Attached Files | VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp [^] (11,855,235 bytes) 2020-07-14 23:33
VCMI_Client_log.txt [^] (548,472 bytes) 2020-07-23 08:48 [Show Content] [Hide Content]INFO global [f50] - VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (client)
INFO global [f50] - Creating console and configuring logger: 10 ms
INFO global [f50] - The log file will be saved to "C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\VCMI_Client_log.txt"
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 24 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 2 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 34 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 2 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 805 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 17 files found
INFO global [f50] - Initialization: 90 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\filesystem.json
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at config
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 95 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 2 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 10 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod
TRACE global [f50] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_bmp.lod"" loaded (2491 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 60 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod
TRACE global [f50] - .LODArchive ""H3bitmap.lod"" loaded (4908 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 130 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Maps
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 167 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Mods
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 31 files found
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 4 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Mp3
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 57 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd
TRACE global [f50] - .SNDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.snd"" loaded (117 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd
TRACE global [f50] - .SNDArchive ""Heroes3.snd"" loaded (1115 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 20 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod
TRACE global [f50] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_spr.lod"" loaded (569 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 10 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod
TRACE global [f50] - .LODArchive ""H3sprite.lod"" loaded (4013 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 110 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Sprites
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid
TRACE global [f50] - .VIDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.vid"" loaded (7 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid
TRACE global [f50] - .VIDArchive ""VIDEO.VID"" loaded (141 files found).
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
INFO global [f50] - Data loading: 340 ms
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.wood as core:0
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.mercury as core:1
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.ore as core:2
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.sulfur as core:3
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.crystal as core:4
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.gems as core:5
TRACE mod [f50] - registered as core:6
TRACE mod [f50] - registered resource.mithril as core:7
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primSkill.attack as core:0
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primarySkill.attack as core:0
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primSkill.defence as core:1
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primarySkill.defence as core:1
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primSkill.spellpower as core:2
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primarySkill.spellpower as core:2
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primSkill.knowledge as core:3
TRACE mod [f50] - registered primarySkill.knowledge as core:3
INFO global [f50] - Mod handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\preserve\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\ruins\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\resourceful AI\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\haven\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\mod.json
WARN mod [f50] - File MODS/FORGE/MOD is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [f50] - At line 1, position 0 error: Not a valid UTF-8 file
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\asylum\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\buildings5.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\ambientSounds.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\special.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\objects\generic.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\terrains.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\spells\ability.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\spells\other.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\template.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\artifacts.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\filesystem.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\random.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\campaignMedia.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\castle.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\campaignSets.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroClasses.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\translate.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\mapHeader.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\skills.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\object.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\resolutions.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\commanders.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\fonts.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\resources.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\objects\rewardable.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\spells\timed.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\mapOverrides.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\bonuses.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\mainmenu.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\defaultMods.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\special.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\tower.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\sp_sounds.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\startres.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\ERMU_to_picture.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\bonuses_texts.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\battleStartpos.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\obstacles.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\battles_graphics.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\campaign_regions.json
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/Content
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 1007 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 20 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/imperium/
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/imperium/Content
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 575 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 10 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Data
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 16 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Maps
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 1 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sprites
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 46 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/bonusicons/
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/bonusicons/Content
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 95 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/extraresolutions/
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [f50] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/extraresolutions/Content
TRACE global [f50] - File system loaded, 42 files found
TRACE global [f50] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
INFO global [f50] - Mod filesystems: 60 ms
INFO global [f50] - Basic initialization: 490 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json
DEBUG global [f50] - Set log level global => trace
INFO global [f50] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully.
INFO global [f50] - [log level] ai => not set
INFO global [f50] - [log level] animation => not set
INFO global [f50] - [log level] bonus => not set
INFO global [f50] - [log level] global => trace
INFO global [f50] - [log level] mod => not set
INFO global [f50] - [log level] network => not set
DEBUG global [f50] - settings = {
"adventure" : {
"enemySpeed" : 8,
"heroReminder" : true,
"heroSpeed" : 4,
"quickCombat" : false,
"scrollSpeed" : 1
"battle" : {
"animationSpeed" : 0.63,
"cellBorders" : false,
"mouseShadow" : true,
"queueSize" : "auto",
"showQueue" : true,
"stackRange" : true
"general" : {
"encoding" : "CP1252",
"music" : 95,
"playerName" : "Player",
"saveFrequency" : 1,
"saveRandomMaps" : false,
"showfps" : false,
"sound" : 80,
"swipe" : true
"launcher" : {
"autoCheckRepositories" : true,
"enableInstalledMods" : true,
"repositoryURL" : [
"logging" : {
"console" : {
"colorMapping" : [
"color" : "gray",
"domain" : "global",
"level" : "trace"
"color" : "white",
"domain" : "global",
"level" : "debug"
"color" : "green",
"domain" : "global",
"level" : "info"
"color" : "yellow",
"domain" : "global",
"level" : "warn"
"color" : "red",
"domain" : "global",
"level" : "error"
"coloredOutputEnabled" : true,
"format" : "%m",
"threshold" : "info"
"file" : {
"format" : "%l %n [%t] - %m"
"loggers" : [
"domain" : "global",
"level" : "trace"
"pathfinder" : {
"layers" : {
"flying" : true,
"sailing" : true,
"waterWalking" : true
"lightweightFlyingMode" : false,
"oneTurnSpecialLayersLimit" : true,
"originalMovementRules" : false,
"teleports" : {
"castleGate" : false,
"oneWay" : true,
"oneWayRandom" : false,
"twoWay" : true,
"whirlpool" : true
"server" : {
"enemyAI" : "BattleAI",
"friendlyAI" : "BattleAI",
"localInformation" : 2,
"neutralAI" : "BattleAI",
"playerAI" : "VCAI",
"port" : 3030,
"server" : ""
"session" : {
"disable-shm" : false,
"donotstartserver" : false,
"enable-shm-uuid" : false,
"onlyai" : false,
"saveprefix" : "",
"serverport" : 0
"video" : {
"bitsPerPixel" : 32,
"displayIndex" : 0,
"driver" : "opengl",
"fullscreen" : true,
"realFullscreen" : false,
"screenRes" : {
"height" : 600,
"width" : 800
"showIntro" : false,
"spellbookAnimation" : true
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\config\resolutions.json
INFO global [f50] - Loading settings: 510 ms
INFO global [f50] - Found 4 render drivers
INFO global [f50] - direct3d
INFO global [f50] - direct3d11
INFO global [f50] - opengl (active)
INFO global [f50] - software
INFO global [f50] - Check display mode: requested 800 x 600; available up to 1366 x 768
INFO global [f50] - Created renderer opengl
INFO global [f50] - Initializing screen: 249 ms
INFO global [f50] - Initializing video: 10 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\ambientSounds.json
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/WIN BATTLE
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/UNDERGROUND
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/ULTIMATELOSE
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/TOWERTOWN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/STRONGHOLD
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/SURRENDER BATTLE
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT02
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC11
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC09
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC07
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/NECROTOWN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC06
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CSTLETOWN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC04
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC05
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEDBCAMPAIGN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/SNOW
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/DUNGEON
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC08
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/RETREAT BATTLE
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC03
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC02
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEPFCAMPAIGN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME2
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEFLCAMPAIGN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEFWCAMPAIGN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/ELEMTOWN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME1
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/GOODTHEME
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/LAVA
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEABCAMPAIGN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEDSCAMPAIGN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT01
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/SWAMP
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC10
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/WIN SCENARIO
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECOMBAT
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC01
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT03
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/DEFEND CASTLE
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/WATER
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/DIRT
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/EVILTHEME
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/FORTRESSTOWN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/SECRETTHEME
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/INFERNOTOWN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/LOSE CAMPAIN
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/GRASS
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/MAINMENU
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECASTLE
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT04
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/NEUTRALTHEME
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/RAMPART
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/ROUGH
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/LOOPLEPR
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME0
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/SAND
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/FORGE/THEME
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/FORGE/THEMEA
TRACE global [f50] - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/IMPERIUM
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\terrains.json
INFO global [f50] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 210 ms
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Loading hardcoded features settings from [.\config\defaultMods.json], result:
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\defaultMods.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\defaultMods.json
DEBUG mod [ff8] - CREEP_SIZE 4000
DEBUG mod [ff8] - WEEKLY_GROWTH 10
DEBUG mod [ff8] - STACK_EXP 0
DEBUG mod [ff8] - COMMANDERS 0
DEBUG mod [ff8] - MITHRIL 0
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\bonuses.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\bonuses_texts.json
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RANGED_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DESTRUCTION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DISGUISED
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FEAR
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FIRST_STRIKE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FLYING
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type GARGOYLE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type HATE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type HEALER
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type KING1
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type KING2
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type KING3
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NONE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type RANGED_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SOUL_STEAL
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SUMMON_GUARDIANS
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type SYNERGY_TARGET
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type TRANSMUTATION
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type VISIONS
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [ff8] - Loaded bonus type WIDE_BREATH
INFO global [ff8] - Bonus type handler: 12 ms
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\translate.json
INFO global [ff8] - General text handler: 13 ms
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\obstacles.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\terrains.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.dirt as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.sand as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.grass as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.snow as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.swamp as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.rough as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.subterra as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.lava as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.water as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered terrain.rock as core:9
INFO global [ff8] - Hero handler: 11 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Artifact handler: 1 ms
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\commanders.json
INFO global [ff8] - Creature handler: 1 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Town handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [ff8] - Reading resources prices
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\resources.json
TRACE global [ff8] - Done loading resource prices!
INFO global [ff8] - Object handler: 1 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Object types information handler: 0 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Spell handler: 0 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Skill handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json
INFO global [ff8] - Terrain view pattern handler: 2 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Template handler: 1 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Initializing handlers: 42 ms
INFO mod [ff8] - Initializing content handler: 0 ms
TRACE mod [ff8] - Generating checksum for forge
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\mod.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberZombie.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\general.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\seprinteer.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\leane.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\rengist.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\spells.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\texts.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpTrooper.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\singhel.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyromaniac.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Stringer.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\creature-names2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\technik.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\resurrecta.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\structures.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyHunter.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpSoldier.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechFighter.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\karen.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechWarrior.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyFighter.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\siege.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Militian.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\cistrict.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyro.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\maximus.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\niclas.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Guard.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\GruntSoldier.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\FootSoldier.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\minore.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\tarkin.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\julian.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-info3.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Tank.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\meltes.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\faction.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\sunni.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\charity.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Juggernaut.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\dwellings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberDead.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\heavystringer.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Bruiser.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-class3.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Dreadnought.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kastore.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - Generating checksum for imperium
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\mod.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Ranin.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\structures.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\artifacts\BoltCannonArt.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Patricia.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\BoltCannon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\dwellings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Svetlana.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\summonDemon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Noli.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Susan.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\spells\summonDemon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Nariko.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\baron.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Vseglas.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Brooke.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\HighPriestess.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Salvirana.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\mlitaryShop.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Helena.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Tarinus.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sashira.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\faction.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Kasumi.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Volh.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Aprix.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Stefan.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3net.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\advisor.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\siege.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sveneld.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - Generating checksum for vcmi
TRACE global [ff8] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\mod.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - Generating checksum for vcmi.bonusicons
TRACE global [ff8] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - Generating checksum for vcmi.extraresolutions
TRACE global [ff8] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\config\resolutions.json
INFO mod [ff8] - [b90914e6]Original game files
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\artifacts.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\creatures\special.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\castle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\tower.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroClasses.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\heroes\special.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\objects\generic.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\objects\rewardable.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\skills.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\spells\other.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\spells\timed.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\spells\ability.json
INFO mod [ff8] - [c24a62da]Forge town
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Guard.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/GUARD is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Militian.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/MILITIAN is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\GruntSoldier.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/GRUNTSOLDIER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\FootSoldier.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/FOOTSOLDIER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberDead.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/CYBERDEAD is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberZombie.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/CYBERZOMBIE is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyro.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/PYRO is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyromaniac.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/PYROMANIAC is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechFighter.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/MECHFIGHTER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 32, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 36, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechWarrior.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/MECHWARRIOR is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Stringer.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/STRINGER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Bruiser.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/BRUISER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\heavystringer.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/HEAVYSTRINGER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpSoldier.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/JUMPSOLDIER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpTrooper.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/JUMPTROOPER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyFighter.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/SKYFIGHTER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyHunter.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/SKYHUNTER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Juggernaut.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/JUGGERNAUT is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 32, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 36, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Dreadnought.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/DREADNOUGHT is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 32, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 36, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\creature-names2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\faction.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\siege.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\spells.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\structures.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\texts.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\general.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\technik.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-class3.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\seprinteer.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\julian.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\meltes.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\singhel.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\niclas.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\charity.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\sunni.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kastore.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\rengist.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\minore.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\leane.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\tarkin.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\maximus.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\cistrict.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\karen.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\resurrecta.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-info3.json
WARN mod [ff8] - File CONFIG/FORGE/HEROES/TEXTS-INFO3 is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [ff8] - At line 1, position 0 error: Not a valid UTF-8 file
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\dwellings.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from forge
INFO mod [ff8] - [cb99cca2]Imperium
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\artifacts\BoltCannonArt.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up2.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7up.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3net.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\HighPriestess.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\BoltCannon.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\faction.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\siege.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\structures.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\advisor.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\baron.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Aprix.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Brooke.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sashira.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Helena.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Kasumi.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Nariko.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Noli.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Patricia.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Ranin.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Salvirana.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Stefan.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sveneld.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Svetlana.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Susan.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Tarinus.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Volh.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Vseglas.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\dwellings.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\mlitaryShop.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from imperium
TRACE mod [ff8] - Patching object warMachineFactory (core) from imperium
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\spells\summonDemon.json
INFO mod [ff8] - [b0a6651d]VCMI essential files
INFO mod [ff8] - [f8bb9d7f]Creature bonus icons
INFO mod [ff8] - [953217fc]Extra resolutions
INFO mod [ff8] - Parsing mod data: 357 ms
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(admiralsHat) at index 136
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.admiralsHat as core:136
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ambassadorsSash) at index 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ammoCart as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(amuletOfTheUndertaker) at index 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(angelFeatherArrows) at index 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(angelWings) at index 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.angelWings as core:72
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(angelicAlliance) at index 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(armageddonsBlade) at index 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(armorOfTheDamned) at index 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(armorOfWonder) at index 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(armsOfLegion) at index 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(badgeOfCourage) at index 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ballista as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(birdOfPerception) at index 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(blackshardOfTheDeadKnight) at index 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfLevitation) at index 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfPolarity) at index 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfSpeed) at index 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfElvenCherrywood) at index 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfTheSharpshooter) at index 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane) at index 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfBrimstone) at index 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfPetrifiedWood) at index 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bucklerOfTheGnollKing) at index 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(capeOfConjuring) at index 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(capeOfVelocity) at index 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cardsOfProphecy) at index 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.catapult as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(celestialNecklaceOfBliss) at index 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(centaurAxe) at index 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.centaurAxe as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(charmOfMana) at index 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.charmOfMana as core:73
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cloakOfTheUndeadKing) at index 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cloverOfFortune) at index 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(collarOfConjuring) at index 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cornucopia) at index 140
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.cornucopia as core:140
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crestOfValor) at index 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.crestOfValor as core:50
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crownOfDragontooth) at index 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crownOfTheSupremeMagi) at index 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deadMansBoots) at index 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(diplomatsRing) at index 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleArmor) at index 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleShield) at index 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dragonWingTabard) at index 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dragonboneGreaves) at index 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(elixirOfLife) at index 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(emblemOfCognizance) at index 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(endlessBagOfGold) at index 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(endlessPurseOfGold) at index 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(endlessSackOfGold) at index 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(equestriansGloves) at index 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(everflowingCrystalCloak) at index 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(everpouringVialOfMercury) at index 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(eversmokingRingOfSulfur) at index 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.firstAidTent as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(garnitureOfInterference) at index 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(glyphOfGallantry) at index 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(goldTowerArrow) at index 142
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.goldTowerArrow as core:142
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(goldenBow) at index 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.goldenBow as core:91
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.grail as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(greaterGnollsFlail) at index 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(headOfLegion) at index 122
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.headOfLegion as core:122
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hellstormHelmet) at index 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfChaos) at index 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment) at index 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn) at index 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hourglassOfTheEvilHour) at index 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfLumber) at index 114
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfOre) at index 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ladybirdOfLuck) at index 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(legsOfLegion) at index 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lionsShieldOfCourage) at index 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(loinsOfLegion) at index 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicWand) at index 141
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.magicWand as core:141
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monstersPower) at index 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.monstersPower as core:143
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mysticOrbOfMana) at index 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfDragonteeth) at index 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfOceanGuidance) at index 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfSwiftness) at index 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ogresClubOfHavoc) at index 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfDrivingRain) at index 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfInhibition) at index 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfSilt) at index 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTempestuousFire) at index 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTheFirmament) at index 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfVulnerability) at index 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfCourage) at index 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDeath) at index 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDispassion) at index 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfFreeWill) at index 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfHoliness) at index 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfLife) at index 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfNegativity) at index 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfSecondSight) at index 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfTotalRecall) at index 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(powerOfTheDragonFather) at index 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(quietEyeOfTheDragon) at index 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(recantersCloak) at index 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.recantersCloak as core:83
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(redDragonFlameTongue) at index 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ribCage) at index 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ribCage as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfConjuring) at index 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfInfiniteGems) at index 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfLife) at index 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ringOfLife as core:95
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheMagi) at index 139
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheWayfarer) at index 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfVitality) at index 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sandalsOfTheSaint) at index 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk) at index 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(seaCaptainsHat) at index 123
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sentinelsShield) at index 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shacklesOfWar) at index 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDamned) at index 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDwarvenLords) at index 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheYawningDead) at index 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(skullHelmet) at index 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.skullHelmet as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(speculum) at index 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.speculum as core:52
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(spellBook) at index 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.spellBook as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.spellScroll as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(spellbindersHat) at index 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sphereOfPermanence) at index 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(spiritOfOppression) at index 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(spyglass) at index 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.spyglass as core:53
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(statesmansMedal) at index 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(statueOfLegion) at index 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stillEyeOfTheDragon) at index 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stoicWatchman) at index 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(surcoatOfCounterpoise) at index 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfHellfire) at index 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfJudgement) at index 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(talismanOfMana) at index 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(targOfTheRampagingOgre) at index 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thunderHelmet) at index 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(titansCuirass) at index 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.titansCuirass as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(titansGladius) at index 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.titansGladius as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(titansThunder) at index 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.titansThunder as core:135
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfAirMagic) at index 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfEarthMagic) at index 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfFireMagic) at index 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfWaterMagic) at index 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(torsoOfLegion) at index 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tunicOfTheCyclopsKing) at index 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vampiresCowl) at index 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vialOfDragonBlood) at index 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vialOfLifeblood) at index 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wizardsWell) at index 138
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.wizardsWell as core:138
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 112
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.airElemental as core:112
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.airElementals as core:112
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 148
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ammoCart as core:148
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ancientBehemoth) at index 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ancientBehemoth as core:97
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(angel) at index 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.angel as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(archDevil) at index 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.archDevil as core:55
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(archMage) at index 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.archMage as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(archangel) at index 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.archangel as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(archer) at index 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.archer as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.lightCrossbowman as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(arrowTower) at index 149
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.arrowTower as core:149
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(azureDragon) at index 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.azureDragon as core:132
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 146
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ballista as core:146
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(basilisk) at index 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.basilisk as core:106
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(battleDwarf) at index 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.battleDwarf as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(behemoth) at index 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.behemoth as core:96
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(beholder) at index 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.beholder as core:74
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(blackDragon) at index 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.blackDragon as core:83
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(blackKnight) at index 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.blackKnight as core:66
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(boar) at index 140
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.boar as core:140
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(boneDragon) at index 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.boneDragon as core:68
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 145
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.catapult as core:145
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cavalier) at index 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.cavalier as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(centaur) at index 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.centaur as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(centaurCaptain) at index 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.centaurCaptain as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cerberus) at index 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.cerberus as core:47
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(champion) at index 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.champion as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(chaosHydra) at index 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.chaosHydra as core:111
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crusader) at index 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.crusader as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crystalDragon) at index 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.crystalDragon as core:133
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cyclop) at index 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.cyclop as core:94
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cyclopKing) at index 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.cyclopKing as core:95
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(demon) at index 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.demon as core:48
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dendroidGuard) at index 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.dendroidGuard as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dendroidSoldier) at index 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.dendroidSoldier as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(devil) at index 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.devil as core:54
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(diamondGolem) at index 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.diamondGolem as core:117
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dreadKnight) at index 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.dreadKnight as core:67
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dwarf) at index 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.dwarf as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.earthElemental as core:113
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(efreet) at index 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.efreet as core:52
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(efreetSultan) at index 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.efreetSultan as core:53
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(enchanter) at index 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.enchanter as core:136
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.enchanters as core:136
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(energyElemental) at index 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.energyElemental as core:129
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(evilEye) at index 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.evilEye as core:75
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fairieDragon) at index 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.fairieDragon as core:134
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(familiar) at index 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.familiar as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireDragonFly) at index 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.fireDragonFly as core:105
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 114
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.fireElemental as core:114
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(firebird) at index 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.firebird as core:130
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 147
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.firstAidTent as core:147
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(genie) at index 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.genie as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ghostDragon) at index 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ghostDragon as core:69
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(giant) at index 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.giant as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gnoll) at index 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.gnoll as core:98
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gnollMarauder) at index 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.gnollMarauder as core:99
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(goblin) at index 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.goblin as core:84
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.goblins as core:84
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(goblinWolfRider) at index 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.goblinWolfRider as core:86
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gog) at index 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.gog as core:44
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(goldDragon) at index 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.goldDragon as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(goldGolem) at index 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.goldGolem as core:116
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gorgon) at index 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.gorgon as core:102
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(grandElf) at index 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.grandElf as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(greaterBasilisk) at index 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.greaterBasilisk as core:107
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(greenDragon) at index 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.greenDragon as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gremlin) at index 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.gremlin as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.apprenticeGremlin as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(griffin) at index 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.griffin as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(halberdier) at index 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.halberdier as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(halfling) at index 138
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.halfling as core:138
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(harpy) at index 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.harpy as core:72
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(harpyHag) at index 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.harpyHag as core:73
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hellHound) at index 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.hellHound as core:46
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblin) at index 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.hobgoblin as core:85
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblinWolfRider) at index 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hornedDemon) at index 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.hornedDemon as core:49
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hydra) at index 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.hydra as core:110
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(iceElemental) at index 123
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.iceElemental as core:123
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(imp) at index 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.imp as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(infernalTroglodyte) at index 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.infernalTroglodyte as core:71
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ironGolem) at index 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ironGolem as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lich) at index 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.lich as core:64
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lizardWarrior) at index 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.lizardWarrior as core:101
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lizardman) at index 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.lizardman as core:100
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.primitiveLizardman as core:100
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mage) at index 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.mage as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicElemental) at index 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.magicElemental as core:121
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magmaElemental) at index 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.magmaElemental as core:125
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magog) at index 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.magog as core:45
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(manticore) at index 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.manticore as core:80
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(marksman) at index 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.marksman as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(masterGenie) at index 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.masterGenie as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(masterGremlin) at index 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.masterGremlin as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(medusa) at index 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.medusa as core:76
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(medusaQueen) at index 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.medusaQueen as core:77
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mightyGorgon) at index 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.mightyGorgon as core:103
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(minotaur) at index 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.minotaur as core:78
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(minotaurKing) at index 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.minotaurKing as core:79
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monk) at index 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.monk as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mummy) at index 141
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.mummy as core:141
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(naga) at index 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.naga as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(nagaQueen) at index 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.nagaQueen as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(nomad) at index 142
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.nomad as core:142
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(obsidianGargoyle) at index 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.obsidianGargoyle as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ogre) at index 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ogre as core:90
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ogreMage) at index 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.ogreMage as core:91
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orc) at index 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.orc as core:88
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orcChieftain) at index 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.orcChieftain as core:89
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(peasant) at index 139
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.peasant as core:139
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pegasus) at index 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pegasus as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(phoenix) at index 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.phoenix as core:131
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pikeman) at index 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pikeman as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pitFiend) at index 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pitFiend as core:50
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pitLord) at index 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pitLord as core:51
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pixie) at index 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pixie as core:118
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pixies as core:118
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(powerLich) at index 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.powerLich as core:65
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(psychicElemental) at index 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.psychicElemental as core:120
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(redDragon) at index 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.redDragon as core:82
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(roc) at index 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.roc as core:92
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rogue) at index 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.rogue as core:143
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(royalGriffin) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.royalGriffin as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rustDragon) at index 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.rustDragon as core:135
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(scorpicore) at index 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.scorpicore as core:81
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(serpentFly) at index 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.serpentFly as core:104
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.dragonFly as core:104
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sharpshooter) at index 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.sharpshooter as core:137
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.sharpshooters as core:137
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(silverPegasus) at index 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.silverPegasus as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(skeleton) at index 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.skeleton as core:56
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(skeletonWarrior) at index 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.skeletonWarrior as core:57
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sprite) at index 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.sprite as core:119
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGargoyle) at index 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.stoneGargoyle as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGolem) at index 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.stoneGolem as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stormElemental) at index 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.stormElemental as core:127
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(swordsman) at index 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.swordsman as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thunderbird) at index 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.thunderbird as core:93
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(titan) at index 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.titan as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(troglodyte) at index 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.troglodyte as core:70
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(troll) at index 144
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.troll as core:144
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(unicorn) at index 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.unicorn as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(unused122) at index 122
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.unused122 as core:122
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(unused124) at index 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.unused124 as core:124
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(unused126) at index 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.unused126 as core:126
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(unused128) at index 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.unused128 as core:128
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vampire) at index 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.vampire as core:62
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vampireLord) at index 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.vampireLord as core:63
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(walkingDead) at index 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.walkingDead as core:58
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.zombie as core:58
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(warUnicorn) at index 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.warUnicorn as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.waterElemental as core:115
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.waterElementals as core:115
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wight) at index 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.wight as core:60
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(woodElf) at index 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.woodElf as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wraith) at index 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.wraith as core:61
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wyvern) at index 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.wyvern as core:108
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wyvernMonarch) at index 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.wyvernMonarch as core:109
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(zealot) at index 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.zealot as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(zombieLord) at index 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.zombieLord as core:59
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(castle) at index 0
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.castle as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(conflux) at index 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.extraCityHall as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.extraTownHall as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.conflux.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.conflux as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dungeon) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dungeon.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.dungeon as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fortress) at index 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fortress.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.fortress as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.horde2 as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.horde2Upgr as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.inferno.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.inferno as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(necropolis) at index 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.extraCityHall as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.extraTownHall as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.necropolis.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.necropolis as core:4
WARN mod [ff8] - no original data in loadMod(neutral) at index 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.neutral as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rampart) at index 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.extraCityHall as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.extraTownHall as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.horde2 as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.horde2Upgr as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.rampart.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.rampart as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stronghold) at index 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.stronghold.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.stronghold as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tower) at index 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tower.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.tower as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(alchemist) at index 4
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.alchemist as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(barbarian) at index 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.barbarian as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(battlemage) at index 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.battlemage as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(beastmaster) at index 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.beastmaster as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cleric) at index 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.cleric as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deathknight) at index 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.deathknight as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(demoniac) at index 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.demoniac as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(druid) at index 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.druid as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(elementalist) at index 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.elementalist as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(heretic) at index 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.heretic as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(knight) at index 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.knight as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(necromancer) at index 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.necromancer as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(overlord) at index 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.overlord as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(planeswalker) at index 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.planeswalker as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ranger) at index 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.ranger as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(warlock) at index 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.warlock as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(witch) at index 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.witch as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wizard) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.wizard as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(adela) at index 9
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.adela as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(adelaide) at index 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.adelaide as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(adrienne) at index 145
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.adrienne as core:145
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(aenain) at index 141
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.aenain as core:141
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(aeris) at index 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.aeris as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(aine) at index 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.aine as core:47
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(aislinn) at index 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.aislinn as core:73
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ajit) at index 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ajit as core:83
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(alagar) at index 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.alagar as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(alamar) at index 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.alamar as core:88
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(alkin) at index 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.alkin as core:116
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(andra) at index 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.andra as core:126
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(arlach) at index 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.arlach as core:81
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ash) at index 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ash as core:61
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(astral) at index 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.astral as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(axsis) at index 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.axsis as core:58
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ayden) at index 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ayden as core:56
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(boragus) at index 154
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.boragus as core:154
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(brissa) at index 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.brissa as core:137
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(broghild) at index 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.broghild as core:119
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bron) at index 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.bron as core:112
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(caitlin) at index 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.caitlin as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(calh) at index 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.calh as core:53
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(calid) at index 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.calid as core:60
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(catherine) at index 146
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.catherine as core:146
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(charna) at index 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.charna as core:67
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(christian) at index 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.christian as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ciele) at index 138
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ciele as core:138
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(clancy) at index 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.clancy as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(clavius) at index 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.clavius as core:70
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(coronius) at index 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.coronius as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cragHack) at index 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.cragHack as core:102
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cuthbert) at index 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.cuthbert as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cyra) at index 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.cyra as core:46
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dace) at index 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.dace as core:82
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(damacon) at index 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.damacon as core:84
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(daremyth) at index 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.daremyth as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(darkstorn) at index 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.darkstorn as core:95
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deemer) at index 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.deemer as core:93
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dessa) at index 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.dessa as core:106
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dracon) at index 147
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.dracon as core:147
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(drakon) at index 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.drakon as core:113
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(edric) at index 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.edric as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(elleshar) at index 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.elleshar as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(erdamon) at index 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.erdamon as core:133
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fafner) at index 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.fafner as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fiona) at index 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.fiona as core:48
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fiur) at index 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.fiur as core:134
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(galthran) at index 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.galthran as core:71
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gelare) at index 142
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gelare as core:142
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gelu) at index 148
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gelu as core:148
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gem) at index 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gem as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(geon) at index 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.geon as core:92
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gerwulf) at index 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gerwulf as core:118
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gird) at index 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gird as core:104
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gretchin) at index 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gretchin as core:100
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(grindan) at index 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.grindan as core:143
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gundula) at index 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gundula as core:109
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gunnar) at index 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gunnar as core:85
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gurnisson) at index 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.gurnisson as core:97
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(halon) at index 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.halon as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ignatius) at index 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ignatius as core:51
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ignissa) at index 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ignissa as core:130
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ingham) at index 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ingham as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(inteus) at index 140
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.inteus as core:140
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(iona) at index 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.iona as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(isra) at index 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.isra as core:69
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ivor) at index 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ivor as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(jabarkas) at index 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.jabarkas as core:98
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(jaegar) at index 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.jaegar as core:89
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(jeddite) at index 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.jeddite as core:91
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(jenova) at index 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.jenova as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(josephine) at index 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.josephine as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(kalt) at index 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.kalt as core:135
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(kilgor) at index 149
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.kilgor as core:149
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(korbac) at index 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.korbac as core:117
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(krellion) at index 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.krellion as core:101
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(kyrre) at index 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.kyrre as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(labetha) at index 139
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.labetha as core:139
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lacus) at index 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.lacus as core:131
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lordHaart) at index 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.lordHaart as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lorelei) at index 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.lorelei as core:80
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(loynis) at index 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.loynis as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(luna) at index 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.luna as core:136
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(malcom) at index 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.malcom as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(malekith) at index 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.malekith as core:90
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(marius) at index 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.marius as core:50
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(melodia) at index 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.melodia as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mephala) at index 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.mephala as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(merist) at index 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.merist as core:124
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mirlanda) at index 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.mirlanda as core:120
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(moandor) at index 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.moandor as core:66
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monere) at index 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.monere as core:132
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mutare) at index 151
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.mutare as core:151
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mutareDrake) at index 153
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.mutareDrake as core:153
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(nagash) at index 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.nagash as core:79
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(neela) at index 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.neela as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(nimbus) at index 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.nimbus as core:75
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(nymus) at index 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.nymus as core:55
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(octavia) at index 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.octavia as core:52
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(olema) at index 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.olema as core:59
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(oris) at index 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.oris as core:110
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(orrin) at index 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.orrin as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pasis) at index 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.pasis as core:128
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(piquedram) at index 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.piquedram as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pyre) at index 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.pyre as core:54
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rashka) at index 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.rashka as core:49
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rion) at index 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.rion as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rissa) at index 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.rissa as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(roland) at index 152
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.roland as core:152
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rosic) at index 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.rosic as core:121
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ryland) at index 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ryland as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sandro) at index 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sandro as core:74
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sanya) at index 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sanya as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(saurug) at index 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.saurug as core:111
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sephinroth) at index 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sephinroth as core:94
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(septienna) at index 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.septienna as core:72
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(serena) at index 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.serena as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shakti) at index 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.shakti as core:87
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shiva) at index 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.shiva as core:99
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sirMullich) at index 144
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sirMullich as core:144
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(solmyr) at index 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.solmyr as core:45
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sorsha) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sorsha as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(straker) at index 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.straker as core:64
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(styg) at index 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.styg as core:125
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sylvia) at index 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sylvia as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(synca) at index 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.synca as core:86
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tamika) at index 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tamika as core:68
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tazar) at index 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tazar as core:115
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(terek) at index 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.terek as core:107
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thane) at index 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.thane as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thant) at index 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.thant as core:76
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(theodorus) at index 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.theodorus as core:44
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thorgrim) at index 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.thorgrim as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thunar) at index 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.thunar as core:129
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tiva) at index 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tiva as core:127
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(torosar ) at index 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.torosar as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tyraxor) at index 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tyraxor as core:103
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tyris) at index 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tyris as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ufretin) at index 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ufretin as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(uland) at index 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.uland as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(undeadHaart) at index 150
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.undeadHaart as core:150
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(valeska) at index 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.valeska as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(verdish) at index 123
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.verdish as core:123
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vey) at index 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.vey as core:105
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vidomina) at index 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.vidomina as core:78
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(vokial) at index 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.vokial as core:65
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(voy) at index 122
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.voy as core:122
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wystan) at index 114
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.wystan as core:114
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(xarfax) at index 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.xarfax as core:63
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(xeron) at index 155
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.xeron as core:155
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(xsi) at index 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.xsi as core:77
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(xyron) at index 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.xyron as core:57
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(yog) at index 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.yog as core:96
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(zubin) at index 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.zubin as core:108
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(zydar) at index 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.zydar as core:62
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(abandonedMine) at index 220
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\object.json
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object abandonedMine(220)::mine(7)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.abandonedMine as core:220
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(altarOfSacrifice) at index 2
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object altarOfSacrifice(2)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.altarOfSacrifice as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(arena) at index 4
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object arena(4)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.arena as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(artifact) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.artifact as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(blackMarket) at index 7
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object blackMarket(7)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.blackMarket as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(boat) at index 8
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object boat(8)::evil(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object boat(8)::good(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object boat(8)::neutral(2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.boat as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(borderGate) at index 212
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::black(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::brown(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::dblue(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::green(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::lblue(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::purple(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::red(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::white(6)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.borderGate as core:212
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(borderGuard) at index 9
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::black(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::brown(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::dblue(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::green(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::lblue(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::purple(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::red(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::white(6)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.borderGuard as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(buoy) at index 11
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object buoy(11)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.buoy as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cactus) at index 116
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cactus(116)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.cactus as core:116
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(campfire) at index 12
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object campfire(12)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.campfire as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(canyon) at index 117
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object canyon(117)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.canyon as core:117
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cartographer) at index 13
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::land(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::subterra(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::water(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.cartographer as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cloverField) at index 222
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cloverField(222)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.cloverField as core:222
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(corpse) at index 22
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object corpse(22)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.corpse as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(coverOfDarkness) at index 15
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object coverOfDarkness(15)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.coverOfDarkness as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crater) at index 118
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object crater(118)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.crater as core:118
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(creatureBank) at index 16
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::cyclopsStockpile(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::dragonFlyHive(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::dwarvenTreasury(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::griffinConservatory(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::inpCache(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::medusaStore(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::nagaBank(5)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.creatureBank as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorCommon) at index 17
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json
WARN mod [ff8] - Data in creatureGeneratorCommon is invalid!
