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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002564VCMIMechanics - Objectspublic2016-10-19 19:312024-01-30 19:18
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PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.98g 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002564: Player shouldn't be able to control defence of dwellings
DescriptionIn H3 when dwelling that usually have guards is captured it's will stay unguarded until the next week and this part works properly in VCMI.

Once next week come guards reappear and other player who decide to capture dwelling should fight them again. The difference is that in H3 you aren't able to control guards and not even receive any special notification when dwelling is captured.

In VCMI currently it's let you control guards as they were garrison of your. While this can be named feature we probably want to at least have option to make guards uncontrollable.

PS: Just in case behaviour is exactly the same in H3 when playing hotseat or over network: dwelling guards always controlled by the AI.
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- Relationships
related to 0002562closed AI attacking dwelling without taking guards into account and dying 
related to 0002369closedFeniksFire Option needed to use both BattleAI / StupidAI depend on who's fighting 
has duplicate 0002505closed creature dwelings if captured fall under the control of the person under attack enemy hero 
related to 0001346resolvedWarmonger Missing feature - Player should be able to see exact number of guards in visited bank 

-  Notes
krs (reporter)
2023-04-12 19:15


Moved to Git: [^]

Can be Closed
Ivan (developer)
2024-01-30 19:18

Closing issues that were migrated to Github

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-10-19 19:31 SXX New Issue
2016-10-19 19:31 SXX Relationship added related to 0002562
2016-10-19 19:32 SXX Description Updated View Revisions
2016-10-19 19:32 SXX Relationship added related to 0002369
2016-10-19 22:09 SXX Relationship added related to 0001346
2022-03-16 20:33 Povelitel Relationship added has duplicate 0002505
2023-04-12 19:15 krs Note Added: 0008593
2023-04-12 22:25 Ivan Status new => confirmed
2024-01-30 19:18 Ivan Note Added: 0008895
2024-01-30 19:18 Ivan Status confirmed => closed

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