MantisBT - VCMI
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0000645VCMIGUI - PreGamepublic2010-11-15 02:042011-03-03 13:15
AMD 5600+WindowsXP SP3
0000645: In higher resolutions, after we go back to Main Menu from the game, once we click on a button, the PreGame GUI changes alignment
In higher resolutions (tested in 1024x768 & 1280x960) we have the following:
- First time we go back to Main Menu, it is correctly aligned in the upper left corner
- Once we click on a button (e.g.: New Game), the next menu screen is displayed only as background in the same place, but also as dupe (with working buttons) aligned to the lower right corner, as seen in the screenshot
- If from this screen we start a game, that will start aligned to the upper left corner of the active menu interface from the screenshot, thus out of focus as compared to the client interface
- F4 solves the problem by recentering the image properly
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0000678closed Tow High resolution switching makes game GUI broken 
related to 0000635closed  It's impossible to play high wide screen resolution in a full screen mode 
jpg 2010-11-15_BackToMenuIn083.jpg (374,006) 2010-11-15 02:04
Issue History
2010-11-15 02:04ZamolxisNew Issue
2010-11-15 02:04ZamolxisStatusnew => assigned
2010-11-15 02:04ZamolxisAssigned To => Tow
2010-11-15 02:04ZamolxisFile Added: 2010-11-15_BackToMenuIn083.jpg
2010-11-15 06:13WarmongerRelationship addedduplicate of 0000635
2010-11-15 23:35ZamolxisRelationship replacedrelated to 0000635
2010-11-17 00:06ZamolxisSticky IssueNo => Yes
2010-11-17 00:11ZamolxisNote Added: 0001412
2011-02-28 12:40ZamolxisNote Added: 0001556
2011-02-28 12:40ZamolxisStatusassigned => feedback
2011-02-28 12:58ZamolxisRelationship addedrelated to 0000678
2011-02-28 14:47BoulieNote Added: 0001559
2011-02-28 19:54ZamolxisRelationship replacedhas duplicate 0000678
2011-02-28 21:49ZamolxisStatusfeedback => confirmed
2011-02-28 21:51ZamolxisNote Edited: 0001556bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1556#r1243
2011-03-01 10:02TowNote Added: 0001573
2011-03-01 10:02TowStatusconfirmed => resolved
2011-03-01 10:02TowFixed in Version => 0.89
2011-03-01 10:02TowResolutionopen => fixed
2011-03-01 10:50TowSticky IssueYes => No
2011-03-03 13:15ZamolxisNote Added: 0001600
2011-03-03 13:15ZamolxisStatusresolved => closed

2010-11-17 00:11   
I've sticked this not only because it's quite bothersome and because everyone using custom resolutions will run into it (hence the risk for dupe reports), but also because by using the custom settings in report 0000635, I also ran into several crashes related to the moment when I use F4 to get rid of the effects of this bug (crashes involving artifact placement/combination, saving game, etc). So it would be great if this is solved by the next dev release, for me to check if these crashes I'm experiencing are related to this bug or not. They don't happen with standard settings, hence the reason I don't report them, however I find it strange they are related to this bug.
2011-02-28 12:40   
(edited on: 2011-02-28 21:51)
Could this be solved before 0.84 by any chance? Or is it perhaps solved already - with all the recent code changes - but not marked as such? (cannot test myself > I'm on holiday in the mountains with no laptop, just accessing the net from a public PC)

Edit: Confirmed as still there (just got home and was able to check).

2011-02-28 14:47   
Yes, It has to be fixed. It is really creepy during testing if you go back to main menu in high res and you have to press F4 to fix this problem.
(when I work on 2 monitors, full screen destroys my windows order)
2011-03-01 10:02   
Fixed in r2009.
It was a side-effect of Tow Dragon's attempt of supporting < 800x600 platforms by adding a screen scrolling.
2011-03-03 13:15   
Checked as fixed