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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002717VCMIAI - Adventure Mappublic2017-07-14 18:312024-01-30 19:17
Assigned To 
PlatformWindowsOS10OS Version1703
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002717: If AI is in War Machine Factory unable to attack
DescriptionWas trying the campaign, was attacking AI who was in the War Machine Factory. Unable to cast spell or move my army. Is able to retreat or surrender, however, when surrendering/retreating, I am not able to do anything other than alt+f4.
Steps To ReproduceWait for an AI is in War Machine Factory
Now see you can't do anything.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon huh.vsgm1 [^] (4,417,639 bytes) 2017-07-14 18:31
? file icon huh.vcgm1 [^] (4,411,615 bytes) 2017-07-14 18:32

- Relationships

-  Notes
tooandorisu (reporter)
2017-07-14 18:40

If waiting a day, then attack, it causes crash
Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-22 20:02

what mods were used?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-07-14 18:31 tooandorisu New Issue
2017-07-14 18:31 tooandorisu Status new => assigned
2017-07-14 18:31 tooandorisu Assigned To => Warmonger
2017-07-14 18:31 tooandorisu File Added: huh.vsgm1
2017-07-14 18:32 tooandorisu File Added: huh.vcgm1
2017-07-14 18:40 tooandorisu Note Added: 0007124
2022-03-22 20:02 Povelitel Note Added: 0008197
2022-03-22 20:02 Povelitel Assigned To Warmonger =>
2022-03-22 20:02 Povelitel Status assigned => feedback
2024-01-30 19:17 Ivan Status feedback => closed

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