
View Revisions: Issue #760 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0000760: Various issues with tactics
Revision 2012-04-02 23:26 by Tow
Description - (FIXED) Stack queue moves every time a stack in tactics mode is moved, even though it does not represent these stacks by any means.
- (FIXED) Tactics work in creature banks. Moreover, flying monsters are able to move to left-side hexes avaliable via tactics.
- (FIXED) Back hex for double-wide monsters is not highlighted and clikable, even though they cna move so their back ends in this place.
- (FIXED) Next creature is highlighted (gold frame) before the previous one end movement.
- (FIXED) If enemy creatures are faster than ours, highlighted tactics area won't vanish before they end their movement. If they attack our stack in this area, game crashes.
- (FIXED) Monsters don't accept movement orders to tactics area if their path is not entirely within it (blocked by obstacles or other monsters). This is however discussable, as in H3 some absurd 20-hex runs were allowed.

[Reported by Zamolxis in note]
- (CHANGED) when hovering over enemy creatures during Tactics mode, instead of the question mark (which would open creature card if clicked) mouse cursor changes to arrow or sword; however if we click to attack, we get a message saying we are not allowed to perform the action;
- (FIXED) we can open the spell book and cast spells; this one leads to crash
Revision 2012-03-30 21:42 by Tow
Description - (FIXED) Stack queue moves every time a stack in tactics mode is moved, even though it does not represent these stacks by any means.
- (FIXED) Tactics work in creature banks. Moreover, flying monsters are able to move to left-side hexes avaliable via tactics.
- (FIXED) Back hex for double-wide monsters is not highlighted and clikable, even though they cna move so their back ends in this place.
-Next creature is highlighted (gold frame) before the previous one end movement.
-If enemy creatures are faster than ours, highlighted tactics area won't vanish before they end their movement. If they attack our stack in this area, game crashes.
-Monsters don't accept movement orders to tactics area if their path is not entirely within it (blocked by obstacles or other monsters). This is however discussable, as in H3 some absurd 20-hex runs were allowed.

[Reported by Zamolxis in note]
- (CHANGED) when hovering over enemy creatures during Tactics mode, instead of the question mark (which would open creature card if clicked) mouse cursor changes to arrow or sword; however if we click to attack, we get a message saying we are not allowed to perform the action;
- (FIXED) we can open the spell book and cast spells; this one leads to crash
Revision 2012-03-28 21:59 by Tow
Description - (FIXED) Stack queue moves every time a stack in tactics mode is moved, even though it does not represent these stacks by any means.
- (FIXED) Tactics work in creature banks. Moreover, flying monsters are able to move to left-side hexes avaliable via tactics.
-Back hex for double-wide monsters is not highlighted and clikable, even though they cna move so their back ends in this place.
-Next creature is highlighted (gold frame) before the previous one end movement.
-If enemy creatures are faster than ours, highlighted tactics area won't vanish before they end their movement. If they attack our stack in this area, game crashes.
-Monsters don't accept movement orders to tactics area if their path is not entirely within it (blocked by obstacles or other monsters). This is however discussable, as in H3 some absurd 20-hex runs were allowed.

[Reported by Zamolxis in note]
- when hovering over enemy creatures during Tactics mode, instead of the question mark (which would open creature card if clicked) mouse cursor changes to arrow or sword; however if we click to attack, we get a message saying we are not allowed to perform the action;
- (FIXED) we can open the spell book and cast spells; this one leads to crash
Revision 2012-03-27 20:12 by Tow
Description - (FIXED) Stack queue moves every time a stack in tactics mode is moved, even though it does not represent these stacks by any means.
-Tactics work in creature banks. Moreover, flying monsters are able to move to left-side hexes avaliable via tactics.
-Back hex for double-wide monsters is not highlighted and clikable, even though they cna move so their back ends in this place.
-Next creature is highlighted (gold frame) before the previous one end movement.
-If enemy creatures are faster than ours, highlighted tactics area won't vanish before they end their movement. If they attack our stack in this area, game crashes.
-Monsters don't accept movement orders to tactics area if their path is not entirely within it (blocked by obstacles or other monsters). This is however discussable, as in H3 some absurd 20-hex runs were allowed.
Revision 2012-03-27 20:12 by Tow
Description -Stack queue moves every time a stack in tactics mode is moved, even though it does not represent these stacks by any means.
-Tactics work in creature banks. Moreover, flying monsters are able to move to left-side hexes avaliable via tactics.
-Back hex for double-wide monsters is not highlighted and clikable, even though they cna move so their back ends in this place.
-Next creature is highlighted (gold frame) before the previous one end movement.
-If enemy creatures are faster than ours, highlighted tactics area won't vanish before they end their movement. If they attack our stack in this area, game crashes.
-Monsters don't accept movement orders to tactics area if their path is not entirely within it (blocked by obstacles or other monsters). This is however discussable, as in H3 some absurd 20-hex runs were allowed.

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