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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003039VCMIGUI - Hero screen / Exchange windowpublic2019-02-16 11:542022-12-22 21:46
Assigned ToIvan 
PlatformUbuntu 16.04.5 LTSOSOS Version
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003039: no mouse click action possible when assemling artefacts
Descriptionhello guys,

when assembling artefacts (like armor of the damned) one cannot click (either yes or no)
however, I can [enter] or [esp] with the keyboard.
Once I (let say [enter]), I cannot click to quit the hero screen, but I can still [enter] to close it.
Steps To Reproduceload map,
pickup artefacts in order
in hero screen,
switch the shield of the damned (equiped) with the shield of the yawning dead(stacked)
popup asking to make the armor of the damened occurs
but only keyboard is available
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon zzz_test_artefacts.vmap [^] (2,737 bytes) 2019-02-16 11:54
png file icon propersettup_cropped.png [^] (318,708 bytes) 2019-02-17 09:46

png file icon wrongoffset_cropped.png [^] (303,310 bytes) 2019-02-17 09:46

- Relationships

-  Notes
mpech (reporter)
2019-02-17 09:49

if this can help..

In capture GUI...
proper_settup image is when: left hand hero is free. I put there the shield of yawning dead.
yesnopopinfo shows.

then I click the validate button (top left corner).
coordinate of the click is 328/412

    void CGuiHandler::handleMouseButtonClick(CIntObjectList & interestedObjs, EIntObjMouseBtnType btn, bool isPressed)
        std::cout<<"handle click"<<std::endl;
        auto hlp = interestedObjs;
        std::cout<<"GOT "<<current->motion.x<<" "<<current->motion.y<<std::endl;

wrong_offset_image is when: shield of the damened is equiped. I put there the shield of yawning dead.
yesnopopinfo shows.
then I click the validate button (top left corner).
coordinate of the click is now 349/434
(so about 21pixels offset)
mpech (reporter)
2019-02-17 14:53

More infos...

dragdrop starts when picking up shield of the yawning dead
when dropping onto the left hand slot
shield is dropped
yesno popup shows
shield of the damned is picked up and ddrop start. (ArtifactHolder::select, dragAndDropCursor is called)
then there is a mouse offset applied on the cursor CCursorHandler::dragAndDropCursor (dndObject)

Once we cancel the yesnopopup,
the cursor does not show the artifact but I guess it is actually "there".
One can drop it on the stack (first slot) or the left hand again by clicking on the (almost) top-left corner (since dd offset is still applied..)

Somehow, workaround is to simply either unequip the left hand slot before trying to assemble
Or to click on the topleft corner afterwards

Still hope you guys can solve this quirk
kambala (developer)
2022-09-06 07:46

FYI also noticed this and created [^]
Ivan (developer)
2022-12-22 21:46

Fixed in 1.1

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-02-16 11:54 mpech New Issue
2019-02-16 11:54 mpech File Added: zzz_test_artefacts.vmap
2019-02-17 09:46 mpech File Added: propersettup_cropped.png
2019-02-17 09:46 mpech File Added: wrongoffset_cropped.png
2019-02-17 09:49 mpech Note Added: 0007754
2019-02-17 14:53 mpech Note Added: 0007755
2022-09-06 07:46 kambala Note Added: 0008325
2022-12-18 12:58 Ivan Assigned To => Ivan
2022-12-18 12:58 Ivan Status new => assigned
2022-12-22 21:46 Ivan Note Added: 0008416
2022-12-22 21:46 Ivan Status assigned => resolved
2022-12-22 21:46 Ivan Resolution open => fixed

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