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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003235VCMIGUI - PreGamepublic2022-09-19 07:192022-11-06 19:15
Assigned ToNordsoft 
PlatformPCOSWindows 10OS VersionBuild 18362
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003235: Game does not shut down VCMI server when exiting the game while selecting a map
DescriptionThis is on version 1.0.0
When you exit the game while choosing the map, the game doesn't shut down VCMI_server.exe. When you start the game again and try to choose a game mode, the game cannot advance past the "Connecting..." window. If you click the Back button and then choose the game mode again, the game crashes on connecting. VCMI server has to be killed with the task manager to fix this.
Steps To Reproduce1) Run VCMI launcher
2) Start game
3) Press New Game or Load Game and choose any of Single Scenario, Multiplayer or Campaign so that you see the "Connecting..." window.
4) Close the game by pressing the X on the VCMI window in the corner while you see the Connecting window or while you are choosing a scenario to start.
5) Run VCMI launcher again and restart the game
6) Now, whenever you start a new game or load a game the game will be stuck on the Connecting window.
7) Hit back on the connecting window and then start/load a game.
8) Now the game will crash.
Additional InformationThis is especially likely to happen when using the VCMI launcher. When running the VCMI client something similar happens but the console window continues to stay open and if you close the console window it kills the VCMI server. But if you reproduce this bug with the VCMI launcher and then run VCMI client, the client will also not be able to continue past the Connecting window until you shut down the VCMI server with task manager.
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-  Notes
Nordsoft (administrator)
2022-09-23 21:52

Workaround introduced in 1.1
Client checks port and will notify user if connection cannot be established
Nordsoft (administrator)
2022-11-06 19:15

vcmiserver killed itself in most situations

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-09-19 07:19 Yoshi2 New Issue
2022-09-23 21:52 Nordsoft Note Added: 0008358
2022-11-06 19:15 Nordsoft Note Added: 0008368
2022-11-06 19:15 Nordsoft Status new => resolved
2022-11-06 19:15 Nordsoft Resolution open => fixed
2022-11-06 19:15 Nordsoft Assigned To => Nordsoft

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