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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002093VCMIGUI - Otherpublic2015-02-17 13:552015-02-17 21:11
Assigned ToSXX 
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002093: New quest window issues
Description-wrong description if the quest is to gain certain level(status bar and popup window on seer's hut show "gain level %d"),
-there is no description of the quest if goal is to be a hero of specified color,
-right clicking on quest minimap or alike elements makes quest list labels invisible,
-hiding completed quest option is somewhat slow,
-scroll bar should be placed on top every time when hiding/showing completed quests
-description of requirements for quests: "gain primary skills" and "seeking for creature" is updated after completing them, but should be before

VCMI version from 17.02.2015 (after merging PR no.88)
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- Relationships
related to 0001834resolvedIvan (Tavern window) Some GUI elements disappear when popup window is opened. 

-  Notes
SXX (administrator)
2015-02-17 14:22

>wrong description if the quest is to gain certain level(status bar and popup window on seer's hut show "gain level %d"),

Oh, it's looks like I know why it's happen. For some reason border guard have "%s" in translation strings and seer's hut have "%d". I fixed first one and accidentally broken other.

>there is no description of the quest if goal is to be a hero of specified color

Will check it, thanks!

>right clicking on quest minimap or alike elements makes quest list labels invisible

I noticed that, but it's was previously reported here: 0001834
I suppose it's may be issue with CLabel code.

>scroll bar should be placed on top every time when hiding/showing completed quests

Is it like really slow when you click once on it?
I wonder because I notice that, but only when clicked many times.

>scroll bar should be placed on top every time when hiding/showing completed quests

Currently scrollbar is blocked/unblocked depend on if there enough elements in list or not. I suppose I should not just block it, but also use "setToMin" to make it look better.

I think it is what you mean as "should be placed on top"?
Kantor (updater)
2015-02-17 14:47

>Is it like really slow when you click once on it?
--Yes, it is almost one second after single click.

>Currently scrollbar is blocked/unblocked depend on if there enough elements in list or not.
--Having more than 6 quest and when some of them are already completed make rest of the quests impossible to access by scrolling down the list, due to that scrollbar is at the bottom of list every time when clicking at the checkbox.
SXX (administrator)
2015-02-17 15:03

Actually I make scrollbar go to the down by default because I always select latest quest. Though scrollbar should go on top when it's blocked.
SXX (administrator)
2015-02-17 21:11

I partially fixed problem with slider here: [^]

Though there is still problem with my default "max" slider position when it's enabled. Original idea was to always "select" most recent active quest by default so even if open window with quite a lot of quest it's latest one is always there. Though this doesn't work as I expected so I'll try to rewrite this code soon.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-02-17 13:55 Kantor New Issue
2015-02-17 13:56 Kantor Description Updated View Revisions
2015-02-17 14:07 SXX Assigned To => SXX
2015-02-17 14:07 SXX Status new => assigned
2015-02-17 14:09 Kantor Description Updated View Revisions
2015-02-17 14:22 SXX Note Added: 0005533
2015-02-17 14:22 SXX Relationship added related to 0001834
2015-02-17 14:47 Kantor Note Added: 0005534
2015-02-17 15:03 SXX Note Added: 0005535
2015-02-17 21:11 SXX Note Added: 0005536

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