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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001059VCMIGUI - Battlespublic2012-08-28 15:582023-01-09 20:15
Assigned ToIvan 
Platformx86_64OSUbuntu LinuxOS Version12.04 (precise)
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001059: Heroes during battle no longer have flags
DescriptionJust noticed - flags that heroes should hold during battle are missing. Instead they are holdings empty flagpole.

Looks to be bug - old VCMI screenshots had them.
Additional InformationScreenshot (if needed) here: [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon no flag.png [^] (564,610 bytes) 2014-08-09 07:48

- Relationships
related to 0001834resolvedIvan (Tavern window) Some GUI elements disappear when popup window is opened. 

-  Notes
Tow (developer)
2012-08-29 13:16

It's transparency handling.

In CBattleHero constructor the line:
graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(flag->ourImages[i].bitmap, player);

replaces default, blue colors with player colors in flag. However they all seem to have alpha value of 0, which now is transparent for our blitting procedure.
I'm not sure how it should be fixed though, you may have a better idea of the code.
Ivan (developer)
2012-08-29 13:41

Ah. Found it.

But animation looks a bit weird. Maybe it is just too fast. Will commit fix a bit later.
Ivan (developer)
2012-08-29 14:56

Fixed in rev 2860.
Kantor (updater)
2014-08-09 07:47
edited on: 2014-08-09 11:02

This one seems to be back with SDL 2.
EDIT: I forgot to say that it seems to occurs only while viewing creature info.

Ivan (developer)
2014-08-09 10:21

For me it works. And in this case I don't see any suspicious code.

AVS, can you take a look at this?
SXX (administrator)
2016-09-12 03:02

This is still there and it's related to other problems with UI.
When there is some element on top flag become invisible.
Ivan (developer)
2023-01-09 20:15

Resolved in PR 1229. Will be released as 1.2

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-08-28 15:58 Ivan New Issue
2012-08-28 16:31 Ivan Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2012-08-29 13:16 Tow Note Added: 0002947
2012-08-29 13:16 Tow Assigned To => Ivan
2012-08-29 13:16 Tow Status new => feedback
2012-08-29 13:28 Ivan Status feedback => assigned
2012-08-29 13:41 Ivan Note Added: 0002949
2012-08-29 14:56 Ivan Note Added: 0002950
2012-08-29 14:56 Ivan Status assigned => resolved
2012-08-29 14:56 Ivan Fixed in Version => 0.9
2012-08-29 14:56 Ivan Resolution open => fixed
2014-05-30 17:41 beegee Status resolved => closed
2014-08-09 07:47 Kantor Note Added: 0004908
2014-08-09 07:47 Kantor Status closed => feedback
2014-08-09 07:47 Kantor Resolution fixed => reopened
2014-08-09 07:48 Kantor File Added: no flag.png
2014-08-09 10:21 Ivan Note Added: 0004909
2014-08-09 10:21 Ivan Status feedback => assigned
2014-08-09 11:02 Kantor Note Edited: 0004908 View Revisions
2016-08-28 04:10 SXX Assigned To Ivan => SXX
2016-09-12 03:02 SXX Note Added: 0006652
2016-09-12 03:02 SXX Status assigned => confirmed
2016-09-12 03:03 SXX Relationship added related to 0001834
2022-12-17 17:09 Ivan Assigned To SXX => Ivan
2022-12-17 17:09 Ivan Status confirmed => assigned
2022-12-17 17:13 Ivan Status assigned => confirmed
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Note Added: 0008434
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Status confirmed => resolved
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Fixed in Version 0.9 =>
2023-01-09 20:15 Ivan Resolution reopened => fixed

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