WARN mod [ff8] - At /types/barracks/templates/default/animation
Error: Def file "forge/adventure-map/dwelling-1-fountain" was not found
TRACE mod [ff8] - creatureGeneratorCommon json: {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// core
"handler" : "dwelling",
// core
"index" : 17,
// core
"name" : "Creature Generator 1",
// core
"types" : {
// core
"airConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "airElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 7,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPAIR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"airstrip" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "jumpSoldier" ] ],
// forge
"name" : "Airstrip",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-5-tower",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "BAV" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"altarOfAir" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "airElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 69,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPAIR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfEarth" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "earthElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 70,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPEART" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfFire" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "fireElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 71,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfThought" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "psychicElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 60,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfWater" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "waterElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 72,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFOUN" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfWishes" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "genie" ] ],
// core
"index" : 18,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMAGI" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"ancientRefinery" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "skyFighter" ] ],
// forge
"guards" : true,
// forge
"name" : "Ancient Refinery",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-7-whirpool",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAB" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"archersTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "archer" ] ],
// core
"index" : 57,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPARCH" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"barracks" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gruntSoldier" ] ],
// core
"index" : 58,
// core
"name" : "Barracks",
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// core
"templates" : {
// core
"default" : {
// core
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-1-fountain",
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"basiliskPit" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "basilisk" ] ],
// core
"index" : 0,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMONS" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"behemothCrag" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "behemoth" ] ],
// core
"index" : 1,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPBEHE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"boarGlen" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "boar" ] ],
// core
"index" : 75,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"centaurStables" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "centaur" ] ],
// core
"index" : 6,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHORS" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"cliffNest" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "roc" ] ],
// core
"index" : 42,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPBIRD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"cloudTemple" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "giant" ] ],
// core
"index" : 44,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPTITA" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"crystalCavern" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "crystalDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 63,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"cursedTemple" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "skeleton" ] ],
// core
"index" : 54,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSKEL" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"cyclopsCave" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "cyclop" ] ],
// core
"index" : 9,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"demonGate" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "demon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 37,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dendroidArches" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "dendroidGuard" ] ],
// core
"index" : 45,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGARD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dragonCave" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "redDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 41,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDRAG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dragonCliffs" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "greenDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 24,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDRAG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dragonVault" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "boneDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 4,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDRAG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dwarfCottage" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "dwarf" ] ],
// core
"index" : 12,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDWAR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"earthConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "earthElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 13,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPEART" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"enchantedSpring" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pegasus" ] ],
// core
"index" : 50,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPPEGA" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"enchantersHollow" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "enchanter" ] ],
// core
"index" : 66,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"estate" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "vampire" ] ],
// core
"index" : 53,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"fireBasin" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "pyro" ] ],
// forge
"name" : "Fire Basin",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-3-fregate",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"fireConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "fireElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 16,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"fireLake" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "efreet" ] ],
// core
"index" : 14,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPVENT" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"forsakenPalace" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "devil" ] ],
// core
"index" : 10,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEVL" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"frozenCliffs" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "azureDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 62,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"garage" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "juggernaut" ] ],
// forge
"guards" : true,
// forge
"name" : "Garage",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-6-fort-nix",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "BBV", "VBA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"gnollHut" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gnoll" ] ],
// core
"index" : 20,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPORC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"goblinBarracks" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "goblin" ] ],
// core
"index" : 21,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGOBL" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"goldenPavilion" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "naga" ] ],
// core
"index" : 36,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPNAGA" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"gorgonLair" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gorgon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 23,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPBEHE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"graveyard" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "walkingDead" ] ],
// core
"index" : 55,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"griffinTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "griffin" ] ],
// core
"index" : 25,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGRIF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"guardhouse" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pikeman" ] ],
// core
"index" : 56,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPPIKE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hallOfDarkness" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "blackKnight" ] ],
// core
"index" : 3,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hallOfSins" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gog" ] ],
// core
"index" : 22,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPVENT" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"harpyLoft" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "harpy" ] ],
// core
"index" : 26,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHARP" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hellHole" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pitFiend" ] ],
// core
"index" : 40,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"homestead" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "woodElf" ] ],
// core
"index" : 15,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPELF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hovel" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "peasant" ] ],
// core
"index" : 74,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hydraPond" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "hydra" ] ],
// core
"index" : 28,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHYDR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"impCrucible" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "imp" ] ],
// core
"index" : 29,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// imperium
"itAngelOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv7" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Angel Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw7.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itArcherOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv2" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Archer Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw2.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itCavalierOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv6" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Cavalier Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw6.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAV" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itHoundOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv3" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Hound Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw3.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itMonkOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv5" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Monk Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw5.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAV" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itPikemanOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv1" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Pikeman Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw1.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itSpyOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv3net" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Spy Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw8.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itSwordsmanOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv4" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Swordsman Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw4.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"kennels" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "hellHound" ] ],
// core
"index" : 27,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDOG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"labyrinth" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "minotaur" ] ],
// core
"index" : 34,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPANIM" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"lizardDen" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "lizardman" ] ],
// core
"index" : 30,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPARCH" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"mageTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "mage" ] ],
// core
"index" : 31,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMAGI" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"magicForest" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "fairieDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 64,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"magicLantern" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pixie" ] ],
// core
"index" : 59,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"manticoreLair" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "manticore" ] ],
// core
"index" : 32,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMANT" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"mausoleum" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "lich" ] ],
// core
"index" : 52,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"medusaChapel" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "medusa" ] ],
// core
"index" : 33,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMEDU" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"monastery" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "monk" ] ],
// core
"index" : 35,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMONK" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"nomadTent" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "nomad" ] ],
// core
"index" : 77,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"ogreFort" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "ogre" ] ],
// core
"index" : 38,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPOGRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"orcTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "orc" ] ],
// core
"index" : 39,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPORC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"parapet" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "stoneGargoyle" ] ],
// core
"index" : 17,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGRIF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"pillarOfEyes" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "beholder" ] ],
// core
"index" : 2,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"portalOfGlory" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "angel" ] ],
// core
"index" : 8,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSANC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"pyre" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "firebird" ] ],
// core
"index" : 61,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"rogueCavern" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "rogue" ] ],
// core
"index" : 78,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"serpentFlyHive" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "serpentFly" ] ],
// core
"index" : 11,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPLEAR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"slaughterhouse" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "guard" ] ],
// forge
"name" : "Slaughterhouse",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-2-camp",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VAB" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"stingersPost" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "stringer" ] ],
// forge
"guards" : true,
// forge
"name" : "Stingers Post",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-4-nest",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "BBA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"sulfurousLair" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "rustDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 65,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"thatchedHut" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "halfling" ] ],
// core
"index" : 73,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"tombOfCurses" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "mummy" ] ],
// core
"index" : 76,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"tombOfSouls" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "wight" ] ],
// core
"index" : 48,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"trainingGrounds" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "cavalier" ] ],
// core
"index" : 5,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHORS" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"treetopTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "sharpshooter" ] ],
// core
"index" : 67,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"trollBridge" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "troll" ] ],
// core
"index" : 79,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"unicornGlade" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "unicorn" ] ],
// core
"index" : 68,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPUNIC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"unicornGladeBig" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "unicorn" ] ],
// core
"index" : 51,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPUNIC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"warren" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "troglodyte" ] ],
// core
"index" : 46,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"waterConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "waterElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 47,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFOUN" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"wolfPen" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "goblinWolfRider" ] ],
// core
"index" : 19,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPWOLF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"workshop" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gremlin" ] ],
// core
"index" : 43,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGREM" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"wyvernNest" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "wyvern" ] ],
// core
"index" : 49,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMONS" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::airConflux(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:airstrip(1000)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfAir(69)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfEarth(70)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfFire(71)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfThought(60)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWater(72)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWishes(18)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:ancientRefinery(1001)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::archersTower(57)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::barracks(58)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::basiliskPit(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::behemothCrag(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::boarGlen(75)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::centaurStables(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cliffNest(42)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cloudTemple(44)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::crystalCavern(63)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cursedTemple(54)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cyclopsCave(9)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::demonGate(37)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dendroidArches(45)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCave(41)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCliffs(24)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonVault(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dwarfCottage(12)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::earthConflux(13)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantedSpring(50)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantersHollow(66)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::estate(53)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:fireBasin(1002)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireConflux(16)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireLake(14)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forsakenPalace(10)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::frozenCliffs(62)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:garage(1003)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gnollHut(20)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goblinBarracks(21)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goldenPavilion(36)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gorgonLair(23)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::graveyard(55)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::griffinTower(25)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::guardhouse(56)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfDarkness(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfSins(22)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::harpyLoft(26)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hellHole(40)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::homestead(15)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hovel(74)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hydraPond(28)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::impCrucible(29)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itAngelOutpost(1004)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itArcherOutpost(1005)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itCavalierOutpost(1006)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itHoundOutpost(1007)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itMonkOutpost(1008)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itPikemanOutpost(1009)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itSpyOutpost(1010)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itSwordsmanOutpost(1011)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::kennels(27)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::labyrinth(34)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::lizardDen(30)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mageTower(31)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicForest(64)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicLantern(59)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::manticoreLair(32)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mausoleum(52)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::medusaChapel(33)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::monastery(35)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nomadTent(77)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ogreFort(38)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::orcTower(39)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::parapet(17)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pillarOfEyes(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::portalOfGlory(8)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pyre(61)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rogueCavern(78)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::serpentFlyHive(11)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:slaughterhouse(1012)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:stingersPost(1013)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::sulfurousLair(65)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::thatchedHut(73)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfCurses(76)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfSouls(48)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trainingGrounds(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::treetopTower(67)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trollBridge(79)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGlade(68)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGladeBig(51)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::warren(46)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::waterConflux(47)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wolfPen(19)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::workshop(43)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wyvernNest(49)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.creatureGeneratorCommon as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorSpecial) at index 20
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::elementalConflux(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::golemFactory(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.creatureGeneratorSpecial as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(crypt) at index 84
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object crypt(84)::crypt(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.crypt as core:84
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cursedGround) at index 21
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cursedGround(21)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.cursedGround as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cursedGroundDUPLICATE) at index 223
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object cursedGroundDUPLICATE(223)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE as core:223
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deadVegetation) at index 119
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object deadVegetation(119)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.deadVegetation as core:119
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(denOfThieves) at index 97
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object denOfThieves(97)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.denOfThieves as core:97
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(derelictShip) at index 24
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object derelictShip(24)::derelictShip(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.derelictShip as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(desertHills) at index 206
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object desertHills(206)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.desertHills as core:206
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dirtHills) at index 207
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object dirtHills(207)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.dirtHills as core:207
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dragonUtopia) at index 25
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object dragonUtopia(25)::dragonUtopia(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.dragonUtopia as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(event) at index 26
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object event(26)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.event as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(evilFog) at index 224
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object evilFog(224)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.evilFog as core:224
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(eyeOfTheMagi) at index 27
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object eyeOfTheMagi(27)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.eyeOfTheMagi as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(faerieRing) at index 28
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object faerieRing(28)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.faerieRing as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(favorableWinds) at index 225
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object favorableWinds(225)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.favorableWinds as core:225
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fieryFields) at index 226
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object fieryFields(226)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.fieryFields as core:226
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(flotsam) at index 29
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object flotsam(29)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.flotsam as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(flowers) at index 120
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object flowers(120)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:120
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfFortune) at index 30
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object fountainOfFortune(30)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.fountainOfFortune as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfYouth) at index 31
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object fountainOfYouth(31)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.fountainOfYouth as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(freelancersGuild) at index 213
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object freelancersGuild(213)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.freelancersGuild as core:213
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(frozenLake) at index 121
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object frozenLake(121)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.frozenLake as core:121
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(frozenLakeDUPLICATE) at index 172
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object frozenLakeDUPLICATE(172)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.frozenLakeDUPLICATE as core:172
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(gardenOfRevelation) at index 32
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object gardenOfRevelation(32)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.gardenOfRevelation as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(garrisonHorizontal) at index 33
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object garrisonHorizontal(33)::antiMagic(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object garrisonHorizontal(33)::normal(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.garrisonHorizontal as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(garrisonVertical) at index 219
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object garrisonVertical(219)::antiMagic(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object garrisonVertical(219)::normal(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.garrisonVertical as core:219
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 36
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object grail(36)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.grail as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(grassHills) at index 208
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object grassHills(208)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.grassHills as core:208
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hero) at index 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.hero as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(heroPlaceholder) at index 214
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object heroPlaceholder(214)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.heroPlaceholder as core:214
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hillFort) at index 35
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hillFort(35)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.hillFort as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hole) at index 124
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hole(124)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.hole as core:124
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(holyGround) at index 227
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object holyGround(227)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.holyGround as core:227
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hutOfTheMagi) at index 37
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hutOfTheMagi(37)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.hutOfTheMagi as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(idolOfFortune) at index 38
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::object(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::object1(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.idolOfFortune as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(kelp) at index 125
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object kelp(125)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.kelp as core:125
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(keymasterTent) at index 10
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::black(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::brown(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::dblue(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::green(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::lblue(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::purple(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::red(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::white(6)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.keymasterTent as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lake) at index 126
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object lake(126)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.lake as core:126
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lakeDUPLICATE) at index 177
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object lakeDUPLICATE(177)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.lakeDUPLICATE as core:177
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lavaFlow) at index 127
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object lavaFlow(127)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.lavaFlow as core:127
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lavaLake) at index 128
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object lavaLake(128)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.lavaLake as core:128
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(leanTo) at index 39
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object leanTo(39)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.leanTo as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(learningStone) at index 100
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object learningStone(100)::object(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object learningStone(100)::objectWoG(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.learningStone as core:100
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(libraryOfEnlightenment) at index 41
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object libraryOfEnlightenment(41)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lighthouse) at index 42
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object lighthouse(42)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.lighthouse as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(log) at index 130
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object log(130)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.log as core:130
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lucidPools) at index 228
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object lucidPools(228)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.lucidPools as core:228
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicClouds) at index 229
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object magicClouds(229)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.magicClouds as core:229
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicPlains) at index 46
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object magicPlains(46)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.magicPlains as core:46
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicPlainsDUPLICATE) at index 230
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object magicPlainsDUPLICATE(230)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE as core:230
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicSpring) at index 48
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object magicSpring(48)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.magicSpring as core:48
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicWell) at index 49
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object magicWell(49)::object(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object magicWell(49)::objectWoG(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.magicWell as core:49
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mandrake) at index 131
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mandrake(131)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mandrake as core:131
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(marlettoTower) at index 23
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object marlettoTower(23)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.marlettoTower as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mercenaryCamp) at index 51
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mercenaryCamp(51)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mercenaryCamp as core:51
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mermaids) at index 52
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mermaids(52)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mermaids as core:52
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mine) at index 53
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::abandoned(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::alchemistLab(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::crystalCavern(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::gemPond(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::goldMine(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::orePit(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::sawmill(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mine(53)::sulfurDune(3)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mine as core:53
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayEntrance) at index 43
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith1(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith2(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith3(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith4(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith5(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith6(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith7(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith8(7)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.monolithOneWayEntrance as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayExit) at index 44
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith1(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith2(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith3(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith4(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith5(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith6(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith7(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith8(7)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.monolithOneWayExit as core:44
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monolithTwoWay) at index 45
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith1(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith2(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith3(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith4(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith5(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith6(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith7(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith8(7)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.monolithTwoWay as core:45
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(monster) at index 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:54
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(moss) at index 132
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object moss(132)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.moss as core:132
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mound) at index 133
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mound(133)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mound as core:133
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mountain) at index 134
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mountain(134)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mountain as core:134
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mushrooms) at index 129
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mushrooms(129)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mushrooms as core:129
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mysticalGarden) at index 55
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object mysticalGarden(55)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.mysticalGarden as core:55
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(oakTrees) at index 135
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object oakTrees(135)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.oakTrees as core:135
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(oakTreesDUPLICATE) at index 186
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object oakTreesDUPLICATE(186)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.oakTreesDUPLICATE as core:186
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(oasis) at index 56
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object oasis(56)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.oasis as core:56
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(obelisk) at index 57
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object obelisk(57)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.obelisk as core:57
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(oceanBottle) at index 59
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object oceanBottle(59)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.oceanBottle as core:59
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(outcropping) at index 136
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object outcropping(136)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.outcropping as core:136
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pandoraBox) at index 6
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object pandoraBox(6)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.pandoraBox as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pillarOfFire) at index 60
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object pillarOfFire(60)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.pillarOfFire as core:60
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pineTrees) at index 137
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object pineTrees(137)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.pineTrees as core:137
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(plant) at index 189
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object plant(189)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.plant as core:189
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(prison) at index 62
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object prison(62)::prison(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.prison as core:62
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pyramid) at index 63
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object pyramid(63)::pyramid(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.pyramid as core:63
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(questGuard) at index 215
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object questGuard(215)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.questGuard as core:215
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rallyFlag) at index 64
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object rallyFlag(64)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.rallyFlag as core:64
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifact) at index 65
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomArtifact(65)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomArtifact as core:65
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMajor) at index 68
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomArtifactMajor(68)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomArtifactMajor as core:68
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMinor) at index 67
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomArtifactMinor(67)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomArtifactMinor as core:67
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactRelic) at index 69
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomArtifactRelic(69)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomArtifactRelic as core:69
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactTreasure) at index 66
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomArtifactTreasure(66)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomArtifactTreasure as core:66
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwelling) at index 216
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwelling(216)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomDwelling as core:216
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingFaction) at index 218
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectCastle(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectConflux(8)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectDungeon(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectFortress(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectInferno(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectNecropolis(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectRampart(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectStronghold(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectTower(2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomDwellingFaction as core:218
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingLvl) at index 217
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl1(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl2(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl3(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl4(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl5(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl6(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl7(6)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomDwellingLvl as core:217
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomHero) at index 70
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomHero(70)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomHero as core:70
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonster) at index 71
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonster(71)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonster as core:71
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel1) at index 72
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel1(72)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel1 as core:72
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel2) at index 73
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel2(73)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel2 as core:73
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel3) at index 74
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel3(74)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel3 as core:74
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel4) at index 75
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel4(75)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel4 as core:75
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel5) at index 162
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel5(162)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel5 as core:162
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel6) at index 163
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel6(163)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel6 as core:163
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel7) at index 164
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel7(164)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel7 as core:164
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomResource) at index 76
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomResource(76)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomResource as core:76
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(randomTown) at index 77
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object randomTown(77)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.randomTown as core:77
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(redwoodObservatory) at index 58
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object redwoodObservatory(58)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.redwoodObservatory as core:58
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(reef) at index 161
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object reef(161)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.reef as core:161
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(refugeeCamp) at index 78
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object refugeeCamp(78)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.refugeeCamp as core:78
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(resource) at index 79
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::crystal(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::gems(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::gold(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::mercury(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::mithril(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::ore(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::sulfur(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object resource(79)::wood(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.resource as core:79
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(riverDelta) at index 143
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object riverDelta(143)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.riverDelta as core:143
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 147
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object rock(147)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.rock as core:147
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(rocklands) at index 231
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object rocklands(231)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.rocklands as core:231
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(roughHills) at index 209
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object roughHills(209)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.roughHills as core:209
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sanctuary) at index 80
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object sanctuary(80)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.sanctuary as core:80
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sandDune) at index 148
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object sandDune(148)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.sandDune as core:148
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sandPit) at index 149
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object sandPit(149)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.sandPit as core:149
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 81
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object scholar(81)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.scholar as core:81
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfMagic) at index 47
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object schoolOfMagic(47)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.schoolOfMagic as core:47
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfWar) at index 107
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object schoolOfWar(107)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.schoolOfWar as core:107
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(seaChest) at index 82
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object seaChest(82)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.seaChest as core:82
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(seerHut) at index 83
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::0(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::1(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::2(2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.seerHut as core:83
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shipwreck) at index 85
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shipwreck(85)::shipwreck(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shipwreck as core:85
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shipwreckSurvivor) at index 86
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shipwreckSurvivor(86)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shipwreckSurvivor as core:86
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shipyard) at index 87
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shipyard(87)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shipyard as core:87
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel1) at index 88
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel1(88)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 as core:88
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel2) at index 89
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel2(89)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 as core:89
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel3) at index 90
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object1(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 as core:90
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shrub) at index 150
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object shrub(150)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.shrub as core:150
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sign) at index 91
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object sign(91)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.sign as core:91
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sirens) at index 92
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object sirens(92)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.sirens as core:92
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(skull) at index 151
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object skull(151)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.skull as core:151
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 93
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object spellScroll(93)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.spellScroll as core:93
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stables) at index 94
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object stables(94)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.stables as core:94
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(starAxis) at index 61
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object starAxis(61)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.starAxis as core:61
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stump) at index 153
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object stump(153)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.stump as core:153
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanGate) at index 103
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::object(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::objectWoG(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.subterraneanGate as core:103
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanRocks) at index 210
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object subterraneanRocks(210)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.subterraneanRocks as core:210
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(swampFoliage) at index 211
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object swampFoliage(211)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.swampFoliage as core:211
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(swanPond) at index 14
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object swanPond(14)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.swanPond as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tavern) at index 95
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object tavern(95)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.tavern as core:95
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(temple) at index 96
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object temple(96)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.temple as core:96
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(town) at index 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:98
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tradingPost) at index 221
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object tradingPost(221)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.tradingPost as core:221
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tradingPostDUPLICATE) at index 99
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object tradingPostDUPLICATE(99)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.tradingPostDUPLICATE as core:99
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(treasureChest) at index 101
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object treasureChest(101)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.treasureChest as core:101
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(treeOfKnowledge) at index 102
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object treeOfKnowledge(102)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.treeOfKnowledge as core:102
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(trees) at index 155
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object trees(155)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.trees as core:155
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(treesDUPLICATE) at index 199
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object treesDUPLICATE(199)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.treesDUPLICATE as core:199
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(university) at index 104
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object university(104)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:104
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(volcano) at index 158
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object volcano(158)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.volcano as core:158
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wagon) at index 105
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object wagon(105)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.wagon as core:105
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(warMachineFactory) at index 106
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object warMachineFactory(106)::imperium:mlitaryShop(1000)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object warMachineFactory(106)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.warMachineFactory as core:106
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(warriorTomb) at index 108
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object warriorTomb(108)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.warriorTomb as core:108
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(waterWheel) at index 109
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object waterWheel(109)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.waterWheel as core:109
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wateringHole) at index 110
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object wateringHole(110)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.wateringHole as core:110
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(whirlpool) at index 111
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object whirlpool(111)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.whirlpool as core:111
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(windmill) at index 112
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object windmill(112)::object(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.windmill as core:112
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(witchHut) at index 113
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object witchHut(113)::object(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object witchHut(113)::object1(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered object.witchHut as core:113
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(airMagic) at index 15
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill airMagic(15)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(15,airMagic): [("{Basic Air Magic}
Basic Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost.", [Air Magic +1]),("{Advanced Air Magic}
Advanced Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Air Magic +2]),("{Expert Air Magic}
Expert Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Air Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.airMagic as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.airMagic as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(archery) at index 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill archery(1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(1,archery): [("{Basic Archery}
Basic Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 10%.", [Archery +10]),("{Advanced Archery}
Advanced Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 25%.", [Archery +25]),("{Expert Archery}
Expert Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 50%.", [Archery +50])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.archery as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.archery as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(armorer) at index 23
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill armorer(23)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(23,armorer): [("{Basic Armorer}
Basic Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 5%.", [Armorer +5]),("{Advanced Armorer}
Advanced Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 10%.", [Armorer +10]),("{Expert Armorer}
Expert Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 15%.", [Armorer +15])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.armorer as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.armorer as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(artillery) at index 20
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill artillery(20)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(20,artillery): [("{Basic Artillery}
Basic Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots with a 50% chance to inflict double damage.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +50,Artillery]),("{Advanced Artillery}
Advanced Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots with a 75% chance to inflict double damage.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +75,Artillery +1]),("{Expert Artillery}
Expert Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots which inflict double damage.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +1])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.artillery as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.artillery as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(ballistics) at index 10
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill ballistics(10)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(10,ballistics): [("{Basic Ballistics}
Basic Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing aimed shots with increased damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +1]),("{Advanced Ballistics}
Advanced Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing two aimed shots with increased damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +2]),("{Expert Ballistics}
Expert Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing two aimed shots at maximum damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.ballistics as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.ballistics as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(diplomacy) at index 4
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill diplomacy(4)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(4,diplomacy): [("{Basic Diplomacy}
Basic Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 20%.", [Diplomacy +1,Diplomacy +20]),("{Advanced Diplomacy}
Advanced Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 40%.", [Diplomacy +2,Diplomacy +40]),("{Expert Diplomacy}
Expert Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 60%.", [Diplomacy +3,Diplomacy +60])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.diplomacy as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.diplomacy as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(eagleEye) at index 11
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill eagleEye(11)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(11,eagleEye): [("{Basic Eagle Eye}
Basic Eagle Eye gives your hero a 40% chance to learn any 1st or 2nd level spell used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +40,Eagle Eye +2]),("{Advanced Eagle Eye}
Advanced Eagle Eye gives your hero a 50% chance to learn any spell up to 3rd level used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +50,Eagle Eye +3]),("{Expert Eagle Eye}
Expert Eagle Eye gives your hero a 60% chance to learn any spell up to 4th level used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +60,Eagle Eye +4])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.eagleEye as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.eagleEye as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(earthMagic) at index 17
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill earthMagic(17)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(17,earthMagic): [("{Basic Earth Magic}
Basic Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost.", [Earth Magic +1]),("{Advanced Earth Magic}
Advanced Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Earth Magic +2]),("{Expert Earth Magic}
Expert Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Earth Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.earthMagic as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.earthMagic as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(estates) at index 13
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill estates(13)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(13,estates): [("{Basic Estates}
Your hero contributes 125 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +125]),("{Advanced Estates}
Your hero contributes 250 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +250]),("{Expert Estates}
Your hero contributes 500 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +500])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.estates as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.estates as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireMagic) at index 14
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill fireMagic(14)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(14,fireMagic): [("{Basic Fire Magic}
Basic Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost.", [Fire Magic +1]),("{Advanced Fire Magic}
Advanced Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Fire Magic +2]),("{Expert Fire Magic}
Expert Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Fire Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.fireMagic as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.fireMagic as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(firstAid) at index 27
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill firstAid(27)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(27,firstAid): [("{Basic First Aid}
Basic First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 50 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +50]),("{Advanced First Aid}
Advanced First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 75 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +75]),("{Expert First Aid}
Expert First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 100 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +100])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.firstAid as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.firstAid as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(intelligence) at index 24
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill intelligence(24)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(24,intelligence): [("{Basic Intelligence}
Basic Intelligence increases a hero's normal maximum spell points by 25%.", [Intelligence +25]),("{Advanced Intelligence}
Advanced Intelligence increases a hero's normal maximum spell points by 50%.", [Intelligence +50]),("{Expert Intelligence}
Expert Intelligence doubles a hero's normal maximum spell points.", [Intelligence +100])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.intelligence as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.intelligence as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(leadership) at index 6
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill leadership(6)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(6,leadership): [("{Basic Leadership}
Basic Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 1.", [Leadership +1]),("{Advanced Leadership}
Advanced Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 2.", [Leadership +2]),("{Expert Leadership}
Expert Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 3.", [Leadership +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.leadership as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.leadership as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(learning) at index 21
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill learning(21)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(21,learning): [("{Basic Learning}
Basic Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 5%.", [Learning +5]),("{Advanced Learning}
Advanced Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 10%.", [Learning +10]),("{Expert Learning}
Expert Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 15%.", [Learning +15])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.learning as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.learning as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(logistics) at index 2
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill logistics(2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(2,logistics): [("{Basic Logistics}
Basic Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 10%.", [Logistics +10]),("{Advanced Logistics}
Advanced Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 20%.", [Logistics +20]),("{Expert Logistics}
Expert Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 30%.", [Logistics +30])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.logistics as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.logistics as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(luck) at index 9
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill luck(9)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(9,luck): [("{Basic Luck}
Basic Luck increases your hero's luck by 1.", [Luck +1]),("{Advanced Luck}
Advanced Luck increases your hero's luck by 2.", [Luck +2]),("{Expert Luck}
Expert Luck increases your hero's luck by 3.", [Luck +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.luck as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.luck as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mysticism) at index 8
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill mysticism(8)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(8,mysticism): [("{Basic Mysticism}
Basic Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 2 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +1]),("{Advanced Mysticism}
Advanced Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 3 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +2]),("{Expert Mysticism}
Expert Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 4 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.mysticism as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.mysticism as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(navigation) at index 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill navigation(5)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(5,navigation): [("{Basic Navigation}
Basic Navigation increases your hero's movement points at sea by 50%.", [Navigation +50]),("{Advanced Navigation}
Advanced Navigation doubles your hero's movement points at sea.", [Navigation +100]),("{Expert Navigation}
Expert Navigation increases your hero's movement points at sea by 150%.", [Navigation +150])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.navigation as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.navigation as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(necromancy) at index 12
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill necromancy(12)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(12,necromancy): [("{Basic Necromancy}
Basic Necromancy allows 10% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +10]),("{Advanced Necromancy}
Advanced Necromancy allows 20% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +20]),("{Expert Necromancy}
Expert Necromancy allows 30% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +30])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.necromancy as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.necromancy as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(offence) at index 22
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill offence(22)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(22,offence): [("{Basic Offense}
Basic Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 10%.", [Offense +10]),("{Advanced Offense}
Advanced Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 20%.", [Offense +20]),("{Expert Offense}
Expert Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 30%.", [Offense +30])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.offence as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.offence as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(pathfinding) at index 0
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill pathfinding(0)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(0,pathfinding): [("{Basic Pathfinding}
Basic Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 25%.", [Pathfinding +25]),("{Advanced Pathfinding}
Advanced Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 50%.", [Pathfinding +50]),("{Expert Pathfinding}
Expert Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 75%.", [Pathfinding +75])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.pathfinding as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.pathfinding as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(resistance) at index 26
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill resistance(26)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(26,resistance): [("{Basic Resistance}
Basic Resistance endows a hero's troops with 5% magic resistance.", [Resistance +5]),("{Advanced Resistance}
Advanced Resistance endows a hero's troops with 10% magic resistance.", [Resistance +10]),("{Expert Resistance}
Expert Resistance endows a hero's troops with 20% magic resistance.", [Resistance +20])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.resistance as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.resistance as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 18
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill scholar(18)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(18,scholar): [("{Basic Scholar}
Basic Scholar allows heroes to teach each other 1st and 2nd level spells, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +2]),("{Advanced Scholar}
Advanced Scholar allows heroes to teach each other any spell up to 3rd level, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +3]),("{Expert Scholar}
Expert Scholar allows heroes to teach each other any spell up to 4th level, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +4])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.scholar as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.scholar as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(scouting) at index 3
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill scouting(3)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(3,scouting): [("{Basic Scouting}
Basic Scouting allows your hero to see 1 square further into the shroud.", [Scouting +1]),("{Advanced Scouting}
Advanced Scouting allows your hero to see 2 squares further into the shroud.", [Scouting +2]),("{Expert Scouting}
Expert Scouting allows your hero to see 3 squares further into the shroud.", [Scouting +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.scouting as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.scouting as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sorcery) at index 25
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill sorcery(25)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(25,sorcery): [("{Basic Sorcery}
Basic Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 5% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +5]),("{Advanced Sorcery}
Advanced Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 10% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +10]),("{Expert Sorcery}
Expert Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 15% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +15])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.sorcery as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.sorcery as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(tactics) at index 19
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill tactics(19)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(19,tactics): [("{Basic Tactics}
Basic Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within three hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +2]),("{Advanced Tactics}
Advanced Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within five hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +4]),("{Expert Tactics}
Expert Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within seven hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +6])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.tactics as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.tactics as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(waterMagic) at index 16
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill waterMagic(16)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(16,waterMagic): [("{Basic Water Magic}
Basic Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost.", [Water Magic +1]),("{Advanced Water Magic}
Advanced Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Water Magic +2]),("{Expert Water Magic}
Expert Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Water Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.waterMagic as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.waterMagic as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(wisdom) at index 7
DEBUG mod [ff8] - loaded secondary skill wisdom(7)
TRACE mod [ff8] - Skill(7,wisdom): [("{Basic Wisdom}
Basic Wisdom allows your hero to learn third level spells.", [Wisdom +1]),("{Advanced Wisdom}
Advanced Wisdom allows your hero to learn fourth level spells.", [Wisdom +2]),("{Expert Wisdom}
Expert Wisdom allows your hero to learn fifth level spells.", [Wisdom +3])]
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered skill.wisdom as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered secondarySkill.wisdom as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(acidBreath) at index 80
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.acidBreath as core:80
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(acidBreathDamage) at index 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.acidBreathDamage as core:81
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(age) at index 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Age
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.age as core:75
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Elemental
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.airElemental as core:69
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(airShield) at index 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Shield
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.airShield as core:28
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(animateDead) at index 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Animate Dead
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.animateDead as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(antiMagic) at index 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Anti-Magic
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.antiMagic as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(armageddon) at index 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Armageddon
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.armageddon as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(berserk) at index 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Berserk
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.berserk as core:59
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bind) at index 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bind
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.bind as core:72
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bless) at index 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bless
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.bless as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(blind) at index 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Blind
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.blind as core:62
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(bloodlust) at index 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bloodlust
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.bloodlust as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(chainLightning) at index 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Chain Lightning
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.chainLightning as core:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(clone) at index 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Clone
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.clone as core:65
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(counterstrike) at index 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Counterstrike
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.counterstrike as core:58
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(cure) at index 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Cure
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.cure as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(curse) at index 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Curse
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.curse as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deathCloud) at index 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.deathCloud as core:76
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deathRipple) at index 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Ripple
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.deathRipple as core:24
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(deathStare) at index 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Stare
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.deathStare as core:79
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(destroyUndead) at index 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Destroy Undead
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.destroyUndead as core:25
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dimensionDoor) at index 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dimension Door
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.dimensionDoor as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(disease) at index 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disease
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.disease as core:73
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(disguise) at index 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disguise
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.disguise as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dispel) at index 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.dispel as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(dispelHelpful) at index 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel Helpful Spells
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.dispelHelpful as core:78
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(disruptingRay) at index 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.disruptingRay as core:47
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Earth Elemental
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.earthElemental as core:67
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(earthquake) at index 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Earthquake
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.earthquake as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Elemental
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.fireElemental as core:66
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireShield) at index 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Shield
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.fireShield as core:29
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireWall) at index 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.fireWall as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fireball) at index 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.fireball as core:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fly) at index 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fly
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(forceField) at index 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Force Field
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.forceField as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(forgetfulness) at index 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Forgetfulness
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.forgetfulness as core:61
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(fortune) at index 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fortune
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.fortune as core:51
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(frenzy) at index 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.frenzy as core:56
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(frostRing) at index 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frost Ring
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.frostRing as core:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(haste) at index 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Haste
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.haste as core:53
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(hypnotize) at index 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Hypnotize
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.hypnotize as core:60
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(iceBolt) at index 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice Bolt
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.iceBolt as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(implosion) at index 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Implosion
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.implosion as core:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Inferno
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.inferno as core:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(landMine) at index 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.landMine as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(lightningBolt) at index 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Lightning Bolt
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.lightningBolt as core:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicArrow) at index 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Arrow
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.magicArrow as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(magicMirror) at index 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Mirror
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.magicMirror as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(meteorShower) at index 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Meteor Shower
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.meteorShower as core:23
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(mirth) at index 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Mirth
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.mirth as core:49
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(misfortune) at index 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Misfortune
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.misfortune as core:52
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(paralyze) at index 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Paralyze
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.paralyze as core:74
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(poison) at index 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Poison
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.poison as core:71
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(prayer) at index 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.prayer as core:48
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(precision) at index 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Precision
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.precision as core:44
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(protectAir) at index 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Air
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.protectAir as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(protectEarth) at index 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Earth
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.protectEarth as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(protectFire) at index 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Fire
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.protectFire as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(protectWater) at index 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Water
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.protectWater as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(quicksand) at index 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Quicksand
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.quicksand as core:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(removeObstacle) at index 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Remove Obstacle
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.removeObstacle as core:64
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(resurrection) at index 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Resurrection
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.resurrection as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sacrifice) at index 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Sacrifice
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.sacrifice as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(scuttleBoat) at index 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Scuttle Boat
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.scuttleBoat as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(shield) at index 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Shield
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.shield as core:27
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(slayer) at index 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Slayer
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.slayer as core:55
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(slow) at index 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Slow
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.slow as core:54
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(sorrow) at index 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Sorrow
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.sorrow as core:50
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGaze) at index 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Gaze
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.stoneGaze as core:70
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(stoneSkin) at index 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Skin
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.stoneSkin as core:46
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(summonBoat) at index 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Boat
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.summonBoat as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(teleport) at index 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Teleport
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.teleport as core:63
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(thunderbolt) at index 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Thunderbolt
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.thunderbolt as core:77
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(titanBolt) at index 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Titan's Lightning Bolt
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.titanBolt as core:57
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(townPortal) at index 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Town Portal
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.townPortal as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(viewAir) at index 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell View Air
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.viewAir as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(viewEarth) at index 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell View Earth
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.viewEarth as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(visions) at index 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Visions
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.visions as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Elemental
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.waterElemental as core:68
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(waterWalk) at index 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Walk
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.waterWalk as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - found original data in loadMod(weakness) at index 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Weakness
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.weakness as core:45
ERROR mod [ff8] - [FAIL] Original game files
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(bruiser)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.bruiser as forge:150
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(cyberDead)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.cyberDead as forge:151
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(cyberZombie)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.cyberZombie as forge:152
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(dreadnought)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.dreadnought as forge:153
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(footSoldier)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.footSoldier as forge:154
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(gruntSoldier)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.gruntSoldier as forge:155
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(guard)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.guard as forge:156
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(heavystringer)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.heavystringer as forge:157
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(juggernaut)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.juggernaut as forge:158
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(jumpSoldier)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.jumpSoldier as forge:159
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(jumpTrooper)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.jumpTrooper as forge:160
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(mechFighter)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.mechFighter as forge:161
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(mechWarrior)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.mechWarrior as forge:162
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(militian)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.militian as forge:163
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(pyro)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pyro as forge:164
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(pyromaniac)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.pyromaniac as forge:165
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(skyFighter)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.skyFighter as forge:166
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(skyHunter)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.skyHunter as forge:167
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(stringer)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.stringer as forge:168
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(forge)
WARN mod [ff8] - Data in forge is invalid!
