MantisBT - VCMI |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0003155 | VCMI | Mods | public | 2020-11-01 03:06 | 2022-09-16 14:55 |
Reporter | fatfishwen | |
Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | crash | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Platform | Mac | OS | MacOS Catalina | OS Version | 10.15.7 |
Product Version | 0.99 | |
Target Version | | Fixed in Version | | |
Summary | 0003155: Crashes when entering a battle (problem with Hota addon?) |
Description | Mac version always crashes when entering a battle. Have tried with/without quick battle and disabling all mods except official WOG downloaded through the launcher, or only HOTA.
Problem remains the same with VCMI-branch-develop-9ca9c80.dmg provided on [^]
Windows version does not have this issue. |
Steps To Reproduce | |
Additional Information | |
Tags | No tags attached. |
Relationships | |
Attached Files | Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 15.22.10.png (15,883) 2022-09-16 12:24

Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2020-11-01 03:06 | fatfishwen | New Issue | |
2020-11-10 14:40 | mashinarius | Note Added: 0007947 | |
2020-11-10 17:24 | odmitriy | Note Added: 0007948 | |
2020-11-10 17:34 | misiokles | Note Added: 0007949 | |
2020-11-18 15:53 | mashinarius | Note Deleted: 0007947 | |
2020-11-18 15:54 | mashinarius | Note Added: 0007952 | |
2022-03-16 11:02 | Povelitel | Note Added: 0008109 | |
2022-03-16 11:02 | Povelitel | Assigned To | => Povelitel |
2022-03-16 11:02 | Povelitel | Status | new => feedback |
2022-03-28 16:18 | Povelitel | Category | Other => Mods |
2022-03-28 16:18 | Povelitel | Summary | Crashes when entering a battle => Crashes when entering a battle (problem with Hota addon?) |
2022-09-16 12:24 | kambala | File Added: Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 15.22.10.png | |
2022-09-16 12:25 | kambala | Note Added: 0008340 | |
2022-09-16 12:26 | kambala | Note Edited: 0008340 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=8340#r3671 |
2022-09-16 12:27 | kambala | Note Edited: 0008340 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=8340#r3672 |
2022-09-16 14:55 | Povelitel | Note Added: 0008342 | |
2022-09-16 14:55 | Povelitel | Status | feedback => resolved |
2022-09-16 14:55 | Povelitel | Fixed in Version | => |
2022-09-16 14:55 | Povelitel | Resolution | open => fixed |
2022-09-16 14:55 | Povelitel | Assigned To | Povelitel => |
Notes |
According to the provided log crash is in the CCreature::isItNativeTerrain. It seems some faction was not found among installed mods. Did you change installed mods set after game save was created? |
Mods downloaded through launcher are old and not supported, like launcher. Most updated mods are located here: [^] (old mod version should be deleted manually). |
removing HOTA addon fixed fails in my case |
Does the issue reproduce on recent builds? |
2022-09-16 12:25
(edited on: 2022-09-16 12:27) |
tested configuration from the uploaded SS with one of the latest macOS-intel builds in the first smallest scenario on macOS 12.5.1 - battle works fine
If the problem persists now, please create a new ticket. |