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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003080VCMIGUI - Town screenpublic2019-08-01 15:122021-07-24 11:22
Assigned ToNullkiller 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003080: VCMI-branch-develop-7e7c988 - Crash, when trying to recruit units from the fort window.
DescriptionI get this crash every single time in all towns' forts. So, basically i go to the fort screen and upon clicking the unit with you want to recruit from that screen results in CTD.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Crushh.png [^] (522,544 bytes) 2019-08-01 15:12

? file icon VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp [^] (14,095,632 bytes) 2019-08-03 11:07
? file icon VCMI_server.exe_crashinfo.dmp [^] (671,839 bytes) 2019-08-03 11:08

- Relationships

-  Notes
PolishUser (reporter)
2019-08-03 11:10
edited on: 2019-08-03 11:10

OS is Windows 7, SP1.

Carabus (reporter)
2019-08-15 15:24

I can confirm this, same crash in same daily build version. Windows 7 64bit.
Yuya (reporter)
2019-09-14 09:41

I reported the same issue, sorry didn't saw this one until now.
toneyisnow (developer)
2020-01-13 17:57

I got the same crash
stanislav_ua (reporter)
2020-01-26 14:52

I have the same error. Windows 7 64 SP1
toneyisnow (developer)
2020-01-26 21:38

This is caused by config error, but we should definitely make a fix to prevent crashing.
Shargon (reporter)
2020-02-08 17:38

Can confirm on Win10 x64
toneyisnow (developer)
2020-02-12 09:32

Thanks for the confirm. And this issue is already under fixing by alexvin, it’s related to a code refracting so it took some time
JavaMan7 (reporter)
2020-02-16 22:17

Had this same problem win10.
kdmcser (reporter)
2020-04-15 17:29

I have the same crash in Win10 x64
Eroth (reporter)
2020-08-19 06:05

same, even after 4 months passed from the last note added... Win7
Yunalescar (reporter)
2020-09-22 16:32

I Got the Same Crash. Win 10 64 bit
Until now, no fix for the Crash? :o
(0007933) (reporter)
2020-09-26 14:45

Crash in every town and every creature. Win7 and win10 pro 64 bits.
Nullkiller (developer)
2021-07-24 11:22

Not reproducable in the latest MXE build

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-08-01 15:12 PolishUser New Issue
2019-08-01 15:12 PolishUser File Added: Crushh.png
2019-08-03 11:07 PolishUser File Added: VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.dmp
2019-08-03 11:08 PolishUser File Added: VCMI_server.exe_crashinfo.dmp
2019-08-03 11:10 PolishUser Note Added: 0007837
2019-08-03 11:10 PolishUser Note Edited: 0007837 View Revisions
2019-08-15 15:24 Carabus Note Added: 0007838
2019-09-14 09:41 Yuya Note Added: 0007852
2020-01-13 17:57 toneyisnow Note Added: 0007857
2020-01-26 14:52 stanislav_ua Note Added: 0007864
2020-01-26 21:38 toneyisnow Note Added: 0007865
2020-01-26 21:38 toneyisnow Priority normal => immediate
2020-01-26 21:38 toneyisnow Status new => confirmed
2020-02-08 17:38 Shargon Note Added: 0007875
2020-02-12 09:32 toneyisnow Note Added: 0007876
2020-02-16 22:17 JavaMan7 Note Added: 0007877
2020-04-15 17:29 kdmcser Note Added: 0007883
2020-08-19 06:05 Eroth Note Added: 0007929
2020-09-22 16:32 Yunalescar Note Added: 0007932
2020-09-26 14:45 Note Added: 0007933
2021-07-24 11:22 Nullkiller Note Added: 0008036
2021-07-24 11:22 Nullkiller Status confirmed => resolved
2021-07-24 11:22 Nullkiller Resolution open => fixed
2021-07-24 11:22 Nullkiller Assigned To => Nullkiller

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