WARN mod [ff8] - At <root>
Error: Unknown entry found: commander
At /town
Error: Unknown entry found: adventureMap
At /town/structures/blacksmith
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/capitol
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/castle
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/citadel
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/cityHall
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl3
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl4
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl5
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl6
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl7
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl3
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl4
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl5
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl6
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl7
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/fort
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/grail
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/horde1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/horde1Upgr
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/mageGuild1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/mageGuild2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/mageGuild3
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/marketplace
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/resourceSilo
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/ship
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/shipyard
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/special1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/special2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/tavern
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/townHall
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/villageHall
Error: Unknown entry found: id
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge json: {
// forge
"alignment" : "evil",
// forge
"commander" : "heavystringer",
// forge
"creatureBackground" : {
// forge
"120px" : "forge\/creature-bg-120px",
// forge
"130px" : "forge\/creature-bg-130px"
// forge
"name" : "Forge",
// forge
"nativeTerrain" : "dirt",
// forge
"puzzleMap" : {
// forge
"pieces" : [
// forge
// forge
"index" : 33,
// forge
"x" : 398,
// forge
"y" : 353
// forge
// forge
"index" : 2,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 11,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 51
// forge
// forge
"index" : 10,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 103
// forge
// forge
"index" : 6,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 215
// forge
// forge
"index" : 12,
// forge
"x" : 56,
// forge
"y" : 203
// forge
// forge
"index" : 30,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 288
// forge
// forge
"index" : 1,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 359
// forge
// forge
"index" : 28,
// forge
"x" : 71,
// forge
"y" : 329
// forge
// forge
"index" : 38,
// forge
"x" : 89,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 39,
// forge
"x" : 252,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 43,
// forge
"x" : 148,
// forge
"y" : 17
// forge
// forge
"index" : 40,
// forge
"x" : 112,
// forge
"y" : 220
// forge
// forge
"index" : 44,
// forge
"x" : 93,
// forge
"y" : 146
// forge
// forge
"index" : 36,
// forge
"x" : 79,
// forge
"y" : 154
// forge
// forge
"index" : 35,
// forge
"x" : 150,
// forge
"y" : 219
// forge
// forge
"index" : 37,
// forge
"x" : 235,
// forge
"y" : 15
// forge
// forge
"index" : 31,
// forge
"x" : 301,
// forge
"y" : 76
// forge
// forge
"index" : 47,
// forge
"x" : 390,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 42,
// forge
"x" : 199,
// forge
"y" : 86
// forge
// forge
"index" : 20,
// forge
"x" : 65,
// forge
"y" : 80
// forge
// forge
"index" : 9,
// forge
"x" : 92,
// forge
"y" : 365
// forge
// forge
"index" : 15,
// forge
"x" : 234,
// forge
"y" : 159
// forge
// forge
"index" : 24,
// forge
"x" : 245,
// forge
"y" : 146
// forge
// forge
"index" : 32,
// forge
"x" : 430,
// forge
"y" : 42
// forge
// forge
"index" : 16,
// forge
"x" : 546,
// forge
"y" : 39
// forge
// forge
"index" : 17,
// forge
"x" : 444,
// forge
"y" : 152
// forge
// forge
"index" : 14,
// forge
"x" : 321,
// forge
"y" : 149
// forge
// forge
"index" : 4,
// forge
"x" : 317,
// forge
"y" : 298
// forge
// forge
"index" : 19,
// forge
"x" : 261,
// forge
"y" : 296
// forge
// forge
"index" : 18,
// forge
"x" : 329,
// forge
"y" : 230
// forge
// forge
"index" : 27,
// forge
"x" : 454,
// forge
"y" : 212
// forge
// forge
"index" : 41,
// forge
"x" : 378,
// forge
"y" : 212
// forge
// forge
"index" : 45,
// forge
"x" : 65,
// forge
"y" : 429
// forge
// forge
"index" : 29,
// forge
"x" : 26,
// forge
"y" : 433
// forge
// forge
"index" : 46,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 462
// forge
// forge
"index" : 34,
// forge
"x" : 502,
// forge
"y" : 250
// forge
// forge
"index" : 25,
// forge
"x" : 419,
// forge
"y" : 286
// forge
// forge
"index" : 21,
// forge
"x" : 177,
// forge
"y" : 416
// forge
// forge
"index" : 23,
// forge
"x" : 174,
// forge
"y" : 468
// forge
// forge
"index" : 5,
// forge
"x" : 317,
// forge
"y" : 372
// forge
// forge
"index" : 8,
// forge
"x" : 222,
// forge
"y" : 380
// forge
// forge
"index" : 3,
// forge
"x" : 225,
// forge
"y" : 473
// forge
// forge
"index" : 22,
// forge
"x" : 209,
// forge
"y" : 512
// forge
// forge
"index" : 26,
// forge
"x" : 401,
// forge
"y" : 455
// forge
// forge
"index" : 13,
// forge
"x" : 500,
// forge
"y" : 362
// forge
// forge
"index" : 7,
// forge
"x" : 431,
// forge
"y" : 429
// forge
// forge
"index" : 0,
// forge
"x" : 367,
// forge
"y" : 412
// forge
"prefix" : "forge\/puzzle-map\/"
// forge
"town" : {
// forge
"adventureMap" : {
// forge
"capitol" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-capitol",
// forge
"castle" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle",
// forge
"dwellings" : [
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-2-camp",
// forge
"name" : "Slaughterhouse"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-1-fountain",
// forge
"name" : "Barracks"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-3-fregate",
// forge
"name" : "Fire Basin"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-5-tower",
// forge
"name" : "Airstrip"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-4-nest",
// forge
"name" : "Stingers Post"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-7-whirpool",
// forge
"name" : "Ancient Refinery"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-6-fort-nix",
// forge
"name" : "Garage"
// forge
"village" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-village"
// forge
"buildings" : {
// forge
"blacksmith" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "The Blacksmith provides your armies with Ballista.",
// forge
"id" : 16,
// forge
"name" : "Blacksmith"
// forge
"capitol" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 10000 },
// forge
"description" : "The Capitol earns your kingdom 4000 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 13,
// forge
"name" : "Capitol",
// forge
"requires" : [ "castle" ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "cityHall"
// forge
"castle" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 5000,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 10
// forge
"description" : "The Castle adds two arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses, and doubles base creature growth.",
// forge
"id" : 9,
// forge
"name" : "Castle",
// forge
"upgrades" : "citadel"
// forge
"citadel" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 2500,
// forge
"ore" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Including a 50% increase to base creature growth, the Citadel adds a keep, and other terrain obstacles, to a town's defenses.",
// forge
"id" : 8,
// forge
"name" : "Citadel",
// forge
"upgrades" : "fort"
// forge
"cityHall" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 5000 },
// forge
"description" : "The City Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 2000 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 12,
// forge
"name" : "City Hall",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "mageGuild1" ], [ "blacksmith" ], [ "marketplace" ] ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "townHall"
// forge
"dwellingLvl1" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Slaughterhouse allows to recruit Cyber Deads.",
// forge
"id" : 30,
// forge
"name" : "Slaughterhouse",
// forge
"requires" : [ "fort" ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"ore" : 10
// forge
"description" : "Barracks allow to recruit Grunt Soldiers.",
// forge
"id" : 31,
// forge
"name" : "Barracks",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl3" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gems" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"mercury" : 5,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Fire Basin allows to recruit Pyros.",
// forge
"id" : 32,
// forge
"name" : "Fire Basin",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl1" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl4" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 3,
// forge
"gems" : 3,
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"mercury" : 3,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 3,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Airstrip allows to recruit Jump Soldiers.",
// forge
"id" : 33,
// forge
"name" : "Airstrip",
// forge
"requires" : [ "dwellingLvl3" ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl5" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 3000,
// forge
"mercury" : 5,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Stingers Post allows to recruit Stingers.",
// forge
"id" : 34,
// forge
"name" : "Stingers Post",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl1" ], [ "dwellingLvl2" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl6" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gems" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 4000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Ancient Refinery allows to recruit Tanks.",
// forge
"id" : 35,
// forge
"name" : "Ancient Refinery",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl3" ], [ "dwellingLvl5" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl7" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 10,
// forge
"gems" : 10,
// forge
"gold" : 10000,
// forge
"mercury" : 10,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"sulfur" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 10
// forge
"description" : "Garage allows to recruit Juggernauts.",
// forge
"id" : 36,
// forge
"name" : "Garage",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl6" ], [ "mageGuild1" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl1" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Slaughterhouse allows to recruit Cyber Zombies.",
// forge
"id" : 37,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Slaughterhouse",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl1"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Barracks allow to recruit Foot Soldiers.",
// forge
"id" : 38,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Barracks",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl2"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl3" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Fire Basin allows to recruit Pyromaniacs.",
// forge
"id" : 39,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Fire Basin",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl3"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl4" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"mercury" : 5,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Airstrip allows to recruit Jump Troopers.",
// forge
"id" : 40,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Airstrip",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl4"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl5" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 10,
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Stingers Post allows to recruit Bruisers.",
// forge
"id" : 41,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Stingers Post",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl5"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl6" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 6,
// forge
"gems" : 6,
// forge
"gold" : 3000,
// forge
"mercury" : 6,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 6,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Ancient Refinery allows to recruit Heavy Tanks.",
// forge
"id" : 42,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Ancient Refinery",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl6"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl7" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 25000,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"sulfur" : 30,
// forge
"wood" : 10
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Garage allows to recruit Dreadnoughts.",
// forge
"id" : 43,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Garage",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl7"
// forge
"fort" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 5000,
// forge
"ore" : 20,
// forge
"wood" : 20
// forge
"description" : "The Fort provides your town with defensive walls.",
// forge
"id" : 7,
// forge
"name" : "Fort"
// forge
"grail" : {
// forge
"description" : "Summon Stone increases weekly creature generation by 50 percent, adds 5000 gold per day (undetermined).",
// forge
"id" : 26,
// forge
"mode" : "grail",
// forge
"name" : "Summon Stone"
// forge
"horde1" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 1000 },
// forge
"description" : "Barrack increases weekly production of Foot Soldiers by 6 per week.",
// forge
"id" : 18,
// forge
"name" : "Barrack",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl2"
// forge
"horde1Upgr" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 1000 },
// forge
"description" : "Barrack increases weekly production of Grunt Soldiers by 6 per week.",
// forge
"id" : 19,
// forge
"mode" : "auto",
// forge
"name" : "Barrack",
// forge
"requires" : [ "horde1" ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingUpLvl2"
// forge
"mageGuild1" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 0,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 1"
// forge
"mageGuild2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 4,
// forge
"gems" : 4,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 4,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 4,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 1,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 2",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild1"
// forge
"mageGuild3" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 6,
// forge
"gems" : 6,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 6,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 6,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 2,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 3",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild2"
// forge
"mageGuild4" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 8,
// forge
"gems" : 8,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 8,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 8,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 3,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 4",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild3"
// forge
"mageGuild5" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 10,
// forge
"gems" : 10,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 10,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 4,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 5",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild4"
// forge
"marketplace" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 500,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "With the Marketplace, you can buy and sell resources (exchange rates increase with each Marketplace you own).",
// forge
"id" : 14,
// forge
"name" : "Marketplace"
// forge
"resourceSilo" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 5000,
// forge
"ore" : 5
// forge
"description" : "The Resourse Silo provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day.",
// forge
"id" : 15,
// forge
"name" : "Resourse Silo",
// forge
"requires" : [ "marketplace" ]
// forge
"ship" : {
// forge
"description" : "The Shipyard allows you to purchase ships.",
// forge
"id" : 20,
// forge
"name" : "Shipyard"
// forge
"shipyard" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"wood" : 20
// forge
"description" : "The Shipyard allows you to purchase ships.",
// forge
"id" : 6,
// forge
"name" : "Shipyard"
// forge
"special1" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 1000 },
// forge
"description" : "Nanomedic increases luck of any visiting hero for next battle by +1.",
// forge
"id" : 17,
// forge
"name" : "Nanomedic",
// forge
"requires" : [ "resourceSilo" ]
// forge
"special2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gems" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 1000
// forge
"description" : "The Totem Pole increases the Power skill of any visiting hero by +1.",
// forge
"id" : 21,
// forge
"name" : "Totem Pole",
// forge
"requires" : [ "mageGuild1" ]
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 500,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "The Tavern increases morale for troops defending the city.",
// forge
"id" : 5,
// forge
"name" : "Tavern"
// forge
"townHall" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 2500 },
// forge
"description" : "The Town Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 1000 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 11,
// forge
"name" : "Town Hall",
// forge
"requires" : [ "tavern" ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "villageHall"
// forge
"villageHall" : {
// forge
"description" : "The Village Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 500 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 10,
// forge
"mode" : "auto",
// forge
"name" : "Village Hall"
// forge
"buildingsIcons" : "forge\/town-hall.def",
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "guard", "militian" ], [ "gruntSoldier", "footSoldier" ], [ "pyro", "pyromaniac" ], [ "jumpSoldier", "jumpTrooper" ], [ "stringer", "bruiser" ], [ "skyFighter", "skyHunter" ], [ "juggernaut", "dreadnought" ] ],
// forge
"defaultTavern" : 5,
// forge
"guildBackground" : "TPMAGE.bmp",
// forge
"guildSpells" : {
// forge
"airElemental" : 10,
// forge
"airShield" : 13,
// forge
"antiMagic" : 35,
// forge
"berserk" : 5,
// forge
"bless" : 0,
// forge
"bloodlust" : 32,
// forge
"chainLightning" : 10,
// forge
"clone" : 5,
// forge
"counterstrike" : 5,
// forge
"cure" : 31,
// forge
"curse" : 30,
// forge
"dimensionDoor" : 5,
// forge
"disguise" : 13,
// forge
"dispel" : 53,
// forge
"disruptingRay" : 35,
// forge
"earthElemental" : 20,
// forge
"earthquake" : 45,
// forge
"fireElemental" : 10,
// forge
"fireShield" : 5,
// forge
"fireWall" : 35,
// forge
"fireball" : 35,
// forge
"fly" : 5,
// forge
"forceField" : 40,
// forge
"forgetfulness" : 17,
// forge
"fortune" : 15,
// forge
"frenzy" : 5,
// forge
"frostRing" : 25,
// forge
"haste" : 43,
// forge
"hypnotize" : 13,
// forge
"iceBolt" : 25,
// forge
"implosion" : 20,
// forge
"inferno" : 5,
// forge
"landMine" : 69,
// forge
"lightningBolt" : 65,
// forge
"magicArrow" : 0,
// forge
"magicMirror" : 10,
// forge
"meteorShower" : 5,
// forge
"mirth" : 13,
// forge
"misfortune" : 25,
// forge
"prayer" : 5,
// forge
"precision" : 15,
// forge
"protectAir" : 20,
// forge
"protectEarth" : 13,
// forge
"protectFire" : 20,
// forge
"protectWater" : 0,
// forge
"quicksand" : 15,
// forge
"removeObstacle" : 25,
// forge
"resurrection" : 5,
// forge
"sacrifice" : 10,
// forge
"scuttleBoat" : 25,
// forge
"shield" : 31,
// forge
"slayer" : 5,
// forge
"slow" : 31,
// forge
"sorrow" : 20,
// forge
"stoneSkin" : 43,
// forge
"summonBoat" : 20,
// forge
"teleport" : 24,
// forge
"townPortal" : 15,
// forge
"viewAir" : 20,
// forge
"viewEarth" : 20,
// forge
"visions" : 13,
// forge
"waterElemental" : 10,
// forge
"waterWalk" : 5,
// forge
"weakness" : 25
// forge
"guildWindow" : "forge\/town-screen\/mage-guild",
// forge
"hallBackground" : "TPTHBKFR",
// forge
"hallSlots" : [ [ [ "villageHall", "townHall", "cityHall", "capitol" ], [ "fort", "citadel", "castle" ], [ "tavern" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ], [ [ "marketplace", "resourceSilo" ], [ "mageGuild1", "mageGuild2", "mageGuild3" ], [ "shipyard" ] ], [ [ "special2" ], [ "special1" ], [ "horde1", "horde1Upgr" ] ], [ [ "dwellingLvl1", "dwellingUpLvl1" ], [ "dwellingLvl2", "dwellingUpLvl2" ], [ "dwellingLvl3", "dwellingUpLvl3" ], [ "dwellingLvl4", "dwellingUpLvl4" ] ], [ [ "dwellingLvl5", "dwellingUpLvl5" ], [ "dwellingLvl6", "dwellingUpLvl6" ], [ "dwellingLvl7", "dwellingUpLvl7" ] ] ],
// forge
"horde" : [ 1 ],
// forge
"icons" : {
// forge
"fort" : {
// forge
"built" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/fort-builded-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/fort-builded-small.bmp"
// forge
"normal" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/fort-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/fort-small.bmp"
// forge
"village" : {
// forge
"built" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/hall-builded-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/hall-builded-small.bmp"
// forge
"normal" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/hall-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/hall-small.bmp"
// forge
"mageGuild" : 3,
// forge
"mapObject" : {
// forge
"filters" : {
// forge
"castle" : [ "allOf", [ "castle" ], [ "noneOf", [ "capitol" ] ] ],
// forge
"citadel" : [ "allOf", [ "citadel" ], [ "noneOf", [ "castle" ] ] ],
// forge
"fort" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "noneOf", [ "citadel" ] ] ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"capitol" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-capitol.def" },
// forge
"castle" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle.def" },
// forge
"citadel" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle.def" },
// forge
"fort" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle.def" },
// forge
"village" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-village.def" }
// forge
"moatDamage" : 90,
// forge
"musicTheme" : "music\/forge\/theme",
// forge
"names" : [ "Xanadu", "Hangval", "Jalina", "Firios", "Windhaven", "Bathiere", "Spring Falls", "Gem Moor", "Willow", "New Forest", "New Elfwind", "Wenlan", "Vintyl", "Sylina", "Hallin", "Rael" ],
// forge
"primaryResource" : "crystal",
// forge
"siege" : {
// forge
"gate" : {
// forge
"arch" : {
// forge
"x" : 486,
// forge
"y" : 232
// forge
"gate" : {
// forge
"x" : 408,
// forge
"y" : 254
// forge
"imagePrefix" : "forge\/siege\/sgfg",
// forge
"moat" : {
// forge
"bank" : {
// forge
"x" : 407,
// forge
"y" : 80
// forge
"moat" : {
// forge
"x" : 407,
// forge
"y" : 80
// forge
"shooter" : "gruntSoldier",
// forge
"static" : {
// forge
"background" : {
// forge
"x" : 600,
// forge
"y" : 50
// forge
"bottom" : {
// forge
"x" : 509,
// forge
"y" : 346
// forge
"top" : {
// forge
"x" : 490,
// forge
"y" : 97
// forge
"towers" : {
// forge
"bottom" : {
// forge
"battlement" : {
// forge
"x" : 608,
// forge
"y" : 505
// forge
"creature" : {
// forge
"x" : 382,
// forge
"y" : 308
// forge
"tower" : {
// forge
"x" : 608,
// forge
"y" : 505
// forge
"keep" : {
// forge
"battlement" : {
// forge
"x" : 736,
// forge
"y" : 159
// forge
"creature" : {
// forge
"x" : 529,
// forge
"y" : -42
// forge
"tower" : {
// forge
"x" : 736,
// forge
"y" : 159
// forge
"top" : {
// forge
"battlement" : {
// forge
"x" : 576,
// forge
"y" : 28
// forge
"creature" : {
// forge
"x" : 341,
// forge
"y" : -162
// forge
"tower" : {
// forge
"x" : 576,
// forge
"y" : 28
// forge
"walls" : {
// forge
"bottom" : {
// forge
"x" : 509,
// forge
"y" : 346
// forge
"bottomMid" : {
// forge
"x" : 468,
// forge
"y" : 299
// forge
"upper" : {
// forge
"x" : 521,
// forge
"y" : 41
// forge
"upperMid" : {
// forge
"x" : 471,
// forge
"y" : 147
// forge
"structures" : {
// forge
"blacksmith" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELblak.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELblak.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELblak.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 16,
// forge
"x" : 292,
// forge
"y" : 74,
// forge
"z" : 3
// forge
"capitol" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhal4.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhal4.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhal4.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 13,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"castle" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELcas3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELcas3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELcas3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 9,
// forge
"x" : 548,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"citadel" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELcas2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELcas2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELcas2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 8,
// forge
"x" : 572,
// forge
"y" : 37,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"cityHall" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhal3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhal3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhal3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 12,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"dwellingLvl1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_1.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_1.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_1.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 30,
// forge
"x" : 400,
// forge
"y" : 161,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"dwellingLvl2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_0.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_0.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_0.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 31,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingLvl3" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 32,
// forge
"x" : 340,
// forge
"y" : 261,
// forge
"z" : 15
// forge
"dwellingLvl4" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_4.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_4.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_4.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 33,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 231,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingLvl5" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 34,
// forge
"x" : 449,
// forge
"y" : 166,
// forge
"z" : 8
// forge
"dwellingLvl6" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_6.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_6.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_6.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 35,
// forge
"x" : 562,
// forge
"y" : 194,
// forge
"z" : 14
// forge
"dwellingLvl7" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_5.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_5.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_5.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 36,
// forge
"x" : 190,
// forge
"y" : 264,
// forge
"z" : 16
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_1.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_1.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_1.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 37,
// forge
"x" : 398,
// forge
"y" : 161,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhrd2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 38,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl3" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 39,
// forge
"x" : 340,
// forge
"y" : 169,
// forge
"z" : 15
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl4" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_4.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_4.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_4.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 40,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 228,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl5" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 41,
// forge
"x" : 451,
// forge
"y" : 168,
// forge
"z" : 8
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl6" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_6.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELUp_6.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELUp_6.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 42,
// forge
"x" : 565,
// forge
"y" : 178,
// forge
"z" : 14
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl7" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_5.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_5.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_5.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 43,
// forge
"x" : 190,
// forge
"y" : 259,
// forge
"z" : 16
// forge
"fort" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELcstl.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELcstl.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELcstl.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 7,
// forge
"x" : 586,
// forge
"y" : 58,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"grail" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELholy.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELholy.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELholy.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 26,
// forge
"x" : 377,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 2
// forge
"horde1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhrd1.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhrd1.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhrd1.bmp",
// forge
"hidden" : true,
// forge
"id" : 18,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"horde1Upgr" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhrd2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"builds" : "horde1",
// forge
"hidden" : true,
// forge
"id" : 19,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"mageGuild1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmage.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 0,
// forge
"x" : 200,
// forge
"y" : 173,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"mageGuild2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmag2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 1,
// forge
"x" : 200,
// forge
"y" : 119,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"mageGuild3" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmag5.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmag5.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmag5.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 2,
// forge
"x" : 207,
// forge
"y" : 8,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"marketplace" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmark.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmark.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmark.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 14,
// forge
"x" : 635,
// forge
"y" : 308,
// forge
"z" : 21
// forge
"resourceSilo" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELsilo.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELsilo.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELsilo.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 15,
// forge
"x" : 466,
// forge
"y" : 303,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"ship" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELboat.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELboat.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELboat.bmp",
// forge
"hidden" : true,
// forge
"id" : 20,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 0
// forge
"shipyard" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdock.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdock.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdock.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 6,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 0
// forge
"special1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELspec.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELspec.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELspec.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 17,
// forge
"x" : 253,
// forge
"y" : 151,
// forge
"z" : 7
// forge
"special2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELext6.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELext6.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELext6.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 21,
// forge
"x" : 298,
// forge
"y" : 78,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELtvrn.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELtvrn.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELtvrn.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 5,
// forge
"x" : 337,
// forge
"y" : 311,
// forge
"z" : 18
// forge
"townHall" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhal2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhal2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhal2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 11,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 71,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"villageHall" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhall.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhall.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhall.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 10,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 73,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"alchemist" : 4,
// forge
"barbarian" : 4,
// forge
"bard" : 6,
// forge
"battlemage" : 4,
// forge
"beastmaster" : 4,
// forge
"cleric" : 4,
// forge
"deathknight" : 4,
// forge
"demoniac" : 4,
// forge
"druid" : 4,
// forge
"elementalist" : 4,
// forge
"guardian" : 6,
// forge
"heretic" : 4,
// forge
"knight" : 4,
// forge
"necromancer" : 4,
// forge
"overlord" : 4,
// forge
"planeswalker" : 4,
// forge
"ranger" : 4,
// forge
"warlock" : 4,
// forge
"witch" : 4,
// forge
"wizard" : 4
// forge
"tavernVideo" : "TAVERN.BIK",
// forge
"townBackground" : "forge\/town-screen\/background",
// forge
"warMachine" : "ballista"
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.blacksmith as forge:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.capitol as forge:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.castle as forge:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as forge:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.cityHall as forge:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl1 as forge:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl2 as forge:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3 as forge:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl4 as forge:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl5 as forge:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl6 as forge:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl7 as forge:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl1 as forge:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl2 as forge:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3 as forge:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl4 as forge:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl5 as forge:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl6 as forge:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl7 as forge:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.fort as forge:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.grail as forge:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.horde1 as forge:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.horde1Upgr as forge:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild1 as forge:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild2 as forge:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild3 as forge:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild4 as forge:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild5 as forge:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.marketplace as forge:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.resourceSilo as forge:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.ship as forge:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.shipyard as forge:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.special1 as forge:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.special2 as forge:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.tavern as forge:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.townHall as forge:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.forge:forge.villageHall as forge:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.forge as forge:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(bard)
WARN mod [ff8] - Data in bard is invalid!
WARN mod [ff8] - At /animation
Error: Unknown entry found: map
At <root>
Error: Required entry defaultTavern is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry affinity is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry mapObject is missing
TRACE mod [ff8] - bard json: {
// forge
"animation" : {
// forge
"battle" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/battleHeroFemale",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/battleHeroMale"
// forge
"map" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/mapHeroBard",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/mapHeroBard"
// forge
"commander" : "heavystringer",
// forge
"faction" : "forge",
// forge
"highLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 25,
// forge
"defence" : 25,
// forge
"knowledge" : 25,
// forge
"spellpower" : 25
// forge
"lowLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 25,
// forge
"defence" : 25,
// forge
"knowledge" : 20,
// forge
"spellpower" : 30
// forge
"name" : "Technik",
// forge
"primarySkills" : {
// forge
"attack" : 2,
// forge
"defence" : 0,
// forge
"knowledge" : 1,
// forge
"spellpower" : 2
// forge
"secondarySkills" : {
// forge
"airMagic" : 4,
// forge
"archery" : 2,
// forge
"armorer" : 5,
// forge
"artillery" : 4,
// forge
"ballistics" : 5,
// forge
"diplomacy" : 5,
// forge
"eagleEye" : 4,
// forge
"earthMagic" : 4,
// forge
"estates" : 1,
// forge
"fireMagic" : 6,
// forge
"firstAid" : 1,
// forge
"intelligence" : 8,
// forge
"leadership" : 1,
// forge
"learning" : 4,
// forge
"logistics" : 6,
// forge
"luck" : 4,
// forge
"mysticism" : 6,
// forge
"navigation" : 0,
// forge
"necromancy" : 0,
// forge
"offence" : 5,
// forge
"pathfinding" : 4,
// forge
"resistance" : 5,
// forge
"scholar" : 5,
// forge
"scouting" : 5,
// forge
"sorcery" : 7,
// forge
"tactics" : 1,
// forge
"waterMagic" : 2,
// forge
"wisdom" : 8
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"castle" : 4,
// forge
"conflux" : 4,
// forge
"dungeon" : 4,
// forge
"forge" : 4,
// forge
"fortress" : 4,
// forge
"inferno" : 4,
// forge
"necropolis" : 4,
// forge
"rampart" : 4,
// forge
"stronghold" : 4,
// forge
"tower" : 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.bard as forge:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(guardian)
WARN mod [ff8] - Data in guardian is invalid!
