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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003127VCMIGUI - Adventure Mappublic2020-05-16 20:242023-07-05 11:12
Assigned ToIvan 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version20.04
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003127: Duplicated town displayed in side bar
DescriptionAt some point I only had three towns, but in the sidebar there were four displayed.
On the screenshot you can see: three red towns on the minimap and no dungeons, but four in the sidebar.
* The fourth one was a duplicate of the third of the list. It had the same icon. The tooltip in bottom bar displayed the same name when covered.
* Clicking on the fourth icon "selected" it but clicking again didn't open the town view as it should happen. Only clicking on the third "correct" item opened the town view.
* In the town view there's also list of towns in bottom right corner - I noticed exactly the same effect there
* When I captured some fourth town, it was appended to the list normally, so then the list was: (town1, town2, town3, duplicate of town3, town4)
Steps To ReproduceLoad the save file and check town list in sidebar
Additional Informationencountered on nullkiller_ai branch - but seem unrelated to AI
compiled with gcc 9.3.0
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot from 2020-05-16 21-16-36.png [^] (2,696,420 bytes) 2020-05-16 20:24
? file icon duplicated_towns_sidebar.vcgm1 [^] (3,301,956 bytes) 2020-05-16 20:25
? file icon duplicated_towns_sidebar.vsgm1 [^] (3,303,021 bytes) 2020-05-16 20:29

- Relationships

-  Notes
Ivan (developer)
2023-07-05 11:12

Presumably fixed

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-16 20:24 Czesiek New Issue
2020-05-16 20:24 Czesiek File Added: Screenshot from 2020-05-16 21-16-36.png
2020-05-16 20:25 Czesiek File Added: duplicated_towns_sidebar.vcgm1
2020-05-16 20:29 Czesiek File Added: duplicated_towns_sidebar.vsgm1
2023-07-05 11:12 Ivan Note Added: 0008666
2023-07-05 11:12 Ivan Status new => resolved
2023-07-05 11:12 Ivan Resolution open => fixed
2023-07-05 11:12 Ivan Assigned To => Ivan

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