Notes |
Fire immunity is not only a valid bonus but also have a flag in monster flags field. It seems VCMI doesn't convert this flag into bonus or even ignore the flag. The problem is monster flag values is outside config files (it is hardcoded table in H3wog.exe).
There are two ways to solve this
1)make flags field in creatures config file and copy it from hardcoded table - then make VCMI understand them (it would have backward compability with WoG - monster flags are R/W in ERM)
2)apply bonuses to VCMI config file of differences on bonuses from original H3 Config (the one already present) - it would not be backward compatible, but would be less messy |
But we already have a config file with all possible abilities (creatures.json). It's done just as in point 2. |
Yeah I said it's already present - and the JSON file could swallow the fix.
But (1) also deseves some atention since it is a standard adopted in WoG.
However you do it - should be fixed for the creatures originally having fire immunity flag. |