WARN mod [ff8] - At /animation
Error: Unknown entry found: map
At <root>
Error: Required entry defaultTavern is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry affinity is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry mapObject is missing
TRACE mod [ff8] - guardian json: {
// forge
"animation" : {
// forge
"battle" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/battleHeroFemale",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/battleHeroMale"
// forge
"map" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/mapHeroGuardian",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/mapHeroGuardian"
// forge
"commander" : "heavystringer",
// forge
"faction" : "forge",
// forge
"highLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 30,
// forge
"defence" : 30,
// forge
"knowledge" : 20,
// forge
"spellpower" : 20
// forge
"lowLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 45,
// forge
"defence" : 45,
// forge
"knowledge" : 5,
// forge
"spellpower" : 5
// forge
"name" : "General",
// forge
"primarySkills" : {
// forge
"attack" : 3,
// forge
"defence" : 1,
// forge
"knowledge" : 1,
// forge
"spellpower" : 1
// forge
"secondarySkills" : {
// forge
"airMagic" : 2,
// forge
"archery" : 7,
// forge
"armorer" : 8,
// forge
"artillery" : 9,
// forge
"ballistics" : 9,
// forge
"diplomacy" : 1,
// forge
"eagleEye" : 3,
// forge
"earthMagic" : 2,
// forge
"estates" : 3,
// forge
"fireMagic" : 3,
// forge
"firstAid" : 1,
// forge
"intelligence" : 1,
// forge
"leadership" : 4,
// forge
"learning" : 4,
// forge
"logistics" : 7,
// forge
"luck" : 3,
// forge
"mysticism" : 2,
// forge
"navigation" : 2,
// forge
"necromancy" : 0,
// forge
"offence" : 9,
// forge
"pathfinding" : 6,
// forge
"resistance" : 10,
// forge
"scholar" : 1,
// forge
"scouting" : 5,
// forge
"sorcery" : 1,
// forge
"tactics" : 7,
// forge
"waterMagic" : 0,
// forge
"wisdom" : 2
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"castle" : 4,
// forge
"conflux" : 4,
// forge
"dungeon" : 4,
// forge
"forge" : 4,
// forge
"fortress" : 4,
// forge
"inferno" : 4,
// forge
"necropolis" : 4,
// forge
"rampart" : 4,
// forge
"stronghold" : 4,
// forge
"tower" : 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as forge:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(charity)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as forge:156
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(cistrict)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.cistrict as forge:157
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(julian)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.julian as forge:158
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(karen)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.karen as forge:159
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(kastore)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.kastore as forge:160
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(leane)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.leane as forge:161
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(maximus)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.maximus as forge:162
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(meltes)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.meltes as forge:163
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(minore)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.minore as forge:164
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(niclas)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.niclas as forge:165
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(rengist)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.rengist as forge:166
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(resurrecta)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.resurrecta as forge:167
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(seprinteer)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.seprinteer as forge:168
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(singhel)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.singhel as forge:169
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(sunni)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sunni as forge:170
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(tarkin)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tarkin as forge:171
ERROR mod [ff8] - [FAIL] Forge town
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(boltCannonArt)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered artifact.boltCannonArt as imperium:144
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itBoltCannon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itBoltCannon as imperium:169
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itHighPriestess)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itHighPriestess as imperium:170
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv1)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv1 as imperium:171
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv1up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv1up as imperium:172
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv1up2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv1up2 as imperium:173
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv2 as imperium:174
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv2up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv2up as imperium:175
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv2up2)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv2up2 as imperium:176
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv3)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv3 as imperium:177
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv3net)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv3net as imperium:178
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv3up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv3up as imperium:179
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv4)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv4 as imperium:180
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv4up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv4up as imperium:181
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv5)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv5 as imperium:182
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv5up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv5up as imperium:183
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv6)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv6 as imperium:184
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv6up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv6up as imperium:185
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv7)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv7 as imperium:186
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(itlv7up)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered creature.itlv7up as imperium:187
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.blacksmith as imperium:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.capitol as imperium:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.castle as imperium:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as imperium:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.cityHall as imperium:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl1 as imperium:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl2 as imperium:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl3 as imperium:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl4 as imperium:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl5 as imperium:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl6 as imperium:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl7 as imperium:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUp2Lvl1 as imperium:44
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUp2Lvl2 as imperium:45
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl1 as imperium:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl2 as imperium:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl3 as imperium:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl4 as imperium:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl5 as imperium:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl6 as imperium:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl7 as imperium:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.fort as imperium:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.grail as imperium:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.horde1 as imperium:18
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.horde1Upgr as imperium:19
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild1 as imperium:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild2 as imperium:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild3 as imperium:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild4 as imperium:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild5 as imperium:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.marketplace as imperium:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.resourceSilo as imperium:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.special1 as imperium:17
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.special2 as imperium:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.special3 as imperium:22
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.tavern as imperium:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.townHall as imperium:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.imperium:imperium.villageHall as imperium:10
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered faction.imperium as imperium:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(advisor)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.advisor as imperium:20
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(baron)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered heroClass.baron as imperium:21
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(aprix)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.aprix as imperium:172
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(brooke)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.brooke as imperium:173
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(helena)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.helena as imperium:174
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(kasumi)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.kasumi as imperium:175
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(nariko)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.nariko as imperium:176
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(noli)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.noli as imperium:177
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(patricia)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.patricia as imperium:178
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(ranin)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.ranin as imperium:179
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(salvirana)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.salvirana as imperium:180
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(sashira)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sashira as imperium:181
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(stefan)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.stefan as imperium:182
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(susan)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.susan as imperium:183
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(sveneld)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.sveneld as imperium:184
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(svetlana)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.svetlana as imperium:185
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(tarinus)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.tarinus as imperium:186
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(volh)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.volh as imperium:187
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(vseglas)
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered hero.vseglas as imperium:188
TRACE mod [ff8] - no index in loadMod(summonDemon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - loadFromJson: loading spell Demon
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered spell.summonDemon as imperium:82
INFO mod [ff8] - [DONE] Imperium
INFO mod [ff8] - [DONE] VCMI essential files
INFO mod [ff8] - [DONE] Creature bonus icons
INFO mod [ff8] - [DONE] Extra resolutions
TRACE global [ff8] - loading .\config\factions\random.json
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde1 as core:-30
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde2 as core:-31
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde3 as core:-32
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde4 as core:-33
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde5 as core:-34
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde6 as core:-35
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.horde7 as core:-36
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [ff8] - registered building.villageHall as core:10
INFO mod [ff8] - Loading mod data: 245 ms
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::admiralsHat(136)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ambassadorsSash(68)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ammoCart(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::amuletOfTheUndertaker(54)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelFeatherArrows(62)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelWings(72)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelicAlliance(129)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armageddonsBlade(128)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armorOfTheDamned(132)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armorOfWonder(31)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armsOfLegion(121)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::badgeOfCourage(49)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ballista(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::birdOfPerception(63)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::blackshardOfTheDeadKnight(8)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfLevitation(90)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfPolarity(59)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfSpeed(98)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowOfElvenCherrywood(60)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowOfTheSharpshooter(137)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane(61)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::breastplateOfBrimstone(29)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::breastplateOfPetrifiedWood(25)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bucklerOfTheGnollKing(15)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::capeOfConjuring(78)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::capeOfVelocity(99)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cardsOfProphecy(47)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::catapult(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::celestialNecklaceOfBliss(33)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::centaurAxe(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::charmOfMana(73)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cloakOfTheUndeadKing(130)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cloverOfFortune(46)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::collarOfConjuring(76)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cornucopia(140)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crestOfValor(50)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crownOfDragontooth(44)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crownOfTheSupremeMagi(22)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::deadMansBoots(56)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::diplomatsRing(67)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonScaleArmor(40)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonScaleShield(39)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonWingTabard(42)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonboneGreaves(41)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::elixirOfLife(131)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::emblemOfCognizance(65)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessBagOfGold(116)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessPurseOfGold(117)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessSackOfGold(115)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::equestriansGloves(70)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::everflowingCrystalCloak(109)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::everpouringVialOfMercury(111)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::eversmokingRingOfSulfur(113)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::firstAidTent(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::garnitureOfInterference(57)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::glyphOfGallantry(51)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::goldTowerArrow(142)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::goldenBow(91)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::grail(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::greaterGnollsFlail(9)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::headOfLegion(122)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hellstormHelmet(23)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfChaos(21)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment(36)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn(19)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hourglassOfTheEvilHour(85)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfLumber(114)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfOre(112)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ladybirdOfLuck(48)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::legsOfLegion(118)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::lionsShieldOfCourage(34)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::loinsOfLegion(119)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::magicWand(141)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::monstersPower(143)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::mysticOrbOfMana(75)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfDragonteeth(43)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfOceanGuidance(71)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfSwiftness(97)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ogresClubOfHavoc(10)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfDrivingRain(82)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfInhibition(126)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfSilt(80)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfTempestuousFire(81)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfTheFirmament(79)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfVulnerability(93)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfCourage(108)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfDeath(104)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfDispassion(100)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfFreeWill(105)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfHoliness(102)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfLife(103)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfNegativity(106)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfSecondSight(101)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfTotalRecall(107)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::powerOfTheDragonFather(134)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::quietEyeOfTheDragon(37)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::recantersCloak(83)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::redDragonFlameTongue(38)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ribCage(26)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfConjuring(77)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfInfiniteGems(110)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfLife(95)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfTheMagi(139)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfTheWayfarer(69)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfVitality(94)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sandalsOfTheSaint(32)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk(27)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::seaCaptainsHat(123)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sentinelsShield(18)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shacklesOfWar(125)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDamned(17)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDwarvenLords(13)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheYawningDead(14)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::skullHelmet(20)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::speculum(52)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellBook(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellScroll(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellbindersHat(124)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sphereOfPermanence(92)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spiritOfOppression(84)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spyglass(53)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::statesmansMedal(66)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::statueOfLegion(133)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::stillEyeOfTheDragon(45)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::stoicWatchman(64)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::surcoatOfCounterpoise(58)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::swordOfHellfire(11)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::swordOfJudgement(35)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::talismanOfMana(74)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::targOfTheRampagingOgre(16)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::thunderHelmet(24)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansCuirass(30)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansGladius(12)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansThunder(135)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfAirMagic(87)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfEarthMagic(89)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfFireMagic(86)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfWaterMagic(88)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::torsoOfLegion(120)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tunicOfTheCyclopsKing(28)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vampiresCowl(55)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vialOfDragonBlood(127)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vialOfLifeblood(96)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wizardsWell(138)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::airElemental(112)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ammoCart(148)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ancientBehemoth(97)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::angel(12)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::archDevil(55)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::archMage(35)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::archangel(13)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::archer(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::arrowTower(149)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::azureDragon(132)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ballista(146)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::basilisk(106)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::battleDwarf(17)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::behemoth(96)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::beholder(74)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::blackDragon(83)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::blackKnight(66)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::boar(140)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::boneDragon(68)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::catapult(145)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::cavalier(10)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::centaur(14)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::centaurCaptain(15)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::cerberus(47)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::champion(11)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::chaosHydra(111)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::crusader(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::crystalDragon(133)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::cyclop(94)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::cyclopKing(95)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::demon(48)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::dendroidGuard(22)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::dendroidSoldier(23)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::devil(54)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::diamondGolem(117)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::dreadKnight(67)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::dwarf(16)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::earthElemental(113)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::efreet(52)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::efreetSultan(53)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::enchanter(136)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::energyElemental(129)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::evilEye(75)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairieDragon(134)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::familiar(43)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::fireDragonFly(105)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::fireElemental(114)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::firebird(130)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::firstAidTent(147)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::genie(36)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ghostDragon(69)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::giant(40)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::gnoll(98)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::gnollMarauder(99)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::goblin(84)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::goblinWolfRider(86)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::gog(44)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::goldDragon(27)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::goldGolem(116)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::gorgon(102)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::grandElf(19)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::greaterBasilisk(107)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenDragon(26)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::gremlin(28)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::griffin(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::halberdier(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::halfling(138)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::harpy(72)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::harpyHag(73)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::hellHound(46)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::hobgoblin(85)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::hobgoblinWolfRider(87)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::hornedDemon(49)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::hydra(110)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::iceElemental(123)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imp(42)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::infernalTroglodyte(71)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ironGolem(32)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::lich(64)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::lizardWarrior(101)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::lizardman(100)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::mage(34)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::magicElemental(121)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::magmaElemental(125)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::magog(45)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::manticore(80)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::marksman(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::masterGenie(37)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::masterGremlin(29)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::medusa(76)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::medusaQueen(77)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::mightyGorgon(103)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::minotaur(78)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::minotaurKing(79)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::monk(8)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::mummy(141)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::naga(38)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::nagaQueen(39)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::nomad(142)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::obsidianGargoyle(31)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ogre(90)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::ogreMage(91)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::orc(88)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::orcChieftain(89)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::peasant(139)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::pegasus(20)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::phoenix(131)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::pikeman(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::pitFiend(50)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::pitLord(51)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::pixie(118)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::powerLich(65)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::psychicElemental(120)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::redDragon(82)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::roc(92)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::rogue(143)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::royalGriffin(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::rustDragon(135)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::scorpicore(81)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::serpentFly(104)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::sharpshooter(137)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::silverPegasus(21)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::skeleton(56)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::skeletonWarrior(57)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::sprite(119)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::stoneGargoyle(30)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::stoneGolem(33)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::stormElemental(127)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::swordsman(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::thunderbird(93)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::titan(41)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::troglodyte(70)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::troll(144)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::unicorn(24)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused122(122)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused124(124)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused126(126)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused128(128)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::vampire(62)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::vampireLord(63)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::walkingDead(58)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::warUnicorn(25)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::waterElemental(115)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::wight(60)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::woodElf(18)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::wraith(61)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::wyvern(108)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::wyvernMonarch(109)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::zealot(9)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::zombieLord(59)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::castle(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::conflux(8)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::dungeon(5)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::fortress(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::inferno(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::necropolis(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::rampart(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::stronghold(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::tower(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::alchemist(4)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::barbarian(12)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::battlemage(13)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::beastmaster(14)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::cleric(1)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::deathknight(8)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::demoniac(6)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::druid(3)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::elementalist(17)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::heretic(7)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::knight(0)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::necromancer(9)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::overlord(11)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::planeswalker(16)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::ranger(2)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::warlock(10)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::witch(15)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::wizard(5)
ERROR mod [ff8] - Unknown identifier!
ERROR mod [ff8] - Request for creature.gruntSoldier from mod core
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:bruiser(150)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:cyberDead(151)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:cyberZombie(152)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:dreadnought(153)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:footSoldier(154)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:gruntSoldier(155)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:guard(156)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:heavystringer(157)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:juggernaut(158)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:jumpSoldier(159)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:jumpTrooper(160)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:mechFighter(161)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:mechWarrior(162)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:militian(163)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:pyro(164)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:pyromaniac(165)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:skyFighter(166)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:skyHunter(167)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:stringer(168)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::forge:forge(10)
WARN mod [ff8] - Outdated town mod. Will try to generate valid templates out of fort
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::forge:bard(18)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::forge:guardian(19)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object artifact(5)::imperium:boltCannonArt(144)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itBoltCannon(169)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itHighPriestess(170)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv1(171)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv1up(172)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv1up2(173)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv2(174)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv2up(175)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv2up2(176)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv3(177)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv3net(178)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv3up(179)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv4(180)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv4up(181)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv5(182)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv5up(183)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv6(184)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv6up(185)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv7(186)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv7up(187)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object town(98)::imperium:imperium(11)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::imperium:advisor(20)
DEBUG global [ff8] - Loaded object hero(34)::imperium:baron(21)
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.admiralsHat -> 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ambassadorsSash -> 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ammoCart -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker -> 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.angelFeatherArrows -> 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.angelWings -> 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.angelicAlliance -> 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.armageddonsBlade -> 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.armorOfTheDamned -> 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.armorOfWonder -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.armsOfLegion -> 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.badgeOfCourage -> 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ballista -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.birdOfPerception -> 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : artifact.boltCannonArt -> 144
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bootsOfLevitation -> 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bootsOfPolarity -> 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bootsOfSpeed -> 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood -> 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter -> 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane -> 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.capeOfConjuring -> 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.capeOfVelocity -> 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.cardsOfProphecy -> 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.catapult -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.centaurAxe -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.charmOfMana -> 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing -> 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.cloverOfFortune -> 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.collarOfConjuring -> 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.cornucopia -> 140
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.crestOfValor -> 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.crownOfDragontooth -> 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.deadMansBoots -> 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.diplomatsRing -> 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.dragonScaleArmor -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.dragonScaleShield -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.dragonWingTabard -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.dragonboneGreaves -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.elixirOfLife -> 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.emblemOfCognizance -> 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.endlessBagOfGold -> 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.endlessPurseOfGold -> 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.endlessSackOfGold -> 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.equestriansGloves -> 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak -> 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury -> 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur -> 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.firstAidTent -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.garnitureOfInterference -> 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.glyphOfGallantry -> 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.goldTowerArrow -> 142
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.goldenBow -> 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.grail -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.greaterGnollsFlail -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.headOfLegion -> 122
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.hellstormHelmet -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.helmOfChaos -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour -> 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber -> 114
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre -> 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ladybirdOfLuck -> 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.legsOfLegion -> 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.loinsOfLegion -> 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.magicWand -> 141
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.monstersPower -> 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.mysticOrbOfMana -> 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance -> 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness -> 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.orbOfDrivingRain -> 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.orbOfInhibition -> 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.orbOfSilt -> 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire -> 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.orbOfTheFirmament -> 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.orbOfVulnerability -> 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfCourage -> 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfDeath -> 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfDispassion -> 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfFreeWill -> 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfHoliness -> 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfLife -> 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfNegativity -> 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfSecondSight -> 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall -> 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather -> 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.recantersCloak -> 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.redDragonFlameTongue -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ribCage -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ringOfConjuring -> 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems -> 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ringOfLife -> 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ringOfTheMagi -> 139
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer -> 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.ringOfVitality -> 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.seaCaptainsHat -> 123
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.sentinelsShield -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.shacklesOfWar -> 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheDamned -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.skullHelmet -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.speculum -> 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.spellBook -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.spellScroll -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.spellbindersHat -> 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.sphereOfPermanence -> 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.spiritOfOppression -> 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.spyglass -> 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.statesmansMedal -> 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.statueOfLegion -> 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon -> 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.stoicWatchman -> 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise -> 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.swordOfHellfire -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.swordOfJudgement -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.talismanOfMana -> 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.thunderHelmet -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.titansCuirass -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.titansGladius -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.titansThunder -> 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.tomeOfAirMagic -> 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic -> 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.tomeOfFireMagic -> 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic -> 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.torsoOfLegion -> 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.vampiresCowl -> 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.vialOfDragonBlood -> 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.vialOfLifeblood -> 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : artifact.wizardsWell -> 138
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.ship -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.shipyard -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.castle.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.extraCapitol -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.extraCityHall -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.extraTownHall -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.ship -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.shipyard -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.conflux.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.special4 -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dungeon.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.ship -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.shipyard -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : building.forge:forge.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.extraCapitol -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.ship -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.shipyard -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.fortress.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde1 -> -30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde2 -> -31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde3 -> -32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde4 -> -33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde5 -> -34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde6 -> -35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.horde7 -> -36
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUp2Lvl1 -> 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUp2Lvl2 -> 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : building.imperium:imperium.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.horde2 -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.horde2Upgr -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.special4 -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.inferno.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.extraCapitol -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.extraCityHall -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.extraTownHall -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.ship -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.shipyard -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.necropolis.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.extraCapitol -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.extraCityHall -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.extraTownHall -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.horde2 -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.horde2Upgr -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.rampart.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.shipyard -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.special4 -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.stronghold.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.blacksmith -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.capitol -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.castle -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.cityHall -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl1 -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl2 -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl3 -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl4 -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl5 -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl6 -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl7 -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.fort -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.grail -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.horde1 -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.horde1Upgr -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.mageGuild1 -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.mageGuild2 -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.mageGuild3 -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.mageGuild4 -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.mageGuild5 -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.marketplace -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.resourceSilo -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.special1 -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.special2 -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.special3 -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.special4 -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.tavern -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.tower.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.townHall -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : building.villageHall -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.airElemental -> 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.airElementals -> 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ammoCart -> 148
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ancientBehemoth -> 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.angel -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.apprenticeGremlin -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.archDevil -> 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.archMage -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.archangel -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.archer -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.arrowTower -> 149
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.azureDragon -> 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ballista -> 146
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.basilisk -> 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.battleDwarf -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.behemoth -> 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.beholder -> 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.blackDragon -> 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.blackKnight -> 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.boar -> 140
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.boneDragon -> 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.bruiser -> 150
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.catapult -> 145
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.cavalier -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.centaur -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.centaurCaptain -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.cerberus -> 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.champion -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.chaosHydra -> 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.crusader -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.crystalDragon -> 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.cyberDead -> 151
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.cyberZombie -> 152
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.cyclop -> 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.cyclopKing -> 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.demon -> 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.dendroidGuard -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.dendroidSoldier -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.devil -> 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.diamondGolem -> 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.dragonFly -> 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.dreadKnight -> 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.dreadnought -> 153
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.dwarf -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.earthElemental -> 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.efreet -> 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.efreetSultan -> 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.enchanter -> 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.enchanters -> 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.energyElemental -> 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.evilEye -> 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.fairieDragon -> 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.familiar -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.fireDragonFly -> 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.fireElemental -> 114
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.firebird -> 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.firstAidTent -> 147
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.footSoldier -> 154
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.genie -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ghostDragon -> 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.giant -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.gnoll -> 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.gnollMarauder -> 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.goblin -> 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.goblinWolfRider -> 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.goblins -> 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.gog -> 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.goldDragon -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.goldGolem -> 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.gorgon -> 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.grandElf -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.greaterBasilisk -> 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.greenDragon -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.gremlin -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.griffin -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.gruntSoldier -> 155
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.guard -> 156
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.halberdier -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.halfling -> 138
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.harpy -> 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.harpyHag -> 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.heavystringer -> 157
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.hellHound -> 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.hobgoblin -> 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.hobgoblinWolfRider -> 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.hornedDemon -> 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.hydra -> 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.iceElemental -> 123
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.imp -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.infernalTroglodyte -> 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ironGolem -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itBoltCannon -> 169
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itHighPriestess -> 170
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv1 -> 171
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv1up -> 172
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv1up2 -> 173
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv2 -> 174
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv2up -> 175
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv2up2 -> 176
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv3 -> 177
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv3net -> 178
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv3up -> 179
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv4 -> 180
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv4up -> 181
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv5 -> 182
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv5up -> 183
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv6 -> 184
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv6up -> 185
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv7 -> 186
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : creature.itlv7up -> 187
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.juggernaut -> 158
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.jumpSoldier -> 159
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.jumpTrooper -> 160
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.lich -> 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.lightCrossbowman -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.lizardWarrior -> 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.lizardman -> 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.mage -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.magicElemental -> 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.magmaElemental -> 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.magog -> 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.manticore -> 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.marksman -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.masterGenie -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.masterGremlin -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.mechFighter -> 161
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.mechWarrior -> 162
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.medusa -> 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.medusaQueen -> 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.mightyGorgon -> 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.militian -> 163
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.minotaur -> 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.minotaurKing -> 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.monk -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.mummy -> 141
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.naga -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.nagaQueen -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.nomad -> 142
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.obsidianGargoyle -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ogre -> 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.ogreMage -> 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.orc -> 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.orcChieftain -> 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.peasant -> 139
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.pegasus -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.phoenix -> 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.pikeman -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.pitFiend -> 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.pitLord -> 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.pixie -> 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.pixies -> 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.powerLich -> 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.primitiveLizardman -> 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.psychicElemental -> 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.pyro -> 164
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.pyromaniac -> 165
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.redDragon -> 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.roc -> 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.rogue -> 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.royalGriffin -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.rustDragon -> 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.scorpicore -> 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.serpentFly -> 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.sharpshooter -> 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.sharpshooters -> 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.silverPegasus -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.skeleton -> 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.skeletonWarrior -> 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.skyFighter -> 166
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.skyHunter -> 167
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.sprite -> 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.stoneGargoyle -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.stoneGolem -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.stormElemental -> 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : creature.stringer -> 168
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.swordsman -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.thunderbird -> 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.titan -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.troglodyte -> 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.troll -> 144
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.unicorn -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.unused122 -> 122
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.unused124 -> 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.unused126 -> 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.unused128 -> 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.vampire -> 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.vampireLord -> 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.walkingDead -> 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.warUnicorn -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.waterElemental -> 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.waterElementals -> 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.wight -> 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.woodElf -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.wraith -> 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.wyvern -> 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.wyvernMonarch -> 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.zealot -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.zombie -> 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : creature.zombieLord -> 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.castle -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.conflux -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.dungeon -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : faction.forge -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.fortress -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : faction.imperium -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.inferno -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.necropolis -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.neutral -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.rampart -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.stronghold -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : faction.tower -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.adela -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.adelaide -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.adrienne -> 145
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.aenain -> 141
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.aeris -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.aine -> 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.aislinn -> 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ajit -> 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.alagar -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.alamar -> 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.alkin -> 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.andra -> 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.aprix -> 172
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.arlach -> 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ash -> 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.astral -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.axsis -> 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ayden -> 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.boragus -> 154
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.brissa -> 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.broghild -> 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.bron -> 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.brooke -> 173
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.caitlin -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.calh -> 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.calid -> 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.catherine -> 146
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : -> 156
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.charna -> 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.christian -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ciele -> 138
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.cistrict -> 157
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.clancy -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.clavius -> 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.coronius -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.cragHack -> 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.cuthbert -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.cyra -> 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.dace -> 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.damacon -> 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.daremyth -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.darkstorn -> 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.deemer -> 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.dessa -> 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.dracon -> 147
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.drakon -> 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.edric -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.elleshar -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.erdamon -> 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.fafner -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.fiona -> 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.fiur -> 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.galthran -> 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gelare -> 142
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gelu -> 148
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gem -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.geon -> 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gerwulf -> 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gird -> 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gretchin -> 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.grindan -> 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gundula -> 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gunnar -> 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.gurnisson -> 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.halon -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.helena -> 174
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ignatius -> 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ignissa -> 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ingham -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.inteus -> 140
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.iona -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.isra -> 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ivor -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.jabarkas -> 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.jaegar -> 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.jeddite -> 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.jenova -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.josephine -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.julian -> 158
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.kalt -> 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.karen -> 159
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.kastore -> 160
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.kasumi -> 175
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.kilgor -> 149
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.korbac -> 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.krellion -> 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.kyrre -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.labetha -> 139
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.lacus -> 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.leane -> 161
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.lordHaart -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.lorelei -> 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.loynis -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.luna -> 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.malcom -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.malekith -> 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.marius -> 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.maximus -> 162
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.melodia -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.meltes -> 163
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.mephala -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.merist -> 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.minore -> 164
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.mirlanda -> 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.moandor -> 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.monere -> 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.mutare -> 151
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.mutareDrake -> 153
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.nagash -> 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.nariko -> 176
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.neela -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.niclas -> 165
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.nimbus -> 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.noli -> 177
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.nymus -> 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.octavia -> 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.olema -> 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.oris -> 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.orrin -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.pasis -> 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.patricia -> 178
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.piquedram -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.pyre -> 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.ranin -> 179
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.rashka -> 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.rengist -> 166
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.resurrecta -> 167
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.rion -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.rissa -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.roland -> 152
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.rosic -> 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ryland -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.salvirana -> 180
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.sandro -> 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.sanya -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.sashira -> 181
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.saurug -> 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.sephinroth -> 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.seprinteer -> 168
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.septienna -> 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.serena -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.shakti -> 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.shiva -> 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.singhel -> 169
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.sirMullich -> 144
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.solmyr -> 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.sorsha -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.stefan -> 182
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.straker -> 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.styg -> 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.sunni -> 170
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.susan -> 183
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.sveneld -> 184
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.svetlana -> 185
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.sylvia -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.synca -> 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.tamika -> 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.tarinus -> 186
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : hero.tarkin -> 171
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.tazar -> 115
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.terek -> 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.thane -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.thant -> 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.theodorus -> 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.thorgrim -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.thunar -> 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.tiva -> 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.torosar -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.tyraxor -> 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.tyris -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.ufretin -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.uland -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.undeadHaart -> 150
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.valeska -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.verdish -> 123
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.vey -> 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.vidomina -> 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.vokial -> 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.volh -> 187
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.voy -> 122
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : hero.vseglas -> 188
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.wystan -> 114
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.xarfax -> 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.xeron -> 155
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.xsi -> 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.xyron -> 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.yog -> 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.zubin -> 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : hero.zydar -> 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : heroClass.advisor -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.alchemist -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.barbarian -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : heroClass.bard -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : heroClass.baron -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.battlemage -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.beastmaster -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.cleric -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.deathknight -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.demoniac -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.druid -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.elementalist -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - forge : -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.heretic -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.knight -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.necromancer -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.overlord -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.planeswalker -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.ranger -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.warlock -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.witch -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : heroClass.wizard -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.abandonedMine -> 220
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.altarOfSacrifice -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.arena -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.artifact -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.blackMarket -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.boat -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.borderGate -> 212
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.borderGuard -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.buoy -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.cactus -> 116
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.campfire -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.canyon -> 117
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.cartographer -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.cloverField -> 222
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.corpse -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.coverOfDarkness -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.crater -> 118
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.creatureBank -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.creatureGeneratorCommon -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.creatureGeneratorSpecial -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.crypt -> 84
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.cursedGround -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE -> 223
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.deadVegetation -> 119
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.denOfThieves -> 97
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.derelictShip -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.desertHills -> 206
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.dirtHills -> 207
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.dragonUtopia -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.event -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.evilFog -> 224
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.eyeOfTheMagi -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.faerieRing -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.favorableWinds -> 225
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.fieryFields -> 226
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.flotsam -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 120
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.fountainOfFortune -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.fountainOfYouth -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.freelancersGuild -> 213
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.frozenLake -> 121
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.frozenLakeDUPLICATE -> 172
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.gardenOfRevelation -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.garrisonHorizontal -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.garrisonVertical -> 219
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.grail -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.grassHills -> 208
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.hero -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.heroPlaceholder -> 214
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.hillFort -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.hole -> 124
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.holyGround -> 227
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.hutOfTheMagi -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.idolOfFortune -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.kelp -> 125
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.keymasterTent -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.lake -> 126
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.lakeDUPLICATE -> 177
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.lavaFlow -> 127
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.lavaLake -> 128
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.leanTo -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.learningStone -> 100
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.libraryOfEnlightenment -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.lighthouse -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.log -> 130
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.lucidPools -> 228
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.magicClouds -> 229
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.magicPlains -> 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE -> 230
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.magicSpring -> 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.magicWell -> 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mandrake -> 131
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.marlettoTower -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mercenaryCamp -> 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mermaids -> 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mine -> 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.monolithOneWayEntrance -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.monolithOneWayExit -> 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.monolithTwoWay -> 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.moss -> 132
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mound -> 133
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mountain -> 134
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mushrooms -> 129
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.mysticalGarden -> 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.oakTrees -> 135
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.oakTreesDUPLICATE -> 186
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.oasis -> 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.obelisk -> 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.oceanBottle -> 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.outcropping -> 136
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.pandoraBox -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.pillarOfFire -> 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.pineTrees -> 137
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.plant -> 189
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.prison -> 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.pyramid -> 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.questGuard -> 215
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.rallyFlag -> 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomArtifact -> 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomArtifactMajor -> 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomArtifactMinor -> 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomArtifactRelic -> 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomArtifactTreasure -> 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomDwelling -> 216
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomDwellingFaction -> 218
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomDwellingLvl -> 217
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomHero -> 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonster -> 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel1 -> 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel2 -> 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel3 -> 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel4 -> 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel5 -> 162
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel6 -> 163
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel7 -> 164
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomResource -> 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.randomTown -> 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.redwoodObservatory -> 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.reef -> 161
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.refugeeCamp -> 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.resource -> 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.riverDelta -> 143
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.rock -> 147
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.rocklands -> 231
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.roughHills -> 209
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.sanctuary -> 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.sandDune -> 148
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.sandPit -> 149
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.scholar -> 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.schoolOfMagic -> 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.schoolOfWar -> 107
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.seaChest -> 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.seerHut -> 83
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shipwreck -> 85
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shipwreckSurvivor -> 86
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shipyard -> 87
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 -> 88
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 -> 89
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 -> 90
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.shrub -> 150
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.sign -> 91
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.sirens -> 92
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.skull -> 151
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.spellScroll -> 93
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.stables -> 94
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.starAxis -> 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.stump -> 153
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.subterraneanGate -> 103
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.subterraneanRocks -> 210
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.swampFoliage -> 211
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.swanPond -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.tavern -> 95
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.temple -> 96
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 98
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.tradingPost -> 221
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.tradingPostDUPLICATE -> 99
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.treasureChest -> 101
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.treeOfKnowledge -> 102
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.trees -> 155
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.treesDUPLICATE -> 199
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 104
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.volcano -> 158
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.wagon -> 105
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.warMachineFactory -> 106
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.warriorTomb -> 108
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.waterWheel -> 109
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.wateringHole -> 110
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.whirlpool -> 111
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.windmill -> 112
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : object.witchHut -> 113
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primSkill.attack -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primSkill.defence -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primSkill.knowledge -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primSkill.spellpower -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primarySkill.attack -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primarySkill.defence -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primarySkill.knowledge -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : primarySkill.spellpower -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.crystal -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.gems -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.mercury -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.mithril -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.ore -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.sulfur -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : resource.wood -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.airMagic -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.archery -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.armorer -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.artillery -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.ballistics -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.diplomacy -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.eagleEye -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.earthMagic -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.estates -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.fireMagic -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.firstAid -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.intelligence -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.leadership -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.learning -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.logistics -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.luck -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.mysticism -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.navigation -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.necromancy -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.offence -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.pathfinding -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.resistance -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.scholar -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.scouting -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.sorcery -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.tactics -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.waterMagic -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : secondarySkill.wisdom -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.airMagic -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.archery -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.armorer -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.artillery -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.ballistics -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.diplomacy -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.eagleEye -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.earthMagic -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.estates -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.fireMagic -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.firstAid -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.intelligence -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.leadership -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.learning -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.logistics -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.luck -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.mysticism -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.navigation -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.necromancy -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.offence -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.pathfinding -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.resistance -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.scholar -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.scouting -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.sorcery -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.tactics -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.waterMagic -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : skill.wisdom -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.acidBreath -> 80
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.acidBreathDamage -> 81
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.age -> 75
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.airElemental -> 69
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.airShield -> 28
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.animateDead -> 39
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.antiMagic -> 34
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.armageddon -> 26
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.berserk -> 59
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.bind -> 72
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.bless -> 41
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.blind -> 62
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.bloodlust -> 43
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.chainLightning -> 19
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.clone -> 65
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.counterstrike -> 58
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.cure -> 37
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.curse -> 42
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.deathCloud -> 76
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.deathRipple -> 24
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.deathStare -> 79
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.destroyUndead -> 25
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.dimensionDoor -> 8
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.disease -> 73
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.disguise -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.dispel -> 35
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.dispelHelpful -> 78
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.disruptingRay -> 47
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.earthElemental -> 67
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.earthquake -> 14
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.fireElemental -> 66
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.fireShield -> 29
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.fireWall -> 13
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.fireball -> 21
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.forceField -> 12
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.forgetfulness -> 61
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.fortune -> 51
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.frenzy -> 56
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.frostRing -> 20
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.haste -> 53
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.hypnotize -> 60
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.iceBolt -> 16
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.implosion -> 18
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.inferno -> 22
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.landMine -> 11
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.lightningBolt -> 17
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.magicArrow -> 15
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.magicMirror -> 36
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.meteorShower -> 23
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.mirth -> 49
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.misfortune -> 52
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.paralyze -> 74
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.poison -> 71
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.prayer -> 48
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.precision -> 44
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.protectAir -> 30
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.protectEarth -> 33
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.protectFire -> 31
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.protectWater -> 32
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.quicksand -> 10
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.removeObstacle -> 64
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.resurrection -> 38
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.sacrifice -> 40
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.scuttleBoat -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.shield -> 27
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.slayer -> 55
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.slow -> 54
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.sorrow -> 50
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.stoneGaze -> 70
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.stoneSkin -> 46
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.summonBoat -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - imperium : spell.summonDemon -> 82
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.teleport -> 63
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.thunderbolt -> 77
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.titanBolt -> 57
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.townPortal -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.viewAir -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.viewEarth -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.visions -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.waterElemental -> 68
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.waterWalk -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : spell.weakness -> 45
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.dirt -> 0
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.grass -> 2
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.lava -> 7
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.rock -> 9
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.rough -> 5
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.sand -> 1
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.snow -> 3
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.subterra -> 6
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.swamp -> 4
TRACE mod [ff8] - core : terrain.water -> 8
ERROR mod [ff8] - All known identifiers were dumped into log file
INFO mod [ff8] - Resolving identifiers: 41 ms
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero valeska(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archer", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "marksman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archer", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "marksman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archer", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero edric(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero sorsha(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero christian(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero tyris(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cavalier", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "champion", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cavalier", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "champion", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cavalier", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero ingham(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "monk", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zealot", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "monk", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zealot", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "monk", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero ufretin(rampart)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dwarf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "battleDwarf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dwarf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "battleDwarf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dwarf", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero ryland(rampart)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidGuard", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidSoldier", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidGuard", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidSoldier", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidGuard", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero ivor(rampart)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "woodElf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grandElf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "woodElf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grandElf", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "woodElf", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero clancy(rampart)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "unicorn", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warUnicorn", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "unicorn", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warUnicorn", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "unicorn", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero aeris(rampart)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pegasus", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "silverPegasus", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pegasus", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "silverPegasus", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pegasus", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero piquedram(tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGargoyle", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "obsidianGargoyle", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGargoyle", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "obsidianGargoyle", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGargoyle", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero thane(tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero josephine(tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ironGolem", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGolem", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ironGolem", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGolem", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ironGolem", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero torosar (tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero fafner(tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "naga", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "nagaQueen", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "naga", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "nagaQueen", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "naga", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero iona(tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero theodorus(tower)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 11, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mage", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero fiona(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hellHound", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cerberus", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hellHound", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cerberus", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hellHound", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero rashka(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreet", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreetSultan", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreet", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreetSultan", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreet", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero marius(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "demon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hornedDemon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "demon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hornedDemon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "demon", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero ignatius(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imp", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "familiar", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imp", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "familiar", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imp", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero calh(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gog", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "magog", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gog", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "magog", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gog", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero pyre(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero nymus(inferno)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitFiend", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitLord", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitFiend", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitLord", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitFiend", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero straker(necropolis)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "walkingDead", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zombieLord", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "walkingDead", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zombieLord", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "walkingDead", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero vokial(necropolis)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampire", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampireLord", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampire", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampireLord", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampire", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero moandor(necropolis)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lich", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "powerLich", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lich", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "powerLich", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lich", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero charna(necropolis)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wight", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wraith", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wight", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wraith", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wight", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero tamika(necropolis)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "blackKnight", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dreadKnight", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 18, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "blackKnight", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dreadKnight", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 18, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "blackKnight", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero galthran(necropolis)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeleton", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeletonWarrior", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeleton", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeletonWarrior", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeleton", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero lorelei(dungeon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpy", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpyHag", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpy", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpyHag", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpy", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero arlach(dungeon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero dace(dungeon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaur", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaurKing", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaur", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaurKing", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaur", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero ajit(dungeon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "beholder", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "evilEye", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "beholder", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "evilEye", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "beholder", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero synca(dungeon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "manticore", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "scorpicore", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "manticore", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "scorpicore", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "manticore", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero shakti(dungeon)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "troglodyte", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "infernalTroglodyte", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "troglodyte", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "infernalTroglodyte", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "troglodyte", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero yog(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclop", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 15, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclopKing", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 17, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclop", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclopKing", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclop", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero gurnisson(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero jabarkas(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orc", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orcChieftain", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orc", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orcChieftain", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orc", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero shiva(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "roc", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "thunderbird", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "roc", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 11, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "thunderbird", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 11, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "roc", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero gretchin(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblin", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero krellion(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero tyraxor(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblinWolfRider", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblinWolfRider", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblinWolfRider", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblinWolfRider", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblinWolfRider", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero vey(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero bron(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "basilisk", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 11, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greaterBasilisk", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "basilisk", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 11, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greaterBasilisk", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "basilisk", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero drakon(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnoll", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnollMarauder", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnoll", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnollMarauder", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnoll", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero wystan(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardWarrior", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardWarrior", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardman", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero alkin(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gorgon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mightyGorgon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 11, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gorgon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mightyGorgon", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 16, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gorgon", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero korbac(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "serpentFly", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fireDragonFly", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "serpentFly", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fireDragonFly", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "serpentFly", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero gerwulf(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero broghild(fortress)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvern", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvernMonarch", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvern", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvernMonarch", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 14, 6 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvern", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero catherine(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero roland(castle)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 9, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero boragus(stronghold)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 4 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 13, 4 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 4 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 4 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:charity(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS",
"val" : 3
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:cistrict(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : {
"limiters" : {
"parameters" : [ "forge:gruntSoldier", true ],
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:julian(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : {
"limiters" : {
"parameters" : [ "forge:gruntSoldier", true ],
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:karen(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"gold" : {
"subtype" : "",
"val" : 350
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:kastore(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : {
"limiters" : {
"parameters" : [ "forge:gruntSoldier", true ],
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:leane(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"intelligence" : {
"subtype" : "skill.intelligence",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:maximus(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : {
"limiters" : {
"parameters" : [ "forge:gruntSoldier", true ],
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:meltes(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"armorer" : {
"subtype" : "skill.armorer",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:minore(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"weakness" : {
"addInfo" : 0,
"subtype" : "spell.weakness",
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:niclas(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"gems" : {
"subtype" : "resource.gems",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:rengist(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : {
"limiters" : {
"parameters" : [ "forge:gruntSoldier", true ],
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:resurrecta(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"iceBolt" : {
"subtype" : "spell.iceBolt",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:seprinteer(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"sorcery" : {
"subtype" : "skill.sorcery",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:singhel(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"haste" : {
"addInfo" : 0,
"subtype" : "spell.haste",
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:sunni(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : {
"limiters" : {
"parameters" : [ "forge:gruntSoldier", true ],
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 5, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero forge:tarkin(forge:forge)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"mysticism" : {
"subtype" : "skill.mysticism",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:aprix(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"imperium:summonDemon" : {
"addInfo" : 0,
"subtype" : "spell.imperium:summonDemon",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL"
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:brooke(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"fireMagic" : {
"subtype" : "skill.fireMagic",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:helena(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"fireWall" : {
"subtype" : "spell.fireWall",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:kasumi(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv7", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 19, 7 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv7up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 26, 7 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv7", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 21, 7 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv7up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 26, 7 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv7", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:nariko(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"gold" : {
"subtype" : "",
"val" : 350
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:noli(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"gems" : {
"subtype" : "resource.gems",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:patricia(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"armorer" : {
"subtype" : "skill.armorer",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:ranin(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"inferno" : {
"subtype" : "spell.inferno",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:salvirana(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"sorcery" : {
"subtype" : "skill.sorcery",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:sashira(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv5", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv5up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 12, 5 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv5", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 7, 5 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv5up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 5 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv5", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:stefan(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"resistance" : {
"subtype" : "skill.resistance",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:susan(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"logistics" : {
"subtype" : "skill.logistics",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:sveneld(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv2", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv2up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv2", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3, 2 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv2up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3, 2 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv2", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:svetlana(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"leadership" : {
"subtype" : "skill.leadership",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:tarinus(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"meteorShower" : {
"subtype" : "spell.meteorShower",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL",
"val" : 5
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:volh(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } },
"bonuses" : {
"attack" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv3", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"attack2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv3up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.attack",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 10, 3 ],
"defence" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv3", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"defence2" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv3up", false ] },
"subtype" : "primSkill.defence",
"type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL",
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 8, 3 ],
"speed" : {
"limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imperium:itlv3", true ] },
"type" : "STACKS_SPEED",
"val" : 1
DEBUG mod [ff8] - Converting specialty format for hero imperium:vseglas(imperium:imperium)
TRACE mod [ff8] - "specialty" : {
"bonuses" : {
"slayer" : {
"addInfo" : 0,
"subtype" : "spell.slayer",
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL"
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 38:1
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 49:1
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 79:7
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 90:1
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 100:1
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 103:1
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 113:1
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 172:0
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 186:0
WARN global [ff8] - No templates found for 189:0
INFO mod [ff8] - Handlers post-load finalization: 25 ms
INFO mod [ff8] - All game content loaded in 668 ms
INFO global [ff8] - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 716 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\fonts.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\BIGFONT.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\CALLI10R.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\CREDITS.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\HISCORE.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\MEDFONT.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\SMALFONT.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\TIMES08R.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\TINY.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Data\VERD10B.FNT
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\NEUTRAL.PAL
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\battles_graphics.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\ERMU_to_picture.json
INFO global [f50] - Screen handler: 7 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Sprites\forge\mapHerobard.def
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\Sprites\forge\mapHeroGuardian.def
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\Sprites\imperium\map\AH23_.def
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\Sprites\imperium\map\AH22_.def
INFO global [f50] - Main graphics: 162 ms
INFO global [f50] - Message handler: 3 ms
INFO global [f50] - Initialization of VCMI (together): 1881 ms
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\campaignSets.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\config\mainmenu.json
TRACE global [f50] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mp3\MAINMENU.MP3
TRACE global [f50] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu
TRACE global [1704] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu
TRACE global [1704] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu
INFO global [f50] - Check display mode: requested 800 x 600; available up to 1366 x 768
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 540x10
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CMenuEntry at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CTabbedInt at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is11CMenuScreen at 0x0
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 545x4
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CMenuEntry at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CTabbedInt at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is11CMenuScreen at 0x0
TRACE network [14c4] - Setting up thread calling server: 0 ms
TRACE network [14c4] - Waiting for server: 12913 ms
INFO network [14c4] - Establishing connection...
