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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000648VCMIGUI - PreGamepublic2010-11-17 21:592010-11-19 16:18
Assigned ToTow 
PlatformIntel (Core i5 + NVidia Quadro)OSLinux Debian 64 bitOS Versiontesting (amd64)
Product Version0.83 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000648: I can't set WOG options
DescriptionWhen I want to select a scenario for a new game I try to press 'WoG Options' button but it isn't enabled.
Is it implemented? If not then how can I change WoG Options?
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
Zamolxis (viewer)
2010-11-17 22:53

WoG Options are not yet implemented.

Please check the Items Implementation Status ( [^]) or read a bit around the forum ( to get a better idea of where we stand with the project. Many elements are not yet implemented, so there is no need to report them. We know what is missing and are rather interested in bugs with the features implemented so far.
ruppertus (reporter)
2010-11-18 00:21

Thanks, I just wasn't sure so I thought it's better to report that.
I'm new with this project and I don't know what's done and what's not.
Warmonger (administrator)
2010-11-19 16:18
edited on: 2010-11-19 16:18

The best list of all big features is avaliable on Wiki: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-11-17 21:59 ruppertus New Issue
2010-11-17 21:59 ruppertus Status new => assigned
2010-11-17 21:59 ruppertus Assigned To => Tow
2010-11-17 22:53 Zamolxis Note Added: 0001416
2010-11-17 22:53 Zamolxis Priority high => low
2010-11-17 22:53 Zamolxis Severity major => feature
2010-11-17 22:53 Zamolxis Status assigned => feedback
2010-11-18 00:21 ruppertus Note Added: 0001422
2010-11-18 00:21 ruppertus Status feedback => assigned
2010-11-19 16:18 Warmonger Note Added: 0001433
2010-11-19 16:18 Warmonger Note Edited: 0001433 View Revisions

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