
 6 0x0826cb68 in CHeroWindow::update (this=0xa382d38, hero=0x9685c20, redrawNeeded=true) at ../../src/client/CHeroWindow.cpp:224
 7 0x083dcbcc in CArtifactsOfHero::updateParentWindow (this=0xa382170) at ../../src/client/GUIClasses.cpp:5365
 8 0x083dd611 in CArtifactsOfHero::updateWornSlots (this=0xa382170, redrawParent=true) at ../../src/client/GUIClasses.cpp:5529
 9 0x083dd5c7 in CArtifactsOfHero::artifactDisassembled (this=0xa382170, al=...) at ../../src/client/GUIClasses.cpp:5519
 10 0x083f0a6b in CWindowWithArtifacts::artifactDisassembled (this=0xa382d40, artLoc=...) at ../../src/client/GUIClasses.cpp:7132
 11 0x0833e34f in CPlayerInterface::artifactDisassembled (this=0x9f09188, al=...) at ../../src/client/CPlayerInterface.cpp:2239

Warmonger (administrator)
2011-07-01 18:19
edited on: 2011-07-01 18:19

I checked your last commit (r2221). Still, couldn't reproduce it neither before nor after.

Didn't try getting art after battle (they crash often) and after load (same problem), though.

Ivan (developer)
2011-07-02 15:14

Found it - bonuses from picked art were still considered in hero stats calculation.

But there are still some minor weirdness with picked combined artifacts:
1) Locks are not removed after picking up artifact
2) In some cases (like Angelic Alliance) source slot is not highlighted (but you can put artifact back).
3) In some cases (Bow of Sharpshooter) you can't move artifact to another misc slot - you can only put it back (source slot is highlighted in this case thought)

Do you have these bugs too or it's just me?
Tow (developer)
2011-07-02 16:54

They're here. I'll look into them.
Warmonger (administrator)
2011-07-02 16:55

All are true, I didn't notice though ;)
Number 3 was reported already reported, I think.
Tow (developer)
2011-07-03 01:08

Ivan ->
The issues you describe should be fixed in r2227.
Are there any other artifact-GUI bugs you're aware of?
Ivan (developer)
2011-07-03 10:16

Looks to be fixed. Moving to resolved.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-06-30 14:00 Ivan New Issue
2011-06-30 14:43 Warmonger Status new => assigned
2011-06-30 14:43 Warmonger Assigned To => Warmonger
2011-07-01 15:14 Warmonger Note Added: 0001824
2011-07-01 15:14 Warmonger Status assigned => feedback
2011-07-01 16:30 Ivan Note Added: 0001825
2011-07-01 16:30 Ivan Status feedback => assigned
2011-07-01 16:49 Ivan Note Edited: 0001825 View Revisions
2011-07-01 18:19 Warmonger Note Added: 0001827
2011-07-01 18:19 Warmonger Note Edited: 0001827 View Revisions
2011-07-02 15:14 Ivan Note Added: 0001828
2011-07-02 16:54 Tow Note Added: 0001829
2011-07-02 16:55 Warmonger Note Added: 0001830
2011-07-03 01:08 Tow Note Added: 0001833
2011-07-03 10:16 Ivan Note Added: 0001835
2011-07-03 10:16 Ivan Status assigned => resolved
2011-07-03 10:16 Ivan Fixed in Version => 0.89
2011-07-03 10:16 Ivan Resolution open => fixed
2014-05-30 17:40 beegee Status resolved => closed

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