INFO network [14c4] - Found endpoints:
INFO network [14c4] - 0:
INFO network [14c4] - Trying connection to
INFO network [14c4] - Established connection with VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (server). UUID: 33d1a6cc-4151-414e-b7a1-b66c8bdf07d4
TRACE network [14c4] - Connecting to the server: 20 ms
TRACE network [1658] - Sending a pack of type 20LobbyClientConnected
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 20LobbyClientConnected
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 20LobbyClientConnected
TRACE global [1658] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\ScSelC.json
TRACE global [1658] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\mapFormatIcons\vcmi1.png
DEBUG global [1658] - Blocking buttons from 1
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 20LobbyClientConnected
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 18LobbySetDifficulty
DEBUG global [f50] - Parsing 167 maps
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Unexpected Inheritance.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Merchant Princes.h3m
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Xathras Prize.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Kingdom for sale(allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Island of Fire.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Thousand Islands (allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Hold the middle.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Last Chance Allies.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Race for the Town.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Buried Treasure.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Fort Noxis.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dragon Orb.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Twins.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Hoard(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Hoard.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Titans Winter.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Brave New World.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\And One for All.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Wings of War.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Tale of two lands.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Five Rings.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Good Witch, Bad Witch.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Peaceful Ending.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Gelea's Champions.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Warmongers.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\South of Hell.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Southern Cross.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Overthrow Thy Neighbors.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Terrible Rumor.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Realm of ChaosA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Step by Step.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Vial of Life.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Chasing a Dream.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Tovar's Fortress (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Island King Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\thunder3.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Tale of two lands (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\LIMES INFERIOR_eng.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Valleys of War.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Race for Ardintinny.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Darwin's Prize(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Battle of the Sexes.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Land of Titans.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Mandate of Heaven.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Challenge.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Elbow Room.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dwarven Tunnels.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Shadow Valleys.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Battle of Daeyan's Ford.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Elbow Room(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\A Journey.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\For Sale.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Judgement Day.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Warlords.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Treasure Hunt.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Crimson and CloverA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Monk's Retreat Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\All for One.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Golems Aplenty Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Emerald IslesA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dwarven Gold.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Emerald Isles.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Rediscovery.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Caught in the Middle.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\When Dragons Clash.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Newcomers.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Barbarian Breakout.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dungeon Keeper.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\REDDRAGON_1030282702.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Golems Aplenty.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Back For Revenge.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Key to Victory.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Monk's Retreat.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Middletown.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Crimson and Clover.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Battle of the Sexes Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Knight of Darkness.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Reclamation.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Brave New World(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Fountain of Doom.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\A Warm and Familiar Place.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Myth and Legend.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\A Viking We Shall Go.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\War of the Mighty (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dragon Pass (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Islands and Caves.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Archipelago.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Loss of Innocence(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Ray of light.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Step by Step (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\One Bad Day - Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Irrational Hostility.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Good to Go.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Adventures of Jared Haret.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Rumble in the BogsA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Rise of the Phoenix Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dead and Buried.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Resource War.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Great Race.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Peaceful Ending - Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Rise of the Phoenix.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Rumble in the Bogs.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Undead Unrest.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\King of Pain.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Last Chance.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Too Many Monsters.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Peacemaker.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\The Gauntlet.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Maps\VCMI_Tests_2011b.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Carpe Diem - Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Arrogance.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Goblins in the Pantry.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Divided LoyaltiesA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Ready or Not.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Freedom.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Search for the Grail.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Free for All.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\WarlordsA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Jihad.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Meeting in Muzgob(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Sangraal's Thief.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Pestilence Lake Allies.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Rebellion.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Darwin's Prize.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Barbarian BreakoutA.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Merchant Princes Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Realm of Chaos.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Ascension.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Arrogance Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Land of Titans (Allied).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Thousand Islands.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Pestilence Lake.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Manifest Destiny.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Pirates.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Just A Visit.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Marshland Menace.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Knee Deep in the Dead.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\War of the Mighty.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Time's Up.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Back For Revenge - Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Resource War Allies.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Loss of Innocence.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Noahs Ark.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Island King.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Gelea's Champions (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dwarven Tunnels(Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Serpents Treasure.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Pandora's Box .h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Carpe Diem.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Sangraal's Thief Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\South of Hell (Allies).h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Heroes of Might not Magic Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Heroes of Might not Magic.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Tovar's Fortress.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dragon Pass.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Kingdom for sale.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Dawn of War.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Hatchet Axe and Saw.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Unholy Quest.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Meeting in Muzgob.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Sands of Blood.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Faeries.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Gorlam's Tentacle Swampland.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Divided Loyalties.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Deluge.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\Reclamation Allied.h3m
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Maps\A Viking We Shall Go Allied.h3m
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 299x52
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is12SelectionTab at 0x6
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is12CLobbyScreen at 0x0
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 11LobbySetMap
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 631x456
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is12CToggleGroup at 393x6
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is8InfoCard at 393x6
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is12CLobbyScreen at 0x0
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 18LobbySetDifficulty
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 16LobbyUpdateState
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\itpa.json
TRACE global [f50] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Sprites\PortraitsSmall.json
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 411x510
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is12CLobbyScreen at 0x0
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 14LobbyGuiAction
TRACE network [1658] - Received CPack of type 14LobbyGuiAction
TRACE network [1658] - Immidiately apply on lobby: 14LobbyGuiAction
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 14LobbyGuiAction
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 411x535
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is12CLobbyScreen at 0x0
TRACE network [f50] - Sending a pack of type 14LobbyStartGame
ERROR network [1658] - Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!
ERROR network [1658] - read: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
TRACE network [f50] - Apply on lobby from queue: 23LobbyClientDisconnected
ERROR network [1680] - Error: server failed to close correctly or crashed!
ERROR network [1680] - Check C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\server_log.txt for more info
TRACE global [1704] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu
INFO global [f50] - Check display mode: requested 800 x 600; available up to 1366 x 768
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 582x464
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CMenuEntry at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CTabbedInt at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is11CMenuScreen at 0x0
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 586x468
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CMenuEntry at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is10CTabbedInt at 0x0
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is11CMenuScreen at 0x0
TRACE global [f50] - Attempt to play sound 136 with file name BUTTON.wav with cache
TRACE animation [f50] - Button clicked at 326x308
TRACE animation [f50] - Parent is11CInfoWindow at 283x233
TRACE global [f50] - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu
INFO global [f50] - Killing console...
INFO global [f50] - Killing console... done!
VCMI_Server_log.txt [^] (555,413 bytes) 2020-07-23 08:49 [Show Content] [Hide Content]INFO global [14fc] - VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (server)
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 24 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 2 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 34 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 2 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 805 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 17 files found
INFO global [14fc] - Initialization: 2840 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\filesystem.json
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at config
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 95 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 2 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod
TRACE global [14fc] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_bmp.lod"" loaded (2491 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 120 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod
TRACE global [14fc] - .LODArchive ""H3bitmap.lod"" loaded (4908 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 150 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Maps
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 167 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 40 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Mods
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 31 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 4 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Mp3
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 57 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd
TRACE global [14fc] - .SNDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.snd"" loaded (117 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 60 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd
TRACE global [14fc] - .SNDArchive ""Heroes3.snd"" loaded (1115 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 40 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 8 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod
TRACE global [14fc] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_spr.lod"" loaded (569 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 40 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod
TRACE global [14fc] - .LODArchive ""H3sprite.lod"" loaded (4013 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 130 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Sprites
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid
TRACE global [14fc] - .VIDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.vid"" loaded (7 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 20 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid
TRACE global [14fc] - .VIDArchive ""VIDEO.VID"" loaded (141 files found).
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 40 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Data loading: 680 ms
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.wood as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.mercury as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.ore as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.sulfur as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.crystal as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.gems as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered resource.mithril as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primSkill.attack as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primarySkill.attack as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primSkill.defence as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primarySkill.defence as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primSkill.spellpower as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primarySkill.spellpower as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primSkill.knowledge as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered primarySkill.knowledge as core:3
INFO global [14fc] - Mod handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\preserve\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\ruins\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\resourceful AI\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\haven\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\mod.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File MODS/FORGE/MOD is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 1, position 0 error: Not a valid UTF-8 file
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\asylum\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\buildings5.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\ambientSounds.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\special.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\generic.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\terrains.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\ability.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\other.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\template.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\artifacts.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\filesystem.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\random.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\campaignMedia.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\castle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\campaignSets.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroClasses.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\translate.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\mapHeader.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\skills.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\object.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\resolutions.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\commanders.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\fonts.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\resources.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\rewardable.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\timed.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\mapOverrides.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\bonuses.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\mainmenu.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\defaultMods.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\special.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\tower.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\sp_sounds.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\startres.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\ERMU_to_picture.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\bonuses_texts.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\battleStartpos.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\obstacles.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\battles_graphics.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\campaign_regions.json
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/Content
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 1007 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 40 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/imperium/
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/imperium/Content
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 575 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 10 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Data
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 16 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Maps
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 1 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sprites
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 46 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/bonusicons/
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/bonusicons/Content
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 95 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/extraresolutions/
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/extraresolutions/Content
TRACE global [14fc] - File system loaded, 42 files found
TRACE global [14fc] - Resource loaded in 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Mod filesystems: 3500 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Basic initialization: 7020 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json
DEBUG global [14fc] - Set log level global => trace
INFO global [14fc] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully.
INFO global [14fc] - [log level] ai => not set
INFO global [14fc] - [log level] animation => not set
INFO global [14fc] - [log level] bonus => not set
INFO global [14fc] - [log level] global => trace
INFO global [14fc] - [log level] mod => not set
INFO global [14fc] - [log level] network => not set
DEBUG mod [14fc] - Loading hardcoded features settings from [.\config\defaultMods.json], result:
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\defaultMods.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\defaultMods.json
DEBUG mod [14fc] - CREEP_SIZE 4000
DEBUG mod [14fc] - WEEKLY_GROWTH 10
DEBUG mod [14fc] - NEUTRAL_STACK_EXP 500
DEBUG mod [14fc] - STACK_EXP 0
DEBUG mod [14fc] - COMMANDERS 0
DEBUG mod [14fc] - MITHRIL 0
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\gameConfig.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\bonuses.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\bonuses_texts.json
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RANGED_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DESTRUCTION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DISGUISED
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FEAR
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FIRST_STRIKE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FLYING
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type GARGOYLE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type HATE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type HEALER
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type KING1
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type KING2
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type KING3
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NONE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type RANGED_RETALIATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SOUL_STEAL
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SUMMON_GUARDIANS
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type SYNERGY_TARGET
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type TRANSMUTATION
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type VISIONS
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY
TRACE bonus [14fc] - Loaded bonus type WIDE_BREATH
INFO global [14fc] - Bonus type handler: 10 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\translate.json
INFO global [14fc] - General text handler: 20 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\obstacles.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\terrains.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.dirt as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.sand as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.grass as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.snow as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.swamp as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.rough as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.subterra as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.lava as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.water as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered terrain.rock as core:9
INFO global [14fc] - Hero handler: 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Artifact handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\commanders.json
INFO global [14fc] - Creature handler: 10 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Town handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - Reading resources prices
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\resources.json
TRACE global [14fc] - Done loading resource prices!
INFO global [14fc] - Object handler: 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Object types information handler: 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Spell handler: 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Skill handler: 0 ms
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json
INFO global [14fc] - Terrain view pattern handler: 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Template handler: 0 ms
INFO global [14fc] - Initializing handlers: 40 ms
INFO mod [14fc] - Initializing content handler: 0 ms
TRACE mod [14fc] - Generating checksum for forge
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberZombie.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\general.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\seprinteer.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\leane.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\rengist.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\spells.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\texts.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpTrooper.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\singhel.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyromaniac.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Stringer.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\creature-names2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\technik.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\resurrecta.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\structures.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyHunter.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpSoldier.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechFighter.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\karen.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechWarrior.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyFighter.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\siege.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Militian.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\cistrict.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyro.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\maximus.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\niclas.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Guard.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\GruntSoldier.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\FootSoldier.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\minore.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\tarkin.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\julian.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-info3.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Tank.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\meltes.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\faction.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\sunni.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\charity.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Juggernaut.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\dwellings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberDead.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\heavystringer.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Bruiser.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-class3.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Dreadnought.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kastore.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - Generating checksum for imperium
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Ranin.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\structures.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\artifacts\BoltCannonArt.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Patricia.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\BoltCannon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\dwellings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Svetlana.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\summonDemon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Noli.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Susan.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\spells\summonDemon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Nariko.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\baron.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Vseglas.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Brooke.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\HighPriestess.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Salvirana.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\mlitaryShop.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Helena.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Tarinus.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sashira.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\faction.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Kasumi.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Volh.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Aprix.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Stefan.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3net.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\advisor.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\siege.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sveneld.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - Generating checksum for vcmi
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\mod.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - Generating checksum for vcmi.bonusicons
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - Generating checksum for vcmi.extraresolutions
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\Content\config\resolutions.json
INFO mod [14fc] - [e7bf0ab9]Original game files
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\artifacts.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\creatures\special.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\castle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\tower.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroClasses.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\heroes\special.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\generic.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\objects\rewardable.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\skills.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\other.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\timed.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\spells\ability.json
INFO mod [14fc] - [c24a62da]Forge town
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Guard.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/GUARD is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Militian.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/MILITIAN is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\GruntSoldier.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/GRUNTSOLDIER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\FootSoldier.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/FOOTSOLDIER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberDead.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/CYBERDEAD is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\CyberZombie.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/CYBERZOMBIE is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyro.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/PYRO is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Pyromaniac.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/PYROMANIAC is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechFighter.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/MECHFIGHTER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 32, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 36, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\MechWarrior.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/MECHWARRIOR is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Stringer.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/STRINGER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Bruiser.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/BRUISER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\heavystringer.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/HEAVYSTRINGER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpSoldier.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/JUMPSOLDIER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\JumpTrooper.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/JUMPTROOPER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyFighter.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/SKYFIGHTER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\SkyHunter.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/SKYHUNTER is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 31, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 33, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Juggernaut.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/JUGGERNAUT is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 32, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 36, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Dreadnought.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/CREATURES/DREADNOUGHT is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 32, position 18 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 34, position 10 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 35, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
At line 36, position 12 warning: Dublicated element encountered!
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\creature-names2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\faction.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\siege.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\spells.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\structures.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town\texts.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\general.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\technik.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-class3.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\seprinteer.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\julian.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\meltes.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\singhel.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\niclas.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\charity.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\sunni.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kastore.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\rengist.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\minore.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\leane.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\tarkin.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\maximus.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\cistrict.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\karen.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\resurrecta.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\texts-info3.json
WARN mod [14fc] - File CONFIG/FORGE/HEROES/TEXTS-INFO3 is not a valid JSON file!
WARN mod [14fc] - At line 1, position 0 error: Not a valid UTF-8 file
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\dwellings.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from forge
INFO mod [14fc] - [cb99cca2]Imperium
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\artifacts\BoltCannonArt.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv1up2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv2up2.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv4up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv5up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv6up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv7up.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\lv3net.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\HighPriestess.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\creatures\BoltCannon.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\buildings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\faction.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\puzzle.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\siege.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\town\structures.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\advisor.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\classes\baron.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Aprix.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Brooke.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sashira.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Helena.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Kasumi.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Nariko.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Noli.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Patricia.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Ranin.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Salvirana.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Stefan.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Sveneld.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Svetlana.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Susan.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Tarinus.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Volh.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\heroes\Vseglas.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\dwellings.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\mlitaryShop.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from imperium
TRACE mod [14fc] - Patching object warMachineFactory (core) from imperium
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\Mods\Imperium\Content\config\imperium\spells\summonDemon.json
INFO mod [14fc] - [b0a6651d]VCMI essential files
INFO mod [14fc] - [f8bb9d7f]Creature bonus icons
INFO mod [14fc] - [953217fc]Extra resolutions
INFO mod [14fc] - Parsing mod data: 2890 ms
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(admiralsHat) at index 136
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.admiralsHat as core:136
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ambassadorsSash) at index 68
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ammoCart as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(amuletOfTheUndertaker) at index 54
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(angelFeatherArrows) at index 62
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(angelWings) at index 72
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.angelWings as core:72
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(angelicAlliance) at index 129
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(armageddonsBlade) at index 128
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(armorOfTheDamned) at index 132
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(armorOfWonder) at index 31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(armsOfLegion) at index 121
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(badgeOfCourage) at index 49
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ballista as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(birdOfPerception) at index 63
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(blackshardOfTheDeadKnight) at index 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfLevitation) at index 90
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfPolarity) at index 59
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfSpeed) at index 98
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfElvenCherrywood) at index 60
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfTheSharpshooter) at index 137
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane) at index 61
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfBrimstone) at index 29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfPetrifiedWood) at index 25
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bucklerOfTheGnollKing) at index 15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(capeOfConjuring) at index 78
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(capeOfVelocity) at index 99
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cardsOfProphecy) at index 47
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.catapult as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(celestialNecklaceOfBliss) at index 33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(centaurAxe) at index 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.centaurAxe as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(charmOfMana) at index 73
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.charmOfMana as core:73
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cloakOfTheUndeadKing) at index 130
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cloverOfFortune) at index 46
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(collarOfConjuring) at index 76
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cornucopia) at index 140
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.cornucopia as core:140
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crestOfValor) at index 50
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.crestOfValor as core:50
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crownOfDragontooth) at index 44
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crownOfTheSupremeMagi) at index 22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deadMansBoots) at index 56
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(diplomatsRing) at index 67
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleArmor) at index 40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleShield) at index 39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dragonWingTabard) at index 42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dragonboneGreaves) at index 41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(elixirOfLife) at index 131
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(emblemOfCognizance) at index 65
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(endlessBagOfGold) at index 116
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(endlessPurseOfGold) at index 117
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(endlessSackOfGold) at index 115
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(equestriansGloves) at index 70
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(everflowingCrystalCloak) at index 109
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(everpouringVialOfMercury) at index 111
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(eversmokingRingOfSulfur) at index 113
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.firstAidTent as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(garnitureOfInterference) at index 57
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(glyphOfGallantry) at index 51
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(goldTowerArrow) at index 142
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.goldTowerArrow as core:142
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(goldenBow) at index 91
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.goldenBow as core:91
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.grail as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(greaterGnollsFlail) at index 9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(headOfLegion) at index 122
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.headOfLegion as core:122
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hellstormHelmet) at index 23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfChaos) at index 21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment) at index 36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn) at index 19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hourglassOfTheEvilHour) at index 85
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfLumber) at index 114
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfOre) at index 112
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ladybirdOfLuck) at index 48
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(legsOfLegion) at index 118
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lionsShieldOfCourage) at index 34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(loinsOfLegion) at index 119
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicWand) at index 141
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.magicWand as core:141
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monstersPower) at index 143
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.monstersPower as core:143
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mysticOrbOfMana) at index 75
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfDragonteeth) at index 43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfOceanGuidance) at index 71
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfSwiftness) at index 97
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ogresClubOfHavoc) at index 10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfDrivingRain) at index 82
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfInhibition) at index 126
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfSilt) at index 80
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTempestuousFire) at index 81
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTheFirmament) at index 79
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfVulnerability) at index 93
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfCourage) at index 108
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDeath) at index 104
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDispassion) at index 100
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfFreeWill) at index 105
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfHoliness) at index 102
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfLife) at index 103
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfNegativity) at index 106
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfSecondSight) at index 101
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfTotalRecall) at index 107
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(powerOfTheDragonFather) at index 134
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(quietEyeOfTheDragon) at index 37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(recantersCloak) at index 83
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.recantersCloak as core:83
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(redDragonFlameTongue) at index 38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ribCage) at index 26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ribCage as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfConjuring) at index 77
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfInfiniteGems) at index 110
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfLife) at index 95
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ringOfLife as core:95
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheMagi) at index 139
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheWayfarer) at index 69
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfVitality) at index 94
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sandalsOfTheSaint) at index 32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk) at index 27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(seaCaptainsHat) at index 123
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sentinelsShield) at index 18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shacklesOfWar) at index 125
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDamned) at index 17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDwarvenLords) at index 13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheYawningDead) at index 14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(skullHelmet) at index 20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.skullHelmet as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(speculum) at index 52
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.speculum as core:52
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(spellBook) at index 0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.spellBook as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.spellScroll as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(spellbindersHat) at index 124
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sphereOfPermanence) at index 92
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(spiritOfOppression) at index 84
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(spyglass) at index 53
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.spyglass as core:53
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(statesmansMedal) at index 66
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(statueOfLegion) at index 133
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stillEyeOfTheDragon) at index 45
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stoicWatchman) at index 64
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(surcoatOfCounterpoise) at index 58
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfHellfire) at index 11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfJudgement) at index 35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(talismanOfMana) at index 74
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(targOfTheRampagingOgre) at index 16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thunderHelmet) at index 24
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(titansCuirass) at index 30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.titansCuirass as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(titansGladius) at index 12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.titansGladius as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(titansThunder) at index 135
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.titansThunder as core:135
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfAirMagic) at index 87
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfEarthMagic) at index 89
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfFireMagic) at index 86
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfWaterMagic) at index 88
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(torsoOfLegion) at index 120
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tunicOfTheCyclopsKing) at index 28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vampiresCowl) at index 55
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vialOfDragonBlood) at index 127
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vialOfLifeblood) at index 96
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wizardsWell) at index 138
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.wizardsWell as core:138
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 112
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.airElemental as core:112
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.airElementals as core:112
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 148
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ammoCart as core:148
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ancientBehemoth) at index 97
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ancientBehemoth as core:97
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(angel) at index 12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.angel as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(archDevil) at index 55
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.archDevil as core:55
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(archMage) at index 35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.archMage as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(archangel) at index 13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.archangel as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(archer) at index 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.archer as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.lightCrossbowman as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(arrowTower) at index 149
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.arrowTower as core:149
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(azureDragon) at index 132
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.azureDragon as core:132
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 146
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ballista as core:146
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(basilisk) at index 106
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.basilisk as core:106
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(battleDwarf) at index 17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.battleDwarf as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(behemoth) at index 96
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.behemoth as core:96
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(beholder) at index 74
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.beholder as core:74
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(blackDragon) at index 83
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.blackDragon as core:83
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(blackKnight) at index 66
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.blackKnight as core:66
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(boar) at index 140
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.boar as core:140
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(boneDragon) at index 68
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.boneDragon as core:68
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 145
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.catapult as core:145
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cavalier) at index 10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.cavalier as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(centaur) at index 14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.centaur as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(centaurCaptain) at index 15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.centaurCaptain as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cerberus) at index 47
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.cerberus as core:47
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(champion) at index 11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.champion as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(chaosHydra) at index 111
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.chaosHydra as core:111
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crusader) at index 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.crusader as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crystalDragon) at index 133
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.crystalDragon as core:133
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cyclop) at index 94
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.cyclop as core:94
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cyclopKing) at index 95
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.cyclopKing as core:95
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(demon) at index 48
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.demon as core:48
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dendroidGuard) at index 22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.dendroidGuard as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dendroidSoldier) at index 23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.dendroidSoldier as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(devil) at index 54
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.devil as core:54
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(diamondGolem) at index 117
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.diamondGolem as core:117
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dreadKnight) at index 67
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.dreadKnight as core:67
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dwarf) at index 16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.dwarf as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 113
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.earthElemental as core:113
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(efreet) at index 52
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.efreet as core:52
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(efreetSultan) at index 53
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.efreetSultan as core:53
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(enchanter) at index 136
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.enchanter as core:136
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.enchanters as core:136
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(energyElemental) at index 129
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.energyElemental as core:129
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(evilEye) at index 75
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.evilEye as core:75
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fairieDragon) at index 134
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.fairieDragon as core:134
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(familiar) at index 43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.familiar as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireDragonFly) at index 105
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.fireDragonFly as core:105
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 114
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.fireElemental as core:114
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(firebird) at index 130
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.firebird as core:130
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 147
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.firstAidTent as core:147
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(genie) at index 36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.genie as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ghostDragon) at index 69
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ghostDragon as core:69
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(giant) at index 40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.giant as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gnoll) at index 98
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.gnoll as core:98
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gnollMarauder) at index 99
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.gnollMarauder as core:99
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(goblin) at index 84
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.goblin as core:84
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.goblins as core:84
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(goblinWolfRider) at index 86
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.goblinWolfRider as core:86
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gog) at index 44
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.gog as core:44
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(goldDragon) at index 27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.goldDragon as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(goldGolem) at index 116
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.goldGolem as core:116
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gorgon) at index 102
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.gorgon as core:102
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(grandElf) at index 19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.grandElf as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(greaterBasilisk) at index 107
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.greaterBasilisk as core:107
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(greenDragon) at index 26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.greenDragon as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gremlin) at index 28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.gremlin as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.apprenticeGremlin as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(griffin) at index 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.griffin as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(halberdier) at index 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.halberdier as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(halfling) at index 138
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.halfling as core:138
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(harpy) at index 72
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.harpy as core:72
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(harpyHag) at index 73
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.harpyHag as core:73
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hellHound) at index 46
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.hellHound as core:46
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblin) at index 85
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.hobgoblin as core:85
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblinWolfRider) at index 87
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hornedDemon) at index 49
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.hornedDemon as core:49
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hydra) at index 110
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.hydra as core:110
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(iceElemental) at index 123
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.iceElemental as core:123
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(imp) at index 42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.imp as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(infernalTroglodyte) at index 71
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.infernalTroglodyte as core:71
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ironGolem) at index 32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ironGolem as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lich) at index 64
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.lich as core:64
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lizardWarrior) at index 101
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.lizardWarrior as core:101
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lizardman) at index 100
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.lizardman as core:100
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.primitiveLizardman as core:100
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mage) at index 34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.mage as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicElemental) at index 121
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.magicElemental as core:121
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magmaElemental) at index 125
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.magmaElemental as core:125
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magog) at index 45
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.magog as core:45
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(manticore) at index 80
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.manticore as core:80
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(marksman) at index 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.marksman as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(masterGenie) at index 37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.masterGenie as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(masterGremlin) at index 29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.masterGremlin as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(medusa) at index 76
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.medusa as core:76
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(medusaQueen) at index 77
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.medusaQueen as core:77
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mightyGorgon) at index 103
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.mightyGorgon as core:103
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(minotaur) at index 78
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.minotaur as core:78
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(minotaurKing) at index 79
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.minotaurKing as core:79
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monk) at index 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.monk as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mummy) at index 141
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.mummy as core:141
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(naga) at index 38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.naga as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(nagaQueen) at index 39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.nagaQueen as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(nomad) at index 142
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.nomad as core:142
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(obsidianGargoyle) at index 31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.obsidianGargoyle as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ogre) at index 90
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ogre as core:90
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ogreMage) at index 91
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.ogreMage as core:91
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orc) at index 88
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.orc as core:88
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orcChieftain) at index 89
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.orcChieftain as core:89
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(peasant) at index 139
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.peasant as core:139
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pegasus) at index 20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pegasus as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(phoenix) at index 131
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.phoenix as core:131
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pikeman) at index 0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pikeman as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pitFiend) at index 50
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pitFiend as core:50
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pitLord) at index 51
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pitLord as core:51
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pixie) at index 118
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pixie as core:118
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pixies as core:118
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(powerLich) at index 65
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.powerLich as core:65
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(psychicElemental) at index 120
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.psychicElemental as core:120
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(redDragon) at index 82
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.redDragon as core:82
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(roc) at index 92
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.roc as core:92
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rogue) at index 143
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.rogue as core:143
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(royalGriffin) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.royalGriffin as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rustDragon) at index 135
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.rustDragon as core:135
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(scorpicore) at index 81
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.scorpicore as core:81
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(serpentFly) at index 104
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.serpentFly as core:104
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.dragonFly as core:104
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sharpshooter) at index 137
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.sharpshooter as core:137
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.sharpshooters as core:137
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(silverPegasus) at index 21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.silverPegasus as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(skeleton) at index 56
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.skeleton as core:56
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(skeletonWarrior) at index 57
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.skeletonWarrior as core:57
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sprite) at index 119
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.sprite as core:119
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGargoyle) at index 30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.stoneGargoyle as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGolem) at index 33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.stoneGolem as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stormElemental) at index 127
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.stormElemental as core:127
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(swordsman) at index 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.swordsman as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thunderbird) at index 93
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.thunderbird as core:93
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(titan) at index 41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.titan as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(troglodyte) at index 70
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.troglodyte as core:70
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(troll) at index 144
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.troll as core:144
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(unicorn) at index 24
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.unicorn as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(unused122) at index 122
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.unused122 as core:122
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(unused124) at index 124
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.unused124 as core:124
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(unused126) at index 126
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.unused126 as core:126
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(unused128) at index 128
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.unused128 as core:128
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vampire) at index 62
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.vampire as core:62
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vampireLord) at index 63
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.vampireLord as core:63
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(walkingDead) at index 58
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.walkingDead as core:58
