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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003094VCMICampaignspublic2019-11-24 15:502023-06-30 12:28
Assigned ToIvan 
PlatformwindowsOS10OS Version1903
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003094: Artifacts do not carry over to next scenario
DescriptionThe Sword of Hellfire, Breastplate of Brimstone and Shield of the Damned do not carry over from Seeking Armageddon to Maker of Sorrows in the Armageddon's Blade campaign. Without these three artifacts, the Blade cannot be created and there is no way to proceed.
Steps To ReproduceComplete the Seeking Armageddon scenario by picking up the Shield of the Damned, and then start the next scenario.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon blade end 2.vcgm1 [^] (4,327,922 bytes) 2019-11-24 15:50
? file icon WrathOfSandro.vcgm1 [^] (4,631,232 bytes) 2020-03-29 08:43

- Relationships
related to 0002825resolvedIvan If I get one level further in the campaign artifacts will be taken along by chance 

-  Notes
toneyisnow (developer)
2020-01-26 04:04

This sounds a serious bug to me, since the AB campaign cannot be completed. I’m investigating.
z3bu (reporter)
2020-03-29 08:44
edited on: 2020-03-29 08:46

Adding an other campaign save file - Sandro's artifact is not transferred to the next scenario "Invasion".

Just beat the green player in the middle of the map (Sandro army is enough).

gnaag (reporter)
2021-02-11 22:09

This is still a problem in recent builds. It renders some scenarios unwinnable and some of them really tough to play.
MikeLodz (developer)
2021-02-16 01:40

If I remember correctly, in original game not all artifacts were transfered, only quest ones.
So to keep this behaviour, game needs to know which artifacts are quests for every scenario.
Currently I dont really know where to get this information from. I dont see these settings in json, and Im not really an expert on original game configuration so I dont know if its there or not.
Maybe an acceptable "fix" would be to simply transfer all artifacts, until we can come up with a better solution,
let me know what you guys think about it, or if you have maybe any information about it.
gnaag (reporter)
2021-02-17 12:18

There are some exceptions in original game to "quest artifacts only". Right now I can remember that in campaign Dragon Slayer (AB) all the artifacts are supposed to travel with the hero to next scenarios. Without those artifacts, the scenario is really tough.
Ivan (developer)
2023-06-26 13:47

Tracked on Git: [^]
Ivan (developer)
2023-06-30 12:28

Fixed in 1.3

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-11-24 15:50 Romitopolous New Issue
2019-11-24 15:50 Romitopolous File Added: blade end 2.vcgm1
2020-01-26 04:04 toneyisnow Note Added: 0007862
2020-01-26 04:04 toneyisnow Assigned To => toneyisnow
2020-01-26 04:04 toneyisnow Status new => acknowledged
2020-03-29 08:43 z3bu File Added: WrathOfSandro.vcgm1
2020-03-29 08:44 z3bu Note Added: 0007881
2020-03-29 08:45 z3bu Note Edited: 0007881 View Revisions
2020-03-29 08:46 z3bu Note Edited: 0007881 View Revisions
2021-02-11 22:09 gnaag Note Added: 0008000
2021-02-16 01:40 MikeLodz Note Added: 0008021
2021-02-17 12:18 gnaag Note Added: 0008023
2022-04-09 21:49 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0002825
2023-06-26 13:47 Ivan Note Added: 0008643
2023-06-26 13:47 Ivan Status acknowledged => confirmed
2023-06-26 13:47 Ivan Assigned To toneyisnow => Ivan
2023-06-26 13:47 Ivan Status confirmed => assigned
2023-06-26 13:47 Ivan Status assigned => confirmed
2023-06-30 12:28 Ivan Note Added: 0008664
2023-06-30 12:28 Ivan Status confirmed => resolved
2023-06-30 12:28 Ivan Resolution open => fixed

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