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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002260VCMILauncherpublic2015-09-27 09:092022-03-28 19:33
Assigned ToSXX 
StatusclosedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformLinuxOSArch Linux x64OS Versionupstream
Product Version0.98c 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002260: Resolution in vcmilauncher can't be applied
DescriptionVersion: github develop or master

Resolution, chosen in vcmilauncher is saved in user config file
But there are signle resolution settings in config/resolutions.json, so client starts only with the fallback (800x600) resolution.

The questions/problems are:
1) Why are there no other resolutions in "config/resolutions.json".
2) It seems to me, that available resolutions shoudn't be hardcoded in launcher, but be shown based on "config/resolutions.json".

I'd like to solve the issue, but not quite sure what GUISettings for other resolutions should look like. I've seen full setup of 'resolutions.json' at vcmi/vcmi_old_mirror, but haven't tried it yet.
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- Relationships
duplicate of 0002003resolvedTow Resolution always defaults to 800x600 

-  Notes
Warmonger (administrator)
2015-09-27 11:58

You need to enable mod "VCMI essential files -> new resolutions". It is shipped within package, though may not be directly accessible via repository.
arwer13 (reporter)
2015-10-01 19:55

I can't find anything like this neither at "VCMI essential files" or vcmi sources or [^] .
Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-16 21:59

what about this
VCMI essential files: [^]
Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-28 19:33

I think we should close this one

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-09-27 09:09 arwer13 New Issue
2015-09-27 09:09 arwer13 Status new => assigned
2015-09-27 09:09 arwer13 Assigned To => Ivan
2015-09-27 11:58 Warmonger Note Added: 0005875
2015-10-01 19:55 arwer13 Note Added: 0005884
2015-11-11 17:54 SXX Relationship added duplicate of 0002003
2017-07-22 14:12 SXX Assigned To Ivan => SXX
2022-03-16 21:59 Povelitel Note Added: 0008140
2022-03-16 21:59 Povelitel Status assigned => feedback
2022-03-28 19:33 Povelitel Note Added: 0008251
2022-03-28 19:33 Povelitel Status feedback => closed
2022-03-28 19:33 Povelitel Resolution open => won't fix

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