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.zombie as core:58
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(warUnicorn) at index 25
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.warUnicorn as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 115
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.waterElemental as core:115
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.waterElementals as core:115
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wight) at index 60
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.wight as core:60
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(woodElf) at index 18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.woodElf as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wraith) at index 61
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.wraith as core:61
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wyvern) at index 108
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.wyvern as core:108
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wyvernMonarch) at index 109
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.wyvernMonarch as core:109
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(zealot) at index 9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.zealot as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(zombieLord) at index 59
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.zombieLord as core:59
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(castle) at index 0
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.castle as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(conflux) at index 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.extraCityHall as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.extraTownHall as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.conflux.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.conflux as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dungeon) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dungeon.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.dungeon as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fortress) at index 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fortress.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.fortress as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.horde2 as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.horde2Upgr as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.inferno.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.inferno as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(necropolis) at index 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.extraCityHall as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.extraTownHall as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.ship as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.necropolis.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.necropolis as core:4
WARN mod [14fc] - no original data in loadMod(neutral) at index 9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.neutral as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rampart) at index 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.extraCapitol as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.extraCityHall as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.extraTownHall as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.horde2 as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.horde2Upgr as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.rampart.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.rampart as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stronghold) at index 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.stronghold.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.stronghold as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tower) at index 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.horde1 as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.horde1Upgr as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.special1 as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.special2 as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.special3 as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.special4 as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tower.villageHall as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.tower as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(alchemist) at index 4
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.alchemist as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(barbarian) at index 12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.barbarian as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(battlemage) at index 13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.battlemage as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(beastmaster) at index 14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.beastmaster as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cleric) at index 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.cleric as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deathknight) at index 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.deathknight as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(demoniac) at index 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.demoniac as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(druid) at index 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.druid as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(elementalist) at index 17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.elementalist as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(heretic) at index 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.heretic as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(knight) at index 0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.knight as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(necromancer) at index 9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.necromancer as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(overlord) at index 11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.overlord as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(planeswalker) at index 16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.planeswalker as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ranger) at index 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.ranger as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(warlock) at index 10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.warlock as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(witch) at index 15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.witch as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wizard) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.wizard as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(adela) at index 9
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.adela as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(adelaide) at index 11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.adelaide as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(adrienne) at index 145
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.adrienne as core:145
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(aenain) at index 141
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.aenain as core:141
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(aeris) at index 31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.aeris as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(aine) at index 47
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.aine as core:47
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(aislinn) at index 73
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.aislinn as core:73
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ajit) at index 83
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ajit as core:83
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(alagar) at index 30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.alagar as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(alamar) at index 88
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.alamar as core:88
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(alkin) at index 116
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.alkin as core:116
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(andra) at index 126
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.andra as core:126
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(arlach) at index 81
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.arlach as core:81
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ash) at index 61
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ash as core:61
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(astral) at index 40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.astral as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(axsis) at index 58
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.axsis as core:58
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ayden) at index 56
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ayden as core:56
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(boragus) at index 154
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.boragus as core:154
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(brissa) at index 137
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.brissa as core:137
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(broghild) at index 119
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.broghild as core:119
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bron) at index 112
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.bron as core:112
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(caitlin) at index 15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.caitlin as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(calh) at index 53
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.calh as core:53
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(calid) at index 60
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.calid as core:60
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(catherine) at index 146
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.catherine as core:146
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(charna) at index 67
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.charna as core:67
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(christian) at index 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.christian as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ciele) at index 138
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ciele as core:138
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(clancy) at index 22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.clancy as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(clavius) at index 70
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.clavius as core:70
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(coronius) at index 24
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.coronius as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cragHack) at index 102
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.cragHack as core:102
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cuthbert) at index 10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.cuthbert as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cyra) at index 46
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.cyra as core:46
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dace) at index 82
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.dace as core:82
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(damacon) at index 84
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.damacon as core:84
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(daremyth) at index 43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.daremyth as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(darkstorn) at index 95
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.darkstorn as core:95
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deemer) at index 93
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.deemer as core:93
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dessa) at index 106
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.dessa as core:106
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dracon) at index 147
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.dracon as core:147
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(drakon) at index 113
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.drakon as core:113
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(edric) at index 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.edric as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(elleshar) at index 26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.elleshar as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(erdamon) at index 133
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.erdamon as core:133
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fafner) at index 37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.fafner as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fiona) at index 48
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.fiona as core:48
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fiur) at index 134
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.fiur as core:134
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(galthran) at index 71
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.galthran as core:71
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gelare) at index 142
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gelare as core:142
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gelu) at index 148
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gelu as core:148
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gem) at index 27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gem as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(geon) at index 92
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.geon as core:92
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gerwulf) at index 118
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gerwulf as core:118
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gird) at index 104
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gird as core:104
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gretchin) at index 100
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gretchin as core:100
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(grindan) at index 143
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.grindan as core:143
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gundula) at index 109
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gundula as core:109
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gunnar) at index 85
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gunnar as core:85
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gurnisson) at index 97
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.gurnisson as core:97
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(halon) at index 41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.halon as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ignatius) at index 51
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ignatius as core:51
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ignissa) at index 130
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ignissa as core:130
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ingham) at index 12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ingham as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(inteus) at index 140
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.inteus as core:140
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(iona) at index 39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.iona as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(isra) at index 69
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.isra as core:69
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ivor) at index 21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ivor as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(jabarkas) at index 98
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.jabarkas as core:98
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(jaegar) at index 89
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.jaegar as core:89
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(jeddite) at index 91
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.jeddite as core:91
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(jenova) at index 18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.jenova as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(josephine) at index 34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.josephine as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(kalt) at index 135
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.kalt as core:135
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(kilgor) at index 149
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.kilgor as core:149
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(korbac) at index 117
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.korbac as core:117
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(krellion) at index 101
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.krellion as core:101
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(kyrre) at index 23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.kyrre as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(labetha) at index 139
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.labetha as core:139
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lacus) at index 131
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.lacus as core:131
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lordHaart) at index 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.lordHaart as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lorelei) at index 80
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.lorelei as core:80
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(loynis) at index 14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.loynis as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(luna) at index 136
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.luna as core:136
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(malcom) at index 28
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.malcom as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(malekith) at index 90
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.malekith as core:90
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(marius) at index 50
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.marius as core:50
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(melodia) at index 29
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.melodia as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mephala) at index 16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.mephala as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(merist) at index 124
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.merist as core:124
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mirlanda) at index 120
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.mirlanda as core:120
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(moandor) at index 66
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.moandor as core:66
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monere) at index 132
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.monere as core:132
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mutare) at index 151
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.mutare as core:151
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mutareDrake) at index 153
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.mutareDrake as core:153
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(nagash) at index 79
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.nagash as core:79
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(neela) at index 35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.neela as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(nimbus) at index 75
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.nimbus as core:75
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(nymus) at index 55
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.nymus as core:55
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(octavia) at index 52
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.octavia as core:52
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(olema) at index 59
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.olema as core:59
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(oris) at index 110
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.oris as core:110
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(orrin) at index 0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.orrin as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pasis) at index 128
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.pasis as core:128
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(piquedram) at index 32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.piquedram as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pyre) at index 54
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.pyre as core:54
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rashka) at index 49
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.rashka as core:49
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rion) at index 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.rion as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rissa) at index 38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.rissa as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(roland) at index 152
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.roland as core:152
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rosic) at index 121
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.rosic as core:121
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ryland) at index 19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ryland as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sandro) at index 74
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sandro as core:74
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sanya) at index 13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sanya as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(saurug) at index 111
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.saurug as core:111
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sephinroth) at index 94
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sephinroth as core:94
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(septienna) at index 72
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.septienna as core:72
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(serena) at index 42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.serena as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shakti) at index 87
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.shakti as core:87
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shiva) at index 99
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.shiva as core:99
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sirMullich) at index 144
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sirMullich as core:144
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(solmyr) at index 45
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.solmyr as core:45
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sorsha) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sorsha as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(straker) at index 64
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.straker as core:64
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(styg) at index 125
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.styg as core:125
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sylvia) at index 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sylvia as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(synca) at index 86
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.synca as core:86
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tamika) at index 68
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tamika as core:68
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tazar) at index 115
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tazar as core:115
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(terek) at index 107
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.terek as core:107
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thane) at index 33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.thane as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thant) at index 76
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.thant as core:76
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(theodorus) at index 44
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.theodorus as core:44
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thorgrim) at index 20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.thorgrim as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thunar) at index 129
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.thunar as core:129
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tiva) at index 127
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tiva as core:127
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(torosar ) at index 36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.torosar as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tyraxor) at index 103
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tyraxor as core:103
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tyris) at index 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tyris as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ufretin) at index 17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ufretin as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(uland) at index 25
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.uland as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(undeadHaart) at index 150
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.undeadHaart as core:150
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(valeska) at index 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.valeska as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(verdish) at index 123
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.verdish as core:123
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vey) at index 105
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.vey as core:105
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vidomina) at index 78
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.vidomina as core:78
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(vokial) at index 65
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.vokial as core:65
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(voy) at index 122
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.voy as core:122
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wystan) at index 114
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.wystan as core:114
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(xarfax) at index 63
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.xarfax as core:63
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(xeron) at index 155
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.xeron as core:155
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(xsi) at index 77
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.xsi as core:77
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(xyron) at index 57
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.xyron as core:57
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(yog) at index 96
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.yog as core:96
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(zubin) at index 108
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.zubin as core:108
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(zydar) at index 62
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.zydar as core:62
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(abandonedMine) at index 220
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\object.json
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object abandonedMine(220)::mine(7)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.abandonedMine as core:220
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(altarOfSacrifice) at index 2
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object altarOfSacrifice(2)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.altarOfSacrifice as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(arena) at index 4
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object arena(4)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.arena as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(artifact) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.artifact as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(blackMarket) at index 7
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object blackMarket(7)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.blackMarket as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(boat) at index 8
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object boat(8)::evil(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object boat(8)::good(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object boat(8)::neutral(2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.boat as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(borderGate) at index 212
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::black(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::brown(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::dblue(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::green(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::lblue(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::purple(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::red(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::white(6)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.borderGate as core:212
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(borderGuard) at index 9
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::black(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::brown(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::dblue(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::green(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::lblue(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::purple(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::red(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::white(6)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.borderGuard as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(buoy) at index 11
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object buoy(11)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.buoy as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cactus) at index 116
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cactus(116)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.cactus as core:116
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(campfire) at index 12
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object campfire(12)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.campfire as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(canyon) at index 117
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object canyon(117)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.canyon as core:117
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cartographer) at index 13
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::land(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::subterra(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::water(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.cartographer as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cloverField) at index 222
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cloverField(222)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.cloverField as core:222
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(corpse) at index 22
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object corpse(22)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.corpse as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(coverOfDarkness) at index 15
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object coverOfDarkness(15)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.coverOfDarkness as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crater) at index 118
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object crater(118)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.crater as core:118
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(creatureBank) at index 16
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::cyclopsStockpile(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::dragonFlyHive(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::dwarvenTreasury(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::griffinConservatory(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::inpCache(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::medusaStore(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::nagaBank(5)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.creatureBank as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorCommon) at index 17
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json
WARN mod [14fc] - Data in creatureGeneratorCommon is invalid!
WARN mod [14fc] - At /types/barracks/templates/default/animation
Error: Def file "forge/adventure-map/dwelling-1-fountain" was not found
TRACE mod [14fc] - creatureGeneratorCommon json: {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// core
"handler" : "dwelling",
// core
"index" : 17,
// core
"name" : "Creature Generator 1",
// core
"types" : {
// core
"airConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "airElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 7,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPAIR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"airstrip" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "jumpSoldier" ] ],
// forge
"name" : "Airstrip",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-5-tower",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "BAV" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"altarOfAir" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "airElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 69,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPAIR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfEarth" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "earthElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 70,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPEART" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfFire" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "fireElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 71,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfThought" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "psychicElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 60,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"altarOfWater" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "waterElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 72,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFOUN" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"altarOfWishes" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "genie" ] ],
// core
"index" : 18,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMAGI" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"ancientRefinery" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "skyFighter" ] ],
// forge
"guards" : true,
// forge
"name" : "Ancient Refinery",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-7-whirpool",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAB" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"archersTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "archer" ] ],
// core
"index" : 57,
// core
"sounds" : {
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"ambient" : [ "LOOPARCH" ],
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"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"barracks" : {
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"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gruntSoldier" ] ],
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"index" : 58,
// core
"name" : "Barracks",
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"sounds" : {
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"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
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"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// core
"templates" : {
// core
"default" : {
// core
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-1-fountain",
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"basiliskPit" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "basilisk" ] ],
// core
"index" : 0,
// core
"sounds" : {
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// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"behemothCrag" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "behemoth" ] ],
// core
"index" : 1,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPBEHE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"boarGlen" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "boar" ] ],
// core
"index" : 75,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
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// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"centaurStables" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "centaur" ] ],
// core
"index" : 6,
// core
"sounds" : {
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// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"cliffNest" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "roc" ] ],
// core
"index" : 42,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPBIRD" ],
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"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"cloudTemple" : {
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"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "giant" ] ],
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"index" : 44,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPTITA" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"crystalCavern" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "crystalDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 63,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
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"cursedTemple" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "skeleton" ] ],
// core
"index" : 54,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSKEL" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"cyclopsCave" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "cyclop" ] ],
// core
"index" : 9,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"demonGate" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "demon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 37,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dendroidArches" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "dendroidGuard" ] ],
// core
"index" : 45,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGARD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dragonCave" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "redDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 41,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDRAG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dragonCliffs" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "greenDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 24,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
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// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dragonVault" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "boneDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 4,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDRAG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"dwarfCottage" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "dwarf" ] ],
// core
"index" : 12,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDWAR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"earthConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "earthElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 13,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPEART" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"enchantedSpring" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pegasus" ] ],
// core
"index" : 50,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPPEGA" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"enchantersHollow" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "enchanter" ] ],
// core
"index" : 66,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"estate" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "vampire" ] ],
// core
"index" : 53,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"fireBasin" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "pyro" ] ],
// forge
"name" : "Fire Basin",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-3-fregate",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"fireConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "fireElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 16,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"fireLake" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "efreet" ] ],
// core
"index" : 14,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPVENT" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"forsakenPalace" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "devil" ] ],
// core
"index" : 10,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEVL" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"frozenCliffs" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "azureDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 62,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"garage" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "juggernaut" ] ],
// forge
"guards" : true,
// forge
"name" : "Garage",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-6-fort-nix",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "BBV", "VBA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"gnollHut" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gnoll" ] ],
// core
"index" : 20,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPORC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"goblinBarracks" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "goblin" ] ],
// core
"index" : 21,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGOBL" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"goldenPavilion" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "naga" ] ],
// core
"index" : 36,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPNAGA" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"gorgonLair" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gorgon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 23,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPBEHE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"graveyard" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "walkingDead" ] ],
// core
"index" : 55,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"griffinTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "griffin" ] ],
// core
"index" : 25,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGRIF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"guardhouse" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pikeman" ] ],
// core
"index" : 56,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPPIKE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hallOfDarkness" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "blackKnight" ] ],
// core
"index" : 3,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hallOfSins" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gog" ] ],
// core
"index" : 22,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPVENT" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"harpyLoft" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "harpy" ] ],
// core
"index" : 26,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHARP" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hellHole" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pitFiend" ] ],
// core
"index" : 40,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"homestead" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "woodElf" ] ],
// core
"index" : 15,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPELF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hovel" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "peasant" ] ],
// core
"index" : 74,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"hydraPond" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "hydra" ] ],
// core
"index" : 28,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHYDR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"impCrucible" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "imp" ] ],
// core
"index" : 29,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// imperium
"itAngelOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv7" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Angel Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw7.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itArcherOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv2" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Archer Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw2.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itCavalierOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv6" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Cavalier Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw6.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAV" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itHoundOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv3" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Hound Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw3.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itMonkOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv5" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Monk Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw5.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAV" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itPikemanOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv1" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Pikeman Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw1.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itSpyOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv3net" ] ],
// imperium
"name" : "Spy Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw8.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"itSwordsmanOutpost" : {
// imperium
"base" : {
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// imperium
"creatures" : [ [ "itlv4" ] ],
// imperium
"guards" : true,
// imperium
"name" : "Swordsman Outpost",
// imperium
"sounds" : {
// imperium
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// imperium
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// imperium
"templates" : {
// imperium
"default" : {
// imperium
"animation" : "imperium\/creatures\/dwellings\/dw4.def",
// imperium
"mask" : [ "VBV", "VBB", "VBA" ],
// imperium
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"kennels" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "hellHound" ] ],
// core
"index" : 27,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDOG" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"labyrinth" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "minotaur" ] ],
// core
"index" : 34,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPANIM" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"lizardDen" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "lizardman" ] ],
// core
"index" : 30,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPARCH" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"mageTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "mage" ] ],
// core
"index" : 31,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMAGI" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"magicForest" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "fairieDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 64,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"magicLantern" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "pixie" ] ],
// core
"index" : 59,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"manticoreLair" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "manticore" ] ],
// core
"index" : 32,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMANT" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"mausoleum" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "lich" ] ],
// core
"index" : 52,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"medusaChapel" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "medusa" ] ],
// core
"index" : 33,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMEDU" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"monastery" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "monk" ] ],
// core
"index" : 35,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
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// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"nomadTent" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "nomad" ] ],
// core
"index" : 77,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"ogreFort" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "ogre" ] ],
// core
"index" : 38,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPOGRE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"orcTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "orc" ] ],
// core
"index" : 39,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPORC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"parapet" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "stoneGargoyle" ] ],
// core
"index" : 17,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGRIF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"pillarOfEyes" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "beholder" ] ],
// core
"index" : 2,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"portalOfGlory" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "angel" ] ],
// core
"index" : 8,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSANC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"pyre" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "firebird" ] ],
// core
"index" : 61,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"rogueCavern" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "rogue" ] ],
// core
"index" : 78,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"serpentFlyHive" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "serpentFly" ] ],
// core
"index" : 11,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPLEAR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// forge
"slaughterhouse" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "guard" ] ],
// forge
"name" : "Slaughterhouse",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-2-camp",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VAB" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"stingersPost" : {
// forge
"base" : {
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "stringer" ] ],
// forge
"guards" : true,
// forge
"name" : "Stingers Post",
// forge
"sounds" : {
// forge
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// forge
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"default" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-4-nest",
// forge
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "BBA" ],
// forge
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"sulfurousLair" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "rustDragon" ] ],
// core
"index" : 65,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"thatchedHut" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "halfling" ] ],
// core
"index" : 73,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"tombOfCurses" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "mummy" ] ],
// core
"index" : 76,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"tombOfSouls" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "wight" ] ],
// core
"index" : 48,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"trainingGrounds" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "cavalier" ] ],
// core
"index" : 5,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPHORS" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"treetopTower" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "sharpshooter" ] ],
// core
"index" : 67,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"trollBridge" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "troll" ] ],
// core
"index" : 79,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"unicornGlade" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "unicorn" ] ],
// core
"index" : 68,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPUNIC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"unicornGladeBig" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "unicorn" ] ],
// core
"index" : 51,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPUNIC" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"warren" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "troglodyte" ] ],
// core
"index" : 46,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"waterConflux" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "waterElemental" ] ],
// core
"index" : 47,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPFOUN" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"wolfPen" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "goblinWolfRider" ] ],
// core
"index" : 19,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPWOLF" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"workshop" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "gremlin" ] ],
// core
"index" : 43,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPGREM" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
// core
"wyvernNest" : {
// core
"base" : {
// core
"mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ],
// core
"visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ]
// core
"creatures" : [ [ "wyvern" ] ],
// core
"index" : 49,
// core
"sounds" : {
// core
"ambient" : [ "LOOPMONS" ],
// core
"visit" : [ "MILITARY" ]
"templates" : { }
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::airConflux(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:airstrip(1000)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfAir(69)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfEarth(70)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfFire(71)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfThought(60)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWater(72)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWishes(18)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:ancientRefinery(1001)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::archersTower(57)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::barracks(58)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::basiliskPit(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::behemothCrag(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::boarGlen(75)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::centaurStables(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cliffNest(42)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cloudTemple(44)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::crystalCavern(63)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cursedTemple(54)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cyclopsCave(9)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::demonGate(37)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dendroidArches(45)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCave(41)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCliffs(24)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonVault(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dwarfCottage(12)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::earthConflux(13)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantedSpring(50)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantersHollow(66)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::estate(53)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:fireBasin(1002)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireConflux(16)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireLake(14)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forsakenPalace(10)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::frozenCliffs(62)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:garage(1003)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gnollHut(20)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goblinBarracks(21)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goldenPavilion(36)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gorgonLair(23)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::graveyard(55)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::griffinTower(25)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::guardhouse(56)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfDarkness(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfSins(22)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::harpyLoft(26)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hellHole(40)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::homestead(15)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hovel(74)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hydraPond(28)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::impCrucible(29)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itAngelOutpost(1004)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itArcherOutpost(1005)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itCavalierOutpost(1006)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itHoundOutpost(1007)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itMonkOutpost(1008)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itPikemanOutpost(1009)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itSpyOutpost(1010)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::imperium:itSwordsmanOutpost(1011)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::kennels(27)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::labyrinth(34)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::lizardDen(30)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mageTower(31)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicForest(64)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicLantern(59)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::manticoreLair(32)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mausoleum(52)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::medusaChapel(33)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::monastery(35)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nomadTent(77)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ogreFort(38)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::orcTower(39)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::parapet(17)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pillarOfEyes(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::portalOfGlory(8)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pyre(61)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rogueCavern(78)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::serpentFlyHive(11)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:slaughterhouse(1012)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forge:stingersPost(1013)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::sulfurousLair(65)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::thatchedHut(73)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfCurses(76)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfSouls(48)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trainingGrounds(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::treetopTower(67)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trollBridge(79)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGlade(68)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGladeBig(51)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::warren(46)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::waterConflux(47)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wolfPen(19)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::workshop(43)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wyvernNest(49)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.creatureGeneratorCommon as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorSpecial) at index 20
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::elementalConflux(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::golemFactory(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.creatureGeneratorSpecial as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(crypt) at index 84
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object crypt(84)::crypt(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.crypt as core:84
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cursedGround) at index 21
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cursedGround(21)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.cursedGround as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cursedGroundDUPLICATE) at index 223
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object cursedGroundDUPLICATE(223)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE as core:223
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deadVegetation) at index 119
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object deadVegetation(119)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.deadVegetation as core:119
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(denOfThieves) at index 97
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object denOfThieves(97)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.denOfThieves as core:97
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(derelictShip) at index 24
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object derelictShip(24)::derelictShip(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.derelictShip as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(desertHills) at index 206
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object desertHills(206)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.desertHills as core:206
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dirtHills) at index 207
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object dirtHills(207)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.dirtHills as core:207
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dragonUtopia) at index 25
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object dragonUtopia(25)::dragonUtopia(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.dragonUtopia as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(event) at index 26
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object event(26)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.event as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(evilFog) at index 224
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object evilFog(224)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.evilFog as core:224
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(eyeOfTheMagi) at index 27
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object eyeOfTheMagi(27)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.eyeOfTheMagi as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(faerieRing) at index 28
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object faerieRing(28)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.faerieRing as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(favorableWinds) at index 225
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object favorableWinds(225)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.favorableWinds as core:225
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fieryFields) at index 226
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object fieryFields(226)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.fieryFields as core:226
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(flotsam) at index 29
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object flotsam(29)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.flotsam as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(flowers) at index 120
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object flowers(120)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:120
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfFortune) at index 30
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object fountainOfFortune(30)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.fountainOfFortune as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfYouth) at index 31
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object fountainOfYouth(31)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.fountainOfYouth as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(freelancersGuild) at index 213
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object freelancersGuild(213)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.freelancersGuild as core:213
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(frozenLake) at index 121
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object frozenLake(121)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.frozenLake as core:121
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(frozenLakeDUPLICATE) at index 172
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object frozenLakeDUPLICATE(172)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.frozenLakeDUPLICATE as core:172
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(gardenOfRevelation) at index 32
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object gardenOfRevelation(32)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.gardenOfRevelation as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(garrisonHorizontal) at index 33
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object garrisonHorizontal(33)::antiMagic(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object garrisonHorizontal(33)::normal(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.garrisonHorizontal as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(garrisonVertical) at index 219
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object garrisonVertical(219)::antiMagic(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object garrisonVertical(219)::normal(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.garrisonVertical as core:219
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 36
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object grail(36)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.grail as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(grassHills) at index 208
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object grassHills(208)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.grassHills as core:208
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hero) at index 34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.hero as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(heroPlaceholder) at index 214
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object heroPlaceholder(214)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.heroPlaceholder as core:214
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hillFort) at index 35
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hillFort(35)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.hillFort as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hole) at index 124
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hole(124)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.hole as core:124
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(holyGround) at index 227
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object holyGround(227)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.holyGround as core:227
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hutOfTheMagi) at index 37
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hutOfTheMagi(37)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.hutOfTheMagi as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(idolOfFortune) at index 38
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::object(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::object1(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.idolOfFortune as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(kelp) at index 125
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object kelp(125)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.kelp as core:125
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(keymasterTent) at index 10
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::black(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::brown(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::dblue(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::green(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::lblue(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::purple(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::red(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::white(6)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.keymasterTent as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lake) at index 126
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object lake(126)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.lake as core:126
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lakeDUPLICATE) at index 177
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object lakeDUPLICATE(177)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.lakeDUPLICATE as core:177
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lavaFlow) at index 127
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object lavaFlow(127)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.lavaFlow as core:127
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lavaLake) at index 128
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object lavaLake(128)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.lavaLake as core:128
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(leanTo) at index 39
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object leanTo(39)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.leanTo as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(learningStone) at index 100
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object learningStone(100)::object(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object learningStone(100)::objectWoG(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.learningStone as core:100
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(libraryOfEnlightenment) at index 41
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object libraryOfEnlightenment(41)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lighthouse) at index 42
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object lighthouse(42)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.lighthouse as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(log) at index 130
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object log(130)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.log as core:130
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lucidPools) at index 228
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object lucidPools(228)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.lucidPools as core:228
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicClouds) at index 229
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object magicClouds(229)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.magicClouds as core:229
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicPlains) at index 46
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object magicPlains(46)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.magicPlains as core:46
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicPlainsDUPLICATE) at index 230
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object magicPlainsDUPLICATE(230)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE as core:230
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicSpring) at index 48
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object magicSpring(48)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.magicSpring as core:48
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicWell) at index 49
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object magicWell(49)::object(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object magicWell(49)::objectWoG(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.magicWell as core:49
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mandrake) at index 131
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mandrake(131)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mandrake as core:131
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(marlettoTower) at index 23
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object marlettoTower(23)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.marlettoTower as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mercenaryCamp) at index 51
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mercenaryCamp(51)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mercenaryCamp as core:51
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mermaids) at index 52
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mermaids(52)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mermaids as core:52
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mine) at index 53
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::abandoned(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::alchemistLab(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::crystalCavern(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::gemPond(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::goldMine(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::orePit(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::sawmill(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mine(53)::sulfurDune(3)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mine as core:53
