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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002713VCMIMechanics - Town structurespublic2017-07-13 10:042023-09-17 09:13
Assigned ToPovelitel 
Platform64OSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002713: scholar academy should give 1000 experience in the first day (it is already built in town)
DescriptionТысяча опыта с построенным алтарем должна даваться сразу же, герою стоящему в замке при его посещении, без траты мувпоинтов. (В настройках карты он уже построен).

A thousand experiences with the built scholar academy should be given immediately, to the hero standing in the castle at his visit, without wasting muevpoint. (It is already built in the map settings).
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- Relationships
related to 0002519closed The hero does not receive messages in the new week about the stable if he sleeps in the city  

-  Notes
Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-18 13:42

Now it gives right away, even if you don’t enter the city
krs (reporter)
2023-04-12 18:30

Seems to work in general. The only issue is like Povelitel said when prebuilt it will give the garrisoned hero, but it also selects a secondary skill for you!!!

Moved to Git: [^]

Can be closed!
Povelitel (updater)
2023-09-17 09:13

Moved to Git: [^] [^]

Can be closed! - > closed

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-07-13 10:04 Povelitel New Issue
2022-03-18 13:42 Povelitel Note Added: 0008177
2022-03-18 13:42 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0002519
2023-04-12 18:30 krs Note Added: 0008589
2023-04-12 18:39 Ivan Assigned To => Ivan
2023-04-12 18:39 Ivan Status new => confirmed
2023-04-12 23:15 Ivan Assigned To Ivan =>
2023-09-17 09:13 Povelitel Note Added: 0008701
2023-09-17 09:13 Povelitel Status confirmed => closed
2023-09-17 09:13 Povelitel Assigned To => Povelitel
2023-09-17 09:13 Povelitel Resolution open => duplicate

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