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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001284VCMIMechanics - Battlespublic2013-05-30 17:292022-04-10 18:02
Assigned ToSXX 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.92 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001284: Next Creature logic does not work like in OH3 in Tactics phase
DescriptionIn VCMI now, Next Creature in Tactics Phase just cycles through the creatures in order of their speeds & position. In OH3 it followed the logic of the Wait button (2nd, 4th, etc round starting with the lower speed creatures).

However (!!!), in VCMI the behavior is logically consistent with the associated hotkey - spacebar - which in battle mode acts as Defend + SKIP, hence just skipping through the creatures.

Which means we have two options, and I'll leave it up to you to decide which one would be the best:

OPTION 1: Reproduce 0H3 behavior, that is Next Creature / Spacebar actually follow the Wait logic of skipping through the creatures.

OPTION 2: Be consistent with the in-battle hotkeys, and implement as follows:
- Next Creature / Spacebar skips through the creatures same as Defend / Spacebar does during battle
- Wait button / W skip through the creatures following the Wait logic

If you go for Option 2, then also 0001283 should be handled accordingly (leave button & hotkey available, just fix the bug).
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- Relationships
related to 0001283closedTow Wait button is available in Tactics phase and leads to false freeze 
related to 0001285closedSXX Missing Info windows related to Tactics phase 
related to 0001824closed Improper order of creatures moves in certain battles 

-  Notes
Warmonger (administrator)
2013-05-30 17:46
edited on: 2013-05-30 17:47

There is no need to arbitrarily enqueue waiting creatures, as you can choose active creature just by clicking on it, whenever you want.

Zamolxis (viewer)
2013-05-30 18:13

Cool. I didn't know this feature. And neither will many other players however. Aside from documenting it in a list of enhancements on wiki, it should also be in an in-game info window:

- either in the info window which would pop in the beginning of the battle (if we do it like in OH3)

- or in the info window at R-click on Next Creature. In OH3 it said "Phase Wait"; we could say "Phase Wait: skip thru creatures with this button or click directly on the creature you want to move"

So if you think we don't need to do anything about the logic, I'd still leave this report open until we document it somewhere (preferably in-game info as well).
Zamolxis (viewer)
2013-05-30 18:20

I'm changing it to "feature".

See also Additional Information section on report 0001285 on how we could implement the info in-game.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-05-30 17:29 Zamolxis New Issue
2013-05-30 17:29 Zamolxis Issue generated from: 0001283
2013-05-30 17:29 Zamolxis Relationship added related to 0001283
2013-05-30 17:46 Warmonger Note Added: 0003606
2013-05-30 17:47 Warmonger Note Edited: 0003606 View Revisions
2013-05-30 18:01 Zamolxis Issue cloned: 0001285
2013-05-30 18:01 Zamolxis Relationship added related to 0001285
2013-05-30 18:13 Zamolxis Note Added: 0003607
2013-05-30 18:20 Zamolxis Note Added: 0003608
2013-05-30 18:20 Zamolxis Severity minor => feature
2016-08-09 13:59 SXX Assigned To => SXX
2016-08-09 13:59 SXX Status new => assigned
2022-04-10 18:01 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0001824
2022-04-10 18:02 Povelitel Relationship deleted related to 0001285
2022-04-10 18:02 Povelitel Relationship added related to 0001285

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