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayEntrance) at index 43
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith1(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith2(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith3(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith4(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith5(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith6(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith7(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith8(7)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.monolithOneWayEntrance as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayExit) at index 44
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith1(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith2(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith3(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith4(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith5(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith6(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith7(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith8(7)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.monolithOneWayExit as core:44
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monolithTwoWay) at index 45
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith1(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith2(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith3(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith4(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith5(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith6(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith7(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith8(7)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.monolithTwoWay as core:45
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(monster) at index 54
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:54
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(moss) at index 132
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object moss(132)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.moss as core:132
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mound) at index 133
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mound(133)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mound as core:133
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mountain) at index 134
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mountain(134)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mountain as core:134
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mushrooms) at index 129
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mushrooms(129)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mushrooms as core:129
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mysticalGarden) at index 55
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object mysticalGarden(55)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.mysticalGarden as core:55
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(oakTrees) at index 135
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object oakTrees(135)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.oakTrees as core:135
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(oakTreesDUPLICATE) at index 186
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object oakTreesDUPLICATE(186)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.oakTreesDUPLICATE as core:186
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(oasis) at index 56
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object oasis(56)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.oasis as core:56
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(obelisk) at index 57
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object obelisk(57)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.obelisk as core:57
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(oceanBottle) at index 59
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object oceanBottle(59)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.oceanBottle as core:59
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(outcropping) at index 136
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object outcropping(136)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.outcropping as core:136
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pandoraBox) at index 6
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object pandoraBox(6)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.pandoraBox as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pillarOfFire) at index 60
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object pillarOfFire(60)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.pillarOfFire as core:60
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pineTrees) at index 137
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object pineTrees(137)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.pineTrees as core:137
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(plant) at index 189
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object plant(189)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.plant as core:189
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(prison) at index 62
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object prison(62)::prison(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.prison as core:62
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pyramid) at index 63
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object pyramid(63)::pyramid(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.pyramid as core:63
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(questGuard) at index 215
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object questGuard(215)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.questGuard as core:215
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rallyFlag) at index 64
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object rallyFlag(64)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.rallyFlag as core:64
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifact) at index 65
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomArtifact(65)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomArtifact as core:65
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMajor) at index 68
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomArtifactMajor(68)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomArtifactMajor as core:68
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMinor) at index 67
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomArtifactMinor(67)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomArtifactMinor as core:67
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactRelic) at index 69
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomArtifactRelic(69)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomArtifactRelic as core:69
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactTreasure) at index 66
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomArtifactTreasure(66)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomArtifactTreasure as core:66
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwelling) at index 216
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwelling(216)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomDwelling as core:216
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingFaction) at index 218
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectCastle(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectConflux(8)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectDungeon(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectFortress(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectInferno(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectNecropolis(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectRampart(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectStronghold(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectTower(2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomDwellingFaction as core:218
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingLvl) at index 217
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl1(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl2(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl3(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl4(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl5(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl6(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl7(6)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomDwellingLvl as core:217
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomHero) at index 70
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomHero(70)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomHero as core:70
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonster) at index 71
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonster(71)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonster as core:71
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel1) at index 72
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel1(72)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel1 as core:72
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel2) at index 73
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel2(73)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel2 as core:73
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel3) at index 74
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel3(74)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel3 as core:74
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel4) at index 75
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel4(75)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel4 as core:75
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel5) at index 162
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel5(162)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel5 as core:162
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel6) at index 163
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel6(163)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel6 as core:163
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel7) at index 164
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel7(164)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel7 as core:164
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomResource) at index 76
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomResource(76)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomResource as core:76
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(randomTown) at index 77
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object randomTown(77)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.randomTown as core:77
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(redwoodObservatory) at index 58
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object redwoodObservatory(58)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.redwoodObservatory as core:58
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(reef) at index 161
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object reef(161)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.reef as core:161
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(refugeeCamp) at index 78
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object refugeeCamp(78)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.refugeeCamp as core:78
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(resource) at index 79
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::crystal(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::gems(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::gold(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::mercury(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::mithril(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::ore(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::sulfur(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object resource(79)::wood(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.resource as core:79
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(riverDelta) at index 143
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object riverDelta(143)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.riverDelta as core:143
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 147
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object rock(147)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.rock as core:147
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(rocklands) at index 231
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object rocklands(231)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.rocklands as core:231
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(roughHills) at index 209
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object roughHills(209)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.roughHills as core:209
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sanctuary) at index 80
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object sanctuary(80)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.sanctuary as core:80
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sandDune) at index 148
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object sandDune(148)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.sandDune as core:148
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sandPit) at index 149
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object sandPit(149)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.sandPit as core:149
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 81
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object scholar(81)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.scholar as core:81
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfMagic) at index 47
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object schoolOfMagic(47)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.schoolOfMagic as core:47
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfWar) at index 107
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object schoolOfWar(107)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.schoolOfWar as core:107
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(seaChest) at index 82
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object seaChest(82)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.seaChest as core:82
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(seerHut) at index 83
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::0(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::1(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::2(2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.seerHut as core:83
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shipwreck) at index 85
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shipwreck(85)::shipwreck(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shipwreck as core:85
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shipwreckSurvivor) at index 86
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shipwreckSurvivor(86)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shipwreckSurvivor as core:86
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shipyard) at index 87
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shipyard(87)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shipyard as core:87
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel1) at index 88
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel1(88)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 as core:88
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel2) at index 89
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel2(89)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 as core:89
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel3) at index 90
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object1(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 as core:90
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shrub) at index 150
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object shrub(150)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.shrub as core:150
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sign) at index 91
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object sign(91)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.sign as core:91
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sirens) at index 92
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object sirens(92)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.sirens as core:92
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(skull) at index 151
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object skull(151)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.skull as core:151
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 93
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object spellScroll(93)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.spellScroll as core:93
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stables) at index 94
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object stables(94)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.stables as core:94
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(starAxis) at index 61
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object starAxis(61)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.starAxis as core:61
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stump) at index 153
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object stump(153)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.stump as core:153
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanGate) at index 103
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::object(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::objectWoG(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.subterraneanGate as core:103
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanRocks) at index 210
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object subterraneanRocks(210)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.subterraneanRocks as core:210
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(swampFoliage) at index 211
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object swampFoliage(211)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.swampFoliage as core:211
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(swanPond) at index 14
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object swanPond(14)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.swanPond as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tavern) at index 95
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object tavern(95)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.tavern as core:95
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(temple) at index 96
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object temple(96)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.temple as core:96
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(town) at index 98
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:98
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tradingPost) at index 221
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object tradingPost(221)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.tradingPost as core:221
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tradingPostDUPLICATE) at index 99
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object tradingPostDUPLICATE(99)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.tradingPostDUPLICATE as core:99
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(treasureChest) at index 101
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object treasureChest(101)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.treasureChest as core:101
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(treeOfKnowledge) at index 102
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object treeOfKnowledge(102)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.treeOfKnowledge as core:102
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(trees) at index 155
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object trees(155)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.trees as core:155
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(treesDUPLICATE) at index 199
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object treesDUPLICATE(199)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.treesDUPLICATE as core:199
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(university) at index 104
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object university(104)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:104
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(volcano) at index 158
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object volcano(158)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.volcano as core:158
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wagon) at index 105
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object wagon(105)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.wagon as core:105
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(warMachineFactory) at index 106
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object warMachineFactory(106)::imperium:mlitaryShop(1000)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object warMachineFactory(106)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.warMachineFactory as core:106
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(warriorTomb) at index 108
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object warriorTomb(108)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.warriorTomb as core:108
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(waterWheel) at index 109
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object waterWheel(109)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.waterWheel as core:109
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wateringHole) at index 110
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object wateringHole(110)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.wateringHole as core:110
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(whirlpool) at index 111
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object whirlpool(111)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.whirlpool as core:111
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(windmill) at index 112
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object windmill(112)::object(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.windmill as core:112
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(witchHut) at index 113
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object witchHut(113)::object(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object witchHut(113)::object1(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered object.witchHut as core:113
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(airMagic) at index 15
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill airMagic(15)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(15,airMagic): [("{Basic Air Magic}
Basic Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost.", [Air Magic +1]),("{Advanced Air Magic}
Advanced Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Air Magic +2]),("{Expert Air Magic}
Expert Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Air Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.airMagic as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.airMagic as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(archery) at index 1
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill archery(1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(1,archery): [("{Basic Archery}
Basic Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 10%.", [Archery +10]),("{Advanced Archery}
Advanced Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 25%.", [Archery +25]),("{Expert Archery}
Expert Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 50%.", [Archery +50])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.archery as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.archery as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(armorer) at index 23
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill armorer(23)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(23,armorer): [("{Basic Armorer}
Basic Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 5%.", [Armorer +5]),("{Advanced Armorer}
Advanced Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 10%.", [Armorer +10]),("{Expert Armorer}
Expert Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 15%.", [Armorer +15])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.armorer as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.armorer as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(artillery) at index 20
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill artillery(20)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(20,artillery): [("{Basic Artillery}
Basic Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots with a 50% chance to inflict double damage.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +50,Artillery]),("{Advanced Artillery}
Advanced Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots with a 75% chance to inflict double damage.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +75,Artillery +1]),("{Expert Artillery}
Expert Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots which inflict double damage.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +1])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.artillery as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.artillery as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(ballistics) at index 10
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill ballistics(10)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(10,ballistics): [("{Basic Ballistics}
Basic Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing aimed shots with increased damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +1]),("{Advanced Ballistics}
Advanced Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing two aimed shots with increased damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +2]),("{Expert Ballistics}
Expert Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing two aimed shots at maximum damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.ballistics as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.ballistics as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(diplomacy) at index 4
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill diplomacy(4)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(4,diplomacy): [("{Basic Diplomacy}
Basic Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 20%.", [Diplomacy +1,Diplomacy +20]),("{Advanced Diplomacy}
Advanced Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 40%.", [Diplomacy +2,Diplomacy +40]),("{Expert Diplomacy}
Expert Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 60%.", [Diplomacy +3,Diplomacy +60])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.diplomacy as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.diplomacy as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(eagleEye) at index 11
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill eagleEye(11)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(11,eagleEye): [("{Basic Eagle Eye}
Basic Eagle Eye gives your hero a 40% chance to learn any 1st or 2nd level spell used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +40,Eagle Eye +2]),("{Advanced Eagle Eye}
Advanced Eagle Eye gives your hero a 50% chance to learn any spell up to 3rd level used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +50,Eagle Eye +3]),("{Expert Eagle Eye}
Expert Eagle Eye gives your hero a 60% chance to learn any spell up to 4th level used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +60,Eagle Eye +4])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.eagleEye as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.eagleEye as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(earthMagic) at index 17
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill earthMagic(17)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(17,earthMagic): [("{Basic Earth Magic}
Basic Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost.", [Earth Magic +1]),("{Advanced Earth Magic}
Advanced Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Earth Magic +2]),("{Expert Earth Magic}
Expert Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Earth Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.earthMagic as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.earthMagic as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(estates) at index 13
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill estates(13)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(13,estates): [("{Basic Estates}
Your hero contributes 125 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +125]),("{Advanced Estates}
Your hero contributes 250 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +250]),("{Expert Estates}
Your hero contributes 500 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +500])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.estates as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.estates as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireMagic) at index 14
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill fireMagic(14)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(14,fireMagic): [("{Basic Fire Magic}
Basic Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost.", [Fire Magic +1]),("{Advanced Fire Magic}
Advanced Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Fire Magic +2]),("{Expert Fire Magic}
Expert Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Fire Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.fireMagic as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.fireMagic as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(firstAid) at index 27
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill firstAid(27)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(27,firstAid): [("{Basic First Aid}
Basic First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 50 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +50]),("{Advanced First Aid}
Advanced First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 75 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +75]),("{Expert First Aid}
Expert First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 100 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +100])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.firstAid as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.firstAid as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(intelligence) at index 24
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill intelligence(24)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(24,intelligence): [("{Basic Intelligence}
Basic Intelligence increases a hero's normal maximum spell points by 25%.", [Intelligence +25]),("{Advanced Intelligence}
Advanced Intelligence increases a hero's normal maximum spell points by 50%.", [Intelligence +50]),("{Expert Intelligence}
Expert Intelligence doubles a hero's normal maximum spell points.", [Intelligence +100])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.intelligence as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.intelligence as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(leadership) at index 6
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill leadership(6)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(6,leadership): [("{Basic Leadership}
Basic Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 1.", [Leadership +1]),("{Advanced Leadership}
Advanced Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 2.", [Leadership +2]),("{Expert Leadership}
Expert Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 3.", [Leadership +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.leadership as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.leadership as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(learning) at index 21
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill learning(21)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(21,learning): [("{Basic Learning}
Basic Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 5%.", [Learning +5]),("{Advanced Learning}
Advanced Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 10%.", [Learning +10]),("{Expert Learning}
Expert Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 15%.", [Learning +15])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.learning as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.learning as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(logistics) at index 2
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill logistics(2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(2,logistics): [("{Basic Logistics}
Basic Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 10%.", [Logistics +10]),("{Advanced Logistics}
Advanced Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 20%.", [Logistics +20]),("{Expert Logistics}
Expert Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 30%.", [Logistics +30])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.logistics as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.logistics as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(luck) at index 9
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill luck(9)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(9,luck): [("{Basic Luck}
Basic Luck increases your hero's luck by 1.", [Luck +1]),("{Advanced Luck}
Advanced Luck increases your hero's luck by 2.", [Luck +2]),("{Expert Luck}
Expert Luck increases your hero's luck by 3.", [Luck +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.luck as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.luck as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mysticism) at index 8
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill mysticism(8)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(8,mysticism): [("{Basic Mysticism}
Basic Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 2 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +1]),("{Advanced Mysticism}
Advanced Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 3 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +2]),("{Expert Mysticism}
Expert Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 4 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.mysticism as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.mysticism as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(navigation) at index 5
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill navigation(5)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(5,navigation): [("{Basic Navigation}
Basic Navigation increases your hero's movement points at sea by 50%.", [Navigation +50]),("{Advanced Navigation}
Advanced Navigation doubles your hero's movement points at sea.", [Navigation +100]),("{Expert Navigation}
Expert Navigation increases your hero's movement points at sea by 150%.", [Navigation +150])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.navigation as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.navigation as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(necromancy) at index 12
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill necromancy(12)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(12,necromancy): [("{Basic Necromancy}
Basic Necromancy allows 10% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +10]),("{Advanced Necromancy}
Advanced Necromancy allows 20% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +20]),("{Expert Necromancy}
Expert Necromancy allows 30% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +30])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.necromancy as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.necromancy as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(offence) at index 22
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill offence(22)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(22,offence): [("{Basic Offense}
Basic Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 10%.", [Offense +10]),("{Advanced Offense}
Advanced Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 20%.", [Offense +20]),("{Expert Offense}
Expert Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 30%.", [Offense +30])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.offence as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.offence as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(pathfinding) at index 0
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill pathfinding(0)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(0,pathfinding): [("{Basic Pathfinding}
Basic Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 25%.", [Pathfinding +25]),("{Advanced Pathfinding}
Advanced Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 50%.", [Pathfinding +50]),("{Expert Pathfinding}
Expert Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 75%.", [Pathfinding +75])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.pathfinding as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.pathfinding as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(resistance) at index 26
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill resistance(26)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(26,resistance): [("{Basic Resistance}
Basic Resistance endows a hero's troops with 5% magic resistance.", [Resistance +5]),("{Advanced Resistance}
Advanced Resistance endows a hero's troops with 10% magic resistance.", [Resistance +10]),("{Expert Resistance}
Expert Resistance endows a hero's troops with 20% magic resistance.", [Resistance +20])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.resistance as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.resistance as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 18
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill scholar(18)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(18,scholar): [("{Basic Scholar}
Basic Scholar allows heroes to teach each other 1st and 2nd level spells, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +2]),("{Advanced Scholar}
Advanced Scholar allows heroes to teach each other any spell up to 3rd level, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +3]),("{Expert Scholar}
Expert Scholar allows heroes to teach each other any spell up to 4th level, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +4])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.scholar as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.scholar as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(scouting) at index 3
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill scouting(3)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(3,scouting): [("{Basic Scouting}
Basic Scouting allows your hero to see 1 square further into the shroud.", [Scouting +1]),("{Advanced Scouting}
Advanced Scouting allows your hero to see 2 squares further into the shroud.", [Scouting +2]),("{Expert Scouting}
Expert Scouting allows your hero to see 3 squares further into the shroud.", [Scouting +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.scouting as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.scouting as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sorcery) at index 25
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill sorcery(25)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(25,sorcery): [("{Basic Sorcery}
Basic Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 5% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +5]),("{Advanced Sorcery}
Advanced Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 10% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +10]),("{Expert Sorcery}
Expert Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 15% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +15])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.sorcery as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.sorcery as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(tactics) at index 19
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill tactics(19)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(19,tactics): [("{Basic Tactics}
Basic Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within three hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +2]),("{Advanced Tactics}
Advanced Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within five hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +4]),("{Expert Tactics}
Expert Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within seven hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +6])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.tactics as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.tactics as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(waterMagic) at index 16
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill waterMagic(16)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(16,waterMagic): [("{Basic Water Magic}
Basic Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost.", [Water Magic +1]),("{Advanced Water Magic}
Advanced Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Water Magic +2]),("{Expert Water Magic}
Expert Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Water Magic +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.waterMagic as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.waterMagic as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(wisdom) at index 7
DEBUG mod [14fc] - loaded secondary skill wisdom(7)
TRACE mod [14fc] - Skill(7,wisdom): [("{Basic Wisdom}
Basic Wisdom allows your hero to learn third level spells.", [Wisdom +1]),("{Advanced Wisdom}
Advanced Wisdom allows your hero to learn fourth level spells.", [Wisdom +2]),("{Expert Wisdom}
Expert Wisdom allows your hero to learn fifth level spells.", [Wisdom +3])]
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered skill.wisdom as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered secondarySkill.wisdom as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(acidBreath) at index 80
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.acidBreath as core:80
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(acidBreathDamage) at index 81
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.acidBreathDamage as core:81
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(age) at index 75
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Age
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.age as core:75
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 69
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Elemental
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.airElemental as core:69
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(airShield) at index 28
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Shield
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.airShield as core:28
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(animateDead) at index 39
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Animate Dead
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.animateDead as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(antiMagic) at index 34
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Anti-Magic
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.antiMagic as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(armageddon) at index 26
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Armageddon
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.armageddon as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(berserk) at index 59
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Berserk
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.berserk as core:59
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bind) at index 72
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bind
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.bind as core:72
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bless) at index 41
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bless
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.bless as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(blind) at index 62
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Blind
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.blind as core:62
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(bloodlust) at index 43
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bloodlust
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.bloodlust as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(chainLightning) at index 19
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Chain Lightning
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.chainLightning as core:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(clone) at index 65
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Clone
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.clone as core:65
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(counterstrike) at index 58
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Counterstrike
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.counterstrike as core:58
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(cure) at index 37
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Cure
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.cure as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(curse) at index 42
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Curse
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.curse as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deathCloud) at index 76
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.deathCloud as core:76
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deathRipple) at index 24
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Ripple
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.deathRipple as core:24
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(deathStare) at index 79
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Stare
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.deathStare as core:79
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(destroyUndead) at index 25
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Destroy Undead
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.destroyUndead as core:25
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dimensionDoor) at index 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dimension Door
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.dimensionDoor as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(disease) at index 73
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disease
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.disease as core:73
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(disguise) at index 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disguise
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.disguise as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dispel) at index 35
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.dispel as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(dispelHelpful) at index 78
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel Helpful Spells
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.dispelHelpful as core:78
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(disruptingRay) at index 47
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.disruptingRay as core:47
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 67
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Earth Elemental
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.earthElemental as core:67
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(earthquake) at index 14
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Earthquake
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.earthquake as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 66
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Elemental
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.fireElemental as core:66
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireShield) at index 29
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Shield
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.fireShield as core:29
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireWall) at index 13
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.fireWall as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fireball) at index 21
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.fireball as core:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fly) at index 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fly
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(forceField) at index 12
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Force Field
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.forceField as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(forgetfulness) at index 61
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Forgetfulness
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.forgetfulness as core:61
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(fortune) at index 51
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fortune
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.fortune as core:51
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(frenzy) at index 56
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.frenzy as core:56
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(frostRing) at index 20
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frost Ring
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.frostRing as core:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(haste) at index 53
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Haste
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.haste as core:53
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(hypnotize) at index 60
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Hypnotize
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.hypnotize as core:60
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(iceBolt) at index 16
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice Bolt
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.iceBolt as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(implosion) at index 18
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Implosion
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.implosion as core:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 22
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Inferno
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.inferno as core:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(landMine) at index 11
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.landMine as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(lightningBolt) at index 17
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Lightning Bolt
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.lightningBolt as core:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicArrow) at index 15
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Arrow
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.magicArrow as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(magicMirror) at index 36
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Mirror
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.magicMirror as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(meteorShower) at index 23
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Meteor Shower
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.meteorShower as core:23
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(mirth) at index 49
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Mirth
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.mirth as core:49
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(misfortune) at index 52
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Misfortune
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.misfortune as core:52
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(paralyze) at index 74
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Paralyze
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.paralyze as core:74
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(poison) at index 71
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Poison
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.poison as core:71
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(prayer) at index 48
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.prayer as core:48
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(precision) at index 44
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Precision
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.precision as core:44
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(protectAir) at index 30
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Air
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.protectAir as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(protectEarth) at index 33
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Earth
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.protectEarth as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(protectFire) at index 31
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Fire
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.protectFire as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(protectWater) at index 32
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Water
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.protectWater as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(quicksand) at index 10
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Quicksand
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.quicksand as core:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(removeObstacle) at index 64
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Remove Obstacle
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.removeObstacle as core:64
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(resurrection) at index 38
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Resurrection
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.resurrection as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sacrifice) at index 40
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Sacrifice
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.sacrifice as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(scuttleBoat) at index 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Scuttle Boat
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.scuttleBoat as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(shield) at index 27
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Shield
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.shield as core:27
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(slayer) at index 55
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Slayer
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.slayer as core:55
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(slow) at index 54
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Slow
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.slow as core:54
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(sorrow) at index 50
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Sorrow
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.sorrow as core:50
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGaze) at index 70
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Gaze
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.stoneGaze as core:70
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(stoneSkin) at index 46
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Skin
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.stoneSkin as core:46
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(summonBoat) at index 0
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Boat
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.summonBoat as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(teleport) at index 63
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Teleport
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.teleport as core:63
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(thunderbolt) at index 77
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Thunderbolt
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.thunderbolt as core:77
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(titanBolt) at index 57
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Titan's Lightning Bolt
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.titanBolt as core:57
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(townPortal) at index 9
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Town Portal
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.townPortal as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(viewAir) at index 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell View Air
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.viewAir as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(viewEarth) at index 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell View Earth
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.viewEarth as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(visions) at index 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Visions
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.visions as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 68
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Elemental
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.waterElemental as core:68
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(waterWalk) at index 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Walk
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.waterWalk as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - found original data in loadMod(weakness) at index 45
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Weakness
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.weakness as core:45
ERROR mod [14fc] - [FAIL] Original game files
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(bruiser)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.bruiser as forge:150
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(cyberDead)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.cyberDead as forge:151
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(cyberZombie)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.cyberZombie as forge:152
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(dreadnought)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.dreadnought as forge:153
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(footSoldier)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.footSoldier as forge:154
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(gruntSoldier)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.gruntSoldier as forge:155
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(guard)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.guard as forge:156
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(heavystringer)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.heavystringer as forge:157
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(juggernaut)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.juggernaut as forge:158
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(jumpSoldier)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.jumpSoldier as forge:159
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(jumpTrooper)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.jumpTrooper as forge:160
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(mechFighter)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.mechFighter as forge:161
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(mechWarrior)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.mechWarrior as forge:162
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(militian)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.militian as forge:163
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(pyro)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pyro as forge:164
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(pyromaniac)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.pyromaniac as forge:165
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(skyFighter)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.skyFighter as forge:166
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(skyHunter)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.skyHunter as forge:167
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(stringer)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.stringer as forge:168
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(forge)
WARN mod [14fc] - Data in forge is invalid!
WARN mod [14fc] - At <root>
Error: Unknown entry found: commander
At /town
Error: Unknown entry found: adventureMap
At /town/structures/blacksmith
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/capitol
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/castle
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/citadel
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/cityHall
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl3
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl4
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl5
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl6
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingLvl7
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl3
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl4
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl5
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl6
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/dwellingUpLvl7
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/fort
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/grail
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/horde1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/horde1Upgr
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/mageGuild1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/mageGuild2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/mageGuild3
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/marketplace
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/resourceSilo
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/ship
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/shipyard
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/special1
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/special2
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/tavern
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/townHall
Error: Unknown entry found: id
At /town/structures/villageHall
Error: Unknown entry found: id
TRACE mod [14fc] - forge json: {
// forge
"alignment" : "evil",
// forge
"commander" : "heavystringer",
// forge
"creatureBackground" : {
// forge
"120px" : "forge\/creature-bg-120px",
// forge
"130px" : "forge\/creature-bg-130px"
// forge
"name" : "Forge",
// forge
"nativeTerrain" : "dirt",
// forge
"puzzleMap" : {
// forge
"pieces" : [
// forge
// forge
"index" : 33,
// forge
"x" : 398,
// forge
"y" : 353
// forge
// forge
"index" : 2,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 11,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 51
// forge
// forge
"index" : 10,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 103
// forge
// forge
"index" : 6,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 215
// forge
// forge
"index" : 12,
// forge
"x" : 56,
// forge
"y" : 203
// forge
// forge
"index" : 30,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 288
// forge
// forge
"index" : 1,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 359
// forge
// forge
"index" : 28,
// forge
"x" : 71,
// forge
"y" : 329
// forge
// forge
"index" : 38,
// forge
"x" : 89,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 39,
// forge
"x" : 252,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 43,
// forge
"x" : 148,
// forge
"y" : 17
// forge
// forge
"index" : 40,
// forge
"x" : 112,
// forge
"y" : 220
// forge
// forge
"index" : 44,
// forge
"x" : 93,
// forge
"y" : 146
// forge
// forge
"index" : 36,
// forge
"x" : 79,
// forge
"y" : 154
// forge
// forge
"index" : 35,
// forge
"x" : 150,
// forge
"y" : 219
// forge
// forge
"index" : 37,
// forge
"x" : 235,
// forge
"y" : 15
// forge
// forge
"index" : 31,
// forge
"x" : 301,
// forge
"y" : 76
// forge
// forge
"index" : 47,
// forge
"x" : 390,
// forge
"y" : 8
// forge
// forge
"index" : 42,
// forge
"x" : 199,
// forge
"y" : 86
// forge
// forge
"index" : 20,
// forge
"x" : 65,
// forge
"y" : 80
// forge
// forge
"index" : 9,
// forge
"x" : 92,
// forge
"y" : 365
// forge
// forge
"index" : 15,
// forge
"x" : 234,
// forge
"y" : 159
// forge
// forge
"index" : 24,
// forge
"x" : 245,
// forge
"y" : 146
// forge
// forge
"index" : 32,
// forge
"x" : 430,
// forge
"y" : 42
// forge
// forge
"index" : 16,
// forge
"x" : 546,
// forge
"y" : 39
// forge
// forge
"index" : 17,
// forge
"x" : 444,
// forge
"y" : 152
// forge
// forge
"index" : 14,
// forge
"x" : 321,
// forge
"y" : 149
// forge
// forge
"index" : 4,
// forge
"x" : 317,
// forge
"y" : 298
// forge
// forge
"index" : 19,
// forge
"x" : 261,
// forge
"y" : 296
// forge
// forge
"index" : 18,
// forge
"x" : 329,
// forge
"y" : 230
// forge
// forge
"index" : 27,
// forge
"x" : 454,
// forge
"y" : 212
// forge
// forge
"index" : 41,
// forge
"x" : 378,
// forge
"y" : 212
// forge
// forge
"index" : 45,
// forge
"x" : 65,
// forge
"y" : 429
// forge
// forge
"index" : 29,
// forge
"x" : 26,
// forge
"y" : 433
// forge
// forge
"index" : 46,
// forge
"x" : 9,
// forge
"y" : 462
// forge
// forge
"index" : 34,
// forge
"x" : 502,
// forge
"y" : 250
// forge
// forge
"index" : 25,
// forge
"x" : 419,
// forge
"y" : 286
// forge
// forge
"index" : 21,
// forge
"x" : 177,
// forge
"y" : 416
// forge
// forge
"index" : 23,
// forge
"x" : 174,
// forge
"y" : 468
// forge
// forge
"index" : 5,
// forge
"x" : 317,
// forge
"y" : 372
// forge
// forge
"index" : 8,
// forge
"x" : 222,
// forge
"y" : 380
// forge
// forge
"index" : 3,
// forge
"x" : 225,
// forge
"y" : 473
// forge
// forge
"index" : 22,
// forge
"x" : 209,
// forge
"y" : 512
// forge
// forge
"index" : 26,
// forge
"x" : 401,
// forge
"y" : 455
// forge
// forge
"index" : 13,
// forge
"x" : 500,
// forge
"y" : 362
// forge
// forge
"index" : 7,
// forge
"x" : 431,
// forge
"y" : 429
// forge
// forge
"index" : 0,
// forge
"x" : 367,
// forge
"y" : 412
// forge
"prefix" : "forge\/puzzle-map\/"
// forge
"town" : {
// forge
"adventureMap" : {
// forge
"capitol" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-capitol",
// forge
"castle" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle",
// forge
"dwellings" : [
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-2-camp",
// forge
"name" : "Slaughterhouse"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-1-fountain",
// forge
"name" : "Barracks"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-3-fregate",
// forge
"name" : "Fire Basin"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-5-tower",
// forge
"name" : "Airstrip"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-4-nest",
// forge
"name" : "Stingers Post"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-7-whirpool",
// forge
"name" : "Ancient Refinery"
// forge
// forge
"graphics" : "forge\/adventure-map\/dwelling-6-fort-nix",
// forge
"name" : "Garage"
// forge
"village" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-village"
// forge
"buildings" : {
// forge
"blacksmith" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "The Blacksmith provides your armies with Ballista.",
// forge
"id" : 16,
// forge
"name" : "Blacksmith"
// forge
"capitol" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 10000 },
// forge
"description" : "The Capitol earns your kingdom 4000 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 13,
// forge
"name" : "Capitol",
// forge
"requires" : [ "castle" ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "cityHall"
// forge
"castle" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 5000,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 10
// forge
"description" : "The Castle adds two arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses, and doubles base creature growth.",
// forge
"id" : 9,
// forge
"name" : "Castle",
// forge
"upgrades" : "citadel"
// forge
"citadel" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 2500,
// forge
"ore" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Including a 50% increase to base creature growth, the Citadel adds a keep, and other terrain obstacles, to a town's defenses.",
// forge
"id" : 8,
// forge
"name" : "Citadel",
// forge
"upgrades" : "fort"
// forge
"cityHall" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 5000 },
// forge
"description" : "The City Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 2000 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 12,
// forge
"name" : "City Hall",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "mageGuild1" ], [ "blacksmith" ], [ "marketplace" ] ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "townHall"
// forge
"dwellingLvl1" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Slaughterhouse allows to recruit Cyber Deads.",
// forge
"id" : 30,
// forge
"name" : "Slaughterhouse",
// forge
"requires" : [ "fort" ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"ore" : 10
// forge
"description" : "Barracks allow to recruit Grunt Soldiers.",
// forge
"id" : 31,
// forge
"name" : "Barracks",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl3" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gems" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"mercury" : 5,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Fire Basin allows to recruit Pyros.",
// forge
"id" : 32,
// forge
"name" : "Fire Basin",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl1" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl4" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 3,
// forge
"gems" : 3,
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"mercury" : 3,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 3,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Airstrip allows to recruit Jump Soldiers.",
// forge
"id" : 33,
// forge
"name" : "Airstrip",
// forge
"requires" : [ "dwellingLvl3" ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl5" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 3000,
// forge
"mercury" : 5,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Stingers Post allows to recruit Stingers.",
// forge
"id" : 34,
// forge
"name" : "Stingers Post",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl1" ], [ "dwellingLvl2" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl6" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gems" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 4000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Ancient Refinery allows to recruit Tanks.",
// forge
"id" : 35,
// forge
"name" : "Ancient Refinery",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl3" ], [ "dwellingLvl5" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingLvl7" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 10,
// forge
"gems" : 10,
// forge
"gold" : 10000,
// forge
"mercury" : 10,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"sulfur" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 10
// forge
"description" : "Garage allows to recruit Juggernauts.",
// forge
"id" : 36,
// forge
"name" : "Garage",
// forge
"requires" : [ "allOf", [ "dwellingLvl6" ], [ "mageGuild1" ] ]
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl1" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Slaughterhouse allows to recruit Cyber Zombies.",
// forge
"id" : 37,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Slaughterhouse",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl1"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Barracks allow to recruit Foot Soldiers.",
// forge
"id" : 38,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Barracks",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl2"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl3" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Fire Basin allows to recruit Pyromaniacs.",
// forge
"id" : 39,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Fire Basin",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl3"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl4" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 1500,
// forge
"mercury" : 5,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Airstrip allows to recruit Jump Troopers.",
// forge
"id" : 40,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Airstrip",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl4"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl5" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 10,
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Stingers Post allows to recruit Bruisers.",
// forge
"id" : 41,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Stingers Post",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl5"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl6" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 6,
// forge
"gems" : 6,
// forge
"gold" : 3000,
// forge
"mercury" : 6,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 6,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Ancient Refinery allows to recruit Heavy Tanks.",
// forge
"id" : 42,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Ancient Refinery",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl6"
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl7" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 25000,
// forge
"ore" : 10,
// forge
"sulfur" : 30,
// forge
"wood" : 10
// forge
"description" : "Upg. Garage allows to recruit Dreadnoughts.",
// forge
"id" : 43,
// forge
"name" : "Upg. Garage",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl7"
// forge
"fort" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 5000,
// forge
"ore" : 20,
// forge
"wood" : 20
// forge
"description" : "The Fort provides your town with defensive walls.",
// forge
"id" : 7,
// forge
"name" : "Fort"
// forge
"grail" : {
// forge
"description" : "Summon Stone increases weekly creature generation by 50 percent, adds 5000 gold per day (undetermined).",
// forge
"id" : 26,
// forge
"mode" : "grail",
// forge
"name" : "Summon Stone"
// forge
"horde1" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 1000 },
// forge
"description" : "Barrack increases weekly production of Foot Soldiers by 6 per week.",
// forge
"id" : 18,
// forge
"name" : "Barrack",
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingLvl2"
// forge
"horde1Upgr" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 1000 },
