Notes |
2012-09-30 08:44
Not reproducible - list of owned objects looks correct for me.
Anything else I need to do apart from "start Deluge test and open KO window"?
What happens if you start any other map and capture external dwelling or garrison? Will it display correctly?
Note: clicking on owned objects will cause crash - likely unrelated, will fix. |
Yes, it's indeed related to owned objects. See the new screenshots attached:
- First was taken after I just started the test map from 0001063. At start, I only own a shipyard. But as you can see, the shipyard does not appear in the area of owned objects as expected, but I get 1 instance of the funny number instead (a bit higher and to the left of where the object should be, but most probably related)
- Second screenshot was taken after Ivor flagged the Basilisk Pit next to him. Also now the object doesn't appear in Kingdom Overview as expected, but I have 2 instances of the funny number.
So it may be linked to your crash afterall. :)
It doesn't seem related to resolutions > I tried different ones and it's the same. Maybe it's a Win7 vs Linux thing? |
2012-09-30 09:49
Zamolxis, where did you got that bug-detection aura? Just found one bug with visiting of that shipyard :)
Doesn't looks like Win vs Linux - more like different compilers.
Found one possible source of bug, will fix it. |
2012-09-30 10:36
Should be fixed in rev 2959 |
[Zamolxis, where did you got that bug-detection aura?]
Hopefully that compensates for my inability to find time and learn coding, so that I can help this project even more efficiently. :) |