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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002857VCMICampaignspublic2018-01-15 20:362023-10-10 13:48
Assigned ToNullkiller 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in 
Summary0002857: In next scenario hero take only level and secondary skill + crash
DescriptionI started campaign in VCMI-branch-develop-e90fcea and won map. In next scenario hero took only level and secondary skill. No stats and magic

and in Jabarcas dissapear spelbook

Я стартонул кампанию и выиграл миссию. В следующем сценарии у героя перешел только уровень и вторичные навыки. Статы и заклинания нет.

А у некоторых и книга пропала (Жабаркас)


The game now crashes when going to the next mission
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesrar file icon Saves.rar [^] (1,267,270 bytes) 2018-01-15 20:36
? file icon Atonement.h3c [^] (198,253 bytes) 2021-02-16 07:33

- Relationships

-  Notes
Povelitel (updater)
2021-02-16 07:36

Now the game just crashes. I loaded the old save game, won the mission with solmyr, chose the starting bonus and when the game started, the server crashed.
The same thing happens if you start over the campaign and win with a cheat code.
Povelitel (updater)
2022-03-17 09:29

Actual. Crash in the last develop
Povelitel (updater)
2023-02-22 05:36

fixed in [^]
Povelitel (updater)
2023-10-10 13:48

no longer relevant

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-01-15 20:36 Povelitel New Issue
2018-01-15 20:36 Povelitel File Added: Saves.rar
2021-02-16 07:33 Povelitel File Added: Atonement.h3c
2021-02-16 07:36 Povelitel Note Added: 0008022
2021-02-16 07:47 Povelitel Severity minor => crash
2021-02-16 07:47 Povelitel Description Updated View Revisions
2022-03-17 09:29 Povelitel Note Added: 0008150
2022-03-17 09:30 Povelitel Summary In next scenario hero take only level and secondary skill => In next scenario hero take only level and secondary skill + crash
2022-03-18 20:11 Povelitel Assigned To => toneyisnow
2022-03-18 20:11 Povelitel Status new => assigned
2023-02-22 05:36 Povelitel Note Added: 0008476
2023-02-22 05:36 Povelitel Status assigned => resolved
2023-02-22 05:36 Povelitel Fixed in Version =>
2023-02-22 05:36 Povelitel Resolution open => fixed
2023-02-22 05:36 Povelitel Assigned To toneyisnow => Nullkiller
2023-10-10 13:48 Povelitel Note Added: 0008842
2023-10-10 13:48 Povelitel Status resolved => closed

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