// forge
"description" : "Barrack increases weekly production of Grunt Soldiers by 6 per week.",
// forge
"id" : 19,
// forge
"mode" : "auto",
// forge
"name" : "Barrack",
// forge
"requires" : [ "horde1" ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "dwellingUpLvl2"
// forge
"mageGuild1" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 0,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 1"
// forge
"mageGuild2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 4,
// forge
"gems" : 4,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 4,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 4,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 1,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 2",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild1"
// forge
"mageGuild3" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 6,
// forge
"gems" : 6,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 6,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 6,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 2,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 3",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild2"
// forge
"mageGuild4" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 8,
// forge
"gems" : 8,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 8,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 8,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 3,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 4",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild3"
// forge
"mageGuild5" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"crystal" : 10,
// forge
"gems" : 10,
// forge
"gold" : 1000,
// forge
"mercury" : 10,
// forge
"ore" : 5,
// forge
"sulfur" : 10,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.",
// forge
"id" : 4,
// forge
"name" : "Mage Guild Level 5",
// forge
"upgrades" : "mageGuild4"
// forge
"marketplace" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 500,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "With the Marketplace, you can buy and sell resources (exchange rates increase with each Marketplace you own).",
// forge
"id" : 14,
// forge
"name" : "Marketplace"
// forge
"resourceSilo" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 5000,
// forge
"ore" : 5
// forge
"description" : "The Resourse Silo provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day.",
// forge
"id" : 15,
// forge
"name" : "Resourse Silo",
// forge
"requires" : [ "marketplace" ]
// forge
"ship" : {
// forge
"description" : "The Shipyard allows you to purchase ships.",
// forge
"id" : 20,
// forge
"name" : "Shipyard"
// forge
"shipyard" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 2000,
// forge
"wood" : 20
// forge
"description" : "The Shipyard allows you to purchase ships.",
// forge
"id" : 6,
// forge
"name" : "Shipyard"
// forge
"special1" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 1000 },
// forge
"description" : "Nanomedic increases luck of any visiting hero for next battle by +1.",
// forge
"id" : 17,
// forge
"name" : "Nanomedic",
// forge
"requires" : [ "resourceSilo" ]
// forge
"special2" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gems" : 5,
// forge
"gold" : 1000
// forge
"description" : "The Totem Pole increases the Power skill of any visiting hero by +1.",
// forge
"id" : 21,
// forge
"name" : "Totem Pole",
// forge
"requires" : [ "mageGuild1" ]
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"cost" : {
// forge
"gold" : 500,
// forge
"wood" : 5
// forge
"description" : "The Tavern increases morale for troops defending the city.",
// forge
"id" : 5,
// forge
"name" : "Tavern"
// forge
"townHall" : {
// forge
"cost" : { "gold" : 2500 },
// forge
"description" : "The Town Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 1000 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 11,
// forge
"name" : "Town Hall",
// forge
"requires" : [ "tavern" ],
// forge
"upgrades" : "villageHall"
// forge
"villageHall" : {
// forge
"description" : "The Village Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 500 gold per day.",
// forge
"id" : 10,
// forge
"mode" : "auto",
// forge
"name" : "Village Hall"
// forge
"buildingsIcons" : "forge\/town-hall.def",
// forge
"creatures" : [ [ "guard", "militian" ], [ "gruntSoldier", "footSoldier" ], [ "pyro", "pyromaniac" ], [ "jumpSoldier", "jumpTrooper" ], [ "stringer", "bruiser" ], [ "skyFighter", "skyHunter" ], [ "juggernaut", "dreadnought" ] ],
// forge
"defaultTavern" : 5,
// forge
"guildBackground" : "TPMAGE.bmp",
// forge
"guildSpells" : {
// forge
"airElemental" : 10,
// forge
"airShield" : 13,
// forge
"antiMagic" : 35,
// forge
"berserk" : 5,
// forge
"bless" : 0,
// forge
"bloodlust" : 32,
// forge
"chainLightning" : 10,
// forge
"clone" : 5,
// forge
"counterstrike" : 5,
// forge
"cure" : 31,
// forge
"curse" : 30,
// forge
"dimensionDoor" : 5,
// forge
"disguise" : 13,
// forge
"dispel" : 53,
// forge
"disruptingRay" : 35,
// forge
"earthElemental" : 20,
// forge
"earthquake" : 45,
// forge
"fireElemental" : 10,
// forge
"fireShield" : 5,
// forge
"fireWall" : 35,
// forge
"fireball" : 35,
// forge
"fly" : 5,
// forge
"forceField" : 40,
// forge
"forgetfulness" : 17,
// forge
"fortune" : 15,
// forge
"frenzy" : 5,
// forge
"frostRing" : 25,
// forge
"haste" : 43,
// forge
"hypnotize" : 13,
// forge
"iceBolt" : 25,
// forge
"implosion" : 20,
// forge
"inferno" : 5,
// forge
"landMine" : 69,
// forge
"lightningBolt" : 65,
// forge
"magicArrow" : 0,
// forge
"magicMirror" : 10,
// forge
"meteorShower" : 5,
// forge
"mirth" : 13,
// forge
"misfortune" : 25,
// forge
"prayer" : 5,
// forge
"precision" : 15,
// forge
"protectAir" : 20,
// forge
"protectEarth" : 13,
// forge
"protectFire" : 20,
// forge
"protectWater" : 0,
// forge
"quicksand" : 15,
// forge
"removeObstacle" : 25,
// forge
"resurrection" : 5,
// forge
"sacrifice" : 10,
// forge
"scuttleBoat" : 25,
// forge
"shield" : 31,
// forge
"slayer" : 5,
// forge
"slow" : 31,
// forge
"sorrow" : 20,
// forge
"stoneSkin" : 43,
// forge
"summonBoat" : 20,
// forge
"teleport" : 24,
// forge
"townPortal" : 15,
// forge
"viewAir" : 20,
// forge
"viewEarth" : 20,
// forge
"visions" : 13,
// forge
"waterElemental" : 10,
// forge
"waterWalk" : 5,
// forge
"weakness" : 25
// forge
"guildWindow" : "forge\/town-screen\/mage-guild",
// forge
"hallBackground" : "TPTHBKFR",
// forge
"hallSlots" : [ [ [ "villageHall", "townHall", "cityHall", "capitol" ], [ "fort", "citadel", "castle" ], [ "tavern" ], [ "blacksmith" ] ], [ [ "marketplace", "resourceSilo" ], [ "mageGuild1", "mageGuild2", "mageGuild3" ], [ "shipyard" ] ], [ [ "special2" ], [ "special1" ], [ "horde1", "horde1Upgr" ] ], [ [ "dwellingLvl1", "dwellingUpLvl1" ], [ "dwellingLvl2", "dwellingUpLvl2" ], [ "dwellingLvl3", "dwellingUpLvl3" ], [ "dwellingLvl4", "dwellingUpLvl4" ] ], [ [ "dwellingLvl5", "dwellingUpLvl5" ], [ "dwellingLvl6", "dwellingUpLvl6" ], [ "dwellingLvl7", "dwellingUpLvl7" ] ] ],
// forge
"horde" : [ 1 ],
// forge
"icons" : {
// forge
"fort" : {
// forge
"built" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/fort-builded-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/fort-builded-small.bmp"
// forge
"normal" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/fort-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/fort-small.bmp"
// forge
"village" : {
// forge
"built" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/hall-builded-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/hall-builded-small.bmp"
// forge
"normal" : {
// forge
"large" : "forge\/icons\/hall-big.bmp",
// forge
"small" : "forge\/icons\/hall-small.bmp"
// forge
"mageGuild" : 3,
// forge
"mapObject" : {
// forge
"filters" : {
// forge
"castle" : [ "allOf", [ "castle" ], [ "noneOf", [ "capitol" ] ] ],
// forge
"citadel" : [ "allOf", [ "citadel" ], [ "noneOf", [ "castle" ] ] ],
// forge
"fort" : [ "allOf", [ "fort" ], [ "noneOf", [ "citadel" ] ] ]
// forge
"templates" : {
// forge
"capitol" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-capitol.def" },
// forge
"castle" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle.def" },
// forge
"citadel" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle.def" },
// forge
"fort" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-castle.def" },
// forge
"village" : { "animation" : "forge\/adventure-map\/town-village.def" }
// forge
"moatDamage" : 90,
// forge
"musicTheme" : "music\/forge\/theme",
// forge
"names" : [ "Xanadu", "Hangval", "Jalina", "Firios", "Windhaven", "Bathiere", "Spring Falls", "Gem Moor", "Willow", "New Forest", "New Elfwind", "Wenlan", "Vintyl", "Sylina", "Hallin", "Rael" ],
// forge
"primaryResource" : "crystal",
// forge
"siege" : {
// forge
"gate" : {
// forge
"arch" : {
// forge
"x" : 486,
// forge
"y" : 232
// forge
"gate" : {
// forge
"x" : 408,
// forge
"y" : 254
// forge
"imagePrefix" : "forge\/siege\/sgfg",
// forge
"moat" : {
// forge
"bank" : {
// forge
"x" : 407,
// forge
"y" : 80
// forge
"moat" : {
// forge
"x" : 407,
// forge
"y" : 80
// forge
"shooter" : "gruntSoldier",
// forge
"static" : {
// forge
"background" : {
// forge
"x" : 600,
// forge
"y" : 50
// forge
"bottom" : {
// forge
"x" : 509,
// forge
"y" : 346
// forge
"top" : {
// forge
"x" : 490,
// forge
"y" : 97
// forge
"towers" : {
// forge
"bottom" : {
// forge
"battlement" : {
// forge
"x" : 608,
// forge
"y" : 505
// forge
"creature" : {
// forge
"x" : 382,
// forge
"y" : 308
// forge
"tower" : {
// forge
"x" : 608,
// forge
"y" : 505
// forge
"keep" : {
// forge
"battlement" : {
// forge
"x" : 736,
// forge
"y" : 159
// forge
"creature" : {
// forge
"x" : 529,
// forge
"y" : -42
// forge
"tower" : {
// forge
"x" : 736,
// forge
"y" : 159
// forge
"top" : {
// forge
"battlement" : {
// forge
"x" : 576,
// forge
"y" : 28
// forge
"creature" : {
// forge
"x" : 341,
// forge
"y" : -162
// forge
"tower" : {
// forge
"x" : 576,
// forge
"y" : 28
// forge
"walls" : {
// forge
"bottom" : {
// forge
"x" : 509,
// forge
"y" : 346
// forge
"bottomMid" : {
// forge
"x" : 468,
// forge
"y" : 299
// forge
"upper" : {
// forge
"x" : 521,
// forge
"y" : 41
// forge
"upperMid" : {
// forge
"x" : 471,
// forge
"y" : 147
// forge
"structures" : {
// forge
"blacksmith" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELblak.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELblak.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELblak.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 16,
// forge
"x" : 292,
// forge
"y" : 74,
// forge
"z" : 3
// forge
"capitol" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhal4.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhal4.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhal4.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 13,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"castle" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELcas3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELcas3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELcas3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 9,
// forge
"x" : 548,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"citadel" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELcas2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELcas2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELcas2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 8,
// forge
"x" : 572,
// forge
"y" : 37,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"cityHall" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhal3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhal3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhal3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 12,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"dwellingLvl1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_1.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_1.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_1.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 30,
// forge
"x" : 400,
// forge
"y" : 161,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"dwellingLvl2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_0.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_0.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_0.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 31,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingLvl3" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 32,
// forge
"x" : 340,
// forge
"y" : 261,
// forge
"z" : 15
// forge
"dwellingLvl4" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_4.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_4.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_4.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 33,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 231,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingLvl5" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 34,
// forge
"x" : 449,
// forge
"y" : 166,
// forge
"z" : 8
// forge
"dwellingLvl6" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_6.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_6.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_6.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 35,
// forge
"x" : 562,
// forge
"y" : 194,
// forge
"z" : 14
// forge
"dwellingLvl7" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdw_5.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdw_5.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdw_5.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 36,
// forge
"x" : 190,
// forge
"y" : 264,
// forge
"z" : 16
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_1.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_1.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_1.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 37,
// forge
"x" : 398,
// forge
"y" : 161,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhrd2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 38,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl3" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 39,
// forge
"x" : 340,
// forge
"y" : 169,
// forge
"z" : 15
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl4" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_4.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_4.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_4.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 40,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 228,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl5" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_3.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_3.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_3.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 41,
// forge
"x" : 451,
// forge
"y" : 168,
// forge
"z" : 8
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl6" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_6.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELUp_6.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELUp_6.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 42,
// forge
"x" : 565,
// forge
"y" : 178,
// forge
"z" : 14
// forge
"dwellingUpLvl7" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELup_5.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELup_5.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELup_5.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 43,
// forge
"x" : 190,
// forge
"y" : 259,
// forge
"z" : 16
// forge
"fort" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELcstl.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELcstl.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELcstl.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 7,
// forge
"x" : 586,
// forge
"y" : 58,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"grail" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELholy.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELholy.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELholy.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 26,
// forge
"x" : 377,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 2
// forge
"horde1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhrd1.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhrd1.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhrd1.bmp",
// forge
"hidden" : true,
// forge
"id" : 18,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"horde1Upgr" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhrd2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhrd2.bmp",
// forge
"builds" : "horde1",
// forge
"hidden" : true,
// forge
"id" : 19,
// forge
"x" : 448,
// forge
"y" : 236,
// forge
"z" : 12
// forge
"mageGuild1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmage.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 0,
// forge
"x" : 200,
// forge
"y" : 173,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"mageGuild2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmag2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmag2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 1,
// forge
"x" : 200,
// forge
"y" : 119,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"mageGuild3" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmag5.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmag5.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmag5.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 2,
// forge
"x" : 207,
// forge
"y" : 8,
// forge
"z" : 4
// forge
"marketplace" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELmark.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELmark.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELmark.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 14,
// forge
"x" : 635,
// forge
"y" : 308,
// forge
"z" : 21
// forge
"resourceSilo" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELsilo.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELsilo.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELsilo.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 15,
// forge
"x" : 466,
// forge
"y" : 303,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"ship" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELboat.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELboat.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELboat.bmp",
// forge
"hidden" : true,
// forge
"id" : 20,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 0
// forge
"shipyard" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELdock.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELdock.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELdock.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 6,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 0,
// forge
"z" : 0
// forge
"special1" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELspec.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELspec.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELspec.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 17,
// forge
"x" : 253,
// forge
"y" : 151,
// forge
"z" : 7
// forge
"special2" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELext6.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELext6.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELext6.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 21,
// forge
"x" : 298,
// forge
"y" : 78,
// forge
"z" : 6
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELtvrn.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELtvrn.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELtvrn.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 5,
// forge
"x" : 337,
// forge
"y" : 311,
// forge
"z" : 18
// forge
"townHall" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhal2.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhal2.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhal2.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 11,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 71,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"villageHall" : {
// forge
"animation" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings\/TBELhall.def",
// forge
"area" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-area\/TZELhall.bmp",
// forge
"border" : "forge\/town-screen\/buildings-border\/TOELhall.bmp",
// forge
"id" : 10,
// forge
"x" : 0,
// forge
"y" : 73,
// forge
"z" : 20
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"alchemist" : 4,
// forge
"barbarian" : 4,
// forge
"bard" : 6,
// forge
"battlemage" : 4,
// forge
"beastmaster" : 4,
// forge
"cleric" : 4,
// forge
"deathknight" : 4,
// forge
"demoniac" : 4,
// forge
"druid" : 4,
// forge
"elementalist" : 4,
// forge
"guardian" : 6,
// forge
"heretic" : 4,
// forge
"knight" : 4,
// forge
"necromancer" : 4,
// forge
"overlord" : 4,
// forge
"planeswalker" : 4,
// forge
"ranger" : 4,
// forge
"warlock" : 4,
// forge
"witch" : 4,
// forge
"wizard" : 4
// forge
"tavernVideo" : "TAVERN.BIK",
// forge
"townBackground" : "forge\/town-screen\/background",
// forge
"warMachine" : "ballista"
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.blacksmith as forge:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.capitol as forge:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.castle as forge:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as forge:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.cityHall as forge:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl1 as forge:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl2 as forge:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3 as forge:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl4 as forge:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl5 as forge:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl6 as forge:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl7 as forge:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl1 as forge:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl2 as forge:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3 as forge:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl4 as forge:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl5 as forge:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl6 as forge:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl7 as forge:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.fort as forge:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.grail as forge:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.horde1 as forge:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.horde1Upgr as forge:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild1 as forge:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild2 as forge:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild3 as forge:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild4 as forge:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild5 as forge:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.marketplace as forge:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.resourceSilo as forge:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.ship as forge:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.shipyard as forge:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.special1 as forge:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.special2 as forge:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.tavern as forge:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.townHall as forge:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.forge:forge.villageHall as forge:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.forge as forge:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(bard)
WARN mod [14fc] - Data in bard is invalid!
WARN mod [14fc] - At /animation
Error: Unknown entry found: map
At <root>
Error: Required entry defaultTavern is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry affinity is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry mapObject is missing
TRACE mod [14fc] - bard json: {
// forge
"animation" : {
// forge
"battle" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/battleHeroFemale",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/battleHeroMale"
// forge
"map" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/mapHeroBard",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/mapHeroBard"
// forge
"commander" : "heavystringer",
// forge
"faction" : "forge",
// forge
"highLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 25,
// forge
"defence" : 25,
// forge
"knowledge" : 25,
// forge
"spellpower" : 25
// forge
"lowLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 25,
// forge
"defence" : 25,
// forge
"knowledge" : 20,
// forge
"spellpower" : 30
// forge
"name" : "Technik",
// forge
"primarySkills" : {
// forge
"attack" : 2,
// forge
"defence" : 0,
// forge
"knowledge" : 1,
// forge
"spellpower" : 2
// forge
"secondarySkills" : {
// forge
"airMagic" : 4,
// forge
"archery" : 2,
// forge
"armorer" : 5,
// forge
"artillery" : 4,
// forge
"ballistics" : 5,
// forge
"diplomacy" : 5,
// forge
"eagleEye" : 4,
// forge
"earthMagic" : 4,
// forge
"estates" : 1,
// forge
"fireMagic" : 6,
// forge
"firstAid" : 1,
// forge
"intelligence" : 8,
// forge
"leadership" : 1,
// forge
"learning" : 4,
// forge
"logistics" : 6,
// forge
"luck" : 4,
// forge
"mysticism" : 6,
// forge
"navigation" : 0,
// forge
"necromancy" : 0,
// forge
"offence" : 5,
// forge
"pathfinding" : 4,
// forge
"resistance" : 5,
// forge
"scholar" : 5,
// forge
"scouting" : 5,
// forge
"sorcery" : 7,
// forge
"tactics" : 1,
// forge
"waterMagic" : 2,
// forge
"wisdom" : 8
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"castle" : 4,
// forge
"conflux" : 4,
// forge
"dungeon" : 4,
// forge
"forge" : 4,
// forge
"fortress" : 4,
// forge
"inferno" : 4,
// forge
"necropolis" : 4,
// forge
"rampart" : 4,
// forge
"stronghold" : 4,
// forge
"tower" : 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.bard as forge:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(guardian)
WARN mod [14fc] - Data in guardian is invalid!
WARN mod [14fc] - At /animation
Error: Unknown entry found: map
At <root>
Error: Required entry defaultTavern is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry affinity is missing
At <root>
Error: Required entry mapObject is missing
TRACE mod [14fc] - guardian json: {
// forge
"animation" : {
// forge
"battle" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/battleHeroFemale",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/battleHeroMale"
// forge
"map" : {
// forge
"female" : "forge\/mapHeroGuardian",
// forge
"male" : "forge\/mapHeroGuardian"
// forge
"commander" : "heavystringer",
// forge
"faction" : "forge",
// forge
"highLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 30,
// forge
"defence" : 30,
// forge
"knowledge" : 20,
// forge
"spellpower" : 20
// forge
"lowLevelChance" : {
// forge
"attack" : 45,
// forge
"defence" : 45,
// forge
"knowledge" : 5,
// forge
"spellpower" : 5
// forge
"name" : "General",
// forge
"primarySkills" : {
// forge
"attack" : 3,
// forge
"defence" : 1,
// forge
"knowledge" : 1,
// forge
"spellpower" : 1
// forge
"secondarySkills" : {
// forge
"airMagic" : 2,
// forge
"archery" : 7,
// forge
"armorer" : 8,
// forge
"artillery" : 9,
// forge
"ballistics" : 9,
// forge
"diplomacy" : 1,
// forge
"eagleEye" : 3,
// forge
"earthMagic" : 2,
// forge
"estates" : 3,
// forge
"fireMagic" : 3,
// forge
"firstAid" : 1,
// forge
"intelligence" : 1,
// forge
"leadership" : 4,
// forge
"learning" : 4,
// forge
"logistics" : 7,
// forge
"luck" : 3,
// forge
"mysticism" : 2,
// forge
"navigation" : 2,
// forge
"necromancy" : 0,
// forge
"offence" : 9,
// forge
"pathfinding" : 6,
// forge
"resistance" : 10,
// forge
"scholar" : 1,
// forge
"scouting" : 5,
// forge
"sorcery" : 1,
// forge
"tactics" : 7,
// forge
"waterMagic" : 0,
// forge
"wisdom" : 2
// forge
"tavern" : {
// forge
"castle" : 4,
// forge
"conflux" : 4,
// forge
"dungeon" : 4,
// forge
"forge" : 4,
// forge
"fortress" : 4,
// forge
"inferno" : 4,
// forge
"necropolis" : 4,
// forge
"rampart" : 4,
// forge
"stronghold" : 4,
// forge
"tower" : 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as forge:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(charity)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as forge:156
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(cistrict)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.cistrict as forge:157
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(julian)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.julian as forge:158
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(karen)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.karen as forge:159
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(kastore)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.kastore as forge:160
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(leane)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.leane as forge:161
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(maximus)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.maximus as forge:162
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(meltes)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.meltes as forge:163
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(minore)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.minore as forge:164
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(niclas)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.niclas as forge:165
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(rengist)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.rengist as forge:166
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(resurrecta)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.resurrecta as forge:167
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(seprinteer)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.seprinteer as forge:168
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(singhel)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.singhel as forge:169
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(sunni)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sunni as forge:170
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(tarkin)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tarkin as forge:171
ERROR mod [14fc] - [FAIL] Forge town
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(boltCannonArt)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered artifact.boltCannonArt as imperium:144
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itBoltCannon)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itBoltCannon as imperium:169
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itHighPriestess)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itHighPriestess as imperium:170
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv1)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv1 as imperium:171
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv1up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv1up as imperium:172
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv1up2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv1up2 as imperium:173
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv2 as imperium:174
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv2up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv2up as imperium:175
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv2up2)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv2up2 as imperium:176
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv3)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv3 as imperium:177
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv3net)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv3net as imperium:178
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv3up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv3up as imperium:179
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv4)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv4 as imperium:180
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv4up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv4up as imperium:181
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv5)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv5 as imperium:182
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv5up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv5up as imperium:183
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv6)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv6 as imperium:184
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv6up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv6up as imperium:185
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv7)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv7 as imperium:186
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(itlv7up)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered creature.itlv7up as imperium:187
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(imperium)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.blacksmith as imperium:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.capitol as imperium:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.castle as imperium:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as imperium:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.cityHall as imperium:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl1 as imperium:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl2 as imperium:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl3 as imperium:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl4 as imperium:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl5 as imperium:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl6 as imperium:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingLvl7 as imperium:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUp2Lvl1 as imperium:44
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUp2Lvl2 as imperium:45
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl1 as imperium:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl2 as imperium:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl3 as imperium:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl4 as imperium:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl5 as imperium:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl6 as imperium:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.dwellingUpLvl7 as imperium:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.fort as imperium:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.grail as imperium:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.horde1 as imperium:18
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.horde1Upgr as imperium:19
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild1 as imperium:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild2 as imperium:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild3 as imperium:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild4 as imperium:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.mageGuild5 as imperium:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.marketplace as imperium:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.resourceSilo as imperium:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.special1 as imperium:17
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.special2 as imperium:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.special3 as imperium:22
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.tavern as imperium:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.townHall as imperium:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.imperium:imperium.villageHall as imperium:10
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered faction.imperium as imperium:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(advisor)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.advisor as imperium:20
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(baron)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered heroClass.baron as imperium:21
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(aprix)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.aprix as imperium:172
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(brooke)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.brooke as imperium:173
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(helena)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.helena as imperium:174
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(kasumi)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.kasumi as imperium:175
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(nariko)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.nariko as imperium:176
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(noli)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.noli as imperium:177
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(patricia)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.patricia as imperium:178
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(ranin)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.ranin as imperium:179
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(salvirana)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.salvirana as imperium:180
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(sashira)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sashira as imperium:181
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(stefan)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.stefan as imperium:182
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(susan)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.susan as imperium:183
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(sveneld)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.sveneld as imperium:184
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(svetlana)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.svetlana as imperium:185
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(tarinus)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.tarinus as imperium:186
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(volh)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.volh as imperium:187
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(vseglas)
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered hero.vseglas as imperium:188
TRACE mod [14fc] - no index in loadMod(summonDemon)
TRACE mod [14fc] - loadFromJson: loading spell Demon
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered spell.summonDemon as imperium:82
INFO mod [14fc] - [DONE] Imperium
INFO mod [14fc] - [DONE] VCMI essential files
INFO mod [14fc] - [DONE] Creature bonus icons
INFO mod [14fc] - [DONE] Extra resolutions
TRACE global [14fc] - loading .\config\factions\random.json
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.blacksmith as core:16
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.capitol as core:13
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.castle as core:9
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered as core:8
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.cityHall as core:12
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl1 as core:30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl2 as core:31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl3 as core:32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl4 as core:33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl5 as core:34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl6 as core:35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingLvl7 as core:36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.fort as core:7
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.grail as core:26
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde1 as core:-30
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde2 as core:-31
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde3 as core:-32
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde4 as core:-33
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde5 as core:-34
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde6 as core:-35
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.horde7 as core:-36
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.mageGuild1 as core:0
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.mageGuild2 as core:1
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.mageGuild3 as core:2
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.mageGuild4 as core:3
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.mageGuild5 as core:4
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.marketplace as core:14
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.resourceSilo as core:15
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.shipyard as core:6
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.tavern as core:5
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.townHall as core:11
TRACE mod [14fc] - registered building.villageHall as core:10
INFO mod [14fc] - Loading mod data: 520 ms
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::admiralsHat(136)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ambassadorsSash(68)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ammoCart(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::amuletOfTheUndertaker(54)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelFeatherArrows(62)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelWings(72)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelicAlliance(129)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armageddonsBlade(128)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armorOfTheDamned(132)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armorOfWonder(31)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armsOfLegion(121)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::badgeOfCourage(49)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ballista(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::birdOfPerception(63)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::blackshardOfTheDeadKnight(8)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfLevitation(90)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfPolarity(59)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfSpeed(98)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowOfElvenCherrywood(60)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowOfTheSharpshooter(137)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane(61)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::breastplateOfBrimstone(29)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::breastplateOfPetrifiedWood(25)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bucklerOfTheGnollKing(15)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::capeOfConjuring(78)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::capeOfVelocity(99)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cardsOfProphecy(47)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::catapult(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::celestialNecklaceOfBliss(33)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::centaurAxe(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::charmOfMana(73)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cloakOfTheUndeadKing(130)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cloverOfFortune(46)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::collarOfConjuring(76)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cornucopia(140)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crestOfValor(50)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crownOfDragontooth(44)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crownOfTheSupremeMagi(22)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::deadMansBoots(56)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::diplomatsRing(67)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonScaleArmor(40)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonScaleShield(39)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonWingTabard(42)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonboneGreaves(41)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::elixirOfLife(131)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::emblemOfCognizance(65)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessBagOfGold(116)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessPurseOfGold(117)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessSackOfGold(115)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::equestriansGloves(70)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::everflowingCrystalCloak(109)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::everpouringVialOfMercury(111)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::eversmokingRingOfSulfur(113)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::firstAidTent(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::garnitureOfInterference(57)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::glyphOfGallantry(51)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::goldTowerArrow(142)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::goldenBow(91)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::grail(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::greaterGnollsFlail(9)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::headOfLegion(122)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hellstormHelmet(23)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfChaos(21)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment(36)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn(19)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hourglassOfTheEvilHour(85)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfLumber(114)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfOre(112)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ladybirdOfLuck(48)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::legsOfLegion(118)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::lionsShieldOfCourage(34)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::loinsOfLegion(119)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::magicWand(141)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::monstersPower(143)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::mysticOrbOfMana(75)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfDragonteeth(43)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfOceanGuidance(71)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfSwiftness(97)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ogresClubOfHavoc(10)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfDrivingRain(82)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfInhibition(126)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfSilt(80)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfTempestuousFire(81)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfTheFirmament(79)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfVulnerability(93)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfCourage(108)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfDeath(104)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfDispassion(100)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfFreeWill(105)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfHoliness(102)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfLife(103)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfNegativity(106)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfSecondSight(101)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfTotalRecall(107)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::powerOfTheDragonFather(134)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::quietEyeOfTheDragon(37)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::recantersCloak(83)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::redDragonFlameTongue(38)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ribCage(26)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfConjuring(77)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfInfiniteGems(110)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfLife(95)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfTheMagi(139)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfTheWayfarer(69)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfVitality(94)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sandalsOfTheSaint(32)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk(27)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::seaCaptainsHat(123)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sentinelsShield(18)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shacklesOfWar(125)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDamned(17)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDwarvenLords(13)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheYawningDead(14)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::skullHelmet(20)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::speculum(52)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellBook(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellScroll(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellbindersHat(124)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sphereOfPermanence(92)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spiritOfOppression(84)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spyglass(53)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::statesmansMedal(66)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::statueOfLegion(133)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::stillEyeOfTheDragon(45)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::stoicWatchman(64)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::surcoatOfCounterpoise(58)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::swordOfHellfire(11)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::swordOfJudgement(35)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::talismanOfMana(74)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::targOfTheRampagingOgre(16)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::thunderHelmet(24)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansCuirass(30)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansGladius(12)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansThunder(135)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfAirMagic(87)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfEarthMagic(89)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfFireMagic(86)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfWaterMagic(88)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::torsoOfLegion(120)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tunicOfTheCyclopsKing(28)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vampiresCowl(55)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vialOfDragonBlood(127)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vialOfLifeblood(96)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wizardsWell(138)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::airElemental(112)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ammoCart(148)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ancientBehemoth(97)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::angel(12)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::archDevil(55)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::archMage(35)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::archangel(13)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::archer(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::arrowTower(149)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::azureDragon(132)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ballista(146)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::basilisk(106)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::battleDwarf(17)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::behemoth(96)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::beholder(74)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::blackDragon(83)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::blackKnight(66)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::boar(140)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::boneDragon(68)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::catapult(145)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::cavalier(10)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::centaur(14)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::centaurCaptain(15)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::cerberus(47)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::champion(11)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::chaosHydra(111)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::crusader(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::crystalDragon(133)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::cyclop(94)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::cyclopKing(95)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::demon(48)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::dendroidGuard(22)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::dendroidSoldier(23)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::devil(54)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::diamondGolem(117)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::dreadKnight(67)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::dwarf(16)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::earthElemental(113)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::efreet(52)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::efreetSultan(53)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::enchanter(136)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::energyElemental(129)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::evilEye(75)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairieDragon(134)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::familiar(43)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::fireDragonFly(105)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::fireElemental(114)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::firebird(130)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::firstAidTent(147)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::genie(36)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ghostDragon(69)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::giant(40)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::gnoll(98)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::gnollMarauder(99)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::goblin(84)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::goblinWolfRider(86)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::gog(44)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::goldDragon(27)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::goldGolem(116)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::gorgon(102)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::grandElf(19)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::greaterBasilisk(107)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenDragon(26)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::gremlin(28)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::griffin(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::halberdier(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::halfling(138)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::harpy(72)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::harpyHag(73)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::hellHound(46)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::hobgoblin(85)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::hobgoblinWolfRider(87)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::hornedDemon(49)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::hydra(110)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::iceElemental(123)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imp(42)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::infernalTroglodyte(71)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ironGolem(32)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::lich(64)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::lizardWarrior(101)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::lizardman(100)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::mage(34)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::magicElemental(121)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::magmaElemental(125)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::magog(45)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::manticore(80)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::marksman(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::masterGenie(37)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::masterGremlin(29)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::medusa(76)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::medusaQueen(77)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::mightyGorgon(103)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::minotaur(78)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::minotaurKing(79)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::monk(8)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::mummy(141)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::naga(38)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::nagaQueen(39)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::nomad(142)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::obsidianGargoyle(31)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ogre(90)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::ogreMage(91)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::orc(88)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::orcChieftain(89)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::peasant(139)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::pegasus(20)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::phoenix(131)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::pikeman(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::pitFiend(50)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::pitLord(51)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::pixie(118)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::powerLich(65)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::psychicElemental(120)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::redDragon(82)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::roc(92)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::rogue(143)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::royalGriffin(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::rustDragon(135)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::scorpicore(81)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::serpentFly(104)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::sharpshooter(137)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::silverPegasus(21)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::skeleton(56)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::skeletonWarrior(57)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::sprite(119)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::stoneGargoyle(30)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::stoneGolem(33)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::stormElemental(127)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::swordsman(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::thunderbird(93)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::titan(41)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::troglodyte(70)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::troll(144)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::unicorn(24)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused122(122)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused124(124)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused126(126)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused128(128)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::vampire(62)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::vampireLord(63)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::walkingDead(58)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::warUnicorn(25)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::waterElemental(115)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::wight(60)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::woodElf(18)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::wraith(61)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::wyvern(108)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::wyvernMonarch(109)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::zealot(9)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::zombieLord(59)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::castle(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::conflux(8)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::dungeon(5)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::fortress(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::inferno(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::necropolis(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::rampart(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::stronghold(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::tower(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::alchemist(4)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::barbarian(12)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::battlemage(13)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::beastmaster(14)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::cleric(1)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::deathknight(8)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::demoniac(6)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::druid(3)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::elementalist(17)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::heretic(7)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::knight(0)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::necromancer(9)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::overlord(11)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::planeswalker(16)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::ranger(2)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::warlock(10)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::witch(15)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::wizard(5)
ERROR mod [14fc] - Unknown identifier!
ERROR mod [14fc] - Request for creature.gruntSoldier from mod core
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:bruiser(150)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:cyberDead(151)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:cyberZombie(152)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:dreadnought(153)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:footSoldier(154)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:gruntSoldier(155)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:guard(156)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:heavystringer(157)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:juggernaut(158)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:jumpSoldier(159)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:jumpTrooper(160)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:mechFighter(161)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:mechWarrior(162)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:militian(163)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:pyro(164)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:pyromaniac(165)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:skyFighter(166)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:skyHunter(167)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::forge:stringer(168)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::forge:forge(10)
WARN mod [14fc] - Outdated town mod. Will try to generate valid templates out of fort
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::forge:bard(18)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::forge:guardian(19)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object artifact(5)::imperium:boltCannonArt(144)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itBoltCannon(169)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itHighPriestess(170)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv1(171)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv1up(172)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv1up2(173)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv2(174)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv2up(175)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv2up2(176)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv3(177)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv3net(178)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv3up(179)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv4(180)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv4up(181)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv5(182)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv5up(183)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv6(184)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv6up(185)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv7(186)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object monster(54)::imperium:itlv7up(187)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object town(98)::imperium:imperium(11)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::imperium:advisor(20)
DEBUG global [14fc] - Loaded object hero(34)::imperium:baron(21)
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.admiralsHat -> 136
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ambassadorsSash -> 68
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ammoCart -> 5
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker -> 54
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.angelFeatherArrows -> 62
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.angelWings -> 72
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.angelicAlliance -> 129
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.armageddonsBlade -> 128
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.armorOfTheDamned -> 132
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.armorOfWonder -> 31
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.armsOfLegion -> 121
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.badgeOfCourage -> 49
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ballista -> 4
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.birdOfPerception -> 63
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight -> 8
TRACE mod [14fc] - imperium : artifact.boltCannonArt -> 144
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bootsOfLevitation -> 90
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bootsOfPolarity -> 59
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bootsOfSpeed -> 98
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood -> 60
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter -> 137
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane -> 61
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone -> 29
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood -> 25
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing -> 15
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.capeOfConjuring -> 78
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.capeOfVelocity -> 99
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.cardsOfProphecy -> 47
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.catapult -> 3
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss -> 33
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.centaurAxe -> 7
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.charmOfMana -> 73
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing -> 130
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.cloverOfFortune -> 46
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.collarOfConjuring -> 76
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.cornucopia -> 140
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.crestOfValor -> 50
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.crownOfDragontooth -> 44
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi -> 22
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.deadMansBoots -> 56
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.diplomatsRing -> 67
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.dragonScaleArmor -> 40
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.dragonScaleShield -> 39
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.dragonWingTabard -> 42
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.dragonboneGreaves -> 41
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.elixirOfLife -> 131
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.emblemOfCognizance -> 65
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.endlessBagOfGold -> 116
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.endlessPurseOfGold -> 117
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.endlessSackOfGold -> 115
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.equestriansGloves -> 70
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak -> 109
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury -> 111
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur -> 113
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.firstAidTent -> 6
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.garnitureOfInterference -> 57
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.glyphOfGallantry -> 51
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.goldTowerArrow -> 142
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.goldenBow -> 91
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.grail -> 2
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.greaterGnollsFlail -> 9
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.headOfLegion -> 122
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.hellstormHelmet -> 23
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.helmOfChaos -> 21
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment -> 36
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn -> 19
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour -> 85
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber -> 114
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre -> 112
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ladybirdOfLuck -> 48
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.legsOfLegion -> 118
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage -> 34
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.loinsOfLegion -> 119
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.magicWand -> 141
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.monstersPower -> 143
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.mysticOrbOfMana -> 75
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth -> 43
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance -> 71
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness -> 97
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc -> 10
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.orbOfDrivingRain -> 82
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.orbOfInhibition -> 126
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.orbOfSilt -> 80
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire -> 81
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.orbOfTheFirmament -> 79
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.orbOfVulnerability -> 93
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfCourage -> 108
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfDeath -> 104
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfDispassion -> 100
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfFreeWill -> 105
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfHoliness -> 102
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfLife -> 103
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfNegativity -> 106
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfSecondSight -> 101
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall -> 107
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather -> 134
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon -> 37
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.recantersCloak -> 83
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.redDragonFlameTongue -> 38
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ribCage -> 26
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ringOfConjuring -> 77
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems -> 110
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ringOfLife -> 95
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ringOfTheMagi -> 139
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer -> 69
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.ringOfVitality -> 94
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint -> 32
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk -> 27
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.seaCaptainsHat -> 123
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.sentinelsShield -> 18
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.shacklesOfWar -> 125
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheDamned -> 17
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords -> 13
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead -> 14
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.skullHelmet -> 20
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.speculum -> 52
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.spellBook -> 0
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.spellScroll -> 1
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.spellbindersHat -> 124
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.sphereOfPermanence -> 92
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.spiritOfOppression -> 84
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.spyglass -> 53
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.statesmansMedal -> 66
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.statueOfLegion -> 133
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon -> 45
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.stoicWatchman -> 64
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise -> 58
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.swordOfHellfire -> 11
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.swordOfJudgement -> 35
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.talismanOfMana -> 74
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre -> 16
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.thunderHelmet -> 24
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.titansCuirass -> 30
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.titansGladius -> 12
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.titansThunder -> 135
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.tomeOfAirMagic -> 87
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic -> 89
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.tomeOfFireMagic -> 86
TRACE mod [14fc] - core : artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic -> 88
TRACE mod [ |