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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002726VCMIMechanics - Town structurespublic2017-07-17 19:052017-07-23 11:35
Assigned ToSXX 
StatusresolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformWindowsOS 10OS Version1703
Product Version0.99 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002726: Crash when entering newly taken town
DescriptionIN latest develop ef73f41 when I try entering a newly taken town in the last campaign of Dungeons & Devils, it crashes.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files7z file icon logs_vcmi.7z [^] (98,008 bytes) 2017-07-17 19:05
7z file icon Saves.7z [^] (575,829 bytes) 2017-07-17 19:06

- Relationships

-  Notes
SXX (administrator)
2017-07-21 18:23

Any chance this is taken with some mod that modify towns?

Client crash for me likely because of some missing image.
GetImage error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: RAMPART/TOWN-SCREEN/BUILDINGS/TBRMUP2_0 Group: 0 Frame: 0
tooandorisu (reporter)
2017-07-23 11:23

Yes. When I removed the mod, and started the campaign again, it was no crash at all.
SXX (administrator)
2017-07-23 11:35

If you can please post what mod caused it. Thanks.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-07-17 19:05 tooandorisu New Issue
2017-07-17 19:05 tooandorisu File Added: logs_vcmi.7z
2017-07-17 19:06 tooandorisu File Added: Saves.7z
2017-07-21 18:23 SXX Note Added: 0007158
2017-07-23 11:23 tooandorisu Note Added: 0007171
2017-07-23 11:35 SXX Note Added: 0007172
2017-07-23 11:35 SXX Status new => resolved
2017-07-23 11:35 SXX Resolution open => no change required
2017-07-23 11:35 SXX Assigned To => SXX

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