MantisBT - VCMI
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0000590VCMIGUI - Battlespublic2010-08-01 21:102022-12-23 20:20
Tow dragon 
0000590: The dead/left creatures on the battlefield disappear from background when the Battle Casualties window opens for some locations
The general fix applied for 0000032 seems to work for most locations, but not all. After I noticed it a couple of times, I tried it for various situations (multiple times each): siege, banks, adventure monsters. It never happened for most of them, but it did happen always for Medusa Store and the "siege" of a town w/o Fort.
Take map from 0000570:
- Go East with Inteus at the creature banks to find the Medusa Stores.
- Go North with Sir Mullich and attack the Castle town
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related to 0000032closed Tow dragon Battle result window improvements (0.7b#34: a - d) 
related to 0001834resolved Ivan (Tavern window) Some GUI elements disappear when popup window is opened. 
jpg 2010-08-01_BackgroundGone.jpg (234,452) 2010-08-01 22:23
Issue History
2010-08-01 21:10ZamolxisNew Issue
2010-08-01 21:10ZamolxisStatusnew => assigned
2010-08-01 21:10ZamolxisAssigned To => Tow dragon
2010-08-01 21:10ZamolxisIssue generated from: 0000032
2010-08-01 21:10ZamolxisRelationship addedrelated to 0000032
2010-08-01 22:23ZamolxisFile Added: 2010-08-01_BackgroundGone.jpg
2010-08-01 22:59ZamolxisSummaryMedusa Stores: the dead/left creatures on the battlefield disappear from the background when the Battle Casualties window opens => The dead/left creatures on the battlefield disappear from background when the Battle Casualties window opens for some locations
2010-08-01 22:59ZamolxisDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1097#r1097
2010-08-01 22:59ZamolxisSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1099#r1099
2010-08-01 23:00ZamolxisDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1100#r1100
2016-09-12 03:06SXXRelationship addedrelated to 0001834
2022-12-23 20:20IvanNote Added: 0008417
2022-12-23 20:20IvanStatusassigned => resolved
2022-12-23 20:20IvanResolutionopen => fixed

2022-12-23 20:20   
Already resolved