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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002458VCMIMechanics - Otherpublic2016-08-18 04:002016-08-18 14:35
Assigned ToWarmonger 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.98g 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002458: Artifacts from log might have id of ArtifactID::ART_LOCK (145)
DescriptionThat's caused issue 0002455 which is fixed, but problem with id conflict still there. Whoever going to fix this must check that changes not break something in saved games.
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- Relationships
related to 0002455closedSXX VCAI: Freeze on attempt to move artifact locks 

-  Notes
Warmonger (administrator)
2016-08-18 05:53

I hoped mod artifact IDs are already fixed - but if they are not, this change will likely invalidate old savesgames.
SXX (administrator)
2016-08-18 14:01

I think issue might be related to fact that I don't use WoG that some IDs over 145 reserved for. So actual problem is that ART_LOCK (145) isn't reserved at all in our data files.

So we should probably get rid of WoG artifacts in GameConstants.h too.
Warmonger (administrator)
2016-08-18 14:06

Quite the opposite, all WoG artifacts AND other special cases like this one should be reserved so mod artifacts (or game mechanics in general) don't use these slots.
SXX (administrator)
2016-08-18 14:15

If they can't be handled by mod system alone and need some special treatment in native code then it's understandable to keep them reserved. Otherwise there is very little reason for that since WoG isn't that different than any other mod.
Warmonger (administrator)
2016-08-18 14:35

WoG actually is different as it replaces original game files. Not to mention planned compatibility with ERM.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-08-18 04:00 SXX New Issue
2016-08-18 04:01 SXX Relationship added child of 0002455
2016-08-18 04:01 SXX Relationship deleted child of 0002455
2016-08-18 04:01 SXX Relationship added related to 0002455
2016-08-18 05:53 Warmonger Note Added: 0006567
2016-08-18 05:53 Warmonger Assigned To => Warmonger
2016-08-18 05:53 Warmonger Status new => assigned
2016-08-18 14:01 SXX Note Added: 0006568
2016-08-18 14:06 Warmonger Note Added: 0006569
2016-08-18 14:15 SXX Note Added: 0006570
2016-08-18 14:35 Warmonger Note Added: 0006571

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