MantisBT - VCMI
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0000491VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2010-06-02 00:272014-05-30 17:40
0000491: Spacebar makes hero path disappear
Whether it is to revisit an object/town, or we simply on the map and we press it with no purpose, spacebar (while hero is selected) makes the pre-set path disappear.
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patch ErasePath.patch (333) 2011-09-25 15:07
Issue History
2010-06-02 00:27ZamolxisNew Issue
2011-09-25 15:07GeshFile Added: ErasePath.patch
2011-09-25 15:15GeshNote Added: 0002055
2011-09-25 18:56ubuntuxSeverityminor => crash
2012-02-18 15:04TowNote Added: 0002182
2012-02-18 15:04TowStatusnew => resolved
2012-02-18 15:04TowFixed in Version => 0.89
2012-02-18 15:04TowResolutionopen => fixed
2012-02-18 15:04TowAssigned To => Tow
2014-05-30 17:40beegeeStatusresolved => closed

2011-09-25 15:15   
Hello, I believe the patch that I just uploaded solves the issue. It actually solves another problem - if you tap space twice, while you are not at an adventure object and no path is drawn, an assert in CPlayerInterface::eraseCurrentPathOf() at line 2053 fails, which is logical, because the function tries to delete something (the paths variable), which isnt there. On the other hand the call to assert makes the game to call abort() and crash (at least on my pc), because a call to WriteConsoleW in the assert() function returns non null. All this is now aleviated, but the last issue is maybe an indication for a deeper problem.
2012-02-18 15:04   
Fixed in r2538.