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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003042VCMIMechanics - Battlespublic2019-02-24 08:552022-08-22 12:52
Assigned ToNordsoft 
PlatformUbuntu 16.04.5 LTSOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0003042: orb of vulnerability does not affect opponent's creatures

Unless I am mistaken, orb of vulnerability does not work properly.

- Mainly it seems it only affects army of the one who equipped the artifact. I think it should affect everybody

In map attach please consider following scenarios:

Blue: black dragon
Tan:black dragon + boars
Green: black dragon + ability to cast implosion
Orange: black dragon + equiped orb of vulnerability

Red vs single black dragon / Red vs Blue:
    - I am expecting to be able to cast armageddon or implosion on blue's black dragon, but I can't
    - can't cast "negative" buff spells like slow, curse...
    + can cast "positive" buff spells like haste, shield on MY black dragon

Red vs Tan:
    + I can cast armageddon.
    - It kills the boars, hurt me, but not Tan's black dragon. I am expecting armageddon to hurt everybody

Red vs Green:
    - green can cast it on me which I expect
    + I still can't cast implosion on Green

Red vs Orange:
    + I can cast armageddon / slow
Steps To Reproducenew scenario
select ZZZ_orbvulnerability
play as Red
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon ZZZ_orbvulnerability.vmap [^] (3,095 bytes) 2019-02-24 08:55

- Relationships
duplicate of 0001791closedAVS Orb of vulnerability 
has duplicate 0003228resolvedNordsoft Orb of Vulnerability doesn't work 

-  Notes
Nordsoft (administrator)
2022-08-22 12:51 [^]
Nordsoft (administrator)
2022-08-22 12:52

Thanks to issue reporter for detailed description and test map

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-02-24 08:55 mpech New Issue
2019-02-24 08:55 mpech File Added: ZZZ_orbvulnerability.vmap
2019-02-24 09:06 AVS Relationship added duplicate of 0001791
2022-08-22 10:19 Nordsoft Relationship added has duplicate 0003228
2022-08-22 12:39 Nordsoft Assigned To => Nordsoft
2022-08-22 12:39 Nordsoft Status new => assigned
2022-08-22 12:51 Nordsoft Note Added: 0008312
2022-08-22 12:51 Nordsoft Status assigned => resolved
2022-08-22 12:51 Nordsoft Fixed in Version =>
2022-08-22 12:51 Nordsoft Resolution open => fixed
2022-08-22 12:52 Nordsoft Note Added: 0008313

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